密码学 二




ElGamal签名的生成和验证过程, 密钥生成:

需要生成一对ElGamal的密钥对,包括私钥(d)和公钥(e1、p)。 签名生成:

计算e2 = e1^d mod p,其中e2是签名者使用私钥生成的一部分。 计算s1 = e1^r mod p,其中s1是签名者使用私钥生成的一部分。 计算s2 = (((m - d * s1) % (p-1)) * ModInv(r, p-1)) % (p-1),这是签名者使用私钥生成的一部分。 计算v1 = e1^m mod p,其中v1是签名者使用私钥生成的一部分。 计算a = e2^s1 mod p,以及b = s1^s2 mod p,这两个值也是签名者使用私钥生成的一部分。 计算v2 = (a * b) % p,这是签名者使用私钥生成的一部分。 签名验证:

验证者需要知道p、e1、r以及收到的签名值(s1, s2, v1, v2)。 使用公开的参数p、e1、r和收到的签名值计算v1,即v1 = e1^m mod p。 使用ModInv函数计算s2的模逆。 使用计算的模逆和公开的参数计算s1,即s1 = e1^r mod p。 使用公开的参数p、e1、s1、s2、v1和v2来计算a和b。 验证签名的有效性:如果v2等于v1,则签名有效,否则签名无效。

本步骤要求实验者实现一个名为elgamalsign.cpp的C++程序,要求输入代表p, e1, d, m和r的数字,要求输出v1












def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise Exception('')
        return x % m

def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return b, 0, 1
        g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
        return g, x - (b // a) * y, y

def elgamal_sign(p, e1, d, m, r):
    v1 = pow(e1, m, p)
    return v1

p = int(input())
e1 = int(input())
d = int(input())
m = int(input())
r = int(input())

v1 = elgamal_sign(p, e1, d, m, r)
print( v1)





随机选择一个大素数p。 随机选择一个小于p的整数g,称为生成元。 随机选择一个私钥x,它是一个小于p-1的整数。 计算公钥y = g^x mod p,其中^表示乘方运算,mod表示取模运算。 公开p、g和y,但保持x秘密。 加密:

随机选择一个临时私钥k,它是一个小于p-1的整数。 计算临时公钥C1 = g^k mod p。 计算共享密钥s = y^k mod p。 将消息m与共享密钥s进行异或运算,得到密文C2。 密文为(C1, C2),发送给接收者。 解密:

接收到密文(C1, C2)。 使用私钥x计算共享密钥s = C1^x mod p。 将密文C2除以共享密钥s,得到原始消息m。


#cat cipher1.txt
125 77 3 163 237 205 216 167 162 51 289 2 205 155 17
#cat cipher2.txt
87 114 243 46 59 303 63 151 198 72 93 14 303 143 170


cipher1.txt文件 cipher2.txt文件




#cat cipher1.txt
125 77 3 163 237 205 216 167 162 51 289 2 205 155 17
#cat cipher2.txt
87 114 243 46 59 303 63 151 198 72 93 14 303 143 170


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
long long modinv(long long a, long long m)
  long long m0 = m, t, q;
  long long x0 = 0, x1 = 1;
  if (m == 1)
    return 0;
  while (a > 1)
    q = a / m;
    t = m;
    m = a % m, a = t;
    t = x0;
    x0 = x1 - q * x0;
    x1 = t;
  if (x1 < 0)
    x1 += m0;
  return x1;

vector<int> readCipher(const string &filename)
  vector<int> cipher;
  ifstream file(filename);
  string line;
  if (file.is_open())
    while (getline(file, line))
      stringstream ss(line);
      int num;
      while (ss >> num)
  return cipher;

long long modPow(long long base, long long exp, long long mod) {
    long long result = 1;
    while (exp > 0) {
        if (exp % 2 == 1) {
            result = (result * base) % mod;
        base = (base * base) % mod;
        exp /= 2;
    return result;

string elgamalDecrypt(const vector<int> &c1, const vector<int> &c2, int p, int x) {
    string decrypted;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < c1.size(); ++i) {
        long long s = modPow(c1[i], x, p);
        long long inverse_s = modinv(s, p);
        long long m = (c2[i] * inverse_s) % p;
    return decrypted;

int main()
  const int p = 307;
  const int x = 67;

  vector<int> c1 = readCipher("cipher1.txt");
  vector<int> c2 = readCipher("cipher2.txt");

  string decrypted = elgamalDecrypt(c1, c2, p, x);

  cout << decrypted << endl;

  return 0;















#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

/* This macro defines the word size in bytes of the array that constitues the big-number data structure. */
#ifndef WORD_SIZE
  #define WORD_SIZE 4

/* Size of big-numbers in bytes */
#define BN_ARRAY_SIZE    (128 / WORD_SIZE)

/* Here comes the compile-time specialization for how large the underlying array size should be. */
/* The choices are 1, 2 and 4 bytes in size with uint32, uint64 for WORD_SIZE==4, as temporary. */
#ifndef WORD_SIZE
  #error Must define WORD_SIZE to be 1, 2, 4
#elif (WORD_SIZE == 1)
  /* Data type of array in structure */
  #define DTYPE                    uint8_t
  /* bitmask for getting MSB */
  #define DTYPE_MSB                ((DTYPE_TMP)(0x80))
  /* Data-type larger than DTYPE, for holding intermediate results of calculations */
  #define DTYPE_TMP                uint32_t
  /* sprintf format string */
  #define SPRINTF_FORMAT_STR       "%.02x"
  #define SSCANF_FORMAT_STR        "%2hhx"
  /* Max value of integer type */
  #define MAX_VAL                  ((DTYPE_TMP)0xFF)
#elif (WORD_SIZE == 2)
  #define DTYPE                    uint16_t
  #define DTYPE_TMP                uint32_t
  #define DTYPE_MSB                ((DTYPE_TMP)(0x8000))
  #define SPRINTF_FORMAT_STR       "%.04x"
  #define SSCANF_FORMAT_STR        "%4hx"
  #define MAX_VAL                  ((DTYPE_TMP)0xFFFF)
#elif (WORD_SIZE == 4)
  #define DTYPE                    uint32_t
  #define DTYPE_TMP                uint64_t
  #define DTYPE_MSB                ((DTYPE_TMP)(0x80000000))
  #define SPRINTF_FORMAT_STR       "%.08x"
  #define SSCANF_FORMAT_STR        "%8x"
  #define MAX_VAL                  ((DTYPE_TMP)0xFFFFFFFF)
#ifndef DTYPE
  #error DTYPE must be defined to uint8_t, uint16_t uint32_t or whatever

/* Custom assert macro - easy to disable */
#define require(p, msg) assert(p && msg)

/* Data-holding structure: array of DTYPEs */
struct bn

/* Tokens returned by bignum_cmp() for value comparison */
enum { SMALLER = -1, EQUAL = 0, LARGER = 1 };
void bignum_init(struct bn* n);
void bignum_from_int(struct bn* n, DTYPE_TMP i);
int  bignum_to_int(struct bn* n);
void bignum_from_string(struct bn* n, char* str, int nbytes);
void bignum_to_string(struct bn* n, char* str, int maxsize);

/* Basic arithmetic operations: */
void bignum_add(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* c = a + b */
void bignum_sub(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* c = a - b */
void bignum_mul(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* c = a * b */
void bignum_div(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* c = a / b */
void bignum_mod(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* c = a % b */
void bignum_divmod(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c, struct bn* d); /* c = a/b, d = a%b */

/* Bitwise operations: */
void bignum_and(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* c = a & b */
void bignum_or(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c);  /* c = a | b */
void bignum_xor(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* c = a ^ b */
void bignum_lshift(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, int nbits); /* b = a << nbits */
void bignum_rshift(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, int nbits); /* b = a >> nbits */

/* Special operators and comparison */
int  bignum_cmp(struct bn* a, struct bn* b);               /* Compare: returns LARGER, EQUAL or SMALLER */
int  bignum_is_zero(struct bn* n);                         /* For comparison with zero */
void bignum_inc(struct bn* n);                             /* Increment: add one to n */
void bignum_dec(struct bn* n);                             /* Decrement: subtract one from n */
void bignum_pow(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c); /* Calculate a^b -- e.g. 2^10 => 1024 */
void bignum_isqrt(struct bn* a, struct bn* b);             /* Integer square root -- e.g. isqrt(5) => 2*/
void bignum_assign(struct bn* dst, struct bn* src);        /* Copy src into dst -- dst := src */

/* Functions for shifting number in-place. */
static void _lshift_one_bit(struct bn* a);
static void _rshift_one_bit(struct bn* a);
static void _lshift_word(struct bn* a, int nwords);
static void _rshift_word(struct bn* a, int nwords);

/* Public / Exported functions. */
void bignum_init(struct bn* n)
  require(n, "n is null");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    n->array[i] = 0;

void bignum_from_int(struct bn* n, DTYPE_TMP i)
  require(n, "n is null");


  /* Endianness issue if machine is not little-endian? */
#ifdef WORD_SIZE
 #if (WORD_SIZE == 1)
  n->array[0] = (i & 0x000000ff);
  n->array[1] = (i & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
  n->array[2] = (i & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
  n->array[3] = (i & 0xff000000) >> 24;
 #elif (WORD_SIZE == 2)
  n->array[0] = (i & 0x0000ffff);
  n->array[1] = (i & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
 #elif (WORD_SIZE == 4)
  n->array[0] = i;
  DTYPE_TMP num_32 = 32;
  DTYPE_TMP tmp = i >> num_32; /* bit-shift with U64 operands to force 64-bit results */
  n->array[1] = tmp;

int bignum_to_int(struct bn* n)
  require(n, "n is null");

  int ret = 0;

  /* Endianness issue if machine is not little-endian? */
#if (WORD_SIZE == 1)
  ret += n->array[0];
  ret += n->array[1] << 8;
  ret += n->array[2] << 16;
  ret += n->array[3] << 24;  
#elif (WORD_SIZE == 2)
  ret += n->array[0];
  ret += n->array[1] << 16;
#elif (WORD_SIZE == 4)
  ret += n->array[0];

  return ret;

void bignum_from_string(struct bn* n, char* str, int nbytes)
  require(n, "n is null");
  require(str, "str is null");
  require(nbytes > 0, "nbytes must be positive");
  require((nbytes & 1) == 0, "string format must be in hex -> equal number of bytes");
  require((nbytes % (sizeof(DTYPE) * 2)) == 0, "string length must be a multiple of (sizeof(DTYPE) * 2) characters");

  DTYPE tmp;                        /* DTYPE is defined in bn.h - uint{8,16,32,64}_t */
  int i = nbytes - (2 * WORD_SIZE); /* index into string */
  int j = 0;                        /* index into array */

  /* reading last hex-byte "MSB" from string first -> big endian */
  /* MSB ~= most significant byte / block ? :) */
  while (i >= 0)
    tmp = 0;
    sscanf(&str[i], SSCANF_FORMAT_STR, &tmp);
    n->array[j] = tmp;
    i -= (2 * WORD_SIZE); /* step WORD_SIZE hex-byte(s) back in the string. */
    j += 1;               /* step one element forward in the array. */

void bignum_to_string(struct bn* n, char* str, int nbytes)
  require(n, "n is null");
  require(str, "str is null");
  require(nbytes > 0, "nbytes must be positive");
  require((nbytes & 1) == 0, "string format must be in hex -> equal number of bytes");

  int j = BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1; /* index into array - reading "MSB" first -> big-endian */
  int i = 0;                 /* index into string representation. */

  /* reading last array-element "MSB" first -> big endian */
  while ((j >= 0) && (nbytes > (i + 1)))
    sprintf(&str[i], SPRINTF_FORMAT_STR, n->array[j]);
    i += (2 * WORD_SIZE); /* step WORD_SIZE hex-byte(s) forward in the string. */
    j -= 1;               /* step one element back in the array. */

  /* Count leading zeros: */
  j = 0;
  while (str[j] == '0')
    j += 1;
  /* Move string j places ahead, effectively skipping leading zeros */ 
  for (i = 0; i < (nbytes - j); ++i)
    str[i] = str[i + j];

  /* Zero-terminate string */
  str[i] = 0;

void bignum_dec(struct bn* n)
  require(n, "n is null");

  DTYPE tmp; /* copy of n */
  DTYPE res;

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    tmp = n->array[i];
    res = tmp - 1;
    n->array[i] = res;

    if (!(res > tmp))

void bignum_inc(struct bn* n)
  require(n, "n is null");

  DTYPE res;
  DTYPE_TMP tmp; /* copy of n */

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    tmp = n->array[i];
    res = tmp + 1;
    n->array[i] = res;

    if (res > tmp)

void bignum_add(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  DTYPE_TMP tmp;
  int carry = 0;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    tmp = (DTYPE_TMP)a->array[i] + b->array[i] + carry;
    carry = (tmp > MAX_VAL);
    c->array[i] = (tmp & MAX_VAL);

void bignum_sub(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  DTYPE_TMP res;
  DTYPE_TMP tmp1;
  DTYPE_TMP tmp2;
  int borrow = 0;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    tmp1 = (DTYPE_TMP)a->array[i] + (MAX_VAL + 1); /* + number_base */
    tmp2 = (DTYPE_TMP)b->array[i] + borrow;;
    res = (tmp1 - tmp2);
    c->array[i] = (DTYPE)(res & MAX_VAL); /* "modulo number_base" == "% (number_base - 1)" if number_base is 2^N */
    borrow = (res <= MAX_VAL);

void bignum_mul(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  struct bn row;
  struct bn tmp;
  int i, j;


  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)

    for (j = 0; j < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++j)
      if (i + j < BN_ARRAY_SIZE)
        DTYPE_TMP intermediate = (DTYPE_TMP)a->array[i] * (DTYPE_TMP)b->array[j];
        bignum_from_int(&tmp, intermediate);
        _lshift_word(&tmp, i+j);
        bignum_add(&row, &tmp, &row);
    bignum_add(c, &row, c);

void bignum_div(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  struct bn current;
  struct bn denom;
  struct bn tmp;

  bignum_from_int(¤t, 1);  // int current = 1;
  bignum_assign(&denom, b);      // denom = b
  bignum_assign(&tmp, a);        // tmp   = a

  const DTYPE_TMP half_max = 1 + (DTYPE_TMP)(MAX_VAL / 2);
  bool overflow = false;
  while (bignum_cmp(&denom, a) != LARGER)  // while (denom <= a) 
    if (denom.array[BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1] >= half_max)
      overflow = true;
    _lshift_one_bit(¤t);    //   current <<= 1;
    _lshift_one_bit(&denom);      //   denom <<= 1;
  if (!overflow)
    _rshift_one_bit(&denom);      // denom >>= 1;
    _rshift_one_bit(¤t);    // current >>= 1;
  bignum_init(c);                // int answer = 0;

  while (!bignum_is_zero(¤t))  // while (current != 0)
    if (bignum_cmp(&tmp, &denom) != SMALLER)  //   if (dividend >= denom)
      bignum_sub(&tmp, &denom, &tmp);         //     dividend -= denom;
      bignum_or(c, ¤t, c);              //     answer |= current;
    _rshift_one_bit(¤t);    //   current >>= 1;
    _rshift_one_bit(&denom);      //   denom >>= 1;
  }                                // return answer;

void bignum_lshift(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, int nbits)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(nbits >= 0, "no negative shifts");

  bignum_assign(b, a);
  /* Handle shift in multiples of word-size */
  const int nbits_pr_word = (WORD_SIZE * 8);
  int nwords = nbits / nbits_pr_word;
  if (nwords != 0)
    _lshift_word(b, nwords);
    nbits -= (nwords * nbits_pr_word);

  if (nbits != 0)
    int i;
    for (i = (BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1); i > 0; --i)
      b->array[i] = (b->array[i] << nbits) | (b->array[i - 1] >> ((8 * WORD_SIZE) - nbits));
    b->array[i] <<= nbits;

void bignum_rshift(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, int nbits)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(nbits >= 0, "no negative shifts");
  bignum_assign(b, a);
  /* Handle shift in multiples of word-size */
  const int nbits_pr_word = (WORD_SIZE * 8);
  int nwords = nbits / nbits_pr_word;
  if (nwords != 0)
    _rshift_word(b, nwords);
    nbits -= (nwords * nbits_pr_word);

  if (nbits != 0)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < (BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1); ++i)
      b->array[i] = (b->array[i] >> nbits) | (b->array[i + 1] << ((8 * WORD_SIZE) - nbits));
    b->array[i] >>= nbits;

void bignum_mod(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
    Take divmod and throw away div part
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  struct bn tmp;


void bignum_divmod(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c, struct bn* d)
    Puts a%b in d
    and a/b in c

    mod(a,b) = a - ((a / b) * b)

      mod(8, 3) = 8 - ((8 / 3) * 3) = 2
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  struct bn tmp;

  /* c = (a / b) */
  bignum_div(a, b, c);

  /* tmp = (c * b) */
  bignum_mul(c, b, &tmp);

  /* c = a - tmp */
  bignum_sub(a, &tmp, d);

void bignum_and(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    c->array[i] = (a->array[i] & b->array[i]);

void bignum_or(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    c->array[i] = (a->array[i] | b->array[i]);

void bignum_xor(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    c->array[i] = (a->array[i] ^ b->array[i]);

int bignum_cmp(struct bn* a, struct bn* b)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");

  int i = BN_ARRAY_SIZE;
    i -= 1; /* Decrement first, to start with last array element */
    if (a->array[i] > b->array[i])
      return LARGER;
    else if (a->array[i] < b->array[i])
      return SMALLER;
  while (i != 0);

  return EQUAL;

int bignum_is_zero(struct bn* n)
  require(n, "n is null");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    if (n->array[i])
      return 0;

  return 1;

void bignum_pow(struct bn* a, struct bn* b, struct bn* c)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");
  require(c, "c is null");

  struct bn tmp;


  if (bignum_cmp(b, c) == EQUAL)
    /* Return 1 when exponent is 0 -- n^0 = 1 */
    struct bn bcopy;
    bignum_assign(&bcopy, b);

    /* Copy a -> tmp */
    bignum_assign(&tmp, a);

    /* Begin summing products: */
    while (!bignum_is_zero(&bcopy))

      /* c = tmp * tmp */
      bignum_mul(&tmp, a, c);
      /* Decrement b by one */

      bignum_assign(&tmp, c);

    /* c = tmp */
    bignum_assign(c, &tmp);

void bignum_isqrt(struct bn *a, struct bn* b)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(b, "b is null");

  struct bn low, high, mid, tmp;

  bignum_assign(&high, a);
  bignum_rshift(&high, &mid, 1);

  while (bignum_cmp(&high, &low) > 0) 
    bignum_mul(&mid, &mid, &tmp);
    if (bignum_cmp(&tmp, a) > 0) 
      bignum_assign(&high, &mid);
      bignum_assign(&low, &mid);

void bignum_assign(struct bn* dst, struct bn* src)
  require(dst, "dst is null");
  require(src, "src is null");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    dst->array[i] = src->array[i];

/* Private / Static functions. */
static void _rshift_word(struct bn* a, int nwords)
  /* Naive method: */
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(nwords >= 0, "no negative shifts");

  int i;
  if (nwords >= BN_ARRAY_SIZE)
    for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
      a->array[i] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE - nwords; ++i)
    a->array[i] = a->array[i + nwords];
  for (; i < BN_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
    a->array[i] = 0;

static void _lshift_word(struct bn* a, int nwords)
  require(a, "a is null");
  require(nwords >= 0, "no negative shifts");

  int i;
  /* Shift whole words */
  for (i = (BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1); i >= nwords; --i)
    a->array[i] = a->array[i - nwords];
  /* Zero pad shifted words. */
  for (; i >= 0; --i)
    a->array[i] = 0;

static void _lshift_one_bit(struct bn* a)
  require(a, "a is null");

  int i;
  for (i = (BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1); i > 0; --i)
    a->array[i] = (a->array[i] << 1) | (a->array[i - 1] >> ((8 * WORD_SIZE) - 1));
  a->array[0] <<= 1;

static void _rshift_one_bit(struct bn* a)
  require(a, "a is null");

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < (BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1); ++i)
    a->array[i] = (a->array[i] >> 1) | (a->array[i + 1] << ((8 * WORD_SIZE) - 1));
  a->array[BN_ARRAY_SIZE - 1] >>= 1;

int main()
	int i = 0;
	char astring[2048];
	char *bstring = "3f5cc8956a812a1f";
	struct bn a;
	struct bn b;
	struct bn c;
	char buf[8192];
	scanf("%s", astring);
	bignum_from_string(&a, astring,  strlen(astring));
	bignum_from_string(&b, bstring,  strlen(bstring));
	bignum_mul(&a, &b, &c);
	bignum_to_string(&c, buf, sizeof(buf));
	while (buf[i] != 0) {
		printf("%c", buf[i]);
		i += 1;

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