Call for papers: Federated Learning for IoT and Edge Computing

  • A Special Issue Proposal for ZTE Communications

    Federated Learning for IoT and Edge Computing

    1 Purpose, significance, and a general description of the SI

    Recent years have witnessed the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT), in which billions of devices are connected to the Internet, generating an overwhelming amount of data. It is challenging and infeasible to transfer and process trillions and zillions of bytes using the current cloud-device architecture, due to bandwidth constraints of networks and potentially uncontrollable latency of cloud services. Edge computing, an emerging computing paradigm, has received a tremendous amount of interest to boost IoT. By pushing data storage, computing, and controls closer to the network edge, edge computing has been widely recognized as a promising solution to meet the current-day requirements of low latency, high scalability, and energy efficiency, as well as to mitigate the network traffic burdens.

    However, with the emergence of diverse IoT applications (e.g., smart city, industrial automation, and connected car), it becomes challenging for edge computing to deal with these heterogeneous IoT environments and gather the data feasibly for training in a centralized manner. Furthermore, the data privacy has become fast-growing concerns when accessing and obtaining data from IoT devices.

    The aforementioned issues necessitate Federated learning (FL), where it provides edge devices that collaboratively train a locally-standard model using mobile data generated in real-time. Federated learning is well suited for IoT and edge computing applications and can leverage the computation power of edge servers and the data collected on widely dispersed edge devices. Instead of collecting data to some centralized server, FL allows machine learning models to be deployed and trained on the user-end to alleviate some potential privacy leakage. Building such FL systems on edge architecture poses many technical challenges that need to be addressed. The goal of the special issue is to solicit high-quality and high-impact original papers aiming at stimulating discussions around open problems of FL for IoT and edge computing. It focuses on sharing of the most recent and ground-breaking work on the study and application of FL in IoT and network edge. We welcome both theoretical and application-based contributions.

    2 Scope and topics of interest

    Suggested topics include, but are not limited to the following.

    ·         Federated learning theories and algorithms for IoT and edge computing

    ·         Federated learning architecture for IoT and edge computing

    ·         Efficient networking and communication of federated learning for IoT and edge computing

    ·         Security and privacy of federated learning for IoT and edge computing

    ·         Incentive mechanisms of federated learning for IoT and edge computing

    ·         Federated learning systems for IoT and edge computing

    ·         Federated learning applications for IoT and edge computing

    ·         Energy efficiency of federated learning for IoT and edge computing

    3 Potential sources of papers

    The following ways will be followed to attract potential sources of papers:

    ·         The guest editors will disseminate CFP to the many world-renowned researchers in the field of 5G slicing, mobile edge computing, and smart critical infrastructures as potential sources of papers and referees.

    ·         An open call for papers will be prepared and disseminated to major mailing lists, social networks, WiKiCFP, forums and communities.

    ·         Advertise the special issue together with a number of relevant international conferences, e.g., Smart World Congress, Cyber Science and Technology Congress, SDN/NFV conferences, 5G/6G Congress, Critical Infrastructures conferences, etc.

    ·         Disseminate the special issue to the specialized groups such as IETF ALTO, 3GPP SA WG1/WG2/WG6, ETSI F5G/MEC/NFV/ZSM, etc.

    4 Proposed Schedule

    Manuscripts due: 10 June 2022

    Review and acceptance notification: 10 July 2022

    Final revised manuscripts due: 31 August 2022

    Publication Date: 25 September 2022

    5 Guest Editors

    PAN Yi, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    CUI Laizhong, Shenzhen University, China

    CAI Zhipeng, Georgia State University, USA

    LI Wei, The University of Sydney, Australia

    6 Short Bios of Guest Editors

    PAN Yi is currently a Chair Professor and the Dean of College of Computer Science and Control Engineering at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and a Regents’ Professor Emeritus at Georgia State University, USA. He served as Chair of Computer Science Department at Georgia State University from 2005 to 2020. He has also served as an Interim Associate. Dr. Pan received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in computer engineering from Tsinghua University, China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 1991. His profile has been featured as a distinguished alumnus in both Tsinghua Alumni Newsletter and University of Pittsburgh CS Alumni Newsletter. Dr. Pan's current research interests mainly include bioinformatics and health informatics using big data analytics, cloud computing, and machine learning technologies.  Dr. Pan has published more than 250 journal papers with over 100 papers published in various IIEEE/ACM Transactions/Journals. He has also co-authored/co-edited 43 books. His work has been cited more than 15,000 times in Google Scholar and his current H-index is 78.  Dr. Pan has served as an editor-in-chief or editorial board member for 20 journals including 7 IEEE Transactions.  He is the recipient of many awards including an IEEE Transactions Best Paper Award, IEEE conference best paper awards, and several other conference and journal best paper awards, 4 IBM Faculty Awards, 2 JSPS Senior Invitation Fellowships, IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award, IEEE BIBE Outstanding Achievement Award, NSF Research Opportunity Award, and AFOSR Summer Faculty Research Fellowship. He has organized many international conferences and delivered keynote speeches at over 60 international conferences around the world.

    CUI Laizhong is a Professor in the College of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Shenzhen University, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and technology from Tsinghua University, China, in 2012. His research interests include Future Internet Architecture and Protocols, Edge Computing, Multimedia Systems and Applications, Blockchain, Internet of Things. He serves as an Associate Editor or a Member of Editorial Board for several international journals, including International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks and Journal of Central South University.

    CAI Zhipeng is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, USA. He received his PhD and M.S. degrees in the Department of Computing Science at University of Alberta, and B.S. degree from Beijing Institute of Technology. Prior to joining GSU, Dr. Cai was a research faculty in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Cai's research areas focus on Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Cyber-Security, Privacy, Networking and Big data.  Dr. Cai is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award. He served as a Steering Committee Co-Chair and a Steering Committee Member for WASA and IPCCC. Dr. Cai has been serving as an Associate Editor-in-Chief for Elsevier High-Confidence Computing Journal (HCC), and an Associate Editor for more than 10 international journals, including IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT). Dr. Cai organized Special Issues for many top journals, such as IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Algorithmica, Theoretical Computer Science, and Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. He has published more than 100 papers in prestigious journals with more than 60 papers published in IEEE/ACM Transactions/Journals.

    LI Wei is currently a research fellow with the Centre for Distributed and High Performance Computing, School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney, Australia. He is the technical lead of the Australia-China Joint Research Centre on Energy Informatics and Demand Response Technologies. He received his PhD degree from School of Information Technologies, The University of Sydney, Australia. His research interests include edge computing, sustainable computing, task scheduling, decision making, Internet of Things, energy informatics, and medical informatics. He is the recipient of ARC DECRA Fellow in 2020, and the IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing for Early Career Researchers in 2018, and the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award in 2018. He serves as the information director for ACM Computing Surveys.





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