
会使高频信号能量衰减的原因一是导体本身的电阻特性(conductor loss), 包括集肤效应(skin effect), 另一是介电物质的dielectric loss。 这两种因子在电磁理论分析传输线效应(transmission line effect)时, 可看出他们对信号衰减的影响程度。 差分线的耦合是会影响各自的特性阻抗, 变的较小, 根据分压原理(voltage divider)这会使信号源送到线上的电压小一点。 至于, 因耦合而使信号衰减的理论分析我并没有看过, 所以我无法评论。 对差分对的布线方式应该要适当的靠近且平行。 所谓适当的靠近是因为这间距会影响到差分阻抗(differential impedance)的值, 此值是设计差分对的重要参数。 需要平行也是因为要保持差分阻抗的一致性。 若两线忽远忽近, 差分阻抗就会不一致, 就会影响信号完整性(signal integrity)及时间延迟(timing delay)。 差分阻抗的计算是 2(Z11 - Z12), 其中, Z11是走线本身的特性阻抗, Z12是两条差分线间因为耦合而产生的阻抗, 与线距有关。 所以, 要设计差分阻抗为100欧姆时, 走线本身的特性阻抗一定要稍大于50欧姆。 至于要大多少, 可用仿真软件算出来。




Just when you thought you had mastered Zo, the characteristic impedance of a PCB trace, along comes a data sheet that tells you to design for a specific differential impedance. And to make things tougher, it says things like: “… since the coupling of two traces can lower the effective impedance, use 50 Ohm design rules to achieve a differential impedance of approximately 80 Ohms!” Is that confusing or what!! This article shows you what differential impedance is. But more than that, it discusses why it is, and shows you how to make the correct calculations. Single Trace: Figure 1(a) illustrates a typical, individual trace. It has a characteristic impedance, Zo, and carries a current, i. The voltage along it, at any point, is (from Ohm’s law) V = Zo*i. General case, trace pair: Figure 1(b) illustrates a pair of traces. Trace 1 has a characteristic impedance Z11, which corresponds to Zo, above, and current i1. Trace 2 is similarly defined. As we bring Trace 2 closer to Trace 1, current from Trace 2 begins to couple into Trace 1 with a proportionality constant, k. Similarly, Trace 1’s current, i1, begins to couple into Trace 2 with the same proportionality constant. The voltage on each trace, at any point, again from Ohm’s law, is: V1 = Z11 * i1 + Z11 * k * i2 Eqs. 1 V2 = Z22 * i2 + Z22 * k * i1 Now let’s define Z12 = k*Z11 and Z21 = k*Z22. Then, Eqs. 1 can be written as: V1 = Z11 * i1 + Z12 * i2 Eqs. 2 V2 = Z21 * i1 + Z22 * i2 This is the familiar pair of simultaneous equations we often see in texts. The equations can be generalized into an arbitrary number of traces, and they can be expressed in a matrix form that is familiar to many of you. Special case, differential pair: Figure 1(c) illustrates a differential pair of traces. Repeating Equations 1: V1 = Z11 * i1 + Z11 * k * i2 Eqs. 1 V2 = Z22 * i2 + Z22 * k * i1 Now, note that in a carefully designed and balanced situation, Z11 = Z22 = Zo, and i2 = -i1 This leads (with a little manipulation) to: V1 = Zo * i1 * (1-k)




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