
  • 安装docker和docker compose,参照上一篇博客
  • 安装turn,教程https://www.jianshu.com/p/d65e369f44fb

  • 新建目录
mkdir /usr/local/etc/janus
  • 上传janus配置文件至/usr/local/etc/janus目录下(参考来源

设置好的参考配置文件链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rifqq1GVpCm5T_rEwsLJEg?pwd=4j9y 提取码: 4j9y 




general: {
	configs_folder = "/usr/local/etc/janus"			# Configuration files folder
	plugins_folder = "/usr/local/lib/janus/plugins"			# Plugins folder
	transports_folder = "/usr/local/lib/janus/transports"	# Transports folder
	events_folder = "/usr/local/lib/janus/events"			# Event handlers folder
	loggers_folder = "/usr/local/lib/janus/loggers"			# External loggers folder

nat: {
	stun_server = ""  #stun服务器外网地址
	#stun_port = 3478
	nice_debug = false
	#full_trickle = true
	#ice_nomination = "regular"
	#ice_keepalive_conncheck = true
	#ice_lite = true
	#ice_tcp = true

	# By default Janus tries to resolve mDNS (.local) candidates: even
	# though this is now done asynchronously and shouldn't keep the API
	# busy, even in case mDNS resolution takes a long time to timeout,
	# you can choose to drop all .local candidates instead, which is
	# helpful in case you know clients will never be in the same private
	# network as the one the Janus instance is running from. Notice that
	# this will cause ICE to fail if mDNS is the only way to connect!
	#ignore_mdns = true

	# In case you're deploying Janus on a server which is configured with
	# a 1:1 NAT (e.g., Amazon EC2), you might want to also specify the public
	# address of the machine using the setting below. This will result in
	# all host candidates (which normally have a private IP address) to
	# be rewritten with the public address provided in the settings. As
	# such, use the option with caution and only if you know what you're doing.
	# Make sure you keep ICE Lite disabled, though, as it's not strictly
	# speaking a publicly reachable server, and a NAT is still involved.
	# If you'd rather keep the private IP address in place, rather than
	# replacing it (and so have both of them as advertised candidates),
	# then set the 'keep_private_host' property to true.
	# Multiple public IP addresses can be specified as a comma separated list
	# if the Janus is deployed in a DMZ between two 1-1 NAT for internal and
	# external users.
	#nat_1_1_mapping = ""
	#keep_private_host = true

	# You can configure a TURN server in two different ways: specifying a
	# statically configured TURN server, and thus provide the address of the
	# TURN server, the transport (udp/tcp/tls) to use, and a set of valid
	# credentials to authenticate. Notice that you should NEVER configure
	# a TURN server for Janus unless it's really what you want! If you want
	# *users* to use TURN, then you need to configure that on the client
	# side, and NOT in Janus. The following TURN configuration should ONLY
	# be enabled when Janus itself is sitting behind a restrictive firewall
	# (e.g., it's part of a service installed on a box in a private home).
	turn_server = ""
	turn_port = 3478
	turn_type = "udp"
	turn_user = "admin"
	turn_pwd = "123456"

	# You can also make use of the TURN REST API to get info on one or more
	# TURN services dynamically. This makes use of the proposed standard of
	# such an API (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-uberti-behave-turn-rest-00)
	# which is currently available in both rfc5766-turn-server and coturn.
	# You enable this by specifying the address of your TURN REST API backend,
	# the HTTP method to use (GET or POST) and, if required, the API key Janus
	# must provide. The timeout can be configured in seconds, with a default of
	# 10 seconds and a minimum of 1 second. Notice that the 'opaque_id' provided
	# via Janus API will be used as the username for a specific PeerConnection
	# by default; if that one is missing, the 'session_id' will be used as the
	# username instead.
	#turn_rest_api = "http://yourbackend.com/path/to/api"
	#turn_rest_api_key = "anyapikeyyoumayhaveset"
	#turn_rest_api_method = "GET"
	#turn_rest_api_timeout = 10

	# In case a TURN server is provided, you can allow applications to force
	# Janus to use TURN (https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway/pull/2774).
	# This is NOT allowed by default: only enable it if you know what you're doing.
	#allow_force_relay = true

	# You can also choose which interfaces should be explicitly used by the
	# gateway for the purpose of ICE candidates gathering, thus excluding
	# others that may be available. To do so, use the 'ice_enforce_list'
	# setting and pass it a comma-separated list of interfaces or IP addresses
	# to enforce. This is especially useful if the server hosting the gateway
	# has several interfaces, and you only want a subset to be used. Any of
	# the following examples are valid:
	#     ice_enforce_list = "eth0"
	#     ice_enforce_list = "eth0,eth1"
	#     ice_enforce_list = "eth0,192.168."
	#     ice_enforce_list = "eth0,"
	# By default, no interface is enforced, meaning Janus will try to use them all.
	#ice_enforce_list = "eth0"

	# In case you don't want to specify specific interfaces to use, but would
	# rather tell Janus to use all the available interfaces except some that
	# you don't want to involve, you can also choose which interfaces or IP
	# addresses should be excluded and ignored by the gateway for the purpose
	# of ICE candidates gathering. To do so, use the 'ice_ignore_list' setting
	# and pass it a comma-separated list of interfaces or IP addresses to
	# ignore. This is especially useful if the server hosting the gateway
	# has several interfaces you already know will not be used or will simply
	# always slow down ICE (e.g., virtual interfaces created by VMware).
	# Partial strings are supported, which means that any of the following
	# examples are valid:
	#     ice_ignore_list = "vmnet8,,"
	#     ice_ignore_list = "vmnet,192.168."
	# Just beware that the ICE ignore list is not used if an enforce list
	# has been configured. By default, Janus ignores all interfaces whose
	# name starts with 'vmnet', to skip VMware interfaces:
	ice_ignore_list = "vmnet"

	# In case you want to allow Janus to start even if the configured STUN or TURN
	# server is unreachable, you can set 'ignore_unreachable_ice_server' to true.
	# WARNING: We do not recommend to ignore reachability problems, particularly
	# if you run Janus in the cloud. Before enabling this flag, make sure your
	# system is correctly configured and Janus starts after the network layer of
	# your machine is ready. Note that Linux distributions offer such directives.
	# You could use the following directive in systemd: 'After=network-online.target'
	# https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html#Before=
	#ignore_unreachable_ice_server = true


general: {
	#events = true					# Whether to notify event handlers about transport events (default=true)
	json = "indented"				# Whether the JSON messages should be indented (default),
									# plain (no indentation) or compact (no indentation and no spaces)
	base_path = "/janus"			# Base path to bind to in the web server (plain HTTP only)
	http = true						# Whether to enable the plain HTTP interface
	port = 8088						# Web server HTTP port
	#interface = "eth0"				# Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
	#ip = ""				# Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address (v4 or v6) only
	https = true					# Whether to enable HTTPS (default=false)
	secure_port = 8089				# Web server HTTPS port, if enabled
	#secure_interface = "eth0"		# Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
	#secure_ip = ""		# Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address (v4 or v6) only
	#acl = "127.,192.168.0."		# Only allow requests coming from this comma separated list of addresses
	#mhd_connection_limit = 1020		# Open connections limit in libmicrohttpd (default=1020)
	#mhd_debug = false					# Ask libmicrohttpd to write warning and error messages to stderr (default=false)

certificates: {
	cert_pem = "/usr/cert/server.crt"   #ssl证书地址
	cert_key = "/usr/cert/server.key"  #ssl证书地址
	#cert_pwd = "secretpassphrase"
	#ciphers = "PFS:-VERS-TLS1.0:-VERS-TLS1.1:-3DES-CBC:-ARCFOUR-128"


general: {
	#events = true					# Whether to notify event handlers about transport events (default=true)
	json = "indented"				# Whether the JSON messages should be indented (default),
									# plain (no indentation) or compact (no indentation and no spaces)
	#pingpong_trigger = 30			# After how many seconds of idle, a PING should be sent
	#pingpong_timeout = 10			# After how many seconds of not getting a PONG, a timeout should be detected

	ws = true						# Whether to enable the WebSockets API
	ws_port = 8188					# WebSockets server port
	#ws_interface = "eth0"			# Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
	#ws_ip = ""			# Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address only
	#ws_unix = "/run/ws.sock"		# Use WebSocket server over UNIX socket instead of TCP
	wss = true						# Whether to enable secure WebSockets
	wss_port = 8989				# WebSockets server secure port, if enabled
	#wss_interface = "eth0"			# Whether we should bind this server to a specific interface only
	#wss_ip = ""			# Whether we should bind this server to a specific IP address only
	#wss_unix = "/run/wss.sock"		# Use WebSocket server over UNIX socket instead of TCP
	#ws_logging = "err,warn"		# libwebsockets debugging level as a comma separated list of things
									# to debug, supported values: err, warn, notice, info, debug, parser,
									# header, ext, client, latency, user, count (plus 'none' and 'all')
	#ws_acl = "127.,192.168.0."		# Only allow requests coming from this comma separated list of addresses

certificates: {
	cert_pem = "/usr/cert/server.crt"
	cert_key = "/usr/cert/server.key"
	#cert_pwd = "secretpassphrase"
	#ciphers = "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256"


  • 上传docker-compose.yaml至/usr/local/下

配置好的参考文件链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jTjI11oq2vIX9s9aNi3ypA?pwd=lv1m 


version: '3.8'

  # janus-gateway
    image: 'canyan/janus-gateway:latest'
    command: ["/usr/local/bin/janus", "-F", "/usr/local/etc/janus"]
    container_name: janus
      - "8088:8088"
      - "8089:8089"
      - "8889:8889"
      - "8000:8000"
      - "7088:7088"
      - "7089:7089"
      - "8188:8188"
      - "8989:8989"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.sampleevh.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.sampleevh.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.transport.http.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.transport.http.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.gelfevh.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.gelfevh.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.mqttevh.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.mqttevh.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.nanomsgevh.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.nanomsgevh.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.rabbitmqevh.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.rabbitmqevh.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.wsevh.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.eventhandler.wsevh.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.logger.jsonlog.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.logger.jsonlog.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.audiobridge.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.audiobridge.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.duktape.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.duktape.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.echotest.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.echotest.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.lua.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.lua.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.nosip.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.nosip.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.recordplay.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.recordplay.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.sip.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.sip.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.textroom.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.textroom.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.videocall.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.videocall.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.plugin.voicemail.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.plugin.voicemail.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.transport.mqtt.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.transport.mqtt.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.transport.nanomsg.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.transport.nanomsg.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.transport.pfunix.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.transport.pfunix.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.transport.rabbitmq.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.transport.rabbitmq.jcfg"
      - "./etc/janus/janus.transport.websockets.jcfg:/usr/local/etc/janus/janus.transport.websockets.jcfg"
      - "/usr/cert/server.crt:/usr/cert/server.crt"
      - "/usr/cert/server.key:/usr/cert/server.key"
    restart: always
  • 开放相关的外网端口,包括trun(udp-3478,30000-60000)的。
  • 进入/usr/local/目录,启动镜像

cd /usr/local/
docker-compose up -d
rpm -Uvh http://nginx.org/packages/centos/7/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-7-0.el7.ngx.noarch.rpm
yum install -y nginx
sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx
systemctl restart nginx

3、open() “/usr/local/var/run/nginx.pid” failed (13: Permission denied)
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/var/run
  • 上传janus网站到服务器



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