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Ashley Stenzel关于在攻读博士学位期间抚养两个女儿的喜悦和挑战的论文。 与读者的经历产生共鸣: “很高兴知道我并不孤单。 愧疚是是可怕的。”一位读者在本月初的《科学》杂志Facebook页面上写道。
“我喜欢这个故事的每句话。 作为一个有孩子的研究生,我完全可以与人交往。”另一位写道。
Stenzel的文章是我们今年发表的51篇论文之一,这是我们正在进行的“工作生活”系列的一部分,该论文聚焦于科学家在追求职业生涯时面临的个人和专业挑战。 随着年底的临近,我们整理了2019年最受欢迎的10篇论文的清单。请继续阅读以了解灾难般的博士后经历,令人大开眼界的出国旅行以及意想不到的职业转变等。

  1. Why scientists should take more coffee breaks
    Vivienne Tam argued that it’s important for grad students to make time for casual conversations with peers.
  2. How I learned to teach like a scientist
    Sally Hoskins reflected on how she challenged students to think beyond the facts during her career as a college professor.
  3. Committee members shouldn’t expect Ph.D. students to serve coffee and pastries
    Kate Bredbenner wrote that thesis defenses and committee meetings are stressful enough without the added expectation of bringing food.
  4. Reviewers, don’t be rude to nonnative English speakers
    Adriana Romero-Olivares offered three principles for providing constructive, respectful feedback during the peer-review process.
  5. My first postdoc position was a disaster. This is what I learned
    Victor Wong wrote that he should have quit his first postdoc and moved on much sooner.
  6. In academia, hard work is expected—but taking a break is effort well spent, too
    Mattias Björnmalm reflected on why it’s important to take time away from work.
  7. How I became easy prey to a predatory publisher
    Alan Chambers recounted how an email and the pressure to publish led him astray.
  8. Reimbursement policies make academia less inclusive
    Jessica Sagers argued that having to pay conference expenses up front from personal accounts is a significant burden for early-career researchers.
  9. Leaving a Ph.D. takes courage—and it doesn’t mean the path to academic success is over
    Hendrik Huthoff wrote that leaving his first Ph.D. program was one of the most important professional decisions he ever made.
  10. How I let go of my guilt as a mother in grad school
    Ashley Stenzel realized that her daughters have benefited from her pursuit of higher education.

Honorable mentions:

How I conquered my fear of public speaking and learned to give effective presentations
It’s never too late to stretch your wings: Why I got a Ph.D. at age 66
Three lessons from industry that I’m taking back to academia
I felt lost in a new academic culture. Then I learned about the hidden curriculum
Post-Ph.D. job searches are tough. Here’s how I escaped Dr. Seuss’s ‘Waiting Place’





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