4 软件业务分析要点

Project Scope VS System Boundary


Business Analysis

I/O of Business Analysis


Activities in Business Analysis

● Requirements Discovery
● Business Modeling

Requirements Discovery


System Requirement (a.k.a. Business Requirement) - something that the IS must do or a property that it must have.
Functional Requirement - something that IS must do.
Nonfunctional Requirement - a property or quality that system must have.
Examples include security, ease-of-use, performance, etc.

System Requirements Criteria

● Consistent - the reqs are not conflicting or ambiguous
● Complete - the reqs describe all possible system inputs and responses
● Feasible - the reqs can be satisfied based on the available resources and constraints
● Required - the reqs are truly needed and fulfill the purpose of the system
● Accurate - the reqs are stated correctly
● Traceable可追踪 - the reqs directly map to the functions and features of the system
● Verifiable - the reqs are defined so that they can be demonstrated during testing

Fact Finding Techniques 实况调查技术

● Sampling of existing documentation, forms and databases
● Research and site visits

○ Market Research
○ Competitor Research

● Observation of the work environment
● Questionnaires
● Interviews
● Discovery prototyping
● Joint requirements planning (JRP)

Describe Requirements

Product Requirement Document

Key Points

○ Business problem to solve
○ Stakeholders
○ Objectives
○ Non-Objectives
○ Requirements / User Scenarios
○ Assumptions


○ [WIP] PRD- Device Graph
○ Live DAI - Master PRD
○ Hulu Ad Exchange_ Reporting Spec

User Story

User Stories

● User stories articulate清楚说出 the experience of what the user will be able to do once this feature exists.
● User stories are a place to start a conversation, they are not standalone 独立documentation.
User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system.
Put another way, a user story is an outcome, who it’s for, and why they care about it.

User Stories typically follow a simple template:
● As a < type of user >, I can < some goal > so that < a thing the user cares about is true >.
● User Clause - As a ; this is who the outcome is for
● Outcome Clause - I can ; a concise statement of that outcome
● Value Clause - so that <a thing the user cares about is true; why the user cares about it

Acceptance Criteria

Be outcome oriented以结果为导向, think about the final experience and value for the user that this story will deliver.

Example: Monsters University course registration platform rejects the course retaking requests because of the randomize selection strategy.
○ As a student who needs to retake a course
○ I want my retaking requests to be always approved by the course registration platform
○ So that my graduation will not be blocked by missing retaking courses

Student Information System

During the Business Analysis, You will

● Request some documents like

○ Rules of course application and seats assignment
○ Rules of grading of different types of courses
○ Classrooms information
○ Course information
○ ……

● Site visits
● Questionnaires

○ User process
○ Experience
○ Suggestions
○ …

● Interview

○ Investigate 调查 the organization chart, select your interviewee and schedule the time
○ Prepare your interview
■ Agenda 议事日程
■ Question list
■ Keep impartial 不偏不倚
○ Interview
■ Communication skills
○ Post-interview
■ Share the summary

● Organize joint requirements planning (JRP)

○ Attendees
■ Owner, host, users, recorder, tech
○ Plan a JRP
■ Location
■ Attendees
■ Agenda
○ Pros
■ Involve users (managers) to the project proactively
■ A joint meeting instead of scattered interviews
■ Prototype discussion in the meeting

Context Diagram


Business Analysis Output

● User stories

○ As a student / lecture, …

● Data / Entity spec

○ Key properties of Course, Classroom…

● Detail Requirements

○ Logic of core function
■ Process of course registration
○ Reporting example
■ Grading report example of a course

Feasibility Analysis / Study 可行性研究

Feasibility Analysis / Study

Feasibility - the measure of how beneficial or practical an IS will be to an organization
Feasibility Analysis - the process by which feasibility is measured
● The goal is to determine whether the project should go ahead, be redesigned, or else abandoned altogether完全放弃.

A Creeping Commitment Approach

● When to run feasibility analysis?

○ Feasibility should be measured throughout the life cycle
○ Checkpoints
■ By the end of scope definition
■ By the end of problem analysis
■ By the end of decision analysis

● Why to run many times of feasibility analysis?

Feasibility Analysis Includes

● Operational Feasibility
● Cultural (Political 政治) Feasibility
● Technical Feasibility
● Schedule Feasibility
● Economic Feasibility
● Legal Feasibility

Operational Feasibility

● How well proposed system solves the problems and takes advantage of opportunities identified during the scope definition and problem analysis phases
● How well proposed system satisfies system requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase
● Is the problem still worth solving?

Cultural (Political) Feasibility

● Does management support the system?
● How do end users feel about their role in the system?
● What end users may resist or not use the system? How can this be overcome?
● How will the working environment change? Can users and management adapt to the change?

Technical Feasibility

● Is the proposed technology or solution practical?
● Do we currently possess the necessary technology?
● Do we possess the necessary technical expertise?

Schedule Feasibility

● Are specified deadlines mandatory or desirable? 规定的期限是强制性的或可取的
● Are mandatory deadlines realistic for proposed solution?

Economic Feasibility

During Scope Definition
Do the problems or opportunities warrant the cost of a detailed study and analysis of the current system? 问题或机会是否值得对当前系统进行详细研究和分析?
During Problem Analysis
After a detailed study of the current system
Better estimates of development costs and benefits 更好地估计发展成本和效益
During Decision Analysis
Requirements now defined 现已确定的需求
Development costs can be better estimated

Legal Feasibility

● Copyrights
● Union contracts 工会合同
● Legal requirements for financial reporting 财务报告的法律要求
● Antitrust laws 反托拉斯法即反垄断法
● National data and work laws 国家数据和工作法

Economic Feasibility


Development costs
○ Personnel 全体员工
○ Computer usage
○ Training
○ Supply, duplication and equipment
○ Computer equipment and software

Operating costs
○ Fixed costs
○ Variable costs 可变成本


Tangible benefits 显著收益

○ Fewer processing errors
○ Increased throughput 提高生产力
○ Decreased response time
○ Elimination of job steps 减少工作步骤
○ Increased sales
○ Reduced credit losses 减少信贷损失
○ Reduces expenses

Intangible benefits

Cost-effectiveness Techniques 成本-效益技术

Payback Analysis 投资回报分析

○ A technique for determine if and when an investment will pay for itself 一种确定一项投资是否和何时会自行支付的技术
Payback period: the period of time that will lapse before accrued benefits overtake accrued and continuing costs 偿还期:应计利润超过应计和持续费用之前的一段时间

Return On Investment (ROI)投资收益率

○ A technique that compares the lifetime profitability of alternative solutions 一种比较替代方案的终生盈利能力的技术

Net Present Value 净现值

○ Analysis techniques that compares annual discounted costs and benefits of alternative solutions 比较替代解决方案年度折扣成本和效益的分析技术

Time Value of Money 货币时间价值

● Used with all three cost-effectiveness techniques

Payback Analysis



● Lifetime ROI
= (Net Present Value) / Lifetime Costs * 100%
= (Lifetime Benefits - Lifetime Costs) / Lifetime Costs * 100%
● Annual ROI
= (Lifetime ROI) / Lifetime
● Minimum Acceptable ROI

Candidate Solutions

Candidate Systems Matrix


Feasibility Analysis Matrix



System Analysis and Design Methods 7th- Whitten & Bentley

○ Chapter 5 The requirements analysis phase
○ Chapter 6
○ Chapter 11

Extracurricular readings

○ https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-and-why-to-write-great-user-stories-f5a110668246/
○ https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/agile/user-stories

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