【GNSS】GeoscienceAustralia/GACS POD开源软件-Analysis Centre Software

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【GNSS】GeoscienceAustralia/GACS POD开源软件-Analysis Centre Software


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The Analysis Centre Software (ACS) is a processing package being developed to processes GNSS observations for geodetic applications.

We currently support the processing of:

  • the American Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • the Russian GLONASS system (‘GLONASS’)
  • The European Gallileo system (‘Gallileo’)
  • the Chinese Navigation Satellite System ('Beidou`); and
  • The Japanese QZSS develop system (‘QZSS’)

We are actively developing the ACS to have the following capabilities and features:

  • Precise Orbit & Clock determination of GNSS satellites (GNSS POD).
  • Precise Point Positioning (PPP) of GNSS stations in network and individual mode.
  • Real-Time corrections for PPP users.
  • Analyse full, single and multi-frequency, multi-GNSS data.
  • Delivering atmospheric products such as ionosphere and troposphere models.
  • Servicing a wide range of users and receiver types.
  • Delivering outputs usable and accessible by non-experts.
  • Providing both a real-time and off-line processing capability.
  • Delivering both position and integrity information.
  • Routinely produce IGS final, rapid, ultra-rapid and real-time (RT) products.

The software is broken into two main components:

  • the Network Parameter Estimation Algorithm (PEA-N); and
  • the Precise Orbit Determination (POD).


The ACS Version 0.0.1 beta release supports:

  1. The POD

Directory Structure

├── LICENSE.md
├── INSTALL.md
├── README.md
├── src/
├── bin/  (created)
├── lib/  (created)
├── config/
├── tables/
├── scripts/


  1. The open basic linear algebra library (Openblas.x86_64,liblas-libs.x86_64) (You may need to run the command ln -s /usr/lib64/libopenblas.so.3 /usr/lib64/libopenblas.so)
  2. A working C compiler (gcc will do), a working C++ compiler (gcc-g++ will do) and a fortran compiler (we have used gfortran)
  3. Cmake (from cmake.org) at least version 2.8
  4. If the flags set in CMakeLists.txt do not work with your compiler please remove/replace the ones that don’t


To build the POD

$ cd pod
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake3 .. 
$ make >make.out 2>make.err
$ less make.err (to verify everything was built correctly)

You should now have the executables in the bin directory: pod crs2trs brdc2ecef


To test your build of the POD … - You may not need the ulimit command but we found it necessary

$ cd ../pod/test
$ ulimit -s unlimited
$ ./sh_test_pod

At the completion of the test run, the sh_test_pod script will return any differences to the standard test resuts

Configuration File

The POD Precise Orbit Determination (./bin/pod) uses the configuration file: ├── EQM.in (Full force model equation of motion) ├── VEQ.in (For variational equations) ├── POD.in (For all other config)

Processing Example #1

In this example the pod will perform a dynamic orbit determination for PRN04 over a 6 hour arc. The full gravitational force models are applied, with a cannonball model SRP model.

To run the POD

$ bin/pod

This should output the following to stdout

Orbit Determination
Orbit residuals in ICRF : RMS(XYZ)   1.6754034501980351E-002   5.2908718335411935E-002   1.5676115599034774E-002
Orbit Determination: Completed
CPU Time (sec)   298.48134399999998
External Orbit comparison
Orbit comparison: ICRF
RMS RTN   2.8094479714173427E-002   2.4358145601708528E-002   4.4097979280889953E-002
RMS XYZ   1.6754034501980351E-002   5.2908718335411935E-002   1.5676115599034774E-002
Orbit comparison: ITRF
RMS XYZ   3.9069978513805753E-002   3.9343671258381237E-002   1.5660654272651970E-002
Write orbit matrices to output files
CPU Time (sec)   349.19307899999995

The results above show that our orbits arcs, over 6 hours, are currently within 2-5 cm of the final combined IGS orbit.

The prcessing also produces the following output files…

├── DE.430            planetary ephemris intermediate file
├── Amatrix.out       design matrix
├── Wmatrix.out       reduced observation matrix
├── orbext_ICRF.out   intermediary file for the IGS orbit solution in ICRF for comparison purposes
├── orbext_ITRF.out   intermediary file for the IGS orbit solution in ITRFfor comparison purposes
├── dorb_icrf.out     differences in solutions in ICRF
├── dorb_RTN.out      differences in solutions in orbital frame components radial, tangential and normal (RTN)
├── dorb_Kepler.out   differences in solutions in keperian elements 
├── dorb_itrf.out     differences in solutions in ITRF 
├── orb_icrf.out      the final estimated orbit in ICRF
├── orb_itrf.out      the final estimated orbit in ITRF
├── VEQ_Smatrix.out   State transition matrix from the variational equations solution
├── VEQ_Pmatrix.out   Sensitivity matrix from the variational equations solution

Processing Example #2 - ECOM2 SRP

In this example we will change the SRP model to use the ECOM2 model.

Edit the EQM.in file so that the Solar Radiation Pressure configuration section now looks:

! Solar Radiation Pressure model: ! 1. Cannonball model ! 2. Box-wing model ! 3. ECOM (D2B1) model SRP_model 3

Then edit VEQ.in, so that the Non-gravitational forces now looks like:

%% Non-gravitational Effects Solar_radiation 0 Earth_radiation 0 Antenna_thrust 0

! Solar Radiation Pressure model: ! 1. Cannonball model ! 2. Box-wing model ! 3. ECOM (D2B1) model SRP_model 3

run the POD

$ bin/pod

This should output the following to stdout

Orbit Determination
Orbit residuals in ICRF : RMS(XYZ)   2.0336204859568077E-002   8.4715644601919167E-003   3.9687932322714677E-002
Orbit Determination: Completed
CPU Time (sec)   299.68054799999999
External Orbit comparison
Orbit comparison: ICRF
RMS RTN   2.8182836396022540E-002   2.4598832384842121E-002   2.5879201921952168E-002
RMS XYZ   2.0336204859568077E-002   8.4715644601919167E-003   3.9687932322714677E-002
Orbit comparison: ITRF
RMS XYZ   1.8757217704973204E-002   1.1635302426688266E-002   3.9702619816620370E-002
Write orbit matrices to output files
CPU Time (sec)   350.88653299999999


In this section we wish to acknowledge the use of and heritage of some of the source code that we have used to help develop the POD.

Eclipse Routine

The routines to calculate the eclipsing times for GPS satellites were based off the original routines written by Jan Kouba, they have since been heavily modified.

JPL Planetary Ephemerides

We are using the Jet Propulison (JPL) Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides processing program ((ftp://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/eph/planets/fortran/ ), in particular the routines:

  • CONST.f
  • FSIZER3.f
  • INTERP.f
  • PLEPH.f
  • SPLIT.f

We have modified the following subroutines:

  • asc2eph.f90
  • STATE.f90

so thate there is no longer a dependency on a binary file produced in the original JPL form.

Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) routines

We have used a number of routines obtained from SOFA, http://www.iausofa.org/ :

  • anp.for
  • bi00.for
  • bpn2xy.for
  • bpn2xy.for
  • c2ixys.for
  • c2tcio.for
  • cal2jd.for
  • cp.for
  • cr.for
  • era00.for
  • fad03.for
  • fae03.for
  • faf03.for
  • faju03.for
  • fal03.for
  • falp03.for
  • fama03.for
  • fame03.for
  • fane03.for
  • faom03.for
  • fapa03.for
  • fasa03.for
  • faur03.for
  • fave03.for
  • gmst00.for
  • gmst06.for
  • gmst_iers.f03
  • ir.for
  • jd2cal.for
  • jdcalf.for
  • numat.for
  • nut00a.for
  • obl80.for
  • pn00a.for
  • pn00.for
  • pnm00a.for
  • pnm06a.for
  • pom00.for
  • pr00.for
  • rx.for
  • rxr.for
  • ry.for
  • rz.for
  • s00.for
  • s06.for
  • sp00.for
  • taiutc.for
  • tide_pole_oc.f90
  • tide_pole_se.f90
  • time_GPS.f90
  • time_TAI.f90
  • time_TT.f90
  • time_TT_sec.f90
  • time_UTC.f90
  • tr.for
  • xy06.for
  • xys00a.for
  • xys06a.for

International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) routines

The following routines we originally sourced fromthe IERS:

  • interp_iers.f
  • LAGINT.f
  • RG_ZONT2.F
  • IERS_CMP_2015.F




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