


InheritedWidget中可以存放数据data,它的子组件使用了InheritedWidget中的data,那么这个子组件就依赖于该InheritedWidget,所以子组件是否依赖InheritedWidget主要在于子组件是否使用了父组件InheritedWidget中的数据。形成依赖后,当InheritedWidget中的数据data改变时,就会通知到依赖它的子组件。我们知道在StatefulWidget的State对象中有一个didChangeDependencies回调,看名字就知道,它会在依赖的组件发生变化时被调用。另外我们知道 initState -> didChangeDependencies -> build,所以这个时候就会调用build函数进行页面重构。当然,如果子组件没有使用到父组件InheritedWidget中的数据时,也就没有产生依赖关系,InheritedWidget中的data变化时也就不会通知该子组件。


class DataWidget extends InheritedWidget{
    int data;
    static DataWidget of(BuildContext context){
        //return context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(DataWidget);//这个方法在新版本已经过时了使用了dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType函数代替,所以这里可以这样写
        return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<DataWidget>();
    bool updateShouldNotify(DataWidget old){
        return old.data != data;


最简单的就是当子组件通过of取数据时,不建立依赖关系即可。没有了依赖关系,当父组件InheritedWidget中的数据发生变化时,该子组件的didChangeDependencies -> build系列函数自然就不会被调用了,也就不会重构了。


/// Obtains the nearest widget of the given type, which must be the type of a
/// concrete [InheritedWidget] subclass, and registers this build context with
/// that widget such that when that widget changes (or a new widget of that
/// type is introduced, or the widget goes away), this build context is
/// rebuilt so that it can obtain new values from that widget.

/// This method is deprecated. Please use [dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType] instead.
// TODO(a14n): Remove this when it goes to stable, https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/44189
  'Use dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType instead. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v1.12.1.'
InheritedWidget inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType, { Object aspect });


/// Obtains the nearest widget of the given type [T], which must be the type of a
/// concrete [InheritedWidget] subclass, and registers this build context with
/// that widget such that when that widget changes (or a new widget of that
/// type is introduced, or the widget goes away), this build context is
/// rebuilt so that it can obtain new values from that widget.
/// This is typically called implicitly from `of()` static methods, e.g.
/// [Theme.of].
/// This method should not be called from widget constructors or from
/// [State.initState] methods, because those methods would not get called
/// again if the inherited value were to change. To ensure that the widget
/// correctly updates itself when the inherited value changes, only call this
/// (directly or indirectly) from build methods, layout and paint callbacks, or
/// from [State.didChangeDependencies].
/// This method should not be called from [State.dispose] because the element
/// tree is no longer stable at that time. To refer to an ancestor from that
/// method, save a reference to the ancestor in [State.didChangeDependencies].
/// It is safe to use this method from [State.deactivate], which is called
/// whenever the widget is removed from the tree.
/// It is also possible to call this method from interaction event handlers
/// (e.g. gesture callbacks) or timers, to obtain a value once, if that value
/// is not going to be cached and reused later.
/// Calling this method is O(1) with a small constant factor, but will lead to
/// the widget being rebuilt more often.
/// Once a widget registers a dependency on a particular type by calling this
/// method, it will be rebuilt, and [State.didChangeDependencies] will be
/// called, whenever changes occur relating to that widget until the next time
/// the widget or one of its ancestors is moved (for example, because an
/// ancestor is added or removed).
/// The [aspect] parameter is only used when [T] is an
/// [InheritedWidget] subclasses that supports partial updates, like
/// [InheritedModel]. It specifies what "aspect" of the inherited
/// widget this context depends on.
T dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<T extends InheritedWidget>({ Object aspect });





/// Obtains the element corresponding to the nearest widget of the given type,
/// which must be the type of a concrete [InheritedWidget] subclass.
/// This method is deprecated. Please use [getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType] instead.
// TODO(a14n): Remove this when it goes to stable, https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/44189
'Use getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType instead. ’
‘This feature was deprecated after v1.12.1.’
InheritedElement ancestorInheritedElementForWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType);


/// Obtains the element corresponding to the nearest widget of the given type [T],
/// which must be the type of a concrete [InheritedWidget] subclass.
/// Calling this method is O(1) with a small constant factor.
/// This method does not establish a relationship with the target in the way
/// that [dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType] does.
/// This method should not be called from [State.dispose] because the element
/// tree is no longer stable at that time. To refer to an ancestor from that
/// method, save a reference to the ancestor by calling
/// [dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType] in [State.didChangeDependencies]. It is
/// safe to use this method from [State.deactivate], which is called whenever
/// the widget is removed from the tree.
InheritedElement getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<T extends InheritedWidget>();


class DataWidget extends InheritedWidget{
    int data;
    static DataWidget of(BuildContext context){
        //return context.ancestorInheritedElementForWidgetOfExactType(DataWidget).widget;//这个方法在新版本已经过时了使用了getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType函数代替,所以这里可以这样写
        return context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType(DataWidget).widget;
    bool updateShouldNotify(DataWidget old){
        return old.data != data;



/// Obtains the nearest widget of the given type [T], which must be the type of a
/// concrete [InheritedWidget] subclass, and registers this build context with
/// that widget such that when that widget changes (or a new widget of that
/// type is introduced, or the widget goes away), this build context is
/// rebuilt so that it can obtain new values from that widget.
/// This is typically called implicitly from `of()` static methods, e.g.
/// [Theme.of].
/// This method should not be called from widget constructors or from
/// [State.initState] methods, because those methods would not get called
/// again if the inherited value were to change. To ensure that the widget
/// correctly updates itself when the inherited value changes, only call this
/// (directly or indirectly) from build methods, layout and paint callbacks, or
/// from [State.didChangeDependencies].
/// This method should not be called from [State.dispose] because the element
/// tree is no longer stable at that time. To refer to an ancestor from that
/// method, save a reference to the ancestor in [State.didChangeDependencies].
/// It is safe to use this method from [State.deactivate], which is called
/// whenever the widget is removed from the tree.
/// It is also possible to call this method from interaction event handlers
/// (e.g. gesture callbacks) or timers, to obtain a value once, if that value
/// is not going to be cached and reused later.
/// Calling this method is O(1) with a small constant factor, but will lead to
/// the widget being rebuilt more often.
/// Once a widget registers a dependency on a particular type by calling this
/// method, it will be rebuilt, and [State.didChangeDependencies] will be
/// called, whenever changes occur relating to that widget until the next time
/// the widget or one of its ancestors is moved (for example, because an
/// ancestor is added or removed).
/// The [aspect] parameter is only used when [T] is an
/// [InheritedWidget] subclasses that supports partial updates, like
/// [InheritedModel]. It specifies what "aspect" of the inherited
/// widget this context depends on.
T dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<T extends InheritedWidget>({Object aspect}) {//T的类型是final type = _typeOf<InheritedProvider<T>>();
//Map<Type, InheritedElement> _inheritedWidgets;
  final InheritedElement ancestor = _inheritedWidgets == null ? null : _inheritedWidgets[T];//_inheritedWidgets是在mount的时候将InheritedWidget放进去
  if (ancestor != null) {
    assert(ancestor is InheritedElement);
    return dependOnInheritedElement(ancestor, aspect: aspect);//建立依赖关系
  _hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = true;
  return null;

InheritedWidget dependOnInheritedElement(InheritedElement ancestor, { Object aspect }) {
  assert(ancestor != null);
  _dependencies ??= HashSet<InheritedElement>();
  ancestor.updateDependencies(this, aspect);
  return ancestor.widget;

  /// Notifies all dependent elements that this inherited widget has changed, by
  /// calling [Element.didChangeDependencies].
  /// This method must only be called during the build phase. Usually this
  /// method is called automatically when an inherited widget is rebuilt, e.g.
  /// as a result of calling [State.setState] above the inherited widget.
  /// See also:
  ///  * [InheritedNotifier], a subclass of [InheritedWidget] that also calls
  ///    this method when its [Listenable] sends a notification.
  void notifyClients(InheritedWidget oldWidget) {
    for (Element dependent in _dependents.keys) {
      assert(() {
        // check that it really is our descendant
        Element ancestor = dependent._parent;
        while (ancestor != this && ancestor != null)
          ancestor = ancestor._parent;
        return ancestor == this;
      // check that it really depends on us
      notifyDependent(oldWidget, dependent);//当InheritedWidget发生变化时,通知所有依赖于它的子组件

/// Called by [notifyClients] for each dependent.
/// Calls `dependent.didChangeDependencies()` by default.
/// Subclasses can override this method to selectively call
/// [didChangeDependencies] based on the value of [getDependencies].
/// See also:
///  * [updateDependencies], which is called each time a dependency is
///    created with [dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType].
///  * [getDependencies], which returns the current value for a dependent
///    element.
///  * [setDependencies], which sets the value for a dependent element.
///  * [InheritedModel], which is an example of a class that uses this method
///    to manage dependency values.
void notifyDependent(covariant InheritedWidget oldWidget, Element dependent) {

/// Obtains the element corresponding to the nearest widget of the given type [T],
/// which must be the type of a concrete [InheritedWidget] subclass.
/// Calling this method is O(1) with a small constant factor.
/// This method does not establish a relationship with the target in the way
/// that [dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType] does.
/// This method should not be called from [State.dispose] because the element
/// tree is no longer stable at that time. To refer to an ancestor from that
/// method, save a reference to the ancestor by calling
/// [dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType] in [State.didChangeDependencies]. It is
/// safe to use this method from [State.deactivate], which is called whenever
/// the widget is removed from the tree.
InheritedElement getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<T extends InheritedWidget>() {
  final InheritedElement ancestor = _inheritedWidgets == null ? null : _inheritedWidgets[T];
  return ancestor;//并没有建立依赖关系


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