BIOS13:SI dynamics

8 篇文章 0 订阅

SI dynamics (8p)

Consider the spread of an incurable disease in a population, i.e. a disease from which there is no escape. Its spread can be modeled with an SI model, denoting S the number of susceptible and I the number of infected. Assume the dynamics of S and I follow:

\cfrac{dS}{dt}=bS(1-\theta S)-\beta SI-\mu_S S\\

\cfrac{dI}{dt}=\beta SI -\mu_I

where b is the per capita birth rate (at low density), θ is the strength of density dependence, controlling the birth rate, 𝛽 is the ‘contact rate’, 𝜇S is the death rate
(mortality) of the susceptible and 𝜇I is the death rate of infected. It is thus assumed
that infected individuals are too sick to reproduce (or even affect the density dependence). All model parameters are positive constants.

Initially, ignore the disease (set I = 0) and consider the dynamics of the susceptible
population on its own.

  • Without the disease, what is the equilibrium population size (S )? (1p)*
    f ( S ) = d S d t = b S ( 1 − θ S ) − μ S S = S ( b − b θ S − μ S ) = 0 f(S)=\cfrac{dS}{dt}=bS(1-\theta S)-\mu_S S=S(b-b\theta S-\mu_S)=0 f(S)=dtdS=bS(1θS)μSS=S(bbθSμS)=0

    S 1 = 0    S 2 = b − μ S b θ S_1 = 0\ \ S_2=\cfrac{b-\mu_S}{b\theta} S1=0  S2=bθbμS

S ∗ = b − μ S b θ S^*=\cfrac{b-\mu_S}{b\theta} S=bθbμS

  • For what parameter values is S > 0? (1p)*

    Because all model parameters are positive constants, when b > 𝜇S, S* > 0

  • Show that this S is stable. (1p)*
    f ′ ( S ∗ ) = b − 2 b θ S − μ S = μ S − b f'(S^*)=b-2b\theta S -\mu_S=\mu_S-b f(S)=b2bθSμS=μSb
    We have already assumed that b > 𝜇S, so f ′ ( S ∗ ) < 0 f'(S^*)<0 f(S)<0, the S* is stable.

Now let’s consider the full dynamics, i.e. let I > 0.

  • Write a script in R that simulates the SI model and plots the resulting S and I over time. Use parameters 𝛽 = 0.01, 𝑏 = 1, 𝜃 = 0.001, 𝜇S = 0.5, 𝜇I = 2 and run the simulation 100 time units, starting at 𝑆 = 400, 𝐼 = 1. (1p)

    # plots the resulting S and I over time
    SI_sys = function(t, SI, p){
      S = SI[1]
      I = SI[2]
      dsdt = p$b*S*(1-p$theta*S)-p$beta*S*I-p$mu_s*S
      didt = p$beta*S*I - p$mu_i*I
      list(c(dsdt, didt))
    timeVec = seq(1, 100, by=0.1)
    p = list(beta = 0.01, b = 1, theta = 0.001, mu_s = 0.5, mu_i = 2)
    SI = c(S = 400, I = 1)
    out = ode(y = SI, func = SI_sys, times = timeVec, parms = p)
    time = out[,'time']
    S = out[,'S']
    I = out[,'I']
    plot(time, S, type = 'l', xlab = 'Time', ylab = 'S&I', col = 'blue', ylim = c(0, max(S)))
    lines(time, I, type = 'l', col = 'red')
    legend("topright",  c("S","I"), lty=c(1, 1), col=c("blue", "red"))


  • Extend the script to also plot the simulation in the SI phase plane. (1p)

    See below.

  • Extend the script again to plot the isoclines of S and I in the phase plane. (2p)

d I d t = 0 ⇒ S ∗ = μ I β = 200 \cfrac{dI}{dt}=0 \Rightarrow S^*=\cfrac{\mu_I}{\beta}=200 dtdI=0S=βμI=200

d S d t = 0 ⇒ I = b − b θ S − μ S β \cfrac{dS}{dt}=0 \Rightarrow I =\cfrac{b-b\theta S-\mu_S}{\beta} dtdS=0I=βbbθSμS

Given S*=200: I*=30


  SI_isoclines = function(p){
    se = p$mu_i/p$beta
    s = c(0,500)
    i = (p$b-p$b*p$theta*s-p$mu_s)/p$beta
    plot(s,i, type = 'l', col = 'red', ylim = c(0, 150), xlab = 'S', ylab = 'I')
    lines(c(se, se), c(0, 150), col = 'blue')
    legend("topright",  c("S isocline","I isocline"), lty=c(1, 1), col=c("blue", "red"))
  lines(S, I)
  points(S[1], I[1], pch = 0)
  • What is the new equilibrium population size (S+I)? You can solve this either by simulations or calculations. However you solve it, write an R script that plots the equilibrium total population as a function of 𝜇I, where 𝜇I ranges from 1.0 to 4.0. The other parameters should take values as above. (1p)
    f ( μ I ) = S ∗ + I ∗ = μ I − b − b θ μ I β − μ S β = 90 μ I + 50 f(\mu_I)=S^*+I^*=\cfrac{\mu_I-b-b\theta\frac{\mu_I}{\beta}-\mu_S}{\beta}=90\mu_I+50 f(μI)=S+I=βμIbbθβμIμS=90μI+50

    mu_i2 = c(1.0, 4.0)
    N = mu_i2/p$beta+(p$b-p$b*p$theta*(mu_i2/p$beta)-p$mu_s)/p$beta
    plot(mu_i2, N, type = 'l', xlab = 'mu', ylab = 'Total population')






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