Movie Critics CodeForces - 250C

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A film festival is coming up in the city N. The festival will last for exactly n days and each day will have a premiere of exactly one film. Each film has a genre — an integer from 1 to k.

On the i-th day the festival will show a movie of genre ai. We know that a movie of each of k genres occurs in the festival programme at least once. In other words, each integer from 1 to k occurs in the sequence a1, a2, ..., an at least once.

Valentine is a movie critic. He wants to watch some movies of the festival and then describe his impressions on his site.

As any creative person, Valentine is very susceptive. After he watched the movie of a certain genre, Valentine forms the mood he preserves until he watches the next movie. If the genre of the next movie is the same, it does not change Valentine's mood. If the genres are different, Valentine's mood changes according to the new genre and Valentine has a stress.

Valentine can't watch all n movies, so he decided to exclude from his to-watch list movies of one of the genres. In other words, Valentine is going to choose exactly one of the k genres and will skip all the movies of this genre. He is sure to visit other movies.

Valentine wants to choose such genre x (1 ≤ x ≤ k), that the total number of after-movie stresses (after all movies of genre x are excluded) were minimum.


The first line of the input contains two integers n and k (2 ≤ k ≤ n ≤ 105), where n is the number of movies and k is the number of genres.

The second line of the input contains a sequence of n positive integers a1a2, ..., an (1 ≤ ai ≤ k), where ai is the genre of the i-th movie. It is guaranteed that each number from 1 to k occurs at least once in this sequence.


Print a single number — the number of the genre (from 1 to k) of the excluded films. If there are multiple answers, print the genre with the minimum number.

10 3
1 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 3
7 3
3 1 3 2 3 1 2


然后这个方法还不全面,譬如说1 1 2 3当删掉第二个1的时候,很明显后面的2有贡献,然后第一个1和后面的2会减掉一个贡献,然而实际上我们删掉的是1.也就是我们需要找到前面第一个不等于1的数查看。所以总结一下,我们要把连续的数字给去重,只留下一个,然后查看他们的贡献就可以了。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN=1e5+7;
int n,k;
int ha[MAXN];
int num[MAXN];
int main()
    for(int i=0;i<n;++i)scanf("%d",&num[i]);
    for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
    int ans;
    int MAX=0;
    for(int i=1;i<=k;++i)
    return 0;

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以下是基于PyTorch实现的Per-MADDPG算法的代码示例: ``` import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim import numpy as np # Define the Actor network class Actor(nn.Module): def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, hidden_dims=[64, 64]): super(Actor, self).__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList() self.layers.append(nn.Linear(state_dim, hidden_dims[0])) for i in range(1, len(hidden_dims)): self.layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dims[i-1], hidden_dims[i])) self.layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dims[-1], action_dim)) def forward(self, state): x = state for layer in self.layers[:-1]: x = F.relu(layer(x)) x = torch.tanh(self.layers[-1](x)) return x # Define the Critic network class Critic(nn.Module): def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, hidden_dims=[64, 64]): super(Critic, self).__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList() self.layers.append(nn.Linear(state_dim + action_dim, hidden_dims[0])) for i in range(1, len(hidden_dims)): self.layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dims[i-1], hidden_dims[i])) self.layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dims[-1], 1)) def forward(self, state, action): x =[state, action], dim=1) for layer in self.layers[:-1]: x = F.relu(layer(x)) x = self.layers[-1](x) return x # Define the Replay Buffer class ReplayBuffer: def __init__(self, max_size): self.max_size = max_size self.buffer = [] self.idx = 0 def add(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done): experience = (state, action, reward, next_state, done) if len(self.buffer) < self.max_size: self.buffer.append(experience) else: self.buffer[self.idx] = experience self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % self.max_size def sample(self, batch_size): samples = np.random.choice(len(self.buffer), batch_size, replace=False) states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = zip(*[self.buffer[idx] for idx in samples]) return np.stack(states), np.stack(actions), \ np.stack(rewards), np.stack(next_states), \ np.stack(dones) # Define the Per-MADDPG agent class PerMADDPG: def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, num_agents, gamma=0.99, tau=0.01, lr_actor=0.001, lr_critic=0.001, buffer_size=int(1e6), batch_size=64, alpha=0.6, beta=0.4, eps=1e-5): self.state_dim = state_dim self.action_dim = action_dim self.num_agents = num_agents self.gamma = gamma self.tau = tau self.lr_actor = lr_actor self.lr_critic = lr_critic self.batch_size = batch_size self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.eps = eps self.actors = [Actor(state_dim, action_dim) for _ in range(num_agents)] self.critics = [Critic(state_dim*num_agents, action_dim*num_agents) for _ in range(num_agents)] self.target_actors = [Actor(state_dim, action_dim) for _ in range(num_agents)] self.target_critics = [Critic(state_dim*num_agents, action_dim*num_agents) for _ in range(num_agents)] for i in range(num_agents): self.target_actors[i].load_state_dict(self.actors[i].state_dict()) self.target_critics[i].load_state_dict(self.critics[i].state_dict()) self.actor_optimizers = [optim.Adam(actor.parameters(), lr=lr_actor) for actor in self.actors] self.critic_optimizers = [optim.Adam(critic.parameters(), lr=lr_critic) for critic in self.critics] self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(max_size=buffer_size) def act(self, states, noise=0.0): actions = [] for i in range(self.num_agents): state = torch.tensor(states[i], dtype=torch.float32) action = self.actors[i](state.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0).detach().numpy() action += noise * np.random.randn(self.action_dim) actions.append(np.clip(action, -1.0, 1.0)) return actions def update(self): # Sample a batch of experiences from the replay buffer states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size) # Convert to PyTorch tensors states = torch.tensor(states, dtype=torch.float32) actions = torch.tensor(actions, dtype=torch.float32) rewards = torch.tensor(rewards, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(1) next_states = torch.tensor(next_states, dtype=torch.float32) dones = torch.tensor(dones, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(1) # Compute the TD error target_actions = [] for i in range(self.num_agents): target_actions.append(self.target_actors[i](next_states[:, i, :])) target_actions = torch.stack(target_actions, dim=1) target_q_values = [] for i in range(self.num_agents): target_q_values.append(self.target_critics[i](next_states.view(-1, self.state_dim*self.num_agents), target_actions.view(-1, self.action_dim*self.num_agents))) target_q_values = torch.stack(target_q_values, dim=1) target_q_values = rewards[:, :, None] + self.gamma * (1 - dones[:, :, None]) * target_q_values predicted_q_values = [] for i in range(self.num_agents): predicted_q_values.append(self.critics[i](states.view(-1, self.state_dim*self.num_agents), actions.view(-1, self.action_dim*self.num_agents))) predicted_q_values = torch.stack(predicted_q_values, dim=1) td_errors = target_q_values - predicted_q_values # Update the priorities in the replay buffer priorities = np.abs(td_errors.detach().numpy()) ** self.alpha + self.eps for i in range(self.batch_size): idx = self.replay_buffer.idx - self.batch_size + i self.replay_buffer.buffer[idx] = (states[i], actions[i], rewards[i], next_states[i], dones[i], priorities[i]) # Compute the importance-sampling weights weights = (self.replay_buffer.max_size * priorities) ** (-self.beta) weights /= np.max(weights) # Update the actor and critic networks for i in range(self.num_agents): # Sample a minibatch of experiences from the replay buffer idxs = np.random.randint(0, len(self.replay_buffer.buffer), size=self.batch_size) states_mb = [] actions_mb = [] weights_mb = [] td_errors_mb = [] for j in range(self.batch_size): state, action, reward, next_state, done, priority = self.replay_buffer.buffer[idxs[j]] states_mb.append(state) actions_mb.append(action) weights_mb.append(weights[idxs[j]]) td_errors_mb.append(td_errors[j, i].item()) # Convert to PyTorch tensors states_mb = torch.tensor(states_mb, dtype=torch.float32) actions_mb = torch.tensor(actions_mb, dtype=torch.float32) weights_mb = torch.tensor(weights_mb, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(1) td_errors_mb = torch.tensor(td_errors_mb, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(1) # Update the critic network self.critic_optimizers[i].zero_grad() predicted_q_values_mb = self.critics[i](states_mb.view(-1, self.state_dim*self.num_agents), actions_mb.view(-1, self.action_dim*self.num_agents)) critic_loss = torch.mean(weights_mb * (predicted_q_values_mb - target_q_values[:, i, None]).pow(2)) critic_loss.backward() self.critic_optimizers[i].step() # Update the actor network self.actor_optimizers[i].zero_grad() actor_loss = -torch.mean(weights_mb * td_errors_mb.detach() * self.actors[i](states_mb)) actor_loss.backward() self.actor_optimizers[i].step() # Update the target networks for target_param, param in zip(self.target_actors[i].parameters(), self.actors[i].parameters()): * param + (1 - self.tau) * target_param) for target_param, param in zip(self.target_critics[i].parameters(), self.critics[i].parameters()): * param + (1 - self.tau) * target_param) def save(self, filename):{ 'actor_params': [actor.state_dict() for actor in self.actors], 'critic_params': [critic.state_dict() for critic in self.critics] }, filename) def load(self, filename): checkpoint = torch.load(filename) for i in range(self.num_agents): self.actors[i].load_state_dict(checkpoint['actor_params'][i]) self.critics[i].load_state_dict(checkpoint['critic_params'][i]) self.target_actors[i].load_state_dict(checkpoint['actor_params'][i]) self.target_critics[i].load_state_dict(checkpoint['critic_params'][i]) ``` 在上述代码中,`Actor` 类定义了 Actor 网络,`Critic` 类定义了 Critic 网络,`ReplayBuffer` 类定义了经验回放缓存,`PerMADDPG` 类实现了 Per-MADDPG 算法。 在 `PerMADDPG` 类的 `__init__` 函数中,我们定义了模型的超参数,创建了 Actor 和 Critic 网络,以及目标网络和优化器,并初始化了经验回放缓存。 在 `act` 函数中,我们使用 Actor 网络生成动作,加入一定的高斯噪声。 在 `update` 函数中,首先从经验回放缓存中采样一批经验,计算 TD 误差,并更新缓存中的优先级。然后,计算重要性采样权重,并使用这些权重更新 Actor 和 Critic 网络。最后,更新目标网络。 最后,`save` 函数和 `load` 函数分别用于保存和加载模型的参数。


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