C++ Primer Plus (第六版)编程练习记录(chapter11 使用类)


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_

#include <iostream>

namespace VECTOR
	class Vector
		enum Mode { RECT, POL };
		double x;
		double y;
		double mag;
		double ang;
		Mode mode;
		void set_mag();
		void set_ang();
		void set_x();
		void set_y();
		Vector(double n1,double n2,Mode form=RECT);
		void reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form = RECT);
		double xval()const { return x; }
		double yval()const { return y; }
		double magval()const { return mag; }
		double angval()const { return ang; }
		void polar_mode();
		void rect_mode();
		Vector operator+(const Vector& b)const;
		Vector operator-(const Vector& b)const;
		Vector operator-()const;
		Vector operator*(double n)const;
		friend Vector operator*(double n, const Vector& a);
		friend std::ostream& 
			operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector& v);


#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <cmath>
using std::sqrt;
using std::sin;
using std::cos;
using std::atan;
using std::atan2;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace VECTOR
	const double Rad_to_deg = 45.0 / atan(1.0);
	void Vector::set_mag()
		mag = sqrt(x * x + y * y);

	void Vector::set_ang()
		if (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)
			ang = 0.0;
			ang = atan2(y, x);

	void Vector::set_x()
		x = mag * cos(ang);

	void Vector::set_y()
		y = mag * sin(ang);

		x = y = mag = ang = 0.0;
		mode = RECT;

	Vector::Vector(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
		mode = form;
		if (form == RECT)
			x = n1;
			y = n2;
		else if (form == POL)
			mag = n1;
			ang = n2/Rad_to_deg;
			cout << "Incorrect 3rd argument to Vetor()--";
			cout << "vector set to 0\n";
			x = y = mag = ang = 0.0;
			mode = RECT;

	void Vector::reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
		mode = form;
		if (form == RECT)
			x = n1;
			y = n2;
		else if (form == POL)
			mag = n1;
			ang = n2 / Rad_to_deg;
			cout << "Incorrect 3rd argument to Vetor()--";
			cout << "vector set to 0\n";
			x = y = mag = ang = 0.0;
			mode = RECT;

	void Vector::polar_mode()
		mode = POL;

	void Vector::rect_mode()
		mode = RECT;

	Vector Vector::operator+(const Vector& b) const
		return Vector(x+b.x,y+b.y);

	Vector Vector::operator-(const Vector& b) const
		return Vector(x-b.x,y-b.y);

	Vector Vector::operator-() const
		return Vector(-x,-y);

	Vector Vector::operator*(double n) const
		return Vector(n*x,n*y);

	Vector operator*(double n, const Vector& a)
		return a*n;

	std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector& v)
		if (v.mode == 0)
			os << "( x, y ) = ( " << v.x << " , " << v.y << " )" << endl;
			os << "( m, a ) = ( " << v.mag << " , " << v.ang << " )" << endl;
		return os;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/15
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;
	using VECTOR::Vector;

	ofstream fout;

	double direction;
	Vector step;
	Vector result(0.0, 0.0);
	unsigned long steps = 0;
	double target;
	double dstep;
	cout << "Enter target distance (q to quit):\n";
	while (cin >> target)
		cout << "Enter step length: ";
		if (!(cin >> dstep))
		fout << "Target Distance: " << target << ", Step Size: " << dstep;	//写入到文件
		while (result.magval() < target)
			direction = rand() % 360;
			step.reset(dstep, direction, Vector::POL);		//以极坐标系来改变方向
			result = result + step;
			step.rect_mode();				//设定为直角坐标系模式,以直角坐标系的模式保存信息
			fout <<steps<< ":" <<step;			//记录每个点的信息
		cout << "After " << steps << " steps,the subject "
			" has the following location:\n";
		fout<< "After " << steps << " steps,the subject "
			" has the following location:\n";			
		fout << result << endl;
		cout << result << endl;
		result.polar_mode();				//转换格式输出				
		cout << " or\n" << result << endl;
		fout << " or\n" << result << endl;
		cout << "Average outward distance per step = "
			<< result.magval() / steps << endl;
		fout << "Average outward distance per step = "
			<< result.magval() / steps << endl;
		//steps = 0;
		//result.reset(0.0, 0.0);
		//cout << "Enter target distance (q to quit): ";
	//cout << "Bye.\n";
	//while (cin.get() != '\n')
	//	continue;
	return 0;

2.对Vector类的头文件(程序清单11.13)和实现文件(程序清单11.14)进行修改,使其不再存储矢量的长度和角度,而是在magval( )和angval( )被调用时计算它们。

#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_

#include <iostream>

namespace VECTOR
	class Vector
		enum Mode { RECT, POL };
		double x;
		double y;
		//double mag;		//按照题目要求,这里去掉mag和ang的定义
		//double ang;
		Mode mode;
		//double set_mag();	//由于没了mag和ang,下面的几个函数也不再需要
		//double set_ang();
		//void set_x();
		//void set_y();
		Vector(double n1, double n2, Mode form = RECT);
		void reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form = RECT);
		~Vector() {};
		double xval()const { return x; }
		double yval()const { return y; }
		double magval()const { return sqrt(x*x+y*y); }	//这里用这两个方法来计算mag和ang
		double angval()const { return (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) ? 0.0 : atan2(y, x);}
		void polar_mode();
		void rect_mode();
		Vector operator+(const Vector& b)const;
		Vector operator-(const Vector& b)const;
		Vector operator-()const;
		Vector operator*(double n)const;
		friend Vector operator*(double n, const Vector& a);
		friend std::ostream&
			operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector& v);

#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <cmath>
using std::sqrt;
using std::sin;
using std::cos;
using std::atan;
using std::atan2;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace VECTOR
	const double Rad_to_deg = 45.0 / atan(1.0);

		x = y = 0.0;
		mode = RECT;

	Vector::Vector(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
		mode = form;
		if (form == RECT)
			x = n1;
			y = n2;

		else if (form == POL)	//当输入时的是极坐标系时,要转换成直角坐标系保存
			x = n1 * cos(n2);
			y = n1 * sin(n2);
			cout << "Incorrect 3rd argument to Vetor()--";
			cout << "vector set to 0\n";
			x = y = 0.0;
			mode = RECT;

	void Vector::reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
		mode = form;
		if (form == RECT)
			x = n1;
			y = n2;
		else if (form == POL)
			x = n1 * cos(n2);
			y = n1 * sin(n2);
			cout << "Incorrect 3rd argument to Vetor()--";
			cout << "vector set to 0\n";
			x = y = 0.0;
			mode = RECT;

	void Vector::polar_mode()
		mode = POL;

	void Vector::rect_mode()
		mode = RECT;

	Vector Vector::operator+(const Vector& b) const
		return Vector(x + b.x, y + b.y);

	Vector Vector::operator-(const Vector& b) const
		return Vector(x - b.x, y - b.y);

	Vector Vector::operator-() const
		return Vector(-x, -y);

	Vector Vector::operator*(double n) const
		return Vector(n * x, n * y);

	Vector operator*(double n, const Vector& a)
		return a * n;

	std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector& v)
		if (v.mode == 0)
			os << "( x, y ) = ( " << v.x << " , " << v.y << " )" << endl;
			os << "( m, a ) = ( " << v.magval()<< " , " << v.angval() << " )" << endl;
		return os;

/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/16
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;
	using VECTOR::Vector;

	ofstream fout;

	double direction;
	Vector step;
	Vector result(0.0, 0.0);
	unsigned long steps = 0;
	double target;
	double dstep;
	cout << "Enter target distance (q to quit):\n";
	while (cin >> target)
		cout << "Enter step length: ";
		if (!(cin >> dstep))
		fout << "Target Distance: " << target << ", Step Size: " << dstep<< endl;	//写入到文件
		while (result.magval() < target)
			direction = rand() % 360;
			step.reset(dstep, direction, Vector::POL);		//以极坐标系来改变方向
			result = result + step;
			step.rect_mode();				//设定为直角坐标系模式,以直角坐标系的模式保存信息
			fout <<steps<< ":" <<step;			//记录每个点的信息
		cout << "After " << steps << " steps,the subject "
			" has the following location:\n";
		fout<< "After " << steps << " steps,the subject "
			" has the following location:\n";			
		fout << result << endl;
		cout << result << endl;
		result.polar_mode();				//转换格式输出				
		cout << " or\n" << result << endl;
		fout << " or\n" << result << endl;
		cout << "Average outward distance per step = "
			<< result.magval() / steps << endl;
		fout << "Average outward distance per step = "
			<< result.magval() / steps << endl;
		//steps = 0;
		//result.reset(0.0, 0.0);
		//cout << "Enter target distance (q to quit): ";
	//cout << "Bye.\n";
	//while (cin.get() != '\n')
	//	continue;
	return 0;


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_

#include <iostream>

namespace VECTOR
	class Vector
		enum Mode { RECT, POL };
		double x;
		double y;
		//double mag;
		//double ang;
		Mode mode;
		//double set_mag();
		//double set_ang();
		//void set_x();
		//void set_y();
		Vector(double n1, double n2, Mode form = RECT);
		void reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form = RECT);
		~Vector() {};
		double xval()const { return x; }
		double yval()const { return y; }
		double magval()const { return sqrt(x*x+y*y); }
		double angval()const { return (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) ? 0.0 : atan2(y, x);}
		void polar_mode();
		void rect_mode();
		Vector operator+(const Vector& b)const;
		Vector operator-(const Vector& b)const;
		Vector operator-()const;
		Vector operator*(double n)const;
		friend Vector operator*(double n, const Vector& a);
		friend std::ostream&
			operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector& v);

double max(double ar[], int length);		//使用这三个函数来计算数组最大值、最小值和总和
double min(double ar[], int length);
double total(double ar[], int length);
#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <cmath>
using std::sqrt;
using std::sin;
using std::cos;
using std::atan;
using std::atan2;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace VECTOR
	const double Rad_to_deg = 45.0 / atan(1.0);

	//double Vector::set_mag()
	//	double mag = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
	//	return mag;

	//double  Vector::set_ang()
	//	double ang;
	//	if (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)
	//		ang = 0.0;
	//	else
	//		ang = atan2(y, x);
	//	return ang;

	//void Vector::set_x()
	//	x = mag * cos(ang);

	//void Vector::set_y()
	//	y = mag * sin(ang);

		x = y = 0.0;
		mode = RECT;

	Vector::Vector(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
		mode = form;
		if (form == RECT)
			x = n1;
			y = n2;

		else if (form == POL)
			x = n1 * cos(n2);
			y = n1 * sin(n2);
			cout << "Incorrect 3rd argument to Vetor()--";
			cout << "vector set to 0\n";
			x = y = 0.0;
			mode = RECT;

	void Vector::reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form)
		mode = form;
		if (form == RECT)
			x = n1;
			y = n2;
		else if (form == POL)
			x = n1 * cos(n2);
			y = n1 * sin(n2);
			cout << "Incorrect 3rd argument to Vetor()--";
			cout << "vector set to 0\n";
			x = y = 0.0;
			mode = RECT;

	void Vector::polar_mode()
		mode = POL;

	void Vector::rect_mode()
		mode = RECT;

	Vector Vector::operator+(const Vector& b) const
		return Vector(x + b.x, y + b.y);

	Vector Vector::operator-(const Vector& b) const
		return Vector(x - b.x, y - b.y);

	Vector Vector::operator-() const
		return Vector(-x, -y);

	Vector Vector::operator*(double n) const
		return Vector(n * x, n * y);

	Vector operator*(double n, const Vector& a)
		return a * n;

	std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector& v)
		if (v.mode == 0)
			os << "( x, y ) = ( " << v.x << " , " << v.y << " )" << endl;
			os << "( m, a ) = ( " << v.magval()<< " , " << v.angval() << " )" << endl;
		return os;

double max(double ar[],int length)	//计算数组中的最大值
	double nmax = ar[0];
	for (int i = 0;i < length;i++)
		if (ar[i] > nmax)
			nmax = ar[i];
	return nmax;

double min(double ar[], int length)
	double nmin = ar[0];
	for (int i = 0;i < length;i++)
		if (ar[i] < nmin)
			nmin= ar[i];
	return nmin;

double total(double ar[], int length)
	double sum = 0.0;
	for (int i = 0;i < length;i++)
		sum += ar[i];
	return sum;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/16
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;
	using VECTOR::Vector;

	double direction;
	Vector step;
	Vector result(0.0, 0.0);
	unsigned long steps = 0;
	double target;
	double dstep;
	int N;
	int i;

	double nsteps[100];					//最多记录100次结果
	double nmax;
	double nmin;
	double ntotal = 0.0;
	double naverage;

	cout << "Enter target distance (q to quit):\n";
	if (cin >> target)
		cout << "Enter step length: ";
		cin >> dstep;
		cout << "Enter times: ";
		cin >> N;

		for ( i = 0;i < N;i++)
			while (result.magval() < target)
				direction = rand() % 360;
				step.reset(dstep, direction, Vector::POL);		//以极坐标系来改变方向
				result = result + step;
				step.rect_mode();				//设定为直角坐标系模式,以直角坐标系的模式保存信息
			nsteps[i] = steps;					//记录下每次步数的结果

			cout << "After " << steps << " steps,the subject "
				" has the following location:\n";
			cout << result;
			result.polar_mode();				//转换格式输出
			cout << " or\n" << result;
			cout << "Average outward distance per step = "
				<< result.magval() / steps << endl;

			steps = 0;							//复位到初始值
			result.reset(0.0, 0.0);
	nmax = max(nsteps, i);
	nmin = min(nsteps, i);
	ntotal = total(nsteps, i);
	naverage = ntotal / N;
	cout << "Max:" << nmax << endl;
	cout << "Min: " << nmin << endl;
	cout << "Average: " << naverage << endl;

	return 0;


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>

class Time
	int hours;
	int minutes;
	Time(int h, int m = 0);
	void AddMin(int m);
	void AddHr(int h);
	void Reset(int h = 0, int m = 0);
	friend Time operator+(const Time& t, const Time& a);
	friend Time operator-(const Time& t, const Time& a);
	friend Time operator*(const Time& t, double m);	//
	friend Time operator*(double m, const Time& t);
	friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Time& t);
#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <iostream>

	hours = minutes = 0;

Time::Time(int h, int m)
	hours = h;
	minutes = m;

void Time::AddMin(int m)
	minutes += m;
	hours += minutes / 60;
	minutes %= 60;

void Time::AddHr(int h)
	hours += h;

void Time::Reset(int h, int m)
	hours = h;
	minutes = m;

Time operator+(const Time& t, const Time& a)
	Time temp;
	int minutes;
	minutes = t.minutes + a.minutes;
	temp.minutes = minutes % 60;
	temp.hours = t.hours + a.hours + minutes / 60;
	return temp;

Time operator-(const Time& t, const Time& a)
	Time temp;
	int minutes1 = t.hours * 60 + t.minutes;
	int minutes2 = a.hours * 60 + a.minutes;
	int minute = minutes1 - minutes2;
	temp.minutes = minute % 60;
	temp.hours = minute / 60;
	return Time();

Time operator*(const Time& t, double m)
	Time temp;
	double minute;
	//temp.minutes = (m * t.minutes) % 60;		//%求余运算符要求被除数是整数,这样写这里会报错
	minute = m * t.minutes;				
	temp.hours = t.hours * m + minute / 60;
	temp.minutes = m * t.minutes;
	temp.minutes %= 60;							
	return temp;

Time operator*(double m, const Time& t)
	Time temp;
	double minute;
	//temp.minutes = (m * t.minutes) % 60;		//%求余运算符要求被除数是整数,这样写这里会报错
	minute = m * t.minutes;
	temp.hours = t.hours * m + minute / 60;
	temp.minutes = m * t.minutes;
	temp.minutes %= 60;
	return temp;

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Time& t)
	os << t.hours << " hours, " << t.minutes << " minutes";
	return os;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/16
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;
	Time aida(3, 35);
	Time tosca(2, 48);
	Time temp;
	cout << "Aida and Tosca:\n";
	cout << aida << ";" << tosca << endl;
	temp = aida + tosca;
	cout << "Aida + Tosca: " << temp << endl;
	temp = aida * 1.17;
	cout << "Aida * 1.17: " << temp << endl;
	cout << "10.0 * Tosca: " << 10.0 * tosca << endl;

	return 0;

5.重新编写Stonewt类(程序清单11.16和程序清单11.17),使它有一个状态成员,由该成员控制对象应转换为英石格式、整数磅格式还是浮点磅格式。重载<<运算符,使用它来替换show_stn( )和show_lbs( )方法。重载加法、减法和乘法运算符,以便可以对Stonewt值进行加、减、乘运算。编写一个使用所有类方法和友元的小程序,来测试这个类。

#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
class Stonewt
	Stonewt(double lbs);
	Stonewt(int stn, double lbs);
	~Stonewt() {};
	void setstn() { form = STN; }
	void setpds() { form = PDS; }
	void setpdsl() { form = PDSL; }
	Stonewt operator+(const Stonewt& b);
	Stonewt operator-(const Stonewt& b);
	Stonewt operator*(const double n);
	friend Stonewt operator*(const double n, const Stonewt& b);
	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Stonewt& st);
	enum Mode { STN, PDS, PDSL };
	Mode form;
	enum { Lbs_per_stn = 14 };
	int stone;					//英石
	double pds_left;			//小数磅,指除去14(1英石=14磅)的整数倍之后剩下的磅数,如15.5磅的小数磅指的是1.5,16.6磅的小数磅指的是2.6
	double pounds;				//磅

#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

Stonewt::Stonewt(double lbs)
	stone = int(lbs) / Lbs_per_stn;
	pds_left = int(lbs) % Lbs_per_stn + lbs - int(lbs);
	pounds = lbs;
	form = STN;

Stonewt::Stonewt(int stn, double lbs)
	stone = stn;
	pds_left = lbs;
	pounds = (double)stn * Lbs_per_stn + lbs;
	form = STN;

	stone = 0;
	pounds = pds_left = 0.0;
	form = STN;

Stonewt Stonewt::operator+(const Stonewt& b)
	pounds = pounds + b.pounds;
	return Stonewt(pounds);

Stonewt Stonewt::operator-(const Stonewt& b)
	pounds = pounds - b.pounds;
	return Stonewt(pounds);

Stonewt Stonewt::operator*(const double n)
	pounds = n * pounds;
	return Stonewt(pounds);

Stonewt operator*(const double n, const Stonewt& b)
	double temp;
	temp= n * b.pounds;
	return Stonewt(temp);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Stonewt& st)
	if (st.form == Stonewt::Mode::STN)
		os << "Stone: " << st.stone;
	else if (st.form == Stonewt::Mode::PDS)
		os << "Pounds: " << st.pounds;
		os << "Pounds left: " << st.pds_left;
	return os;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/16
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;

	Stonewt a(10, 2);
	Stonewt b(20);
	Stonewt c;
	cout << a << b << c << endl;
	c = a + b;
	cout << "a + b = " << c << " stones." << endl;
	c = b - a;
	cout << "b - a = " << c << " pounds." << endl;
	c = a * 5;
	cout << "a * 5 = " << c << "pounds.\n";

	return 0;


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
class Stonewt
	Stonewt(double lbs);
	Stonewt(int stn, double lbs);
	~Stonewt() {};
	void setstn() { form = STN; }
	void setpds() { form = PDS; }
	void setpdsl() { form = PDSL; }
	Stonewt operator+(const Stonewt& b);
	Stonewt operator-(const Stonewt& b);
	bool operator<(const Stonewt& b);
	bool operator>(const Stonewt& b);	
	Stonewt operator*(const double n);
	friend Stonewt operator*(const double n, const Stonewt& b);
	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Stonewt& st);
	enum Mode { STN, PDS, PDSL };
	Mode form;
	enum { Lbs_per_stn = 14 };
	int stone;					//英石
	double pds_left;			//小数磅,指除去14(1英石=14磅)的整数倍之后剩下的磅数,如15.5磅的小数磅指的是1.5,16.6磅的小数磅指的是2.6
	double pounds;				//磅

#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

Stonewt::Stonewt(double lbs)
	stone = int(lbs) / Lbs_per_stn;
	pds_left = int(lbs) % Lbs_per_stn + lbs - int(lbs);
	pounds = lbs;
	form = PDS;

Stonewt::Stonewt(int stn, double lbs)
	stone = stn;
	pds_left = lbs;
	pounds = (double)stn * Lbs_per_stn + lbs;
	form = PDS;

	stone = 0;
	pounds = pds_left = 0.0;
	form = PDS;

Stonewt Stonewt::operator+(const Stonewt& b)
	pounds = pounds + b.pounds;
	return Stonewt(pounds);

Stonewt Stonewt::operator-(const Stonewt& b)
	pounds = pounds - b.pounds;
	return Stonewt(pounds);

bool Stonewt::operator<(const Stonewt& b)
	if (pounds < b.pounds)
		return true;
		return false;

bool Stonewt::operator>(const Stonewt& b)
	if (pounds > b.pounds)
		return true;
		return false;

Stonewt Stonewt::operator*(const double n)
	pounds = n * pounds;
	return Stonewt(pounds);

Stonewt operator*(const double n, const Stonewt& b)
	double temp;
	temp= n * b.pounds;
	return Stonewt(temp);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Stonewt& st)
	if (st.form == Stonewt::Mode::STN)
		os << "Stone: " << st.stone;
	else if (st.form == Stonewt::Mode::PDS)
		os << "Pounds: " << st.pounds;
		os << "Pounds left: " << st.pds_left ;
	return os;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/17
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;
	Stonewt st[6] = { 14,15,16 };
	Stonewt max, min;
	Stonewt cmpsd(11,0);			//比较标准,11英石
	int num = 0;
	for (int i = 0;i < 3;i++)
		double temppds;
		cout << "Enter pounds: \n";
		cin >> temppds;
		st[i + 3] = temppds;
	max = st[0];
	min = st[0];
	for (int i = 0;i < 6;i++)
		if (st[i] > max)
			max = st[i];
		if (st[i] < min)
			min = st[i];
		if (st[i] > cmpsd)
			cout << st[i] << " is biger than standard.\n";
		cout << num << " objects are biger than standard.\n";
	return 0;

7.复数有两个部分组成:实数部分和虚数部分。复数的一种书写方式是:(3.0,4.0),其中,3.0是实数部分,4.0是虚数部分。假设a = (A, Bi),c = (C, Di),则下面是一些复数运算。
● 加法:a + c = (A+C, (B+D)i)。
● 减法:a – c = (A−C, (B−D)i)。
● 乘法:a * c = (AC−BD, (AD + BC)i)。
● 乘法::x*c = (x * C, x *Di),其中x为实数。
● 共轭:~a = (A, −Bi)。

#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;
	complex a(3.0, 4.0);
	complex c;
	cout << "Enter a complex number (q to quit):\n";
	while (cin >> c)
		cout << "c is " << c << '\n';
		cout << "complex conjugate is " << ~c << '\n';
		cout << "a is " << a << '\n';
		cout << "a + c is " << a + c << '\n';
		cout << "a - c is " << a - c << '\n';
		cout << "a * c is " << a * c << '\n';
		cout << "2 * c is " << 2 * c << '\n';
		cout << "Enter a complex number(q to quit):\n";
	cout << "Done!\n";
	return 0;
Enter a complex number (q to quit):
real: 10
imaginary: 12
c is (10 , 12i )
complex conjugate is (10 , -12i )
a is (3 , 4i )
a + c is (13 , 16i )
a - c is (-7 , -8i )
a * c is (-18 , 76i )
2 * c is (20 , 24i )
Enter a complex number(q to quit):
#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_
#include <iostream>
class complex
	complex(double a, double b);
	~complex() { };
	complex operator+(const complex& com);
	complex operator-(const complex& com);
	complex operator*(const complex& com);
	complex operator~();
	friend complex operator*(double x, const complex& com);
	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const complex& com);
	friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, complex& com);

	double real;
	double imag;

#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <iostream>

	real = imag= 0.0;

complex::complex(double a, double b)
	real = a;
	imag = b;

complex complex::operator+(const complex& com)
	return complex(real+com.real,imag+com.imag);

complex complex::operator-(const complex& com)
	return complex(real - com.real, imag - com.imag);

complex complex::operator*(const complex& com)
	return complex((real * com.real - imag * com.imag), (real * com.imag + imag * com.real));

complex complex::operator~()
	return complex(real,-imag);

complex operator*(double x, const complex& com)
	return complex(x*com.real,x*com.imag);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const complex& com)
	os <<"(" <<com.real << " , " << com.imag << "i )";
	return os;
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, complex& com)
	using std::cout;

	cout << "real: ";
	is >> com.real;
	cout << "imaginary: ";
	is >> com.imag;
	return is;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/17
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"

int main()
	using namespace std;
	complex a(3.0, 4.0);
	complex c;
	cout << "Enter a complex number (q to quit):\n";
	while (cin >> c)
		cout << "c is " << c << '\n';
		cout << "complex conjugate is " << ~c << '\n';
		cout << "a is " << a << '\n';
		cout << "a + c is " << a + c << '\n';
		cout << "a - c is " << a - c << '\n';
		cout << "a * c is " << a * c << '\n';
		cout << "2 * c is " << 2 * c << '\n';
		cout << "Enter a complex number(q to quit):\n";
	cout << "Done!\n";
	return 0;
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