















Lich Howger

Lich Howger

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原创 0428写作02

 talk about your favorite season.I like the summer most.there are several reasons,firstly,in summer i can only wear a t-shirt,that is so convenient and comfortable,and tell a little secret,sometimes i...

2018-04-29 15:09:01 139

原创 0428写作01

I’d like to talk about a business man named lei jun , he is the founder of x m company.x m is a technology company which sells some electronic products such smart phone, computer, television and so on...

2018-04-29 15:04:21 196

原创 0427写作02

   Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries.However other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen a...

2018-04-28 15:25:49 309

原创 0427写作01

well i am not sure if i have made it clearwell i am not sure if i have made it clearwell i am not sure if i have made it clear well i am not sure if i made it clearwell i am not sure if i made it clea...

2018-04-28 15:25:28 186

原创 0426写作02

   my hometown is wenzhou city which is located in zhejiang province.i love there, it is the place where i grow up.and also i will continue to live there in the future. well honestly it is a small pla...

2018-04-26 19:51:33 162

原创 0426写作01

  primary schoolwhen i was in primary school,i get really good grades. secondary schoolhigh schoolwhen i was in secondary school,i made many friends. higher educationhigher education really can improv...

2018-04-26 19:51:12 133

原创 0425写作02

 In order to demonstrate viciousness of crimes or attract more audiences and readers, some public media such as television and newspaper will describe crimes in detail.Some people claim that the amoun...

2018-04-26 19:50:57 194 1

原创 0425写作01

  sociablehe is always shy ,but he is trying to be outgoing and sociable.  consideratehe is very considerate,he always pays attention to everyone's emotion.  a good sense of humorthis host have a good...

2018-04-25 19:28:23 161

原创 0424写作01

  In order to demonstrate viciousness of crimes or attract more audiences and readers, some public media such as television and newspaper will describe crimes in detail.I think this kind of detailed d...

2018-04-25 10:13:38 133

原创 0423写作01

In order to demonstrate viciousness of crimes or attract more audiences and readers, some public media such as television and newspaper will describe crimes in detail.If media report crimes specifical...

2018-04-25 10:13:15 182

原创 0422写作01

as for what it looks like, the garden has a stunning natural scenery. There’s a river going through the park. The water is crystal clear and can reflect the white clouds and the blue sky. In my childh...

2018-04-25 10:12:53 135

原创 0421写作01

 did you buy anything which makes you happy recently?well,i bought a computer last week.before that day,i just found that my old computer running pretty slow.that is a desktop,and to be honest,it’s ou...

2018-04-21 20:26:52 157

原创 0420写作01

 你喜欢穿什么类型的衣服I prefer some simple clothes,i don’t like some colorful clothes,because i think they are pretty out of style.for instance,in summer,i usually wear a white t-shirt without any other designs...

2018-04-21 20:26:34 149

原创 0418写作01

好的,今天的主题是那个城市,然后还有乡村嘛,然后。这个主题的话,我一下子不知道该说什么,先帝断线这样子吧。well, today our topic is about city and country.I don’t know what to say.我现在住的地方是算城市,但是其实以前的事算是郊区。因为以前那个城市的这个范围比较小。然后主要是。市中心那一块算是城市,然后我这边离市中心的话还有一点...

2018-04-21 20:26:10 112

原创 0416写作01


2018-04-16 22:25:31 99

原创 0415写作01

 你最喜欢什么运动我这想打乒乓球,就是。我从小学的时候就有打,然后后来一直到大学就是初中,高中到大学一直都有打乒乓球,然后。希望求的话,它就是比较偏技巧的这个一个运动。我想篮球足球它比较靠你的身体或者是力量。所以说我最想打乒乓球I like table tennis the most.I have been playing table tennis from primary school to t...

2018-04-16 22:24:14 125

原创 0414写作01

 人类的活动范围扩大造成了大量生物的灭绝地球上的任何一种生物都需要被尊重,同时他们也是人类宝贵的财富,我们每一个人都应该意识到生物多样性的重要性并且最少应该做到不破坏环境,不伤害动 我认为建立生物保护区是非常重要的,动物保护区可以让生物在保护区内不受到伤害并且减小收到人类活动的影响,同时一些工作人员可以监控保护区内的情况,对各种不同的情况作出快速反应. 同时应该加强法律建设,来控制一些生物商品的交...

2018-04-16 22:23:50 121

原创 0413写作01

    classical古典音乐 古典音乐往往比较轻柔优雅classical music tends to be soft and elegant opera歌剧 歌剧将音乐和戏剧结合了起来opera combines music with drama. rock摇滚 摇滚乐代表了一种自由的精神rock music represents a spirit of freedom rap说唱音乐有很...

2018-04-12 21:39:44 200

原创 0412写作02

你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗非常喜欢,我可以说几乎是从小玩到大,我小学的时候有了第一台电脑,从那时候开始,我几乎每天都要和朋友一起玩电脑游戏,我甚至可以说玩了50种电脑游戏以上,包括单机游戏和网络游戏.Absolutely,I would say I grew up with playing computer games,When I was in primary school,I got my first...

2018-04-12 21:17:23 89

原创 0412写作01


2018-04-12 10:21:05 84

原创 0411写作02

  The person i'd like to talk about is a famous table tennis athelete namedliuguoliang and also he is an olympicgold medal winner  undoubtedly,he is one of the most successful athlete throughout China...

2018-04-12 10:20:43 136

原创 0411写作01

 你最喜欢吃什么我非常喜欢吃牛排,我喜欢medium well or medium,中国的菜一般都会配一些蔬菜或者一些主食,但是牛排是一整块肉,吃起来非常爽.我第一次吃牛排是小学的时候我父母带我去吃,第一次吃完牛排我就爱上他了,后来我每次生日的时候或者我心情不好的时候我就会去吃牛排.我最近尝试在家里做牛排,我在网上买了一些冷冻牛排,然后用平底锅来煎,但是我的烹饪技术不怎么好,所以做起来不怎么好吃....

2018-04-12 10:20:25 120 1

原创 0409写作01

  1.你上次写信是什么时候I don’t remember exactly,it was roughly when i was in middle school.one of my classmates transfer to another school,and at that time,the internet was not widespread in my city.so we can ...

2018-04-11 09:59:18 368

原创 0408写作01

 购物者天堂a shopper's paradise 很多花式咖啡馆loads of fancy cafes 历史的historical 混凝土丛林a concrete jungle 宁静tranquil   值得一游it is worth visiting 如画picturesque 绿色的室外空间green outdoor spaces 热闹的夜生活lively nightlife 传统的建筑...

2018-04-11 09:49:28 346

原创 0404写作01

 1.Yes, I think we can offer free admission.1.Yes, I think we can offer free admission. 2.Sometimes, the museum is a good choice for people who want to spend a nice weekend with family.2.Museums are s...

2018-04-07 20:12:16 133

原创 0403写作01

 1.The table illustrates changes in the number of international tourists between 1995 and 2020.The annual tourist growth rate is also presented in the table.Six areas are depicted including Europe, Am...

2018-04-07 20:11:51 100

原创 0330写作01

 1.The table illustrates changes in the number of international tourists between 1995 and 2020.The annual tourist growth rate is also presented in the table.Six areas are depicted including Europe, Am...

2018-04-07 20:11:03 98

原创 0329写作01


2018-04-07 20:10:34 136



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