


LongAgent: Scaling Language Models to 128k Context through Multi-Agent  Collaboration


Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance in understanding language and executing complex reasoning tasks. However, LLMs with long context windows have been notorious for their expensive training costs and high inference latency. Even the most advanced models such as GPT-4 and Claude2 often make mistakes when processing inputs of over $100k$ tokens, a phenomenon also known as \textit{lost in the middle}. In this paper, we propose \textsc{LongAgent}, a method based on multi-agent collaboration, which scales LLMs (e.g., LLaMA) to a context of 128K and demonstrates potential superiority in long-text processing compared to GPT-4. In \textsc{LongAgent}, a leader is responsible for understanding user intent and directing team members to acquire information from documents. Due to members' hallucinations, it is non-trivial for a leader to obtain accurate information from the responses of dozens to hundreds of members. To address this, we develop an \textit{inter-member communication} mechanism to resolve response conflicts caused by hallucinations through information sharing. Our experimental results indicate that \textsc{LongAgent} offers a promising alternative for long-text processing. The agent team instantiated with LLaMA-7B achieves significant improvements in tasks such as 128k-long text retrieval, multi-hop question answering, compared to GPT-4.

SDiT: Spiking Diffusion Model with Transformer


Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have low power consumption and bio-interpretable characteristics, and are considered to have tremendous potential for energy-efficient computing. However, the exploration of SNNs on image generation tasks remains very limited, and a unified and effective structure for SNN-based generative models has yet to be proposed. In this paper, we explore a novel diffusion model architecture within spiking neural networks. We utilize transformer to replace the commonly used U-net structure in mainstream diffusion models. It can generate higher quality images with relatively lower computational cost and shorter sampling time. It aims to provide an empirical baseline for research of generative models based on SNNs. Experiments on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10 datasets demonstrate that our work is highly competitive compared to existing SNN generative models.

Head-wise Shareable Attention for Large Language Models


Large Language Models (LLMs) suffer from huge number of parameters, which restricts their deployment on edge devices. Weight sharing is one promising solution that encourages weight reuse, effectively reducing memory usage with less performance drop. However, current weight sharing techniques primarily focus on small-scale models like BERT and employ coarse-grained sharing rules, e.g., layer-wise. This becomes limiting given the prevalence of LLMs and sharing an entire layer or block obviously diminishes the flexibility of weight sharing. In this paper, we present a perspective on $\textit{$\textbf{head-wise shareable attention for large language models}$}$. We further propose two memory-efficient methods that share parameters across attention heads, with a specific focus on LLMs. Both of them use the same dynamic strategy to select the shared weight matrices. The first method directly reuses the pre-trained weights without retraining, denoted as $\textbf{DirectShare}$. The second method first post-trains with constraint on weight matrix similarity and then shares, denoted as $\textbf{PostShare}$. Experimental results reveal our head-wise shared models still maintain satisfactory capabilities, demonstrating the feasibility of fine-grained weight sharing applied to LLMs.

ComFusion: Personalized Subject Generation in Multiple Specific Scenes From Single Image


Recent advancements in personalizing text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have shown the capability to generate images based on personalized visual concepts using a limited number of user-provided examples. However, these models often struggle with maintaining high visual fidelity, particularly in manipulating scenes as defined by textual inputs. Addressing this, we introduce ComFusion, a novel approach that leverages pretrained models generating composition of a few user-provided subject images and predefined-text scenes, effectively fusing visual-subject instances with textual-specific scenes, resulting in the generation of high-fidelity instances within diverse scenes. ComFusion integrates a class-scene prior preservation regularization, which leverages composites the subject class and scene-specific knowledge from pretrained models to enhance generation fidelity. Additionally, ComFusion uses coarse generated images, ensuring they align effectively with both the instance image and scene texts. Consequently, ComFusion maintains a delicate balance between capturing the essence of the subject and maintaining scene fidelity.Extensive evaluations of ComFusion against various baselines in T2I personalization have demonstrated its qualitative and quantitative superiority.

SIBO: A Simple Booster for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning


Fine-tuning all parameters of large language models (LLMs) necessitates substantial computational power and extended time. Latest advancements in parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques, such as Adapter tuning and LoRA, allow for adjustments to only a minor fraction of the parameters of these LLMs. Concurrently, it has been noted that the issue of over-smoothing diminishes the effectiveness of these Transformer-based LLMs, resulting in suboptimal performances in downstream tasks. In this paper, we present SIBO, which is a SImple BOoster to enhance PEFT, by injecting an initial residual. SIBO is straight-forward and readily extensible to a range of state-of-the-art PEFT techniques to alleviate over-smoothing and enhance performance. Extensive experiments on 22 benchmark datasets demonstrate that SIBO significantly enhances the performance of various strong baselines, achieving up to 15.7% and 23.5% improvement over existing PEFT methods on the arithmetic and commonsense reasoning tasks, respectively.

DiLightNet: Fine-grained Lighting Control for Diffusion-based Image Generation


This paper presents a novel method for exerting fine-grained lighting control during text-driven diffusion-based image generation. While existing diffusion models already have the ability to generate images under any lighting condition, without additional guidance these models tend to correlate image content and lighting. Moreover, text prompts lack the necessary expressional power to describe detailed lighting setups. To provide the content creator with fine-grained control over the lighting during image generation, we augment the text-prompt with detailed lighting information in the form of radiance hints, i.e., visualizations of the scene geometry with a homogeneous canonical material under the target lighting. However, the scene geometry needed to produce the radiance hints is unknown. Our key observation is that we only need to guide the diffusion process, hence exact radiance hints are not necessary; we only need to point the diffusion model in the right direction. Based on this observation, we introduce a three stage method for controlling the lighting during image generation. In the first stage, we leverage a standard pretrained diffusion model to generate a provisional image under uncontrolled lighting. Next, in the second stage, we resynthesize and refine the foreground object in the generated image by passing the target lighting to a refined diffusion model, named DiLightNet, using radiance hints computed on a coarse shape of the foreground object inferred from the provisional image. To retain the texture details, we multiply the radiance hints with a neural encoding of the provisional synthesized image before passing it to DiLightNet. Finally, in the third stage, we resynthesize the background to be consistent with the lighting on the foreground object. We demonstrate and validate our lighting controlled diffusion model on a variety of text prompts and lighting conditions.

DB-LLM: Accurate Dual-Binarization for Efficient LLMs


Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced the field of natural language processing, while the expensive memory and computation consumption impede their practical deployment. Quantization emerges as one of the most effective methods for improving the computational efficiency of LLMs. However, existing ultra-low-bit quantization always causes severe accuracy drops. In this paper, we empirically relieve the micro and macro characteristics of ultra-low bit quantization and present a novel Dual-Binarization method for LLMs, namely DB-LLM. For the micro-level, we take both the accuracy advantage of 2-bit-width and the efficiency advantage of binarization into account, introducing Flexible Dual Binarization (FDB). By splitting 2-bit quantized weights into two independent sets of binaries, FDB ensures the accuracy of representations and introduces flexibility, utilizing the efficient bitwise operations of binarization while retaining the inherent high sparsity of ultra-low bit quantization. For the macro-level, we find the distortion that exists in the prediction of LLM after quantization, which is specified as the deviations related to the ambiguity of samples. We propose the Deviation-Aware Distillation (DAD) method, enabling the model to focus differently on various samples. Comprehensive experiments show that our DB-LLM not only significantly surpasses the current State-of-The-Art (SoTA) in ultra-low bit quantization (eg, perplexity decreased from 9.64 to 7.23), but also achieves an additional 20\% reduction in computational consumption compared to the SOTA method under the same bit-width. Our code will be released soon.

Direct Consistency Optimization for Compositional Text-to-Image Personalization


Text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models, when fine-tuned on a few personal images, are able to generate visuals with a high degree of consistency. However, they still lack in synthesizing images of different scenarios or styles that are possible in the original pretrained models. To address this, we propose to fine-tune the T2I model by maximizing consistency to reference images, while penalizing the deviation from the pretrained model. We devise a novel training objective for T2I diffusion models that minimally fine-tunes the pretrained model to achieve consistency. Our method, dubbed \emph{Direct Consistency Optimization}, is as simple as regular diffusion loss, while significantly enhancing the compositionality of personalized T2I models. Also, our approach induces a new sampling method that controls the tradeoff between image fidelity and prompt fidelity. Lastly, we emphasize the necessity of using a comprehensive caption for reference images to further enhance the image-text alignment. We show the efficacy of the proposed method on the T2I personalization for subject, style, or both. In particular, our method results in a superior Pareto frontier to the baselines. Generated examples and codes are in our project page( https://dco-t2i.github.io/).

Human Video Translation via Query Warping


In this paper, we present QueryWarp, a novel framework for temporally coherent human motion video translation. Existing diffusion-based video editing approaches that rely solely on key and value tokens to ensure temporal consistency, which scarifies the preservation of local and structural regions. In contrast, we aim to consider complementary query priors by constructing the temporal correlations among query tokens from different frames. Initially, we extract appearance flows from source poses to capture continuous human foreground motion. Subsequently, during the denoising process of the diffusion model, we employ appearance flows to warp the previous frame's query token, aligning it with the current frame's query. This query warping imposes explicit constraints on the outputs of self-attention layers, effectively guaranteeing temporally coherent translation. We perform experiments on various human motion video translation tasks, and the results demonstrate that our QueryWarp framework surpasses state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.

FiT: Flexible Vision Transformer for Diffusion Model


Nature is infinitely resolution-free. In the context of this reality, existing diffusion models, such as Diffusion Transformers, often face challenges when processing image resolutions outside of their trained domain. To overcome this limitation, we present the Flexible Vision Transformer (FiT), a transformer architecture specifically designed for generating images with unrestricted resolutions and aspect ratios. Unlike traditional methods that perceive images as static-resolution grids, FiT conceptualizes images as sequences of dynamically-sized tokens. This perspective enables a flexible training strategy that effortlessly adapts to diverse aspect ratios during both training and inference phases, thus promoting resolution generalization and eliminating biases induced by image cropping. Enhanced by a meticulously adjusted network structure and the integration of training-free extrapolation techniques, FiT exhibits remarkable flexibility in resolution extrapolation generation. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the exceptional performance of FiT across a broad range of resolutions, showcasing its effectiveness both within and beyond its training resolution distribution.

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