


a shopper's paradise



loads of fancy cafes






a concrete jungle








it is worth visiting






green outdoor spaces



lively nightlife



traditional architecture





traffic congestion



densely populated  



a concrete jungle



full of graffiti



pollution problems



lots of skyscrapers



run down






it's not worth visiting





First-tier cities in China are pretty developed.They are literally concrete jungles.

Skyscrapers are everywhere and a kid will surely get lost when he enters any of them.



I have an awful impression of this city because littles are all over the place and the walls of the historical constructions are full of graffiti.



Many elderly from cities move to rural areas because they cannot take polluted areas.

They went to take a break and see more nature outlooks and spend time in green outdoor spaces.



Hongkong is a shopper's paradise not only because of the wide array of stores but also the relatively cheaper prices of branded items.



I grew up in a run-down town and all you can see are boarded up shops.It is not worth visiting, so I do not invite my friends to it.




1.It is located in ...

2.It is renowed for ...

3.It is a densely populated place.

4.It is a sparsely populated place.

5.Most residents live in residential areas on the outskirts of the city.

6.There are a number of places of interest such as ...

7.I would highly recommend visiting ...

8.The local facilities are pretty good such as the newly-built hospital.

9.And the transport network is modern and reliable.

10.The architecture is a mix of modern and traditional.

11.Like all cities, there is traffic congestion at peak times.

12.The thing I like the most is ...

13.The thing I like the least is ...



1.It is located in south Zhejiang Province.

2.It is renowned for warm weather and beautiful Oujiang River.

3.There are a number of places of interest such as Nanxi River and Yandang Mountain.

4.I would highly recommend visiting Nanxi River,it is a very clear river that you can almost see every fish or stone in the river.

4.I almost go swimming in the Nanxi River every month when I was in middle school, it is also very shallow and safe.

4.I even think the water in the Nanxi River is a little sweet,I am not sure whether this is my illusion.Maybe it is true.

4.Anyway, I just have very deep feelings for the Nanxi River.

5.The local facilities are pretty good such as the newly-built parks.

5.There is a small park near my house,actually very few people go to this park.

5.Because there are just only a few trees and a small pavilion in the park.

5.When I was in primary school,everyday I back from school,I went to this park to finish my assignments because it is quite.

5.I am pretty enjoy that time.

6.The thing I like the most is Jiangxin Island.

6.It is a small island in the Oujiang River.

6.It is really worth visiting.

6.I have been there for maybe 20 times.

6.Everyyear when my friends and me can not decide where to go, there must be someone say,let's go Jiangxin Island.

6.Ok,we went to there again.

7.The thing I like the least is Wenruitang River,it is a long river that go through the whole city.

7.Actually I usually play water in the river before,but now the pollution of the river is so serious.

7.I just hope someday the government will solve the pollution problem.

7.I remember there used to be a lot of people go swimming in the river,but now it is impossible.



1.interesting words













2.boring words













It was a fascinating trip.

It was a exciting trip.

It was a tedious trip.

It was a dreary trip.



To be honest,I am not a massive fan of studying because I find it quite tedious.


When I was in high school,my grade of biology has always been top three in my class.


I do not know why,I did not spend much time on biology, but I do not know why that I am just very good at biology.


I think it is because of my interest in biology,although I did not spend much time on biology but I can understand and remember every knowledge from teacher.





Oh,yes,I absolutely love my job ...


Absolutely,I love every minute of my job...


Oh yes I do,my job is great because...


To be honest, I cannot stand my job...


Quite frankly, I do not particularly enjoy my job...


To be perfectly honest,I am not that keen on my job...






manual work

a dead-end job




a good rapport with someone

a heavy workload

to work freelance

a nine-to-five job





As a teacher,there are very few perks,but the long holidays are one of them.



I enjoy working with Nick,I have a good rapport with him and we usually have a laugh and a joke at work.



We have a 2000-word assignment for marketing and a presentation for English to do, I am not sure I can cope with this manual work.



My workmates are all of a similar age and we get on really well so I enjoy going to work.



Working in a factory doing the same thing all day every day can be a very monotonous job.



I was not very good at academic subjects at school, therefore decided I would be better suited to a heavy workload.



In the entertainment industry many people to work freelance.



Workers who are self-employed tend to work more than those who have specified hours in an employment contract.



If you are in a dead-end job, you have little or no chance of promotion.



The phrase a nine-to-five job indicates that a person is an employee, usually in a large company, rather than self-employed and that they work regular hours.





Actually I resigned two months ago.

I want to study abroad.

My last job was a programmar.

I developed applications on the mobile phone.

I have been working as a programmar for about 2 years.

I have been engineering for 4 years now and I love that I am racking up knowledge of it.

At present,I am doing an exciting and challenging project at work.

I am trying my best to finish my degree with a 4-year span of time so that I can finally go abroad for my masters.

Students put up with the countless homework their teachers assign since primary school.

I dreamed of landing a job in this field since I was a kid.






The line chart describes changes in the number of overseas visitors to three different areas of a European nation from 1987 to 2007.

Three different areas involve the coast, the mountain and the lakes.

The number of travelers is measured by thousands(T).

In 1987, the number of visitors to the coast started at 40T.

After gradually declining to the bottom of 35T in 1992, the figure bounced back then, reaching the peak of 75T in 2007.

For people who traveled to the mountains, the figure started at 20T in 1987, after which it rose by 8T in 1990, the figure dropped back to 20T in 1994.

After experience certain fluctuations, the number of visitors to the mountain resumed rising from 25T since 2000, achieving 35T in 2007.

In terms of the lakes, the figure of travelers began at 10T in 1987, after which it gradually increased, sharing the same number with that to the mountain in 1992 at 25T.

The number of visitors to the lakes exceeded that to the mountains and continued ascending in the following 8 years.

Sharing the same number with that to the coast for the first time at 61T in drop, reaching the same amount with that to the coast again at 65T in 2004.

Finally the number of visitors dropped to 50T in 2007.






The bar chart demonstrates changes in the number of international applications from four different countries to a European country.Four different nations involve China, Japan, USA and Russia.

2004,中国申请人数是四个国家最高的,达到27000,但在接下去的4年中逐渐减少,2007年与日本申请数持平,下降到15000,2008年只有10000份申请.For applications from Russia,数字从一直在6000左右波动.始终是4个国家申请数最少的.

In terms of the applications from USA, 申请数量一直在快速上涨,2006年第一次超过中国成为第一达到21000,2008年达到27500.日本的申请数同样是上涨趋势,但和美国比较起来上涨比较缓慢,2007年上涨到15000,与中国持平,2008年没有上涨,也是15000.In conclusion,中国申请人数在下降但美国是上涨趋势.


The bar chart demonstrates changes in the number of international applications from four different countries to a European country.Four different nations involve China, Japan, USA and Russia.

in 2004, the figure of applications from China is the highest among the four countries, reaching 27000, but it has declined in next four yeas gradually.The number decreased to 15000 in 2007 that equals to the amount of applications from Japan, and only reaching 10000 in 2008.For applications from Russia, the figure has always been fluctuating around 6000,it is the lowest of the four country from beginning to end.

In terms of the applications from USA, the amount has been risen rapidly, exceeded the number of China for the first time in 2006, achieving 21000 and reaching the peak at 27500 in 2008.The change of figure from Japan is also a rising trend, however, it is slower compared with that of USA.It attained 15000 in 2007, same as amount of China, and also remained the same in 2008.

In conclusion, the figure of applications from China is declining but change of amount of USA is a rising trend.






The line chart demonstrates changes in the average number of people attending top-level football match in three European countries from 1980 to 2004.Three European nations involve Italy, England and Germany.




The line chart demonstrates changes in the average number of people attending top-level football match in three European countries from 1980 to 2004. Three European nations involve Italy, England and Germany.

In 1980, the average number of people from Italy is highest among three countries achieving 35, increased slowly in 1986 at 36, then the change of number is a downward trend, decreased to 30 in 1992 and lower than that from Germany in 1998, attaining 27.

For amount of people from England began at 26 in 1980, slightly higher than that from Germany, after gradually declining to the bottom of 22 in 1986, the figure bounced back then, reaching the peak of 26 in 1998.

The changes in Germany are similar to those in Britain, but some are different.The figure of people from Germany began at 25 in 1980, decreased to the bottom of 18 in 1986, this is the lowest of all numbers.Then the number experienced a rapidly increase, reaching 23 in 1992, it exceeded the amount of England between 1992 and 1998 and also surpassed the figure of Italy in 1998, attaining 28.

In conclusion, the average number of people from three countries went through fluctuations and reduced the gap in 1998.


How was your day?

I get up early today, so I feel very sleepy, I try to sleep in the afternoon, but I just cannot fall asleep.And I did some reading exercises and listening exercises.

You know,these days I have been under a lot of pressure.I try to spend all my time on the English,but when I sit in front of books,I just feel tired and restless.

I just hope I can pass the IELTS and get a good score.

After that I will have a long holiday and I will play computer games and maybe go traveling.


Where are you from teacher?

If that university do not accept me, I will go to the Cardiff University.

I do not know if i can get used to the foreign life.I am a little afraid and a little nervous.

But I still want to try, and another thing is I am not sure if I can graduate on time, if i cannot graduate on time I have to spend more money, maybe I cannot afford it.

So maybe I can go abroad but I cannot come back.







home office



















living room







cosy and comfortable

roomy and spacious


in a picturesque setting

full of all mod-cons

with superb sea views



Five years from now, I hope that the construction of my dream home will start and I imagine its style to be contemporary.

I don't fancy traditional style because I would like it to be full of mod-cons.

Anyway, I would love it to be in a picturesque setting.

If I got lucky enough to afford a house in such a location.

I would have superb sea views.

However, I don't want it to be roomy and spacious.

Because I plan to stay single for life what important is it's cozy and comfortable.



move away

move on

move in

move out


I was born in Beijing, but we moved away when I was very young.

I've been here for ten years.I want to change my job.It's time for me to move on.

I bought a new house.I'm hoping to move in sometime next month.

When I went to university, I moved out and lived in university accommodation.




Some young people want to move out from their parents' house.

My dream house is already completed, so I can finally move in anytime I want.

I guess, it's time for us to move on.

The unlucky families moved away from that city and lived in the near city.




It would be located in a stunningly beautiful coastal area.

It would be a two-storey house with lots of outbuildings for a gym, a library and guest acommodation.

There would be a lawn and a lot of mature trees.

Obviously, it would be have a swimming pool.Ideally, I'd love an infinity pool.



If I lived in my dream house,it would be a two-storey house.

If I lived in my dream hosue,it would be an infinity pool.

If I lived in my dream house,it would be located near the coast.

a sauna

a huge lawn

overly big





If I were the president of this country, I would shut down all industries vialating the laws.

If I won the lottery, I would quit my job immediately.




I would buy my mother a house if she gave me a million dollars.

If I were Donald Trump, I would set up a charity organization and spend all my time on charity.

If she were an actress, she would won an Oscar.

I would buy many sports cars if I were very rich.

If I went to Moon,I would took a selfie and upload it to my social network.






Actually I often image I can have a dream house,almost every night when I lay on the bed, I will image that i am rich and own a big house.

The houses and cars are higher material needs for people.Nowadays almost every one pursue a house and a car.It’s like only if you have a house and a car, you have a family.

I always image my dream house can be on an island, it takes about 5 minutes by ship from land can reach the island.This island is round and surrounded by beautiful beach.My dream house is near the beach.The middle of the island is all forest so in front of my house is the sea, and behind it is the forest.This is my dream house.




My house should be two-storey,there are a pool table and a table tennis table down stairs.and upstairs is the bedroom.



And I want a huge bathtub and a hug television.



can you describe your dream house



I want to learn how can you describe



can you type it for me please



I think sometimes I just do not have any ideas.

My mind went blank



There is a big living room in my house.

There is a big red sofa in my living room.

The kitchen is near the living room.

The table is made of glass.

The wall are covered with comic posters.

There is a big french window in my bedroom.



Would you please describe your dream house in detail.

I want to learn how can you describe.


I can only say there is a something in some room.

I don’t know how to describe it better.





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