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原创 Installing aMule 2.2.6

Reference: http://wiki.amule.org/index.php/HowTo_Compile_In_RedHat-Fedora#Creating_RPMs_for_RHEL_5_.28CentOS_5.29The SPEC file is a little

2011-10-17 00:24:05 323

原创 rpm

1. rpm -qa  列出所有已经安装的rpm包2. rpm -e package 卸载包3. rpm -e package1 package2 package3 如果几个包互相依赖,可以在条命令中同时卸载4. rpm -qa | grep key 列出所有名字中含

2011-10-10 23:29:03 305

原创 Modify Gnome Menu

Well~ The most convenient way I think is to use alacarte:$ sudo yum install alacarteThen just type in$ alacarteAlacarte will run as a GUI,

2011-09-23 09:15:25 328

原创 Automatic Login

$ sudo vim /etc/gdm/custom.confAdd the following lines to the field [daemon]:AutomaticLoginEnable=trueAutomaticLogin=***in which *** is the

2011-09-20 10:16:58 1108

原创 Switch Off the Touchpad(SONY VPCSD1S4C)

Steps:1.Install xinput$ sudo yum install xorg-x11-apps2.Look up the list to see what is your touchpad input$ xinput listwhich shows a list

2011-09-20 00:34:38 467

原创 Install and Config MPlayer

Precondition:RPMforge has been installed.(a 3rd party repository)Steps:1.Using yum to install everything related to mplayer automati

2011-09-17 10:58:24 275

原创 Install MATLAB R1020b

Steps:1.Mount .iso$ sudo mount -o loop matlab.iso /mnt/iso/Run the installition$ sudo ./installFollow the instruction to install and acti

2011-09-06 14:27:11 519

原创 Implement Dual Screen on ATI Radeon HD 3450 with Dual Head

Steps:1.Download official installation script ati-driver-installer-11-8-x86.x86_64.run(backup link)2.Run the script to install the d

2011-08-26 16:20:44 320

原创 Install Python 2.5.5

Environment:kernel 2.6.18-238.el5, gcc 4.1.2.Steps:1.Get the source code package, Python-2.5.5.tgz (backup link).2.Unzip the tarba

2011-08-18 15:44:45 386

原创 Install wine (the Solution to "No package wine available" When "yum install wine")

Attention:    I found that when installing wine with yum from EPEL repo, there will be a blackscreen after rebooting. Remember to download all the i686 packages from EPEL and install it half-locally

2011-08-17 15:40:28 2828

原创 Mount NTFS Partitions

Precondition:RPMforge has been installed.(a 3rd party repository)Steps:1.Install ntfs-3g$ sudo yum install fuse fuse-ntfs-3gYum ma

2011-08-16 12:44:43 726

原创 Config Nautilus

In CentOS, the default file browser is Nautilus. Click Edit>>Preferences in Nautilus can do some setting.1.To open folders in the same win

2011-08-16 11:15:34 387

原创 Using fdisk to View Partitioning Information

1.When using fdisk for the first time, the following information may occur:bash: fdisk: command not foundIt is because the folder /sbin that

2011-08-15 17:30:49 317

原创 修改grub启动菜单

grub启动菜单的配置文件为/boot/grub/menu.lst$ sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst等待时间timeout=30始终显示启动菜单#hiddenmenu

2011-08-15 14:13:36 751

原创 Install Flash Player for Chrome x64

Steps:1.Download Flash Player 11 Release Candidate 64-bit Installers plug-in for Linux 64-bit(flashplayer11_rc1_install_lin_64_090611.ta

2011-08-15 14:05:12 2689

原创 安装RPMforge

前提:已安装yum-plugin-priorities(yum软件源权限管理插件)步骤:1.下载rpmforge-release安装包(rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm)2.安装DAG's GPG key$ su

2011-08-15 11:37:09 1132

原创 安装yum-plugin-priorities

步骤:1.安装yum-priorities在CentOS-5中用使用命令$ sudo yum install yum-priorities插件安装后确保/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf有内容:[main]enabled

2011-08-15 10:35:01 7883

原创 安装scim输入法

前提:已安装RPMforge(第三方软件源)。步骤:1.搜索scim软件源$ yum search scim列出的清单中需要安装的有:scim.x86_64 : Smart Common Input Method platformscim-libs.x86_64

2011-08-11 17:17:46 914

原创 中文显示为方块解决方法

状况:访问网页http://www.google.com.hk,中文显示为方块。解决:安装中文字体fonts-chinese和fonts-ISO8859-2$ sudo yum install fonts-chinese fonts-ISO8859-2

2011-08-11 15:41:18 1607

原创 The Solution to "xxx is not in the sudoers file"

Problem:A message occurs when a common user use sudo:*** is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.Solution:Add t

2011-08-11 15:02:39 413



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