在windows运行窗口输入cmd后回车(或者在pycharm的终端)输入:pip install pygame进行安装即可使用。
import pygame pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() sn_width = 600 sn_height = 600 sn = pygame.display.set_mode((sn_width, sn_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("打砖块") #定义字体 font = pygame.font.SysFont('华文楷体', 30) #定义颜色 bg = pygame.Color(pygame.Color("darkslategray")) a = 10 #砖块的颜色 block_red = (242, 85, 96) block_green = (86, 174, 87) block_blue = (69, 153, 236) block_black = (255,255,255) #拍的颜色 paddle_color = (245, 235, 223) paddle_outline = (200, 200, 200) #字体颜色 text_color = (198, 222, 141) text_color2 = (150, 200, 140) cols = 60 rows = 30 #定义帧 clock = pygame.time.Clock() fps = 60 live_ball = False game_over = 0 #绘制字体 def draw_text(text, font, text_col, x, y): ing = font.render(text, True, text_col) sn.blit(ing, (x, y)) #设定砖块类 class Wall(): def __init__(self): self.width = sn_width // cols self.height = 10 self.blocks = [] for row in range(rows): block_row = [] for col in range(cols): block_individual = [] block_x = col * self.width block_y = row * self.height rect = pygame.Rect(block_x, block_y, self.width, self.height) if row < 10: strength = 3 lx = 1 elif row < 20: strength = 2 lx = 1 elif row < 29: strength = 1 lx = 1 elif row == 29: strength = 10 lx = 2 if -1 < row < 30: if 13 <= col < 16: strength = 0 lx = 3 if 8 < row < 11: if 13 <= col < 60: strength = 0 lx = 3 block_individual = [rect, strength, lx] block_row.append(block_individual) self.blocks.append(block_row) #设定绘制砖块 def draw_wall(self): for row in self.blocks: for block in row: if block[1] == 3: block_color = block_blue elif block[1] == 2: block_color = block_green elif block[1] == 1: block_color = block_red if block[1] > 3: block_color = block_black if block[2] != 3: pygame.draw.rect(sn, block_color, block[0]) pygame.draw.rect(sn, bg, block[0], 1) #设定拍 class Paddle(): def __init__(self): self.reset() def move_paddle(self): self.direction = 0 key = pygame.key.get_pressed() if key[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.rect.left > 0: self.rect.x -= self.speed self.direction = -1 if key[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.rect.right < sn_width: self.rect.x += self.speed self.direction = 1 def draw_paddle(self): pygame.draw.rect(sn, paddle_color, self.rect) pygame.draw.rect(sn, paddle_outline, self.rect, 1) def reset(self): self.height = 10 self.width = int (sn_width / cols) * a self.x = int ((sn_width / 2) - (self.width / 2)) self.y = sn_height - (self.height * 2) self.speed = 10 self.direction = 0 self.rect = pygame.Rect (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) class game_ball(): def __init__(self, x, y): self.reset(x, y) def move(self): #碰撞 collision_thresh = 5 wall_destroyed = 1 row_count = 0 for row in wall.blocks: block_count = 0 for block in row: if self.rect.colliderect(block[0]) and block[2] != 3: if abs(self.rect.bottom - block[0].top) < collision_thresh and self.speed_y > 0: self.speed_y *= -1 if abs(self.rect.top - block[0].bottom) < collision_thresh and self.speed_y < 0: self.speed_y *= -1 if abs(self.rect.left - block[0].right) < collision_thresh and self.speed_x < 0: self.speed_x *= -1 if abs(self.rect.right - block[0].left) < collision_thresh and self.speed_x > 0: self.speed_x *= -1 if wall.blocks[row_count][block_count][1] > 1: wall.blocks[row_count][block_count][1] -= 1 else: wall.blocks[row_count][block_count][0] = (0, 0, 0, 0) if wall.blocks[row_count][block_count][0] != (0, 0, 0, 0): wall_destroyed = 0 #增加块的计数 block_count += 1 #增加行的计数 row_count += 1 #判断是否打完 if wall_destroyed == 1: self.game_over = 1 #判断球体 if self.rect.left < 0 or self.rect.right > sn_width: self.speed_x *= -1 if self.rect.top < 0: self.speed_y *= -1 if self.rect.bottom > sn_height: self.game_over = -1 if self.rect.colliderect(player_paddle): #运动分析方向 if abs(self.rect.bottom - player_paddle.rect.top) < collision_thresh and self.speed_y > 0: self.speed_y *= -1 self.speed_x += player_paddle.direction if self.speed_x > self.speed_max: self.speed_x = self.speed_max elif self.speed_x < 0 and self.speed_x < -self.speed_max: self.speed_x = -self.speed_max else: self.speed_x *= -1 self.rect.x += self.speed_x self.rect.y += self.speed_y return self.game_over def draw(self): pygame.draw.circle(sn, paddle_color, (self.rect.x + self.ball_rad, self.rect.y + self.ball_rad),self.ball_rad) pygame.draw.circle(sn, paddle_outline, (self.rect.x + self.ball_rad, self.rect.y + self.ball_rad), self.ball_rad, 2) def reset(self, x, y): self.ball_rad = 5 self.x = x - self.ball_rad self.y = y self.rect = pygame.Rect (self.x, self.y, self.ball_rad * 2, self.ball_rad * 2) self.speed_x = 4 self.speed_y = -4 self.speed_max = 5 self.game_over = 0 #创造墙体 wall = Wall() wall.create_wall() #创造拍 player_paddle = Paddle() #创造球 ball = game_ball(player_paddle.x + (player_paddle.width // 2), player_paddle.y - player_paddle.height) #游戏循环 run = True while run: clock.tick(fps) sn.fill(bg) wall.draw_wall() player_paddle.draw_paddle() player_paddle.move_paddle() ball.draw() if live_ball: player_paddle.move_paddle() game_over = ball.move() if game_over != 0: live_ball = False #文字提示 if not live_ball: if game_over == 0: draw_text("Click anywhere to start the game!", font, text_color, 150, sn_height // 2 + 100) elif game_over == 1: draw_text("Game victory", font, text_color2, 240,sn_height // 2 + 50) draw_text("Click anywhere to start the game!", font, text_color, 150, sn_height // 2 + 100) elif game_over== -1: draw_text ("Game over", font, text_color2, 240, sn_height // 2 + 50) draw_text ("Click anywhere to start the game!", font, text_color, 150, sn_height // 2 + 100) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and live_ball == False: live_ball = True ball.reset(player_paddle.x + (player_paddle.width // 2), player_paddle.y - player_paddle.height) player_paddle.reset() wall.create_wall() pygame.display.update() pygame.quit()