





添加所有的task到pending lists


// Set of pending tasks for each executor. These collections are actually
  // treated as stacks, in which new tasks are added to the end of the
  // ArrayBuffer and removed from the end. This makes it faster to detect
  // tasks that repeatedly fail because whenever a task failed, it is put
  // back at the head of the stack. These collections may contain duplicates
  // for two reasons:
  // (1): Tasks are only removed lazily; when a task is launched, it remains
  // in all the pending lists except the one that it was launched from.
  // (2): Tasks may be re-added to these lists multiple times as a result
  // of failures.
  // Duplicates are handled in dequeueTaskFromList, which ensures that a
  // task hasn't already started running before launching it.
  private val pendingTasksForExecutor = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]

  // Set of pending tasks for each host. Similar to pendingTasksForExecutor,
  // but at host level.
  private val pendingTasksForHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]

  // Set of pending tasks for each rack -- similar to the above.
  private val pendingTasksForRack = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]

  // Set containing pending tasks with no locality preferences.
  private[scheduler] var pendingTasksWithNoPrefs = new ArrayBuffer[Int]

  // Set containing all pending tasks (also used as a stack, as above).
  private val allPendingTasks = new ArrayBuffer[Int]

  // Tasks that can be speculated. Since these will be a small fraction of total
  // tasks, we'll just hold them in a HashSet.
  private[scheduler] val speculatableTasks = new HashSet[Int]

TaskSetManager初始化时添加所有的task到pending lists

// Add all our tasks to the pending lists. We do this in reverse order
  // of task index so that tasks with low indices get launched first.
//添加所有的task到pending lists
  for (i <- (0 until numTasks).reverse) {

根据一个task的偏好位置,添加它到相应的pending list

/** Add a task to all the pending-task lists that it should be on. */
  private[spark] def addPendingTask(index: Int) {
    for (loc <- tasks(index).preferredLocations) {
      loc match {
        case e: ExecutorCacheTaskLocation =>
          pendingTasksForExecutor.getOrElseUpdate(e.executorId, new ArrayBuffer) += index
        case e: HDFSCacheTaskLocation =>
          val exe = sched.getExecutorsAliveOnHost(
          exe match {
            case Some(set) =>
              for (e <- set) {
                pendingTasksForExecutor.getOrElseUpdate(e, new ArrayBuffer) += index
              logInfo(s"Pending task $index has a cached location at ${} " +
                ", where there are executors " + set.mkString(","))
            case None => logDebug(s"Pending task $index has a cached location at ${} " +
                ", but there are no executors alive there.")
        case _ =>
      pendingTasksForHost.getOrElseUpdate(, new ArrayBuffer) += index
      for (rack <- sched.getRackForHost( {
        pendingTasksForRack.getOrElseUpdate(rack, new ArrayBuffer) += index
    if (tasks(index).preferredLocations == Nil) {
      pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
    allPendingTasks += index  // No point scanning this whole list to find the old task there



指示一个task应该运行的位置。该位置的形式可以是一个host或者一个(host, executorId) 。如果task的偏好位置是后者,则更加偏向于在指定的executorId上运行这个task。如果指定的executorId不存在,则降级为同一个host上的其它executorId。


ExecutorCacheTasakLocation:偏好位置的形式是(host, executorId)。



从pending lists中取出一个task


根据给定的(execId, host)从pending lists中取出一个pending task,返回该task的index和locality level。

pending list的优先级顺序是:PendingTasksForExecutor、PendingTasksForHost、pendingTasksWithNoPrefs、PendingTasksForRack。

   * Dequeue a pending task for a given node and return its index and locality level.
   * Only search for tasks matching the given locality constraint.
   * @return An option containing (task index within the task set, locality, is speculative?)
  private def dequeueTask(execId: String, host: String, maxLocality: TaskLocality.Value)
    : Option[(Int, TaskLocality.Value, Boolean)] =
    for (index <- dequeueTaskFromList(execId, host, getPendingTasksForExecutor(execId))) {
      return Some((index, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL, false))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)) {
      for (index <- dequeueTaskFromList(execId, host, getPendingTasksForHost(host))) {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL, false))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.NO_PREF)) {
      // Look for noPref tasks after NODE_LOCAL for minimize cross-rack traffic
      for (index <- dequeueTaskFromList(execId, host, pendingTasksWithNoPrefs)) {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL, false))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)) {
      for {
        rack <- sched.getRackForHost(host)
        index <- dequeueTaskFromList(execId, host, getPendingTasksForRack(rack))
      } {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL, false))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.ANY)) {
      for (index <- dequeueTaskFromList(execId, host, allPendingTasks)) {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.ANY, false))

    // find a speculative task if all others tasks have been scheduled
    dequeueSpeculativeTask(execId, host, maxLocality).map {
      case (taskIndex, allowedLocality) => (taskIndex, allowedLocality, true)}


根据给定的(execId, host),从给定的pending list中取出一个task,返回该task的index

   * Dequeue a pending task from the given list and return its index.
   * Return None if the list is empty.
   * This method also cleans up any tasks in the list that have already
   * been launched, since we want that to happen lazily.
  private def dequeueTaskFromList(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      list: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Option[Int] = {
    var indexOffset = list.size
    while (indexOffset > 0) {
      indexOffset -= 1
      val index = list(indexOffset)
      if (!isTaskBlacklistedOnExecOrNode(index, execId, host)) {
        // This should almost always be list.trimEnd(1) to remove tail
        if (copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !successful(index)) {
          return Some(index)


 根据给定的(execId, host),从给定的pending list中取出一个task,返回TaskDescription

   * Respond to an offer of a single executor from the scheduler by finding a task
   * NOTE: this function is either called with a maxLocality which
   * would be adjusted by delay scheduling algorithm or it will be with a special
   * NO_PREF locality which will be not modified
   * @param execId the executor Id of the offered resource
   * @param host  the host Id of the offered resource
   * @param maxLocality the maximum locality we want to schedule the tasks at
  def resourceOffer(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      maxLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality)
    : Option[TaskDescription] =
    val offerBlacklisted = taskSetBlacklistHelperOpt.exists { blacklist =>
      blacklist.isNodeBlacklistedForTaskSet(host) ||
    if (!isZombie && !offerBlacklisted) {
      val curTime = clock.getTimeMillis()
      var allowedLocality = maxLocality

      if (maxLocality != TaskLocality.NO_PREF) {
        allowedLocality = getAllowedLocalityLevel(curTime)
        if (allowedLocality > maxLocality) {
          // We're not allowed to search for farther-away tasks
          allowedLocality = maxLocality
//dequeueTask()根据给定的(execId,host)和可允许的最大locality,从pending lists中取出一个task
      dequeueTask(execId, host, allowedLocality).map { case ((index, taskLocality, speculative)) =>
        // Found a task; do some bookkeeping and return a task description
        val task = tasks(index)
        val taskId = sched.newTaskId()
        // Do various bookkeeping
        copiesRunning(index) += 1
        val attemptNum = taskAttempts(index).size
        val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, index, attemptNum, curTime,
          execId, host, taskLocality, speculative)
        taskInfos(taskId) = info
        taskAttempts(index) = info :: taskAttempts(index)
        // Update our locality level for delay scheduling
        // NO_PREF will not affect the variables related to delay scheduling
        if (maxLocality != TaskLocality.NO_PREF) {
          currentLocalityIndex = getLocalityIndex(taskLocality)
          lastLaunchTime = curTime
        // Serialize and return the task
        val serializedTask: ByteBuffer = try {
        } catch {
          // If the task cannot be serialized, then there's no point to re-attempt the task,
          // as it will always fail. So just abort the whole task-set.
          case NonFatal(e) =>
            val msg = s"Failed to serialize task $taskId, not attempting to retry it."
            logError(msg, e)
            abort(s"$msg Exception during serialization: $e")
            throw new TaskNotSerializableException(e)
        if (serializedTask.limit() > TaskSetManager.TASK_SIZE_TO_WARN_KB * 1024 &&
          !emittedTaskSizeWarning) {
          emittedTaskSizeWarning = true
          logWarning(s"Stage ${task.stageId} contains a task of very large size " +
            s"(${serializedTask.limit() / 1024} KB). The maximum recommended task size is " +
            s"${TaskSetManager.TASK_SIZE_TO_WARN_KB} KB.")

        // We used to log the time it takes to serialize the task, but task size is already
        // a good proxy to task serialization time.
        // val timeTaken = clock.getTime() - startTime
        val taskName = s"task ${} in stage ${}"
        logInfo(s"Starting $taskName (TID $taskId, $host, executor ${info.executorId}, " +
          s"partition ${task.partitionId}, $taskLocality, ${serializedTask.limit()} bytes)")

        sched.dagScheduler.taskStarted(task, info)
        new TaskDescription(
    } else {


2019-06-29 15:32:35 [ INFO] [dispatcher-event-loop-0] spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager:58 Starting task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0, hadoop16, partition 0,RACK_LOCAL, 90674 bytes)
2019-06-29 15:32:35 [ INFO] [dispatcher-event-loop-0] spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager:58 Starting task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1, hadoop2, partition 1,RACK_LOCAL, 90674 bytes)
2019-06-29 15:32:35 [ INFO] [dispatcher-event-loop-0] spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager:58 Starting task 2.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 2, hadoop11, partition 2,RACK_LOCAL, 90674 bytes)



   * Marks a task as successful and notifies the DAGScheduler that the task has ended.
  def handleSuccessfulTask(tid: Long, result: DirectTaskResult[_]): Unit = {
    val info = taskInfos(tid)
    val index = info.index
    // Check if any other attempt succeeded before this and this attempt has not been handled
    if (successful(index) && killedByOtherAttempt.contains(tid)) {
      // Undo the effect on calculatedTasks and totalResultSize made earlier when
      // checking if can fetch more results
      calculatedTasks -= 1
      val resultSizeAcc = result.accumUpdates.find(a => == Some(InternalAccumulator.RESULT_SIZE))
      if (resultSizeAcc.isDefined) {
        totalResultSize -= resultSizeAcc.get.asInstanceOf[LongAccumulator].value

      // Handle this task as a killed task
      handleFailedTask(tid, TaskState.KILLED,
        TaskKilled("Finish but did not commit due to another attempt succeeded"))

    info.markFinished(TaskState.FINISHED, clock.getTimeMillis())
    if (speculationEnabled) {

    // Kill any other attempts for the same task (since those are unnecessary now that one
    // attempt completed successfully).
    for (attemptInfo <- taskAttempts(index) if attemptInfo.running) {
      logInfo(s"Killing attempt ${attemptInfo.attemptNumber} for task ${} " +
        s"in stage ${} (TID ${attemptInfo.taskId}) on ${} " +
        s"as the attempt ${info.attemptNumber} succeeded on ${}")
      killedByOtherAttempt += attemptInfo.taskId
        interruptThread = true,
        reason = "another attempt succeeded")
    if (!successful(index)) {
      tasksSuccessful += 1
      logInfo(s"Finished task ${} in stage ${} (TID ${info.taskId}) in" +
        s" ${info.duration} ms on ${} (executor ${info.executorId})" +
        s" ($tasksSuccessful/$numTasks)")
      // Mark successful and stop if all the tasks have succeeded.
      successful(index) = true
      if (tasksSuccessful == numTasks) {
        isZombie = true
    } else {
      logInfo("Ignoring task-finished event for " + + " in stage " + +
        " because task " + index + " has already completed successfully")
    // There may be multiple tasksets for this stage -- we let all of them know that the partition
    // was completed.  This may result in some of the tasksets getting completed.
    sched.markPartitionCompletedInAllTaskSets(stageId, tasks(index).partitionId, info)
    // This method is called by "TaskSchedulerImpl.handleSuccessfulTask" which holds the
    // "TaskSchedulerImpl" lock until exiting. To avoid the SPARK-7655 issue, we should not
    // "deserialize" the value when holding a lock to avoid blocking other threads. So we call
    // "result.value()" in "TaskResultGetter.enqueueSuccessfulTask" before reaching here.
    // Note: "result.value()" only deserializes the value when it's called at the first time, so
    // here "result.value()" just returns the value and won't block other threads.
    sched.dagScheduler.taskEnded(tasks(index), Success, result.value(), result.accumUpdates, info)


2019-06-29 15:33:10 [ INFO] [task-result-getter-0] spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager:58 Finished task 29.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 29) in 34821 ms on hadoop20 (1/320)
2019-06-29 15:33:10 [ INFO] [task-result-getter-1] spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager:58 Finished task 21.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 21) in 34837 ms on hadoop20 (2/320)
2019-06-29 15:33:10 [ INFO] [task-result-getter-2] spark.scheduler.TaskSetManager:58 Finished task 13.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 13) in 34860 ms on hadoop20 (3/320)


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