2023 Q3

2023 Q3

June 25, 2023

What happened

I did a lot of infra work and a little business work.

What I did is like DevOps.

Actually DevOps isn’t boring for me. It’s important for the team.
My career has an advantage because of the experience. But for the long-term, it’s not a good idea.
My job is developer rather than a DevOps.

I learned much knowledge of AWS and infra. It’s helpful for me to understand the whole lifecycle of development.

When my leader and I were having an 1 on 1 meeting, we discussed it.
I would like to take more time to business work.

Elixir is a very rare programming language. I always fear unemployment.
There is few companies that use elixir as their main language. One of my ex-colleagues took half year to find a job and he failed.
He is an experienced developer and is smart. His experience makes me fearful and let me think about how to improve my competitiveness.

Additionally, the crypto industry is currently experiencing turmoil. At the same time, Our company’s market is declining.

I have experienced several layoffs.
Although boss told us that our profit is positive and has a good financial status, it doesn’t give me enough confidence.

Youth unemployment rate is almost 20% in 2023.
And felt familiar people’s dilemma.
Employment pressure is all-time high.

People are pessimistic about the economy.

I have to admire that I slacked off during the working hours.
It’s a shame that I didn’t learn something or improve myself.

I really want to correct this behavior and get into a good cycle.
I’m eager to correct this behavior and establish a positive cycle.

Reduce the time of playing games and short videos.
Go outside and do some exercise. Lost weight and keep fit.

It’s hot and sunny in June. I have to do some exercise after 7pm.


Since September 2022, I have been taking classes with a foreign teacher for over six months. Although I have learned a lot from the classes, I still struggle with speaking fluently.

A lesson lasts for 25mins and I will replay the record. Try to deepen the memory.
Lessons is suitable for the work scene. To be sorry, I didn’t take it seriously and put enough effort into it.

Playing games is more attractive to me. I know that playing games is a time killer.
So I tried to make learning fun and keep curious. Using English to do somethings.
Such as writing, reading and watching videos.


chatGPT is a good AI tool. I use it to learn English and find solutions of technology.
Have to say that it’s powerful and can replace some positions.
We should follow the development of the times and leverage AI tools.


Have more communication with colleagues.

Don’t just stay at home. Go out.

Try to make friends locally and do something interesting.


  • IELTS 6
  • nextjs
  • AWS


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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