- alert:
Thu xx xx 14:59:55 2023
Errors in file /pssora/orabase/diag/rdbms/XXXXXXX/XXXXXXX/trace/XXXXXXX_lgwr_16064.trc:
ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object
LGWR (ospid: 16064): terminating the instance due to error 4021
- ORA-04021:
04021, 00000, "timeout occurred while waiting to lock object %s%s%s%s%s"
// *Cause: While waiting to lock a library object, a timeout occurred.
// *Action: Retry the operation later.
- 官方文档:ORA-04021: 'timeout occurred while waiting to lock object (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)' Error Raised by Create Table as Select (Doc ID 2096292.1)
error 4021 detected in background process
ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object