

 A system's architecture is a representation of a system in which there is a mapping of  ()  onto hardware and software components, a mapping of the  (请回答此空)  onto the hardware architecture, and a concern for the human interaction with these components. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, including hardware, software, and humans. Software architectural structures can be divided into three major categories, depending on the broad nature of the elements they show. 1) ()  embody decisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed or procured. 2) ()  embody decisions as to how the system is to be structured as set of elements that have runtime behavior and interactions. 3) ()  embody decisions as to how the system will relate to nonsoftware structures in its environment (such as CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc.).

A. physical components

B. network architecture

C. software architecture

D. interface architecture




 A system's architecture is a representation of a system in which there is a mapping of  ()  onto hardware and software components, a mapping of the  ()  onto the hardware architecture, and a concern for the human interaction with these components. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, including hardware, software, and humans. Software architectural structures can be divided into three major categories, depending on the broad nature of the elements they show. 1) (请回答此空3)  embody decisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed or procured. 2) ()  embody decisions as to how the system is to be structured as set of elements that have runtime behavior and interactions. 3) ()  embody decisions as to how the system will relate to nonsoftware structures in its environment (such as CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc.).

A. Service structures

B. Module structures

C. Deployment structures

D. Work assignment strctures




 A system's architecture is a representation of a system in which there is a mapping of  ()  onto hardware and software components, a mapping of the  ()  onto the hardware architecture, and a concern for the human interaction with these components. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, including hardware, software, and humans. Software architectural structures can be divided into three major categories, depending on the broad nature of the elements they show. 1) ()  embody decisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed or procured. 2) (请回答此空)  embody decisions as to how the system is to be structured as set of elements that have runtime behavior and interactions. 3) ()  embody decisions as to how the system will relate to nonsoftware structures in its environment (such as CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc.).

A. Decomposition structures

B. Layer structures

C. Implementation strctures

D. Component-and-connector-structures




 A system's architecture is a representation of a system in which there is a mapping of  ()  onto hardware and software components, a mapping of the  ()  onto the hardware architecture, and a concern for the human interaction with these components. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, including hardware, software, and humans. Software architectural structures can be divided into three major categories, depending on the broad nature of the elements they show. 1) ()  embody decisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed or procured. 2) ()  embody decisions as to how the system is to be structured as set of elements that have runtime behavior and interactions. 3) (请回答此空)  embody decisions as to how the system will relate to nonsoftware structures in its environment (such as CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc.).

A. Allocation structures

B. Class structures

C. Concurrency structures

D. Uses structures




We initially described SOA without mentioning Web services, and vice versa. This is because they are orthogonal: service-orientation is an architectural  (请回答此空)  while Web services are an implementation  ()  .The two can be used together, and they frequently are, but they are not mutually dependent.For example, although it is widely considered to be a distributed-computing solution,SOA can be applied to advantage in a single system,where services might be individual processes with well-defined  ()  that communicate using local channels,or in a self-contained cluster, where they might communicate across a high-speed interconnect.Similarly, while Web services are  ()  as the basis for a service-oriented environment, there is nothing in their definition that requires them to embody the SOA principles. While  ()  is often held up as a key characteristic of Web services,there is no technical reason that they should be stateless-that would be a design choice of the developer,which may be dictated by the architectural style of the environment in which the service is intended to participate.

A. design

B. style

C. technology

D. structure


答案解析:参考译文:我们最初描述SOA时没有提到Web服务,反之亦然。这是因为它们是互相垂直的:面向服务是一种架构风格,而Web服务是一个实现技术。两者可以一起使用,而且经常是,但它们并不相互依赖。例如,尽管SOA被广泛认为是一种分布式计算解决方案,但它可以在单个系统中得到应用,而服务可以是使用本地通道进行通信的良好定义的单独进程接口,也可以在一个独立的集群中,其中它们可以通过高速互连进行通信。类似地,虽然Web服务被认为是面向服务环境的基础,但它们的定义中没有任何内容要求它们体现SOA原则。虽然无状态通常被认为是Web服务的一个关键特性,但没有技术上的理由认为它们应该是无状态的,这将是开发人员的设计选择,这可能取决于服务要参与的环境的架构风格。(71) A.设计  B.风格 C.技术D.结构(72) A.结构  B.风格 C.技术D.方法(73) A.接口 B.方法 C.逻辑D.格式(74) A.被视为 B.良好适配 C.工作D.使用(75) A.分布 B.互连 C.依赖D.无状态参考答案:(71)B;(72)C;(73)A;(74)A;(75)D


We initially described SOA without mentioning Web services, and vice versa. This is because they are orthogonal: service-orientation is an architectural  ()  while Web services are an implementation  (请回答此空)  .The two can be used together, and they frequently are, but they are not mutually dependent.For example, although it is widely considered to be a distributed-computing solution,SOA can be applied to advantage in a single system,where services might be individual processes with well-defined  ()  that communicate using local channels,or in a self-contained cluster, where they might communicate across a high-speed interconnect.Similarly, while Web services are  ()  as the basis for a service-oriented environment, there is nothing in their definition that requires them to embody the SOA principles. While  ()  is often held up as a key characteristic of Web services,there is no technical reason that they should be stateless-that would be a design choice of the developer,which may be dictated by the architectural style of the environment in which the service is intended to participate.

A. structure

B. style

C. technology

D. method


答案解析:参考译文:我们最初描述SOA时没有提到Web服务,反之亦然。这是因为它们是互相垂直的:面向服务是一种架构风格,而Web服务是一个实现技术。两者可以一起使用,而且经常是,但它们并不相互依赖。例如,尽管SOA被广泛认为是一种分布式计算解决方案,但它可以在单个系统中得到应用,而服务可以是使用本地通道进行通信的良好定义的单独进程接口,也可以在一个独立的集群中,其中它们可以通过高速互连进行通信。类似地,虽然Web服务被认为是面向服务环境的基础,但它们的定义中没有任何内容要求它们体现SOA原则。虽然无状态通常被认为是Web服务的一个关键特性,但没有技术上的理由认为它们应该是无状态的,这将是开发人员的设计选择,这可能取决于服务要参与的环境的架构风格。(71) A.设计  B.风格 C.技术D.结构(72) A.结构  B.风格 C.技术D.方法(73) A.接口 B.方法 C.逻辑D.格式(74) A.被视为 B.良好适配 C.工作D.使用(75) A.分布 B.互连 C.依赖D.无状态参考答案:(71)B;(72)C;(73)A;(74)A;(75)D


We initially described SOA without mentioning Web services, and vice versa. This is because they are orthogonal: service-orientation is an architectural  ()  while Web services are an implementation  ()  .The two can be used together, and they frequently are, but they are not mutually dependent.For example, although it is widely considered to be a distributed-computing solution,SOA can be applied to advantage in a single system,where services might be individual processes with well-defined  (请回答此空)  that communicate using local channels,or in a self-contained cluster, where they might communicate across a high-speed interconnect.Similarly, while Web services are  ()  as the basis for a service-oriented environment, there is nothing in their definition that requires them to embody the SOA principles. While  ()  is often held up as a key characteristic of Web services,there is no technical reason that they should be stateless-that would be a design choice of the developer,which may be dictated by the architectural style of the environment in which the service is intended to participate.

A. interfaces

B. functions

C. logics

D. formats


答案解析:参考译文:我们最初描述SOA时没有提到Web服务,反之亦然。这是因为它们是互相垂直的:面向服务是一种架构风格,而Web服务是一个实现技术。两者可以一起使用,而且经常是,但它们并不相互依赖。例如,尽管SOA被广泛认为是一种分布式计算解决方案,但它可以在单个系统中得到应用,而服务可以是使用本地通道进行通信的良好定义的单独进程接口,也可以在一个独立的集群中,其中它们可以通过高速互连进行通信。类似地,虽然Web服务被认为是面向服务环境的基础,但它们的定义中没有任何内容要求它们体现SOA原则。虽然无状态通常被认为是Web服务的一个关键特性,但没有技术上的理由认为它们应该是无状态的,这将是开发人员的设计选择,这可能取决于服务要参与的环境的架构风格。(71) A.设计  B.风格 C.技术D.结构(72) A.结构  B.风格 C.技术D.方法(73) A.接口 B.方法 C.逻辑D.格式(74) A.被视为 B.良好适配 C.工作D.使用(75) A.分布 B.互连 C.依赖D.无状态参考答案:(71)B;(72)C;(73)A;(74)A;(75)D


We initially described SOA without mentioning Web services, and vice versa. This is because they are orthogonal: service-orientation is an architectural  ()  while Web services are an implementation  ()  .The two can be used together, and they frequently are, but they are not mutually dependent.For example, although it is widely considered to be a distributed-computing solution,SOA can be applied to advantage in a single system,where services might be individual processes with well-defined  ()  that communicate using local channels,or in a self-contained cluster, where they might communicate across a high-speed interconnect.Similarly, while Web services are  (请回答此空)  as the basis for a service-oriented environment, there is nothing in their definition that requires them to embody the SOA principles. While  ()  is often held up as a key characteristic of Web services,there is no technical reason that they should be stateless-that would be a design choice of the developer,which may be dictated by the architectural style of the environment in which the service is intended to participate.

A. regarded

B. well-suited
C. worked

D. used


答案解析:参考译文:我们最初描述SOA时没有提到Web服务,反之亦然。这是因为它们是互相垂直的:面向服务是一种架构风格,而Web服务是一个实现技术。两者可以一起使用,而且经常是,但它们并不相互依赖。例如,尽管SOA被广泛认为是一种分布式计算解决方案,但它可以在单个系统中得到应用,而服务可以是使用本地通道进行通信的良好定义的单独进程接口,也可以在一个独立的集群中,其中它们可以通过高速互连进行通信。类似地,虽然Web服务被认为是面向服务环境的基础,但它们的定义中没有任何内容要求它们体现SOA原则。虽然无状态通常被认为是Web服务的一个关键特性,但没有技术上的理由认为它们应该是无状态的,这将是开发人员的设计选择,这可能取决于服务要参与的环境的架构风格。(71) A.设计  B.风格 C.技术D.结构(72) A.结构  B.风格 C.技术D.方法(73) A.接口 B.方法 C.逻辑D.格式(74) A.被视为 B.良好适配 C.工作D.使用(75) A.分布 B.互连 C.依赖D.无状态参考答案:(71)B;(72)C;(73)A;(74)A;(75)D


We initially described SOA without mentioning Web services, and vice versa. This is because they are orthogonal: service-orientation is an architectural  ()  while Web services are an implementation  ()  .The two can be used together, and they frequently are, but they are not mutually dependent.For example, although it is widely considered to be a distributed-computing solution,SOA can be applied to advantage in a single system,where services might be individual processes with well-defined  ()  that communicate using local channels,or in a self-contained cluster, where they might communicate across a high-speed interconnect.Similarly, while Web services are  ()  as the basis for a service-oriented environment, there is nothing in their definition that requires them to embody the SOA principles. While  (请回答此空)  is often held up as a key characteristic of Web services,there is no technical reason that they should be stateless-that would be a design choice of the developer,which may be dictated by the architectural style of the environment in which the service is intended to participate.

A. distribution

B. interconnection

C. dependence

D. statelessness


答案解析:参考译文:我们最初描述SOA时没有提到Web服务,反之亦然。这是因为它们是互相垂直的:面向服务是一种架构风格,而Web服务是一个实现技术。两者可以一起使用,而且经常是,但它们并不相互依赖。例如,尽管SOA被广泛认为是一种分布式计算解决方案,但它可以在单个系统中得到应用,而服务可以是使用本地通道进行通信的良好定义的单独进程接口,也可以在一个独立的集群中,其中它们可以通过高速互连进行通信。类似地,虽然Web服务被认为是面向服务环境的基础,但它们的定义中没有任何内容要求它们体现SOA原则。虽然无状态通常被认为是Web服务的一个关键特性,但没有技术上的理由认为它们应该是无状态的,这将是开发人员的设计选择,这可能取决于服务要参与的环境的架构风格。(71) A.设计  B.风格 C.技术D.结构(72) A.结构  B.风格 C.技术D.方法(73) A.接口 B.方法 C.逻辑D.格式(74) A.被视为 B.良好适配 C.工作D.使用(75) A.分布 B.互连 C.依赖D.无状态参考答案:(71)B;(72)C;(73)A;(74)A;(75)D


Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers ___(请回答此空)___ through a real-time communication network such as the Internet. In science, cloud computing is a ___()___ for distributed computing over a network, and means the ___()___ to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time.The architecture of a cloud is developed at three layers: infrastructure, platform, and application. The infrastucture layer is built with virtualized computestorageand network resources. The platform lay-er is for general-purpose and repeated usage of the collection of software resources. The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS applications. The infrastucture layer serves as the ___()___ for building the platform layer of the cloud. In turn, the platform layer is foundation for implementing the ___()___ layer for SaaS application.

A. connected

B. implemented

C. optimized

D. virtualized


答案解析:云计算是一个用来描述各种计算概念的一个短语,计算概念涉及大量计算机通过实时通信的网络,如Internet,(71)在一起。在科学研究中,云计算是分布式网络计算的(72),意味着有(73)同时在多台互连的计算机上运行一个程序或应用。云的结构分为3层:基础设施、平台和应用。基础实施层由虚拟计算机存储和网络资源构成;平台层是具有通用性和复用性的软件资源的集合;应用层是云上针对SaaS应用的所有应用软件的集合。基础设施层时建立平台层的(74)基础;相应地,平台层是执行应用层SaaS(75)的基础。(71)A. 连接   B. 实施   C. 优化    D.虚拟化





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