QML与C++交互 登陆界面设计















/**********************************************************************                            登陆界面qml文件*                       (c)copyright 2014,jdh*                         All Right Reserved*新建日期:2014/4/29 by jdh*修改日期:2014/4/30 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/4 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/5 by jdh**********************************************************************/import QtQuick 2.0import "content"import Login_Gui 1.0Rectangle{    id: login    width: 320; height: 512    SystemPalette { id: activePalette }    //C++组件:用户界面    Login_Gui    {        id:login_gui        onSig_login_result:        {            //关闭登陆动画            load_gif.opacity = 0            //根据登陆结果处理            switch (result)            {            //登陆成功            case 0:                message.text = "登陆成功"                message.opacity = 1                break;            //无此用户名            case 1:                message.text = "登陆失败:无此用户名"                message.opacity = 1                break;            //密码错误            case 2:                message.text = "登陆失败:密码错误"                message.opacity = 1                break;            //达到最大登陆次数            case 3:                message.text = "登陆失败:达到最大登陆次数"                message.opacity = 1                break;            }        }    }    //背景图片    Image    {        id: background        anchors { top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom }        anchors.fill: parent        source: "pics/pic1.png"        fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop    }    //消息框    Message    {        id: message        font_size: login.height * 0.03        anchors {centerIn: parent}        opacity: 0    }    //登陆动画    AnimatedImage    {        id: load_gif; source: "pics/load.gif"        anchors {horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter}        z: 100        opacity: 0    }    //顶栏    Item    {        id: top_bar        width: login.width; height: login.height * 0.06        anchors.top: parent.top        Text        {            id: title            anchors { top: parent.top; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }            //text: "登陆"            text: "登陆"            font.bold: true            font.pointSize: login.height * 0.06 * 0.4            color: "dark red"        }    }    //空白栏    Item    {        id: space1        width: login.width; height: login.height * 0.1        anchors.top: top_bar.bottom    }    //登陆框    Rectangle    {        id: rect1        width: login.width * 0.8; height: login.height * 0.3        anchors { top: space1.bottom; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }        border.color: "#707070"        color: "transparent"        radius: 8        Row        {            spacing: rect1.width * 0.05            Item            {                width: rect1.width * 0.05; height: rect1.height            }            Column            {                spacing: rect1.height * 0.025                Item                {                    width: rect1.width * 0.8; height: rect1.height * 0.05                }                LineInput                {                    id: txt_user_id                    width: rect1.width * 0.8; height: rect1.height * 0.2                    font_size:height * 0.7                    //anchors {horizontalCenter: rect1.horizontalCenter; top: rect1.top; topMargin: 8}                    hint: "请输入用户号"                    text:login_gui.user_id                }                LineInput                {                    id: txt_password                    width: rect1.width * 0.8; height: rect1.height * 0.2                    font_size:height * 0.7                    //anchors {horizontalCenter: rect1.horizontalCenter; bottom: btn_login.top;  bottomMargin: rect1.height * 0.1}                    hint: "请输入密码"                    text:login_gui.password                }                Row                {                    spacing: rect1.width * 0.1                    Button                    {                        id: btn_login                        width: rect1.width * 0.35; height: rect1.height * 0.2                        //anchors { left: rect1.left; leftMargin: 28; bottom: rect1.bottom; bottomMargin: 8 }                        text: "登陆"                        onClicked: login_req()                    }                    Button                    {                        id: btn_quit                        width: rect1.width * 0.35; height: rect1.height * 0.2                        //anchors { right: rect1.right; rightMargin: 28; bottom: rect1.bottom; bottomMargin: 8 }                        text: "退出"                        onClicked:                        {                            Qt.quit();                        }                    }                }                Row                {                    spacing: rect1.width * 0.1                    CheckBox                    {                        id: check1                        width: rect1.width * 0.35; height: rect1.height * 0.2                        //anchors { left: rect1.left; top: rect1.bottom }                        caption: "记住密码"                        selected: login_gui.flag_remember                    }                    CheckBox                    {                        id: check2                        width: rect1.width * 0.35; height: rect1.height * 0.2                        //anchors { right: rect1.right; top: rect1.bottom }                        caption: "自动登陆"                        selected: login_gui.flag_auto                    }                }            }        }    }    //android自带键处理    FocusScope    {        focus: true        Keys.onReleased:        {            if (event.key == Qt.Key_Back)            {                console.log("qml login quit")                login.sig_btn_quit()            }        }    }    //登陆请求函数    function login_req()    {        //判断用户名是否有效        if (txt_user_id.text == "")        {            message.text = "请输入用户名"            message.opacity = 1            return        }        //判断密码是否有效        if (txt_password.text == "")        {            message.text = "请输入密码"            message.opacity = 1            return        }        //显示登陆动画        load_gif.opacity = 1        //登陆请求        login_gui.user_id = txt_user_id.text        login_gui.password = txt_password.text        login_gui.flag_remember = check1.selected        login_gui.flag_auto = check2.selected        login_gui.slot_login_req()    }//    //信号槽绑定//    Component.onCompleted://    {//        login_gui.sig_user_id_changed.connect(login_gui.slot_btn_login)//    }}



/**********************************************************************                               主文件*                       (c)copyright 2014,jdh*                         All Right Reserved*新建日期:2014/1/27 by jdh*修改日期:2014/1/28 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/4 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/18 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/27 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/28 by jdh*修改日期:2014/3/1 by jdh*修改日期:2014/4/10 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/4 by jdh**********************************************************************/#include "world.h"#include "main_gui.h"#include "login_gui.h"#include "light_gui.h"#include "heart_beat.h"#include "net.h"#include "data_sync_center.h"#include "set_ctrl_state.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);    //注册组件到QML    qmlRegisterType<Login_Gui>("Login_Gui", 1, 0, "Login_Gui");    QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;    viewer.setMainQmlFile(QStringLiteral("qml/SH_User/login.qml"));    viewer.showExpanded();    return app.exec();}


/**********************************************************************                           登陆界面模块头文件*                       (c)copyright 2014,jdh*                         All Right Reserved*新建日期:2014/1/29 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/1 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/18 by jdh*修改日期:2014/3/18 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/4 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/5 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/13 by jdh**********************************************************************/#ifndef LOGIN_GUI_H#define LOGIN_GUI_H/**********************************************************************                               头文件**********************************************************************/#include "world.h"/**********************************************************************                               宏定义**********************************************************************//**********************************************************************                               登录间隔*单位:ms**********************************************************************/#define INTERVAL_LOGIN          500/**********************************************************************                               最大登录次数**********************************************************************/#define NUM_LOGIN               5/**********************************************************************                               数据结构**********************************************************************//**********************************************************************                               登录界面类**********************************************************************/class Login_Gui : public QObject{    Q_OBJECT    //属性:用户名    Q_PROPERTY(QString user_id READ user_id WRITE set_user_id NOTIFY sig_user_id_changed)    //属性:密码    Q_PROPERTY(QString password READ password WRITE set_password NOTIFY sig_password_changed)    //属性:记住密码标志    Q_PROPERTY(bool flag_remember READ flag_remember \               WRITE set_flag_remember NOTIFY sig_flag_remember_changed)    //属性:自动登录标志    Q_PROPERTY(bool flag_auto READ flag_auto \               WRITE set_flag_auto NOTIFY sig_flag_auto_changed)public:    /*********************************************************************    *                           函数    **********************************************************************/    /*********************************************************************    *                           初始化函数    **********************************************************************/    Login_Gui();    /*********************************************************************    *                           解构函数    **********************************************************************/    ~Login_Gui();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性读取:用户号    **********************************************************************/    QString user_id();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性写入:用户号    **********************************************************************/    void set_user_id(QString str);    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性读取:密码    **********************************************************************/    QString password();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性写入:密码    **********************************************************************/    void set_password(QString str);    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性读取:记住密码标志    **********************************************************************/    bool flag_remember();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性写入:记住密码标志    **********************************************************************/    void set_flag_remember(bool flag);    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性读取:自动登陆标志    **********************************************************************/    bool flag_auto();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性写入:自动登陆标志    **********************************************************************/    void set_flag_auto(bool flag);signals:    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性改变信号:用户号    **********************************************************************/    void sig_user_id_changed();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性改变信号:密码    **********************************************************************/    void sig_password_changed();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性改变信号:记住密码标志    **********************************************************************/    void sig_flag_remember_changed();    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性改变信号:自动登陆标志    **********************************************************************/    void sig_flag_auto_changed();    /*********************************************************************    *                           信号:登陆结果    *参数:result:0:成功    *           1:无此用户名    *           2:密码错误    *           3:达到登陆的最大次数    **********************************************************************/    void sig_login_result(int result);    /*********************************************************************    *                               发送网络帧    *参数:id:用户名    *    password:密码    *    cmd:帧命令    *    index:发送序列号    *    frame:发送的报文    **********************************************************************/    void sig_net_tx_frame_with_id(uint32_t id,uint32_t password,int cmd,uint16_t index,QByteArray frame);public slots:    /*********************************************************************    *                           槽函数:登陆请求    **********************************************************************/    void slot_login_req();    /*********************************************************************    *                           槽函数:登陆响应    *参数:data:接收的数据    **********************************************************************/    void slot_login_ack(QByteArray data);private slots:    /*********************************************************************    *                           槽函数:心跳滴答函数    *说明:1滴答触发1次    **********************************************************************/    void slot_tick();private:    /*********************************************************************    *                           变量    **********************************************************************/    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性:用户号    **********************************************************************/    QString _user_id;    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性:密码    **********************************************************************/    QString _password;    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性:记住密码标志    **********************************************************************/    bool _flag_remember;    /*********************************************************************    *                           属性:自动登录标志    **********************************************************************/    bool _flag_auto;    /*********************************************************************    *                           滴答定时器    **********************************************************************/    QTimer *timer;    /*********************************************************************    *                           登录计数器    **********************************************************************/    int Login_Counter;};#endif // LOGIN_GUI_H


/**********************************************************************                           登陆界面模块主文件*                       (c)copyright 2014,jdh*                         All Right Reserved*新建日期:2014/1/29 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/1 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/17 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/18 by jdh*修改日期:2014/2/16 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/4 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/5 by jdh*修改日期:2014/5/13 by jdh**********************************************************************//**********************************************************************                           头文件**********************************************************************/#include "login_gui.h"/**********************************************************************                           函数**********************************************************************//**********************************************************************                           初始化函数**********************************************************************/Login_Gui::Login_Gui(){    //初始化变量    Login_Counter = 0;    //滴答初始化    timer = new QTimer(this);    //绑定信号槽    connect(timer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this , SLOT(slot_tick()));    QFile file_cfg("cfg.txt");    QByteArray arr;    bool ok;    int flag_remember = 0;    int flag_auto_login = 0;    int id = 0;    int password = 0;    QString str;    int i = 0;    int j = 0;    //属性初始化    _user_id = "";    _password = "";    _flag_remember = false;    _flag_auto = false;    //判断文件是否存在    if (!file_cfg.exists())    {        file_cfg.close();    }    else    {        //文件存在        file_cfg.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);        //读取文件        do        {            str.clear();            arr = file_cfg.readLine();            for (i = 0;i < arr.count();i++)            {                if ((arr.at(i) >= '0' && arr.at(i) <= '9') || \                    (arr.at(i) >= 'a' && arr.at(i) <= 'f') || \                     arr.at(i) == 'x')                {                    str[j++] = arr.at(i);                }            }            flag_remember = str.toInt(&ok,16);            if (!ok)            {                break;            }            str.clear();            arr = file_cfg.readLine();            for (i = 0;i < arr.count();i++)            {                if ((arr.at(i) >= '0' && arr.at(i) <= '9') || \                    (arr.at(i) >= 'a' && arr.at(i) <= 'f') || \                     arr.at(i) == 'x')                {                    str[j++] = arr.at(i);                }            }            flag_auto_login = str.toInt(&ok,16);            if (!ok)            {                break;            }            str.clear();            arr = file_cfg.readLine();            for (i = 0;i < arr.count();i++)            {                if ((arr.at(i) >= '0' && arr.at(i) <= '9') || \                    (arr.at(i) >= 'a' && arr.at(i) <= 'f') || \                     arr.at(i) == 'x')                {                    str[j++] = arr.at(i);                }            }            id = str.toInt(&ok,16);            if (!ok)            {                break;            }            str.clear();            arr = file_cfg.readLine();            for (i = 0;i < arr.count();i++)            {                if ((arr.at(i) >= '0' && arr.at(i) <= '9') || \                    (arr.at(i) >= 'a' && arr.at(i) <= 'f') || \                     arr.at(i) == 'x')                {                    str[j++] = arr.at(i);                }            }            password = str.toInt(&ok,16);            if (!ok)            {                break;            }            //判断是否记住密码            if (flag_remember == VALID_FLAG)            {                _user_id = QString::number(id,10);                _password = QString::number(password,10);                _flag_remember = true;                //判断是否自动登录                if (flag_auto_login == VALID_FLAG)                {                    _flag_auto = true;                    slot_login_req();                }            }        } while (0);        file_cfg.close();    }}/**********************************************************************                           解构函数**********************************************************************/Login_Gui::~Login_Gui(){}/**********************************************************************                           属性读取:用户号**********************************************************************/QString Login_Gui::user_id(){    return _user_id;}/**********************************************************************                           属性写入:用户号**********************************************************************/void Login_Gui::set_user_id(QString str){    if (_user_id != str)    {        _user_id = str;        emit sig_user_id_changed();    }}/**********************************************************************                           属性读取:密码**********************************************************************/QString Login_Gui::password(){    return _password;}/**********************************************************************                           属性写入:密码**********************************************************************/void Login_Gui::set_password(QString str){    if (_password != str)    {        _password = str;        emit sig_password_changed();    }}/**********************************************************************                           属性读取:记住密码标志**********************************************************************/bool Login_Gui::flag_remember(){    return _flag_remember;}/**********************************************************************                           属性写入:记住密码标志**********************************************************************/void Login_Gui::set_flag_remember(bool flag){    if (_flag_remember != flag)    {        _flag_remember = flag;        emit sig_flag_remember_changed();    }}/**********************************************************************                           属性读取:自动登陆标志**********************************************************************/bool Login_Gui::flag_auto(){    return _flag_auto;}/**********************************************************************                           属性写入:自动登陆标志**********************************************************************/void Login_Gui::set_flag_auto(bool flag){    if (_flag_auto != flag)    {        _flag_auto = flag;        emit sig_flag_auto_changed();    }}/**********************************************************************                           槽函数:登陆请求**********************************************************************/void Login_Gui::slot_login_req(){       //初始化计数器    Login_Counter = 0;    //开始尝试登陆    timer->start(INTERVAL_LOGIN);    slot_tick();}/**********************************************************************                           槽函数:登陆响应*参数:data:接收的数据**********************************************************************/void Login_Gui::slot_login_ack(QByteArray data){    uint32_t id = 0;    uint32_t password = 0;    int flag_remember = 0;    int flag_auto_login = 0;    uint8_t result = 0;    bool ok;#ifdef DEBUG    qDebug() << "接收帧:尝试登陆" << (uint8_t)data[0] << (uint8_t)data[1] << (uint8_t)data[2];#endif    //清除计数器    Login_Counter = 0;    //停止登录尝试    timer->stop();    //判断用户号和密码是否匹配    id = ((uint8_t)data[6] << 24) +\         ((uint8_t)data[7] << 16) + \         ((uint8_t)data[8] << 8) + \          (uint8_t)data[9];    password = ((uint8_t)data[10] << 24) +\               ((uint8_t)data[11] << 16) + \               ((uint8_t)data[12] << 8) + \                (uint8_t)data[13];    //登陆结果    result = (uint8_t)data[LEN_FRAME_HEAD];    //判断登陆结果    switch (result)    {        //登陆成功    case 0:        {            //判断用户名和密码是否正确            if (id == (uint32_t)_user_id.toInt(&ok) && password == (uint32_t)_password.toInt(&ok))            {                //发送登陆成功信号                emit sig_login_result(0);            #ifdef DEBUG                qDebug() << "登陆成功" << "用户号" << _user_id << "密码" << _password;            #endif                //判断是否勾选记住密码以及自动登录                if (_flag_remember)                {                    flag_remember = VALID_FLAG;                }                if (_flag_auto)                {                    flag_auto_login = VALID_FLAG;                }                //将用户名密码保存                QFile file_cfg("cfg.txt");                file_cfg.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);                QTextStream out(&file_cfg);                out << QString::number(flag_remember,16) << "\r\n" \                    << QString::number(flag_auto_login,16) << "\r\n" \                    << _user_id << "\r\n" \                    << _password << "\r\n";                file_cfg.close();            }            break;        }        //无此用户名    case 1:        {        #ifdef DEBUG            qDebug() << "登陆失败" << "用户号不存在";        #endif            //发送登录失败信号            emit sig_login_result(1);            break;        }        //密码错误    case 2:        {        #ifdef DEBUG            qDebug() << "登陆失败" << "密码错误";        #endif            //发送登录失败信号            emit sig_login_result(2);            break;        }    }}/**********************************************************************                           槽函数:心跳滴答函数*说明:1滴答触发1次**********************************************************************/void Login_Gui::slot_tick(){    QByteArray frame;    bool ok;    //登录计数器    Login_Counter++;    if (Login_Counter > NUM_LOGIN)    {    #ifdef DEBUG        qDebug() << "登录失败" << "达到最大尝试登陆次数:" << NUM_LOGIN;    #endif        //清除计数器        Login_Counter = 0;        //停止登陆尝试        timer->stop();        //发送登陆失败信号        emit sig_login_result(3);        return;    }    //发送登陆请求    //报文    frame.clear();    //发送网络帧#ifdef DEBUG    qDebug() << "发送帧:发送登陆请求";#endif    emit sig_net_tx_frame_with_id((uint32_t)_user_id.toInt(&ok),(uint32_t)_password.toInt(&ok),\                                  CMD_USER_LOGIN_REQUEST,0,frame);}


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C++写的一个简单的界面演示系统 void CMiniDrawDoc::AddFigure (CFigure *PFigure) { m_FigArray.Add (PFigure); SetModifiedFlag (); } CFigure *CMiniDrawDoc::GetFigure (int Index) { if (Index m_FigArray.GetUpperBound ()) return 0; return (CFigure *)m_FigArray.GetAt (Index); } int CMiniDrawDoc::GetNumFigs () { return m_FigArray.GetSize (); } void CMiniDrawDoc::DeleteContents() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class int Index = m_FigArray.GetSize (); while (Index--) delete m_FigArray.GetAt (Index); m_FigArray.RemoveAll (); CDocument::DeleteContents(); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnEditClearAll() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here DeleteContents (); UpdateAllViews (0); SetModifiedFlag (); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnUpdateEditClearAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { // TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here pCmdUI->Enable (m_FigArray.GetSize ()); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnEditUndo() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here int Index = m_FigArray.GetUpperBound (); if (Index > -1) { delete m_FigArray.GetAt (Index); m_FigArray.RemoveAt (Index); } UpdateAllViews (0); SetModifiedFlag (); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { // TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here pCmdUI->Enable (m_FigArray.GetSize ()); } // implementation of figure classes: IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CFigure, CObject, 3) CRect CFigure::GetDimRect () { return CRect (min (m_X1, m_X2), min (m_Y1, m_Y2), max (m_X1, m_X2) + 1, max (m_Y1, m_Y2) + 1); } void CFigure::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar << m_X1 << m_Y1 << m_X2 << m_Y2 <> m_X1 >> m_Y1 >> m_X2 >> m_Y2 >> m_Color; } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CLine, CFigure, 3) CLine::CLine (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = X1; m_Y1 = Y1; m_X2 = X2; m_Y2 = Y2; m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CLine::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CLine::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_SOLID, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); // draw figure: PDC->MoveTo (m_X1, m_Y1); PDC->LineTo (m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectangle, CFigure, 3) CRectangle::CRectangle (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = X1; m_Y1 = Y1; m_X2 = X2; m_Y2 = Y2; m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CRectangle::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CRectangle::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); PDC->SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH); // draw figure: PDC->Rectangle (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectFill, CFigure, 3) CRectFill::CRectFill (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; } void CRectFill::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CBrush Brush, *POldBrush; CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); Brush.CreateSolidBrush (m_Color); POldBrush = PDC->SelectObject (&Brush); // draw figure: PDC->Rectangle (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); PDC->SelectObject (POldBrush); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectRound, CFigure, 3) CRectRound::CRectRound (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CRectRound::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CRectRound::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); PDC->SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH); // draw figure: int SizeRound = (m_X2 - m_X1 + m_Y2 - m_Y1) / 6; PDC->RoundRect (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2, SizeRound, SizeRound); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectRoundFill, CFigure, 3) CRectRoundFill::CRectRoundFill (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; } void CRectRoundFill::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CBrush Brush, *POldBrush; CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); Brush.CreateSolidBrush (m_Color); POldBrush = PDC->SelectObject (&Brush); // draw figure: int SizeRound = (m_X2 - m_X1 + m_Y2 - m_Y1) / 6; PDC->RoundRect (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2, SizeRound, SizeRound); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); PDC->SelectObject (POldBrush); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CCircle, CFigure, 3) CCircle::CCircle (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CCircle::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CCircle::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); PDC->SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH); // draw figure: PDC->Ellipse (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CCircleFill, CFigure, 3) CCircleFill::CCircleFill (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; } void CCircleFill::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CBrush Brush, *POldBrush; CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); Brush.CreateSolidBrush (m_Color); POldBrush = PDC->SelectObject (&Brush); // draw figure: PDC->Ellipse (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); PDC->SelectObject (POldBrush); }
QMLC++ 交互的过程一般分为以下几个步骤: 1. 定义 C++ 类并注册到 QML 中 你需要在 C++ 中定义一个类,该类封装了你想要实现的功能。同时,你需要使用 `qmlRegisterType` 函数将该类注册到 QML 中,以便在 QML 中使用该类。 例如,你可以定义一个名为 `MyClass` 的类,并将其注册到 QML 中: ```cpp class MyClass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE int myFunction(int arg) { // 实现你的功能 } }; qmlRegisterType<MyClass>("com.example", 1, 0, "MyClass"); ``` 在上面的代码中,`Q_INVOKABLE` 用于声明 `myFunction` 函数可从 QML 中调用,`qmlRegisterType` 函数用于将 `MyClass` 类注册到 QML 中。`"com.example"` 表示注册的命名空间,`1` 和 `0` 表示主版本号和次版本号,`"MyClass"` 是在 QML 中使用的类名。 2. 在 QML 中使用 C++ 类 在 QML 中使用 C++ 类时,你需要使用 `import` 语句导入该类所在的命名空间。然后,你可以通过该命名空间来访问该类。例如: ```qml import com.example 1.0 MyClass { id: myClass } Button { onClicked: { var result = myClass.myFunction(42) // 处理返回值 } } ``` 在上面的代码中,`import` 语句用于导入 `com.example` 命名空间,`MyClass` 用于创建一个 `MyClass` 实例,`id` 属性用于设置实例的标识符,`Button` 用于创建一个按钮,`onClicked` 事件处理程序中调用了 `myFunction` 函数,并处理了它的返回值。 3. 在 C++ 中访问 QML 中的对象 如果你需要从 C++ 中访问 QML 中的对象,你可以使用 `QQuickItem` 类提供的 `findChild` 函数。例如: ```cpp QQuickItem *item = qmlEngine.rootObjects().value(0)->findChild<QQuickItem*>("myItem"); if (item) { // 处理 item 对象 } ``` 在上面的代码中,`qmlEngine.rootObjects()` 函数返回 QML 引擎中所有的根对象,`value(0)` 返回第一个根对象,`findChild` 函数用于查找名为 `"myItem"` 的子对象。 以上就是 QMLC++ 交互的基本步骤。
评论 1




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