Hardware/Software interrupt edge triggering/ level triggering
Hardware: triggered by peripheral devices outside the microcontroller,asynchronous and can occur in the middle of instruction execution, 我们谈论的基本都是硬件中断
Software: executing a special instruction in the instruction set which causes an interrupt when it is executed, 即这个是CPU主动执行的,比如进入trap,divided by zero
hardware interrupt include: rising/ falling edge triggering or certain level triggering
ISR/ interrupt vector table
nested interrupt interrupt priority
注意上图最后一段,单片机的所有函数都共用一个stack,这个stack的初始化在startup.c 文件里面
enable interrupt
there is a register let u enable/disable interrupt( global), also there is mask register to diable certain ISR
interrupt latency
Interrupt latency refers primarily to the software interrupt handling latencies
- OS 进入critical的时候会disable ISR
- context switch
- RTOS这个没看懂,
Reentrancy function
printf is not Reentrancy function(引用全局变量stdout), so should not be used in ISR
- interrupt函数不能有输入,没有返回值,函数内不能调用可重入函数,不要进行浮点运算等复杂程序
- what is interrupt lantency?
- how do you measure interrupt lantency?
- how to reduce interrupt lantency?
- what are the cause of interrupt lantency?
offer more:
- ISR当然可以被disab,比如写OS的时候,在critical section就需要disable ISR
- context switch
- 中断的优先级可以改变吗,【写个实际的例子,ISR里面要ACK 吗,在开头还是结尾】
- 和interrupt vector table 有什么关系,在startup.c 里面去设置interrupt vector table
- 电机控制, ADC interrupt
- RTOS task和ISR的关系 https://medium.com/@aareshbachana/embedded-systems-interrupts-ab193ecb09e1
- 汇总的点 https://new.qq.com/omn/20190128/20190128A14KF6.html
- double是 浮点数吗 请教一个关于中断的问题-CSDN论坛
- DSP入门应该懂得57个问题_Charles' home-CSDN博客