import torch
from torch import nn
from torch_geometric.nn import global_add_pool, global_mean_pool, global_max_pool, GlobalAttention, Set2Set
from gin_node import GINNodeEmbedding
class GINGraphRepr(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_tasks=1, num_layers=5, emb_dim=300, residual=False, drop_ratio=0, JK="last", graph_pooling="sum"):
"""GIN Graph Pooling Module
num_tasks (int, optional): number of labels to be predicted. Defaults to 1 (控制了图表征的维度,dimension of graph representation).
num_layers (int, optional): number of GINConv layers. Defaults to 5.
emb_dim (int, optional): dimension of node embedding. Defaults to 300.
residual (bool, optional): adding residual connection or not. Defaults to False.
drop_ratio (float, optional): dropout rate. Defaults to 0.
JK (str, optional): 可选的值为"last"和"sum"。选"last",只取最后一层的结点的嵌入,选"sum"对各层的结点的嵌入求和。Defaults to "last".
graph_pooling (str, optional): pooling method of node embedding. 可选的值为"sum","mean","max","attention"和"set2set"。 Defaults to "sum".
graph representation
super(GINGraphPooling, self).__init__()
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.drop_ratio = drop_ratio
self.JK = JK
self.emb_dim = emb_dim
self.num_tasks = num_tasks
if self.num_layers < 2:
raise ValueError("Number of GNN layers must be greater than 1.")
self.gnn_node = GINNodeEmbedding(num_layers, emb_dim, JK=JK, drop_ratio=drop_ratio, residual=residual)
# Pooling function to generate whole-graph embeddings
if graph_pooling == "sum":
self.pool = global_add_pool
elif graph_pooling == "mean":
self.pool = global_mean_pool
elif graph_pooling == "max":
self.pool = global_max_pool
elif graph_pooling == "attention":
self.pool = GlobalAttention(gate_nn=nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim), nn.BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(emb_dim, 1)))
elif graph_pooling == "set2set":
self.pool = Set2Set(emb_dim, processing_steps=2)
raise ValueError("Invalid graph pooling type.")
if graph_pooling == "set2set":
self.graph_pred_linear = nn.Linear(2*self.emb_dim, self.num_tasks)
self.graph_pred_linear = nn.Linear(self.emb_dim, self.num_tasks)
def forward(self, batched_data):
h_node = self.gnn_node(batched_data)
h_graph = self.pool(h_node, batched_data.batch)
output = self.graph_pred_linear(h_graph)
if self.training:
return output
# At inference time, relu is applied to output to ensure positivity
# 因为预测目标的取值范围就在 (0, 50] 内
return torch.clamp(output, min=0, max=50)
import torch
from mol_encoder import AtomEncoder
from gin_conv import GINConv
import torch.nn.functional as F
# GNN to generate node embedding
class GINNodeEmbedding(torch.nn.Module):
node representations
def __init__(self, num_layers, emb_dim, drop_ratio=0.5, JK="last", residual=False):
"""GIN Node Embedding Module"""
super(GINNodeEmbedding, self).__init__()
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.drop_ratio = drop_ratio
self.JK = JK
# add residual connection or not
self.residual = residual
if self.num_layers < 2:
raise ValueError("Number of GNN layers must be greater than 1.")
self.atom_encoder = AtomEncoder(emb_dim)
# List of GNNs
self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList()
self.batch_norms = torch.nn.ModuleList()
for layer in range(num_layers):
def forward(self, batched_data):
x, edge_index, edge_attr = batched_data.x, batched_data.edge_index, batched_data.edge_attr
# computing input node embedding
h_list = [self.atom_encoder(x)] # 先将类别型原子属性转化为原子表征
for layer in range(self.num_layers):
h = self.convs[layer](h_list[layer], edge_index, edge_attr)
h = self.batch_norms[layer](h)
if layer == self.num_layers - 1:
# remove relu for the last layer
h = F.dropout(h, self.drop_ratio, training=self.training)
h = F.dropout(F.relu(h), self.drop_ratio, training=self.training)
if self.residual:
h += h_list[layer]
# Different implementations of Jk-concat
if self.JK == "last":
node_representation = h_list[-1]
elif self.JK == "sum":
node_representation = 0
for layer in range(self.num_layers + 1):
node_representation += h_list[layer]
return node_representation
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ogb.graphproppred.mol_encoder import BondEncoder
### GIN convolution along the graph structure
class GINConv(MessagePassing):
def __init__(self, emb_dim):
emb_dim (int): node embedding dimensionality
super(GINConv, self).__init__(aggr = "add")
self.mlp = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim), nn.BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim))
self.eps = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([0]))
self.bond_encoder = BondEncoder(emb_dim = emb_dim)
def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr):
edge_embedding = self.bond_encoder(edge_attr) # 先将类别型边属性转换为边表征
out = self.mlp((1 + self.eps) *x + self.propagate(edge_index, x=x, edge_attr=edge_embedding))
return out
def message(self, x_j, edge_attr):
return F.relu(x_j + edge_attr)
def update(self, aggr_out):
return aggr_out