Optimizing the Latent Space of Generative Networks

1. 概述

提出了一种称之为Generative Latent Optimization(GLO)的方法,与GAN相比,免去了生成对抗训练的策略,取得了类似GAN的效果

2. GAN的介绍


  1. 不同图像在latent code空间对应着不同的值,如果把两张图片的值进行插值,那么再经过GAN的生成器,就能生成新的融合两张图像的新的图像,即所谓的:从线性插值到语义插值的转换
  2. 在latent code空间可以进行线性运算,对应着对图像的各种可能的属性的改变,这意味着我们可以把自然图像的非线性属性转换为线性的运算与统计
  3. 生成器可以生成新的符合训练数据集分布的图像


While several advances have been made to stabilize the training of GANs (Salimans et al., 2016), this task remains more art than science

并且,该如何评估GAN也是一个棘手的问题,最好的方式反而是直接定性的观察生成器生成的样本质量如何,但是这根本无法给生成器的优化提供什么指导,使得mode dropping问题难以去衡量;关于鉴别器的评估也比较困难,因为本质上来说这是一个视觉上的特征,到监督任务的转化不是很好;GAN的应用也大多局限于图像类的生成任务

  1. 因为用深度卷积网络表示生成器和鉴别器,它的强大的归纳学习能力是关键因素
  2. 生成对抗训练的策略

3. GLO

  1. 首先,对于N张数据集里的图像x,我们用正态分布随机初始化N个d维的latent code,记为z之,后将z和图像x进行配对,没错,就是这样随机配对
  2. 为了与GAN做对比,以证明本文没有用到GAN的鉴别器与生成对抗训练策略便能取得与GAN相似的效果,作者选择了DCGAN的生成器作为本方法的decoder,也是本方法唯一的网络架构
  3. 将z丢入decoder,会得到一张图像,这张图像和之前与z配对的图像作loss,反向传播,优化z和decoder,为加深理解,分析如下:

在GLO的这一步骤,既不像是传统的训练神经网络一样单纯优化decoder,也不像是可微渲染一样单纯优化latent code,而是把俩都丢进optimizer同时优化

  1. 损失函数的选择:一般而言直接进行图像像素的l2损失即可,但是考虑到GAN是用了卷积神经网络结构的鉴别器来充当损失函数,因此或许多考虑一下图像的“抽象”层面的特征会更好,因此还引入了Laplacian pyramid loss:
  2. 在每次的z更新之后,再将其投影回单位球,通过除以 m a x ( ∣ ∣ z ∣ ∣ 2 , 1 ) max(||z||_2,1) max(z2,1)来进行实现(猜测:这样,原先在单位球内正态分布的一些点,经过训练之后,逐渐在单位球内满足了某种分布)
  3. 从宏观上来说,GLO更像是个encoder-less的autoencoder,也像是个discriminator-less的GAN

4. 实验结果

4.1 对latent code性质的探索


  1. 在两张图像的latent code之间进行线性插值实现图像的语义插值:
    对于每一行来说,最左边与最右边都是数据集里的图像,二者的latent code进行插值处理得到中间的一系列过渡图像,实现由线性插值到语义插值的转变
  2. 这种插值并不会坍缩为图像的平均表示,也就是说插值过程中所对应的图像语义时刻是有意义的,而并非是图像的像素层面的简单平均叠加:
  3. 对图像的latent code进行线性运算也具有可行性:
    比如我在latent code层面上,进行戴墨镜的男人-男人+女人这样一个运算,最终得到的便是右边这张戴墨镜的女人的图像

4.2 对生成新样本的探索

可以看到VAE比GLO生成的图像更加模糊,或许可以证明一点:VAE学到的latent code的分布是有局限性的,而GLO因为在训练过程中latent code可以自由地根据梯度方向随意优化,因此能够去探索更广阔的空间,因此最终能得到更好的结果
可以看到在卧室的数据集上,GAN的效果是比GLO与VAE要好的,结合文章与个人理解,可能的解释是:因为loss的不同,GAN的loss是个由神经网络组成的鉴别器,而GLO与VAE的loss是简单的损失函数,导致GLO与VAE强迫地学习整个数据集的特征,而GAN的loss因为是个神经网络,是可以进行优化的,所以导致GAN能够去学习特定的某个特征,因此在卧室这种较为复杂的数据集上GAN的效果比较好(但是这样的方式也导致了GAN中的mode dropping问题)

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Here are some possible ways to optimize the previous code: 1. Vectorize the calculations: Instead of using nested loops to compute the responsibility matrix, we can use vectorized operations to speed up the computation. For example, we can use broadcasting to compute the Euclidean distance between each pair of points in a matrix form. Similarly, we can use matrix multiplication to compute the weighted sums of the point clouds. ```python def em_for_alignment(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, num_iter: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ The em algorithm for aligning two point clouds based on affine transformation :param xs: a set of points with size (N, D), N is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param ys: a set of points with size (M, D), M is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param num_iter: the number of EM iterations :return: ys_new: the aligned points: ys_new = ys @ affine + translation responsibility: the responsibility matrix P=[p(y_m | x_n)] with size (N, M), whose elements indicating the correspondence between the points """ # initialize the affine matrix and translation vector affine = np.eye(xs.shape[1]) translation = np.zeros(xs.shape[1]) # initialize the responsibility matrix responsibility = np.zeros((xs.shape[0], ys.shape[0])) for i in range(num_iter): # E-step: compute the responsibility matrix diff = xs[:, np.newaxis, :] - ys[np.newaxis, :, :] sq_dist = np.sum(diff ** 2, axis=-1) responsibility = np.exp(-0.5 * sq_dist) / (2 * np.pi) ** (xs.shape[1] / 2) responsibility /= np.sum(responsibility, axis=1, keepdims=True) # M-step: update the affine matrix and translation vector xs_weighted = responsibility.T @ xs ys_weighted = responsibility.T @ ys affine, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(xs_weighted, ys_weighted, rcond=None) translation = np.mean(ys, axis=0) - np.mean(xs @ affine, axis=0) # compute the aligned points ys_new = ys @ affine + translation return ys_new, responsibility ``` 2. Use the Kabsch algorithm: Instead of using the weighted least squares solution to update the affine matrix, we can use the Kabsch algorithm, which is a more efficient and numerically stable method for finding the optimal rigid transformation between two point clouds. The Kabsch algorithm consists of three steps: centering the point clouds, computing the covariance matrix, and finding the optimal rotation matrix. ```python def em_for_alignment(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, num_iter: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ The em algorithm for aligning two point clouds based on affine transformation :param xs: a set of points with size (N, D), N is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param ys: a set of points with size (M, D), M is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param num_iter: the number of EM iterations :return: ys_new: the aligned points: ys_new = ys @ affine + translation responsibility: the responsibility matrix P=[p(y_m | x_n)] with size (N, M), whose elements indicating the correspondence between the points """ # center the point clouds xs_centered = xs - np.mean(xs, axis=0) ys_centered = ys - np.mean(ys, axis=0) # initialize the affine matrix and translation vector affine = np.eye(xs.shape[1]) translation = np.zeros(xs.shape[1]) # initialize the responsibility matrix responsibility = np.zeros((xs.shape[0], ys.shape[0])) for i in range(num_iter): # E-step: compute the responsibility matrix diff = xs_centered[:, np.newaxis, :] - ys_centered[np.newaxis, :, :] sq_dist = np.sum(diff ** 2, axis=-1) responsibility = np.exp(-0.5 * sq_dist) / (2 * np.pi) ** (xs.shape[1] / 2) responsibility /= np.sum(responsibility, axis=1, keepdims=True) # M-step: update the affine matrix and translation vector cov = xs_centered.T @ responsibility @ ys_centered u, _, vh = np.linalg.svd(cov) r = vh.T @ u.T t = np.mean(ys, axis=0) - np.mean(xs @ r, axis=0) affine = np.hstack((r, t[:, np.newaxis])) # compute the aligned points ys_new = ys @ affine[:, :-1] + affine[:, -1] return ys_new, responsibility ``` The Kabsch algorithm is more efficient than the weighted least squares solution, especially when the point clouds are high-dimensional or noisy. However, it only works for rigid transformations, i.e., rotations and translations. If the transformation between the point clouds is not rigid, we need to use a more general method, such as the Procrustes analysis or the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.


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