经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (公号回复“英文IT文章”可下载PDF典藏版资料)

经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (公号回复“英文IT文章”可下载PDF典藏版资料)

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文|秦陇纪,数据精简DataSimp2016-04-05首发,数据简化DataSimp 2018-08-01Wed重发

1. 技术架构

1.Everyday Algorithms:Elevator Allocation电梯算法调度

2.Le Cloud Blog系统设计系列scalability入门

3.Airbnb Shares The Keys To Its Infrastructure Airbnb基础架构 进行中

4.Backendinfrastructure at SpotifySpotify架构

5.Jepsen: On theperils of network partitions网络分割技术系列

6.AComprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services在AWS上构建大型Web APP指南

7.How InstacartBuilt Its On-Demand Grocery Delivery Service Instacart背后的技术

8.Pinnability:Machine learning in the home feed Pinterest主页的机器学习 进行中

9.The Rise ofthe API-based SaaS API作为Saas兴起

10.5 AWS mistakesyou should avoid 5个该避免的AWS错误

11.The Art of theCommit提交的艺术进行中

12.StackOverflow: The ArchitectureStack Overflow2016最新架构探秘

13.ScalingKnowledge at Airbnb Airbnb的知识管理已翻

14.How UberThinks About Site Reliability Engineering Uber SRE怎么做

15.How BuzzFeedThinks About Data ScienceBuzzfeed数据科学的思考,进行中

16.basicinfrastructure patterns基础架构模式

17.DesigningSchemaless, Uber EngineeringUber无模式数据存储

18.DataArchitecture in an Anti-Fraud Architecture反欺诈系统的数据架构 进行中

19.The Epic Storyof Dropbox’s Exodus From the Amazon Cloud Empire长夜读|Dropbox 出走亚马逊云服务帝国的壮丽史诗

20.How Badoosaved one million dollars switching to PHP7升级PHP7省了百万美金

21.EngineersShouldn't Write ETL: A Guide to Building a High Functioning Data ScienceDepartment不要写ETL

22.Jeff Dean onLarge-Scale Deep Learning at Google已翻

23.Putting theSqueeze on Trip Data Uber技术

24.3 simplereasons why you need to learn Scala学习Scala的原因

25.P-values notquite considered harmful P值的作用

26.4 reasons whymicroservices resonate微模式

27.Object-orientedvs. functional programming面向对象还是面向函数

28.Why a patternlanguage for microservices?微模式的设计语言

2. 大数据之系列,KafkaSamza[个人偏好]

1.Streamprocessing, Event sourcing, Reactive and making sense of it all流处理,事件源,响应式

2.Usinglogs to build a solid data infrastructure (or: why dual writes are a bad idea)使用日志作为可靠数据架构

3.BottledWater: Real-time integration of PostgreSQL and Kafka跟PostgreSQL,Kafka做实时集成

4.Real-timefull-text search with Luwak and Samza Luwak和Samza做实时全文检索

5.Turningthe database inside-out with Apache Samza Samza调优数据库

6.ApacheKafka, Samza, and the Unix Philosophy of Distributed Data Kafka,Samza和Unix的分布式数据设计哲学

7.Thevalue of Apache Kafka in Big Data ecosystem Kafka在大数据生态系统中的价值 已翻

8.DistributedConsensus Reloaded: Apache ZooKeeper and Replication in Apache Kafka分布式重载:kafka中的zookeeper和复制

9.PuttingApache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Stream Data Platform (Part1)使用Apache Kafka构建流式数据平台(1)

10.PuttingApache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Stream Data Platform (Part2)

11.AnnouncingKafka Connect: Building large-scale low-latency data pipelines Kafka连接:搭建大规模低延迟的数据管道

12.IntroducingKafka Streams: Stream Processing Made Simple Kafka数据流:让流处理更轻松

13.Buildinga high-throughput data science machine搭建高吞吐的数据科学机器

14.TheHadoop tipping point hadoop转折点

15.Democratizingbusiness analytics民主化商业分析

16.Whyyour next analytics project should be in procurement分析项目采购

17.Bestpractices for data lakes数据湖的最佳实践

18.Embeddabledata transformation for real-time streams实时流的数据处理

19.Data,technology, and the future of play数据,技术和未来游戏

20.Learningin higher dimensions在更高维度学习

21.Hadoopin the cloud云端的Hadoop

22.Approachingbig data from a business perspective

3. 招聘&面试

1.What ILearned from Blowing An Interview从一次失败的面试学到的东西

2.TheTrick Max Levchin Used to Hire the Best Engineers at PayPal Paypal CTO如何招聘最好工程师,完成

3.How toHire a Rock Star Engineer如何招聘顶级工程师

4.Myfavorite interview question我最喜欢的面试题


6.OnInterviewing Software Engineers怎么面试工程师

7.Acethe coding interview, every time攻克代码面试

8.HowStack Overflow Does Technical Interviews Stack Overflow怎么做技术面试

9.ThisIs How You Identify A-Players (In About 10 Minutes) During An Interview在面试10分钟内找到最好的人

10.StartupInterviewing is Fucked创业公司面试

11.How toHire怎么招聘

12.3 Tipsfor Onboarding New Hires Using Quip新人报道指南


4. 管理&成长

1.How toget rich in tech, guaranteed.怎么通过技术变富

2.Failat Scale快速变化中的可靠性

3.When ILearned That Computers Have Soul 计算机有没有灵魂


5.Do theRight Thing做正确的事情

6.TheSurprising Secret to Being a Good Boss成为好老板的秘诀

7.TheHighest-Leverage Activities Aren't Always Deep Work影响力大的工作不一定有多深

8.TheSecret to Growing Your Engineering Career If You Don't Want to Manage不走管理路线你还能职业发展的秘密

9.Calculatingthe Value of Time: How Much is Your Time Really Worth?过去的时间管理都弱爆了!看硅谷人如何为自己的一小时定价

10.Thesoftware engineer’s guide to asserting dominance in the workplace工程师一周应该怎么过

11.Sleepdeprivation is not a badge of honor不要熬夜

12.Whatis Craftsmanship and Why is it Important?技术精益重要性

13.Beingdata-driven: It‘s all about the culture数据驱动

14.Fiveprinciples for applying data science for social good

15.Whatto look for in a data scientist数据科学家需要的

16.Beyondthe Venn diagram超越Venn类型

17.What Ilearned about software architecture from running a marathon从马拉松想到软件架构

18.Defininga reactive microservice定义微服务


5. 创业分享


2.Howto Design a Better Pitch Deck如何设计更好融资ppt 翻译完

3.Howto build a good onboarding process for new hires at a startup在创业公司,新员工如何上手,翻译完

4.HowI validated my startup idea如何验证创业想法

5.Afterthe Layoffs裁员之后

6.156Startup Failure Post-Mortems 156家创业失败启示,1/3完成

7.10tips for moving from programmer to entrepreneur从程序员进化到企业家进行中

8.TomBlomfield: When to join a startup什么时候加入创业公司译完

9.LetterTo A Young Programmer Considering A Startup给想创业的年轻程序员的信

10.Howto Time TravelAirbnbCEO告诉你如何写一篇优秀的品牌(软)文

11.Tenclassic books that define tech十本书推荐

12.Howdo you validate your startup idea before quitting your current job在你辞职前如何验证创业想法

13.6questions every founder should ask before they raise capital融资前要问的6个问题

6. 行业公司和人物采访

1.Headof Amazon Web Services on Finding the Next Great Opportunity AWS主管寻找下一个伟大计划

2.10-lessons-from-10-years-of-awsAWS运营10 周年学到的10 条经验教训

3.MarkZuckerberg tackles question on what he would do as Twitter CEO如果扎克伯格是Twitter的CEO,他会怎么做?

4.HowZenefits Crashed Back Down To Earth谎言、酒宴:融资5.8亿美元的硅谷独角兽,疯狂失控中

5.WhyI left the best job in the world The Startup为何我离开世界上最好的工作

6.ADecade at Google在Google工作十年的感悟

7.Hadoopcreator Doug Cutting on evolving and succeeding in open source Doug 谈Hadoop进化和开源

8.Googleand Facebook Team Up to Open Source the Gear Behind Their Empires Google 和FB谈数据中心的较量进行中

9.FacebookDoesn’tMake as Much Money as It Could Facebook钱还没赚够

10.WhatMy PhD Was Like读博是怎么过的

11.WhatTechnology Will Look Like In Five Years 5年后技术什么样翻译完

12.EtsyCTO Q&A: We Need Software Engineers, Not Developers我们要的是工程师,不是开发者

13.Curationand Algorithms人工挑选和算法

14.10XDurability 10倍可靠

15.We’re in a brave, newpost open source world在开源世界中生存

16.Fromfleeing Vietnam in a refugee boat to becoming Uber’s CTO从难民到Uber首席技术官:一个幸存者的故事

17.WhatWill You Do After White-Collar Work?白领工作后能做啥?

18.LyftTo Uber: The Race Is On Lyft和Uber的战争

19.HowJeff Bezos Became a Power Beyond Amazon突破Amazon,Jeff Bezos非凡影响力的崛起之路

20.SearchingFor Google CEO Sundar Pichai, The Most Powerful Tech Giant You've Never HeardOf GoogleCEO你没听说过的超强巨人

21.WhyThis Tech Bubble is Worse Than the Tech Bubble of 2000现在科技泡沫比2000年还大?

22.Thesharing economy: A big step toward making Marshall McLuhan's Global Village areality共享经济

23.Algorithmsof the Mind思想的算法

7. 人工智能&机器学习

1.HowAI Is Feeding China s Internet Dragon AI是怎么适应中国互联网巨龙的(百度)

2.SiliconValley Looks to Artificial Intelligence for the Next Big Thing硅谷把AI作为下一个大事

3.ArtificialIntelligence Finally Entered Our Everyday World AI最后进入我们每天的生活

4.TheFuture of Chat Is not AI聊天的未来不是AI

5.AlphaGoand the Limits of Machine Intuition AlphaGo和机器觉醒

6.Thecurrent state of machine intelligence 2.0机器智能2.0

7.Thefuture of machine intelligence机器智能的未来

8.Learningfrom Tay Tay学到的

9.Learningfrom AlphaGo AlphaGo学习到的

10.RistoMiikkulainen on evolutionary computation and making robots think for themselves如何让机器人自我思考

11.Howto build and run your first deep learning network怎么搭建第一个深度学习网络

12.Predictivemodeling: Striking a balance between accuracy and interpretability

13.Howhuman-machine collaboration has automated the data catalog人工和机器如何合作生成数据目录

14.Buildinga business that combines human experts and data science把专家和数据科学结合

15.Unsupervisedlearning, attention, and other mysteries非监督学习,注意和其他神秘

16.AI‘s dueling definitions AI的定义

17.Insearch of a model for modeling intelligence模型智能的搜索

18.Whatis deep learning, and why should you care?深度学习是啥

19.Compressedrepresentations in the age of big data大数据时代的压缩表示

20.Machinelearning in the wild机器学习野蛮生长

21.Trainingand serving NLP models using Spark MLlib通过spark库做自然语言处理

22.Wouldn‘t it be fun to buildyour own Google?能自己建个Google吗

23.Smallbrains, big data小大脑,大数据

24.Onthe evolution of machine learning机器学习的进化

25.Evolutionarycomputation: Stepping stones and unexpected solutions进化计算

26.Datahas a shape数据有型

27.GeoffreyHinton, the 'godfather' of deep learning, on AlphaGo前沿| 专访GeoffreyHinton:人工智能会继续发展,请不要误用

8. 产品设计&用户增长

1.HowSlack Uses Slack Slack是如何使用Slack的

2.TheDesign Sprint设计的周期

3.Onbuilding product at MediumMedium如何做产品的

4.Duolinguoreach 110M Users多邻国怎么把用户发展到上亿的,已翻

5.SimpleDesign is What You Need, Not What You Want简单设计你需要的,而不是想要的</

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