typedef int32_t bpf_int32;
typedef u_int32_t bpf_u_int32;
typedef u_int16_t u_short;
typedef u_int32_t u_int32;
typedef u_int16_t u_int16;
typedef u_int8_t u_int8;
struct pcap_file_header
bpf_u_int32 magic; /* 0xa1b2c3d4 */
u_short version_major; /* magjor Version 2 */
u_short version_minor; /* magjor Version 4 */
bpf_int32 thiszone; /* gmt to local correction */
bpf_u_int32 sigfigs; /* accuracy of timestamps */
bpf_u_int32 snaplen; /* max length saved portion of each pkt */
bpf_u_int32 linktype; /* data link type (LINKTYPE_*) */
struct time_val
int tv_sec; /* seconds 含义同 time_t 对象的值 */
int tv_usec; /* and microseconds */
struct pcap_pkthdr
struct time_val ts; /* time stamp */
bpf_u_int32 caplen; /* length of portion present */
bpf_u_int32 len; /* length this packet (off wire) */
typedef struct FramHeader_t
{ //Pcap捕获的数据帧头
u_int8 DstMAC[6]; //目的MAC地址
u_int8 SrcMAC[6]; //源MAC地址
u_short FrameType; //帧类型
} FramHeader_t;
typedef struct IPHeader_t
{ //IP数据报头
u_int8 Ver_HLen; //版本+报头长度
u_int8 TOS; //服务类型
u_int16 TotalLen; //总长度
u_int16 ID; //标识
u_int16 Flag_Segment; //标志+片偏移
u_int8 TTL; //生存周期
u_int8 Protocol; //协议类型
u_int16 Checksum; //头部校验和
u_int32 SrcIP; //源IP地址
u_int32 DstIP; //目的IP地址
} IPHeader_t;
typedef struct TCPHeader_t
{ //TCP数据报头
u_int16 SrcPort;//源端口
u_int16 DstPort;//目的端口
u_int32 SeqNO;//序号
u_int32 AckNO; //确认号
u_int8 HeaderLen; //数据报头的长度(4 bit) + 保留(4 bit)
u_int8 Flags; //标识TCP不同的控制消息
u_int16 Window; //窗口大小
u_int16 Checksum; //校验和
u_int16 UrgentPointer; //紧急指针
typedef struct UDPHeader_s
u_int16_t SrcPort; // 源端口号16bit
u_int16_t DstPort; // 目的端口号16bit
u_int16_t len; // 数据包长度16bit
u_int16_t checkSum; // 校验和16bit
typedef struct Quintet
u_int32 SrcIP; //源IP地址
u_int32 DstIP; //目的IP地址
u_int16_t SrcPort; // 源端口号16bit
u_int16_t DstPort; // 目的端口号16bit
u_int8 Protocol; //协议类型
int main()
struct pcap_pkthdr *ptk_header = NULL;
FramHeader_t *eth_header = NULL;
IPHeader_t *ip_header = NULL;
TCPHeader_t *tcp_header = NULL;
UDPHeader_t *udp_header = NULL;
Quintet_t *quintet = NULL;
//char buf[BUFSIZE];
ptk_header = (struct pcap_pkthdr *)malloc(sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr));
eth_header = (FramHeader_t *)malloc(sizeof(FramHeader_t));
ip_header = (IPHeader_t *)malloc(sizeof(IPHeader_t));
tcp_header = (TCPHeader_t *)malloc(sizeof(TCPHeader_t));
udp_header = (UDPHeader_t *)malloc(sizeof(UDPHeader_t));
quintet = (Quintet_t *)malloc(sizeof(Quintet_t));
//memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
FILE* pFile = fopen( "data.pcap", "r");
if( pFile == 0)
printf( "打开pcap文件失败");
return 0;
FILE *output = fopen("output.dat","wb");
if( output == 0)
printf( "打开dat文件失败");
return 0;
long int pkt_offset; //用来文件偏移
pkt_offset = 24; //pcap文件头结构 24个字节
int i = 0;
while(fseek(pFile, pkt_offset, SEEK_SET) == 0) //遍历数据包
memset(ptk_header, 0, sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr));
memset(quintet,0,sizeof(struct Quintet));
//pcap_pkt_header 16 byte
if(fread(ptk_header, 16, 1, pFile) != 1) //读pcap数据包头结构
printf("%d: can not read ptk_header\n", i);
pkt_offset += 16 + ptk_header->caplen; //下一个数据包的偏移值
memset(eth_header , 0, 14);
//数据帧头 14字为ethnet协议大小,注意指定网卡抓包 不指定是16字节的linuxcooked
if(fread(eth_header, 14, 1, pFile) != 1) //读Ethernet数据
printf("%d: can not read eth_header\n", i);
if(eth_header->FrameType != 0x0008)
if(eth_header->FrameType == 0x0081)
fseek(pFile, 4, SEEK_CUR); //忽略802.1Q
printf("%d: unknown frame type %x\n",i,eth_header->FrameType);
//IP数据报头 20字节 不考虑>20字节
memset(ip_header, 0, sizeof(IPHeader_t));
if(fread(ip_header, sizeof(IPHeader_t), 1, pFile) != 1)
printf("%d: can not read tcp_header\n", i);
quintet->SrcIP = ip_header->SrcIP;
quintet->DstIP = ip_header->DstIP;
quintet->Protocol = ip_header->Protocol;
if(ip_header->Protocol == 0x06) //判断是否是 TCP 协议
//TCP头 20字节
if(fread(tcp_header, sizeof(TCPHeader_t), 1, pFile) != 1)
printf("%d: can not read tcp_header\n", i);
quintet->SrcPort = tcp_header->SrcPort;
quintet->DstPort = tcp_header->DstPort;
else if(ip_header->Protocol == 0x11)//UDP
if(fread(udp_header, sizeof(UDPHeader_t), 1, pFile) != 1)
printf("%d: can not read udp_header\n", i);
quintet->SrcPort = udp_header->SrcPort;
quintet->DstPort = udp_header->DstPort;
} // end while
return 0;