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    function starMove(){
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    function drawStar(){


<canvas class="galaxy" id="galaxy"></canvas>
<div class="title">
Katy Perry
<div class="back">
  <div class="lab">
    <div class="incomplete">
      <h1>Listen the music</h1>
      <div class="box">
        <div class="content">
          <h5>Katy Perry</h5>
          <p>I won't just survive</p>
          <p>Oh, you will see me thrive</p>
          <p>Can't write my story</p>
          <p>I'm beyond the archetype</p>
          <p>I won't just conform</p>
          <p>No matter how you shake my core</p>
          <p>Cause my roots, they run deep, oh</p>
          <p>Oh ye of so little faith</p>
          <p>Don't doubt it, don't doubt it</p>
          <p>Victory is in my veins</p>
          <p>I know it, I know it</p>
          <p>And I will not negotiate</p>
          <p>I'll fight it, I'll fight it</p>
          <p>I will transform</p>
          <p>When, when the fire's at my feet again</p>
          <p>And the vultures all start circling</p>
          <p>They're whispering, "you're out of time."</p>
          <p>But still, I rise</p>
          <p>This is no mistake, no accident</p>
          <p>When you think the final end is in, think again</p>
          <p>Don't be surprised, I will still rise</p>
          <p>I must stay conscious</p>
          <p>Through the menace and chaos</p>
          <p>So I call on my angels</p>
          <p>They say...</p>
          <p>Oh ye of so little faith</p>
          <p>Don't doubt it, don't doubt it</p>
          <p>Victory is in your veins</p>
          <p>You know it, you know it</p>
          <p>And you will not negotiate</p>
          <p>Just fight it, just fight it</p>
          <p>And be transformed</p>
          <p>Cause when, when the fire's at my feet again</p>
          <p>And the vultures all start circling</p>
          <p>They're whispering, "you're out of time."</p>
          <p>But still, I rise</p>
          <p>This is no mistake, no accident</p>
          <p>When you think the final end is in, think again</p>
          <p>Don't be surprised, I will still rise</p>
          <p>Don't doubt it, don't doubt it</p>
          <p>Oh oh, oh oh</p>
          <p>You know it, you know it</p>
          <p>Still rise</p>
          <p>Just fight it, just fight it</p>
          <p>Don't be surprised, I will still rise</p>

        <div class="cube"></div>
      <div class="info">Judging whether you are a robot...</div>
      <div class="foot">
        <div class="btn">listen</div>

  <div class="lab">
    <div class="incomplete">
      <h1>Listen the music</h1>
      <div class="box">
        <div class="content">
          <h5>Katy Perry</h5>
          <p>I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath</p>
          <p>Scared to rock the boat and make a mess</p>
          <p>So I sat quietly, agreed politely</p>
          <p>I guess that I forgot I had a choice</p>
          <p>I let you push me past the breaking point</p>
          <p>I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything</p>
          <p>You held me down, but I got up</p>
          <p>Already brushing off the dust</p>
          <p>You hear my voice, your hear that sound</p>
          <p>Like thunder, gonna shake your ground</p>
          <p>You held me down, but I got up</p>
          <p>Get ready cause I've had enough</p>
          <p>I see it all, I see it now</p>
          <p>I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire</p>
          <p>Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR</p>
          <p>Louder, louder than a lion</p>
          <p>Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR</p>
          <p>Oh oh oh oh oh oh</p>
          <p>You're gonna hear me roar</p>
          <p>Now I'm floating like a butterfly</p>
          <p>Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes</p>
          <p>I went from zero, to my own hero</p>
          <p>You held me down, but I got up</p>
          <p>Already brushing off the dust</p>
          <p>You hear my voice, your hear that sound</p>
          <p>Like thunder, gonna shake your ground</p>
          <p>You held me down, but I got up</p>
          <p>Get ready 'cause I've had enough</p>
          <p>I see it all, I see it now</p>
          <p>I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire</p>
          <p>'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR</p>
          <p>Louder, louder than a lion</p>
          <p>'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR</p>
          <p>Oh oh oh oh oh oh</p>
          <p>You're gonna hear me roar</p>
          <p>You're gonna hear me roar</p>
          <p>Roar-or, roar-or, roar-or</p>
          <p>I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire</p>
          <p>'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR</p>
          <p>Louder, louder than a lion</p>
          <p>'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR</p>
          <p>Oh oh oh oh oh oh</p>
          <p>You're gonna hear me roar</p>
          <p>You're gonna hear me roar</p>
        <div class="cube"></div>
      <div class="info">Judging whether you are a robot...</div>
        <div class="btn">listen</div>

  <div class="lab">
    <div class="incomplete">
      <h1>Listen the music</h1>
      <div class="box">
        <div class="content">
          <h5>Katy Perry</h5>
          <p>You're so hypnotizing</p>
          <p>Could you be the devil?</p>
          <p>Could you be an angel?</p>
          <p>Your touch magnetizing</p>
          <p>Feels like I am floating</p>
          <p>Leaves my body glowing</p>
          <p>They say be afraid</p>
          <p>You're not like the others</p>
          <p>Futuristic lover</p>
          <p>Different DNA</p>
          <p>They don't understand you</p>
          <p>You're from a whole 'nother world</p>
          <p>A different dimension</p>
          <p>You open my eyes</p>
          <p>And I'm ready to go</p>
          <p>Lead me into the light</p>
          <p>Kiss me, k-k-kiss me</p>
          <p>Infect me with your love</p>
          <p>And fill me with your poison</p>
          <p>Take me, t-t-take me</p>
          <p>Wanna be your victim</p>
          <p>Ready for abduction</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
          <p>You're so supersonic</p>
          <p>Wanna feel your power</p>
          <p>Stun me with your laser</p>
          <p>Your kiss is cosmic</p>
          <p>Every move is magic</p>
          <p>You're from a whole 'nother world</p>
          <p>A different dimension</p>
          <p>You open my eyes</p>
          <p>And I'm ready to go</p>
          <p>Lead me into the light</p>
          <p>Kiss me, k-k-kiss me</p>
          <p>Infect me with your love</p>
          <p>And fill me with your poison</p>
          <p>Take me, t-t-take me</p>
          <p>Wanna be your victim</p>
          <p>Ready for abduction</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
          <p>This is transcendental</p>
          <p>On another level</p>
          <p>Boy, you're my lucky star</p>
          <p>I wanna walk on your wavelength</p>
          <p>and be there when you vibrate</p>
          <p>For you I'll risk it all</p>
          <p>Kiss me, k-k-kiss me</p>
          <p>Infect me with your love</p>
          <p>And fill me with your poison</p>
          <p>Take me, t-t-take me</p>
          <p>Wanna be a victim</p>
          <p>Ready for abduction</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
        <div class="cube"></div>
      <div class="info">Judging whether you are a robot...</div>
        <div class="btn">listen</div>
  <div class="lab">
    <div class="incomplete">
      <h1>Listen the music</h1>
      <div class="box">
        <div class="content">
          <h5>Katy Perry</h5>
          <p>You're so hypnotizing</p>
          <p>Could you be the devil?</p>
          <p>Could you be an angel?</p>
          <p>Your touch magnetizing</p>
          <p>Feels like I am floating</p>
          <p>Leaves my body glowing</p>
          <p>They say be afraid</p>
          <p>You're not like the others</p>
          <p>Futuristic lover</p>
          <p>Different DNA</p>
          <p>They don't understand you</p>
          <p>You're from a whole 'nother world</p>
          <p>A different dimension</p>
          <p>You open my eyes</p>
          <p>And I'm ready to go</p>
          <p>Lead me into the light</p>
          <p>Kiss me, k-k-kiss me</p>
          <p>Infect me with your love</p>
          <p>And fill me with your poison</p>
          <p>Take me, t-t-take me</p>
          <p>Wanna be your victim</p>
          <p>Ready for abduction</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
          <p>You're so supersonic</p>
          <p>Wanna feel your power</p>
          <p>Stun me with your laser</p>
          <p>Your kiss is cosmic</p>
          <p>Every move is magic</p>
          <p>You're from a whole 'nother world</p>
          <p>A different dimension</p>
          <p>You open my eyes</p>
          <p>And I'm ready to go</p>
          <p>Lead me into the light</p>
          <p>Kiss me, k-k-kiss me</p>
          <p>Infect me with your love</p>
          <p>And fill me with your poison</p>
          <p>Take me, t-t-take me</p>
          <p>Wanna be your victim</p>
          <p>Ready for abduction</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
          <p>This is transcendental</p>
          <p>On another level</p>
          <p>Boy, you're my lucky star</p>
          <p>I wanna walk on your wavelength</p>
          <p>and be there when you vibrate</p>
          <p>For you I'll risk it all</p>
          <p>Kiss me, k-k-kiss me</p>
          <p>Infect me with your love</p>
          <p>And fill me with your poison</p>
          <p>Take me, t-t-take me</p>
          <p>Wanna be a victim</p>
          <p>Ready for abduction</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
          <p>Boy, you're an alien</p>
          <p>Your touch so foreign</p>
          <p>It's supernatural</p>
        <div class="cube"></div>
      <div class="info">Judging whether you are a robot...</div>
        <div class="btn">listen</div>
<!--<pre id="txt" title="这里编辑dom,初始化就会有格式化的歌词"></pre>-->





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


