SQL server增删改查


create database test
on primary
log on 
use test

create table classinfo
    cid int not null primary key identity(1,1),
    ctitle nvarchar(5)
create table scoreinfo
    scid int not null primary key identity(1,1),
    score varchar(4)

create table studentinfo
    sid int not null primary key identity(1,1),
    sname nvarchar(10),
    sgender bit default(0),
    sphone char(11),
    saddress nvarchar(20),
    semail varchar(15),
    Cid int not null,
    foreign key (Cid) references classinfo(cid),
    foreign key (Cid) references scoreinfo(scid)
select * from classinfo 
insert into classinfo
select * from scoreinfo
insert into scoreinfo

select * from studentinfo 
insert into studentinfo

update studentinfo
set sname='周九',sphone='13113016396',saddress='SGU',semail='1301@qq.com'
where sid=3

delete from studentinfo
where sid=11

select sname 
from studentinfo

select sname as '姓名' ,  sgender as Gender
from studentinfo

--one 查询前N部分
select top 5 sname
from studentinfo
--one 查询前N部分
select top 5 sname , sgender
from studentinfo
--one 查询前N部分
select top 5 sname as '姓名' , sgender as Gender
from studentinfo

--two 查询前N部分
select top 20 percent *
from studentinfo
--two 查询前N部分
select top 20 percent sname as '姓名'
from studentinfo
--two 查询前N部分
select top 30 percent *
from studentinfo
where sid=3
select top 90 percent *
from studentinfo
order by sid ASC

select top 90 percent *
from studentinfo
order by sid DESC , semail ASC

select distinct *
from studentinfo

--***条件查询 写在where后***

select *
from studentinfo
where sid>5

select *
from studentinfo
where sid> 5 and sid< 10

select top 20 percent sname as '姓名' ,sid
from studentinfo
where sid != 2

--*连续型between ..and..*
select *
from studentinfo
where sid between 3 and 8 and sid !=4

select *
from studentinfo
where sid in(3,8)

--*逻辑运算符and not or*
select *
from studentinfo
where sid>2 and sid<10

select *
from studentinfo
where not sid between 3 and 8 

select *
from studentinfo
where sid between 3 and 8 or sgender=0

--*模糊查询针对字符串 like % _ ^ []*
select * 
from studentinfo
where sname like '_[^三]' and sname like '_[四]'

select *
from studentinfo
where sphone like '___130%'

select * 
from studentinfo
where semail like '%@qq%'

select *
from studentinfo
inner join  classinfo on  studentinfo.cid=classinfo.cid
inner join scoreinfo on studentinfo.cid=scoreinfo.scid

select *
from studentinfo as si
full join  classinfo on si.cid= classinfo.cid

select si.sname,si.sphone,ci.ctitle,sci.score
from studentinfo as si
full join classinfo as ci on si.Cid=ci.cid
left join scoreinfo as sci on si.Cid=sci.scid

select count(*) as count_numb
from studentinfo

select count(*)
from studentinfo
where sphone is null

select max(score)
from scoreinfo

select AVG(score)
from scoreinfo
full join studentinfo as si on scoreinfo.scid=si.Cid

select MIN(score)
from scoreinfo
full join studentinfo as si on scoreinfo.scid=si.Cid

select MAX(score)
from scoreinfo
full join studentinfo as si on scoreinfo.scid=si.Cid
where sgender=0

select sci.score ,AVG(score) over(  order by  score ) as '平均值'
from studentinfo as si
inner join scoreinfo as sci on si.Cid=sci.scid

--***分组函数***group by()
select sgender,count(*)
from studentinfo
group by sgender

use test
select * from studentinfo

select sname,COUNT(*)
from studentinfo
group by sname

select sname,sphone,COUNT(*)
from studentinfo
group by sname,sphone

--group by 后面的决定select后面的

select sname,sphone,count(*)
from studentinfo
where sid>4
group by sname,sphone 
having count(*)>1

select sname,sphone,count(*)
from studentinfo
where sid>4
group by sname,sphone having sphone like '130%'


select distinct top 6 |percent * 
from studentinfo
inner join -- on --
left join -- on -- 
right join -- on --
where --
group by 
order by 
--**联合查询,将两个数据表(or 各表的查询结果连接在新的数据集中,

--union、union all、except、intersect
select sid from studentinfo
union            --去掉两个数据集中重复的字段
select cid from classinfo

select sid from studentinfo
union all            --bu 去掉两个数据集中重复的字段
select cid from classinfo

select sid from studentinfo
except            --1与2交集的补集(1)
select cid from classinfo

select sid from studentinfo
intersect            --交集
select cid from classinfo

--select 列名 into 备份表 from 原表
select *  into test1 from studentinfo
select * into test2 from classinfo where 1=2
--insert into 已存在备份表(列) select 列 from 原表
insert into test2(ctitle)   select sname from studentinfo
--**类型转换 cast  convert
select cast(89.0000 as decimal(4,1))
select  convert(decimal(4,1),89.000)

--**创建视图** 视图只用来储存sql语句
select * from studentinfo
inner join classinfo on studentinfo.Cid=classinfo.cid
where studentinfo.sname like '_[^三]'

create view student_class
select studentinfo.*,classinfo.ctitle from studentinfo
inner join classinfo on studentinfo.Cid=classinfo.cid

select sname from student_class

where studentinfo.sname like '_[^三]'


alter view student_class
select studentinfo.*,classinfo.ctitle from studentinfo
inner join classinfo on studentinfo.Cid=classinfo.cid

drop view student_class

--**子查询** in /exists 后者效率高
use test
select * from studentinfo
where Cid in (select cid from  classinfo)

select * from studentinfo
where exists
(select * from classinfo where studentinfo.Cid=classinfo.cid)

--*分页查询   将sid重编码为index(因为sid可能会丢失跳段,如删除)
select * from 
(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid desc) as rowindex 
from studentinfo) as t1
where rowindex between 2 and 7





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