
















计算机视觉 图像分割

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原创 Windows下使用Linux scp 命令

ScpLinux scp命令用于Linux之间复制文件和目录。scp是 secure copy的缩写, scp是linux系统下基于ssh登陆进行安全的远程文件拷贝命令。从本地做操作:本地右键——点击 Git Bash Herescp local_file remote_username@remote_ip:remote_folder scp -r local_folder remote_...

2019-06-28 09:25:30 15383 3

原创 【MMDetection 系列:一】安装和配置

MMDetectionMMCV经验conda create ,不要接着在自己环境里装,可以避免很多坑安装和配置micl@ubuntu-gpu ~> conda env list # conda environments:base * /home/micl/miniconda3tensorfl...

2019-06-27 15:04:09 4460 3

原创 【Algorithm】排序之 “快排” 原理+python实现

快排def quick_sort(data,low,high): if low<high: i=low j=high temp=data[i] while i<j : if i<j and temp<=data[j]: j=j...

2019-06-27 10:16:27 290

原创 【Algorithm】排序之 “堆排序” 原理+python实现

堆堆实际上是一棵完全二叉树完全二叉树(Complete Binary Tree): 除了最后一层之外的其他每一层都被完全填充,并且所有结点都保持向左对齐。满二叉树(Perfect Binary Tree):除了叶子结点之外的每一个结点都有两个孩子,每一层(当然包含最后一层)都被完全填充。完满二叉树(Full Binary Tree):除了叶子结点之外的每一个结点都有两个孩子结点。堆...

2019-06-26 14:59:54 252

原创 【医学+深度论文:F34】2018 CVPR Retinal Optic Disc Segmentation using Conditional Generative Adversarial

34 2018 CVPRRetinal Optic Disc Segmentation using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networkdataset-introducegithubGrishti-GS12017 kerasF21 复现https://github.com/abhinav-iiit/fundus-i...

2019-06-25 20:30:08 913

原创 python 替换文件里的特定内容 NameError: name 'write' is not defined

NameError: name ‘write’ is not defined改为f_new.write(line)正确完整代码import osf = open("1.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8")f_new = open("2.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")find_str = "\'"replace_str = "\""...

2019-06-24 10:28:06 9828

原创 【目标检测系列:四】SSP-Net论文阅读 解析

2015SSP-Net:Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual RecognitionIntroduceR-CNN为什么检测速度这么慢?对图像提完Region Proposal(2000个左右)之后将每个Proposal当成一张图像进行后续处理(CNN提特征+SVM分类)实际上对一张图像进...

2019-06-23 09:38:09 1107

原创 【医学+深度论文:F20】2019 CVPR Attention Based Glaucoma Detection: A Large-scale Database and CNN Model

20 2019 CVPRAttention Based Glaucoma Detection: A Large-scale Database and CNN ModelMethod : 分类Dataset :LAG 5824 fundus (2392 G,3432 N)、 RIM-ONEArchitecture : AG-CNN | attentionResults :LAG AC...

2019-06-22 16:47:10 2342 8

原创 【目标检测系列:三】Faster RCNN simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch 实现详解

Pytorchhttps://github.com/jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorchhttps://github.com/ruotianluo/pytorch-faster-rcnnhttps://github.com/chenyuntc/simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch 跑了这个 ☺1. Prepare dataPascal VOC2007D...

2019-06-20 20:22:07 3711 1

原创 【目标检测系列:二】Faster RCNN 论文阅读+解析+pytorch实现

IntroduceFaster RCNN 组成(1)基础特征提取网络(2)RPN (Region Proposal Network) (3)Fast-RCNN共享:RPN和Fast-RCNN共享特征提取卷积层思路:提取proposal + 分类Faster RCNN 和 SPPNet不同于SPP层的是,没有多尺度的pooling,只有一个尺度的pooling(可以理解为特殊的SPP层...

2019-06-20 20:18:34 2872 2

原创 【医学+深度论文:F19】Integrating holistic and local deep features for glaucoma classification

19 2016 EMBC(Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society)Integrating holistic and local deep features for glaucoma classificationMethod : 分类Dataset : Origa -light 650Architecture : CNN+SVMResu...

2019-06-19 11:18:31 389

原创 python np.append / concatenate 解析

np.append / concatenatenumpy.append(arr, values, axis=None)函数。对于参数规定,要么一个数组和一个数值;要么两个数组,不能三个及以上数组直接append拼接。numpy提供了numpy.concatenate((a1,a2,…), axis=0)函数。能够一次完成多个数组的拼接。其中a1,a2,…是数组类型的参数def concat_...

2019-06-19 11:15:52 3235

原创 【BasicNet系列:六】MobileNet 论文 v1 v2 笔记解读 + pytorch代码分析

1、MobileNet V1MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications参考:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/330759141.1 Prior Work解决什么问题?深度学习在图像分类,目标检测和图像分割等任务表现出了巨大的优越性。计算量...

2019-06-16 14:37:11 1257 3

原创 【BasicNet系列:五】DenseNet 论文笔记解读+pytorch代码分析

2017 CVPR Best / OralDensely Connected Convolutional Networks#Introduce##结构和网络图##由来梯度消失问题解决方案:(1)Highway Network,Residual Network通过前后两层的残差链接使信息尽量不丢失(2)Stochastic depth通过随机drop掉Resnet的一些层来缩...

2019-06-16 14:31:41 1177

原创 【语义分割系列:九】PSPNet 论文翻译笔记解析

2017 CVPRPyramid Scene Parsing NetworkSemantic Segmentation on PyTorch (include FCN, PSPNet, Deeplabv3, DANet, DenseASPP, BiSeNet, EncNet, DUNet, ICNet, ENet, OCNet, CCNet, PSANet, CGNet, ESPNet, L...

2019-06-16 14:06:39 1895 1

原创 【语义分割系列:八】Segmentation 数据集 介绍&下载&论文

ADE20KLinkleaderboardPytorch implementationpaperTrain (20000) validation (2000)test (需要上传结果到服务器才能得到结果)150类场景包括室内室外各种各样的场景.cityscapesLinkpaperREADME and scripts5000 high quality pixel-l...

2019-06-14 11:06:42 3066

原创 【医学+深度论文:S01】Retinal Fundus Image for Glaucoma Detection: A Review and Study

2017 Journal of Intelligent SystemsRetinal Fundus Image for Glaucoma Detection: A Review and Study几种类型的青光眼可表示如下:(i)开角型青光眼,(ii)闭角型青光眼,(iii)正常眼压性青光眼,(iv)先天性青光眼还有一些重要因素需要检查,如眼压测量,检眼镜,视野检查,房角镜检查和角膜...

2019-06-12 20:40:02 556

原创 【医学+深度论文:F18】2019 Robust optic disc and cup segmentation with deep learning for glaucoma detection

18 2019 Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsRobust optic disc and cup segmentation with deep learning for glaucoma detectionMethod : 分割 OD/OC 计算 CDRDataset :train RIGA ;test DRISHTI-GS1...

2019-06-12 16:40:09 1517 2

原创 【医学+深度论文:F17】2017 ISBI Recurrent neural network based retinal nerve fiber layer defect

17 2017 ISBIRecurrent neural network based retinal nerve fiber layer defect detection in early glaucomaMethod : RNFLDDataset : 13 Train (20个RNFLD区域)     13 Test (7张 8个RNFLD 区域 6张 无RNFLD)     ...

2019-06-10 11:01:04 589

原创 【医学+深度论文:F15】2018 Disc-Aware Ensemble Network for Glaucoma Screening From Fundus Image

15 2018 T-MI (IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging )Disc-Aware Ensemble Network for Glaucoma Screening From Fundus ImageMethod : 分类 (混合了分割模型)Dataset :ORIGA、SCES 、SINDI 5783(5670N,113G)Architectu...

2019-06-08 20:55:02 1024 3

原创 【医学+深度论文:F14】2018 Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation Based on Multi Label Deep Network

14 2018 T-MI (IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging )Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation Based on Multi Label Deep Network and Polar TransformationMethod : 分割 joint视盘视杯,计算杯盘比 one-stage multi-...

2019-06-08 11:34:56 3000 5

原创 【医学+深度论文:F13】2018 Development of a deep residual learning algorithm to screen for glaucoma from

13 2018 Scientific ReportsDevelopment of a deep residual learning algorithm to screen for glaucoma from fundus photographyMethod : 分类Dataset :3242 Train(1364N,1768G) Test(50N,60G)      two-dimen...

2019-06-07 11:21:11 414

原创 【医学+深度论文:F12】2017Glaucoma-Deep: Detection of Glaucoma Eye Disease on Retinal Fundus Images using Dee

12 2017 IJACSA (International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications)Glaucoma-Deep: Detection of Glaucoma Eye Disease on Retinal Fundus Images using Deep LearningMethod : 分类Dataset...

2019-06-06 16:33:49 665

原创 【医学+深度论文:F11】2018 A deep learning model for the detection of both advanced and early glaucoma using

11 2018 PLOSA deep learning model for the detection of both advanced and early glaucoma using fundus photographyMethod : 分类 正常眼 、青光眼(早期晚期)Dataset : 1542 (786 N,467 AG,289 EG)     AG : advanced gl...

2019-06-06 10:49:05 457

原创 【医学+深度论文:F10】ISBI Using Deep Learning for Robustness to Parapapillary Atrophy in Optic Disc

10 2015 ISBIUsing Deep Learning for Robustness to Parapapillary Atrophy in Optic Disc SegmentationMethod : 分割视盘、萎缩弧Dataset : SiMES(230) 2048 × 3072Architecture : DNNResults :overlapping error ...

2019-06-05 16:51:15 647

原创 【医学+深度论文:F16】2015 EMBC Glaucoma detection based on deep convolutional neural network

16 2015 EMBCGlaucoma detection based on deep convolutional neural networkMethod : 分类Dataset :ORIGA (650)      SCES(1676)Architecture : CNN (4con+4fc)Results :AUC ORIGA(0.831) SCES( 0.887)Me...

2019-06-05 11:12:55 519

原创 【医学+深度论文:F09】2018 Deep Convolution Neural Network for Accurate Diagnosis of Glaucoma Using Digital

09 2018 Deep Convolution Neural Network for Accurate Diagnosis of Glaucoma Using Digital Fundus ImagesMethod : 分类Dataset : 1426 (589: normal and 837: glaucoma) Digital Fundus Images      Zeiss ...

2019-06-05 10:30:44 454 3

原创 【医学+深度论文:F08】2018 Performance of Deep Learning Architectures and Transfer Learning for Detecting

08 Performance of Deep Learning Architectures and Transfer Learning for Detecting Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy in Fundus Photographs2018Method : ONH 二分类问题Dataset :14822(stereoscopic)Architecture...

2019-06-04 20:42:48 423

原创 【医学+深度论文:F07】2017 Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis using Deep Learning Approach

07 2017 Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis using Deep Learning ApproachMethod : 分类Dataset : RIM-ONE 455(255 normal , 200 glaucomatous )Architecture : CNN + SVMResults :accuracy(88.2%), specificity (9...

2019-06-04 20:37:15 444

原创 【医学+深度论文:F06】2018 CVPR A Deep Learning based Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework

06 2018 CVPR A Deep Learning based Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework for Glaucoma Assesment in Retinal Color Fundus ImagesMethod : Segmentation + classification,分割视盘、视杯,分类青光眼Dataset :...

2019-06-04 20:22:19 1054

原创 【医学+深度论文:F05】2018 automatic optic disk and cup segmentation of fundus images using deep learning

05 automatic optic disk and cup segmentation of fundus images using deep learning2018Method :分割,视盘视杯,杯盘比 ; one-stageDataset :Drishti-GS (160 training/10 validation / 51 testing)Architecture : FCN...

2019-06-03 21:37:36 535

原创 【医学+深度论文:F04】Integrated Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation with Deep Learning

04Integrated Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation with Deep Learning2015 年比较老分割问题 : 青光眼筛查,视盘分割,视杯分割Dataset:两个大型真实数据库上的测试(SEED-DB / MESSIDOR)Architecture: 定位 Daubechies wavelet transform method + 去掉血管 ...

2019-06-03 16:01:50 942

原创 【医学+深度论文:F03】 2018 A Deep Learning-Based Algorithm Identifies Glaucomatous Discs Using Monoscopic

03 2018 A Deep Learning-Based Algorithm Identifies Glaucomatous Discs Using Monoscopic Fundus PhotographsThis study demonstrated that a deep learning-based algorithm can identify glaucomatous discs ...

2019-06-03 16:00:22 405


MESSIDOR-2 以及 MESSIDOR 好多朋友私信我要这个数据集,这个我每次下很容易的呀,之前问我要,我换电脑了手头没有,这次统一打包发在这里,大家按需取走吧~~ PS:MESSIDOR-2 几个文件比较大,CSDN每次上传只能小于1000M,这里分了三次part 0,1,2 上传,这里是part1



MESSIDOR-2 以及 MESSIDOR 好多朋友私信我要这个数据集,这个我每次下很容易的呀,之前问我要,我换电脑了手头没有,这次统一打包发在这里,大家按需取走吧~~ PS:MESSIDOR-2 几个文件比较大,CSDN每次上传只能小于1000M,这里分了三次part 0,1,2 上传,这里是part2



MESSIDOR-2 以及 MESSIDOR 好多朋友私信我要这个数据集,这个我每次下很容易的呀,之前问我要,我换电脑了手头没有,这次统一打包发在这里,大家按需取走吧~~ PS:MESSIDOR-2 几个文件比较大,CSDN每次上传只能小于1000M,这里分了三次part 0,1,2 上传,这里是part0



模型剪枝领域,2015-2020论文合集,根据github上awesome-pruning 下载整理的,包括基本所有的论文和综述,已分类整理重命名(如CVPR2020-论文名)十分全,强烈建议下载阅读~



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