illegal glutInit() reinitialization attempt
后来找了下资料,找到个热心网友的回答,Helping me solve a great problem.
GLUT has not been designed in thread safety in mind (or even multiple threads support at all). So I am afraid, that with GLUT you won't be able to achieve what you want. However, GLFW seems to be much better in this matter:
Thread safety
Most GLFW functions may only be called from the main thread, but some may be called from any thread. However, no GLFW function may be called from any other thread until GLFW has been successfully initialized on the main thread, including functions that may called before initialization.
The reference documentation for every GLFW function states whether it is limited to the main thread.
The following categories of functions are and will remain limited to the main thread due to the limitations of one or several platforms:
- Initialization and termination
- Event processing
- Creation and destruction of window, context and cursor objects
This part seems quite important in your case:
Rendering may be done on any thread. The following context related functions may be called from any thread:
- glfwMakeContextCurrent
- glfwGetCurrentContext
- glfwSwapBuffers
- glfwSwapInterval
- glfwExtensionSupported
- glfwGetProcAddress
GLFW uses no synchronization objects internally except for thread-local storage to keep track of the current context for each thread. Synchronization is left to the application.
glutInit(&__argc, __argv),有内存泄漏,追溯代码,内存分配在glutInit函数内的如下位置:
void FGAPIENTRY glutInit( int* pargc, char** argv )
if( fgState.Initialised )
fgError( "illegal glutInit() reinitialization attempt" );
if (pargc && *pargc && argv && *argv && **argv)
fgState.ProgramName = strdup (*argv);
if( !fgState.ProgramName )
fgError ("Could not allocate space for the program's name.");
fgCreateStructure( );
函数strdup()会用malloc()分配内存,必须用free()释放,因此,追查fgState.ProgramName 释放的地方,发现回收资源的地方在如下函数:
void fgDeinitialize( void )
if( fgState.ProgramName )
free( fgState.ProgramName );
fgState.ProgramName = NULL;
* Undoes all the "glutInit" stuff
void FGAPIENTRY glutExit ( void )
fgDeinitialize ();