UML Best Practices of Software Engineering


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Welcome to Software Engineering with UML. is book acknowledges and uses the Object Management Group’s Uni ed Modeling Language (UML 2.5) standard to engineer high-quality software solutions. In an age of ever-increasing demand on software developers, clarity of commu- nication and conveyance of understanding are prerequisites for success. Rapidly changing tech- nologies for development, crunching time to produce working solutions, unpredictable business and legal environments, exploding data, cross-platform testing, globally dispersed development teams, and incessant requirements dictated by highly knowledgeable users place a premium on the technical and professional skills of a software engineer. e premises of this book are that communication is the key to good software engineering and that modeling forms the basis of such communication. UML-based models facilitate and enhance communication between business analysts, users, designers, architects, and testers of the system under development. UML version 2.5 covers 14 di erent modeling constructs (package, use case, activity, interaction overview, class, sequence, communication, object, state machine, component, deployment, composite structure, timing, and pro le diagrams). UML diagrams are based on a robust meta-model, which also enables extensibility mechanisms (stereotypes, tags, and notes). An object-oriented approach to developing software introduces fundamentals for high-quality software development. erefore, the topic of object orientation is interwoven throughout this book—in discussing the fundamentals of software engineering and applying those fundamentals in modeling, and developing software solutions. UML grew out of a need to standardize a varying sets of notations and design approaches. Today it has evolved and stabilized for use across multiple software engineering functions such as capturing and modeling requirements of the problem to be solved, designing and prototyp- ing the software solution, and understanding the constraints and impact of the solution on the existing enterprise-level architecture. UML is presented in this book as three interrelated models: model of the problem space (MOPS), model of the solution space (MOSS), and model of the architectural space (MOAS). ese models are not watertight compartments but, rather, a way of delineating the tools (diagrams) provided by the UML based on a role and its purpose within a software project. As an ISO standard, UML certainly forms an integral part of a software engineer’s toolkit. Methods (processes) for developing software solutions form an important and integral part of software engineering. is material touches key areas of software development methods. Helpful * From a Tony Robbins seminar. xxiii xxiv ◾ Preface hints are provided on how a software engineer can work in an Agile development environment and also understand the wider project management aspect of producing software solutions. In the era of mobile apps, Cloud-based services, the Internet of ings (IoT), and Big Data analytics, a skeptic might be prone to discount the value of modeling (and in particular UML). Successful software development shows that disciplined modeling remains integral to communi- cations across multiple stakeholders involved in developing solutions. e aim in this book is to make software engineers appreciate the importance and the relevance of software modeling in creating high-quality software programs. Budding software engineers need to learn from the outset that developing good solutions involves a lot more than “coding.” While programming is a necessity in the eld of software, it is not su cient. For example, user interface design, nonfunctional requirements (NFRs), quality assurance, and testing are crucial topics in software engineering that are more or less beyond the UML. is book covers these additional topics to ensure the appropriate breadth and su cient depth that are necessary for teaching and learning software engineering. is book is based on the author’s teaching, researching, and experiencing the nitty-gritty and nuances in the eld of software engineering. Students and practitioners alike will nd themselves building on the knowledge gained here and applying it to the intricacies of software engineering. e book is designed to be of value to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in software modeling through appropriate selection of chapters and corresponding emphasis on exercises and case studies. e value for practitioners is embedded in the example-based explanations and prac- tical hints and tips through the discussions.


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