
kdd2022Collaboration Equilibrium in Federated Learning.
kdd2022Connecting Low-Loss Subspace for Personalized Federated Learning.
kdd2022Communication-Efficient Robust Federated Learning with Noisy Labels.
kdd2022FLDetector: Defending Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning Attacks via Detecting Malicious Clients.
kdd2022No One Left Behind: Inclusive Federated Learning over Heterogeneous Devices.
kdd2022Fed-LTD: Towards Cross-Platform Ride Hailing via Federated Learning to Dispatch.
kdd2022Felicitas: Federated Learning in Distributed Cross Device Collaborative Frameworks.
kdd2022A Practical Introduction to Federated Learning.
ICDE2022Enhancing Federated Learning with In-Cloud Unlabeled Data.
ICDE2022FedMP: Federated Learning through Adaptive Model Pruning in Heterogeneous Edge Computing.
ICDE2022Efficient Participant Contribution Evaluation for Horizontal and Vertical Federated Learning.
ICDE2022Federated Learning on Non-IID Data Silos: An Experimental Study.
ICDE2022Enhancing Federated Learning with Intelligent Model Migration in Heterogeneous Edge Computing.
ICDE2022Improving Fairness for Data Valuation in Horizontal Federated Learning.
ACMMM2022Confederated Learning: Going Beyond Centralization.
ACMMM2022Few-Shot Model Agnostic Federated Learning.
AAAI2022HarmoFL: Harmonizing Local and Global Drifts in Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Medical Images.
AAAI2022Federated Learning for Face Recognition with Gradient Correction.
AAAI2022SmartIdx: Reducing Communication Cost in Federated Learning by Exploiting the CNNs Structures.
AAAI2022Implicit Gradient Alignment in Distributed and Federated Learning.
AAAI2022SpreadGNN: Decentralized Multi-Task Federated Learning for Graph Neural Networks on Molecular Data.
AAAI2022Is Your Data Relevant?: Dynamic Selection of Relevant Data for Federated Learning.
AAAI2022FedSoft: Soft Clustered Federated Learning with Proximal Local Updating.
AAAI2022SplitFed: When Federated Learning Meets Split Learning.
AAAI2022Coordinating Momenta for Cross-Silo Federated Learning.
AAAI2022Seizing Critical Learning Periods in Federated Learning.
AAAI2022A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach for Efficient Client Selection in Federated Learning.
AAAI2022FedInv: Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning by Inversing Local Model Updates.
AAAI2022Efficient Device Scheduling with Multi-Job Federated Learning.
AAAI2022Preserving Privacy in Federated Learning with Ensemble Cross-Domain Knowledge Distillation.
AAAI2022Contribution-Aware Federated Learning for Smart Healthcare.
AAAI2022Class-Wise Adaptive Self Distillation for Federated Learning on Non-IID Data (Student Abstract).
AAAI2022AsyncFL: Asynchronous Federated Learning Using Majority Voting with Quantized Model Updates (Student Abstract).
AAAI2022FedCC: Federated Learning with Consensus Confirmation for Byzantine Attack Resistance (Student Abstract).
AAAI2022CrowdFL: A Marketplace for Crowdsourced Federated Learning.
WWW2022An Accuracy-Lossless Perturbation Method for Defending Privacy Attacks in Federated Learning.
WWW2022CPowering Multi-Task Federated Learning with Competitive GPU Resource Sharing.
ICML2022Fast Composite Optimization and Statistical Recovery in Federated Learning.
ICML2022Personalization Improves Privacy-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Federated Learning.
ICML2022The Fundamental Price of Secure Aggregation in Differentially Private Federated Learning.
ICML2022The Poisson Binomial Mechanism for Unbiased Federated Learning with Secure Aggregation.
ICML2022DisPFL: Towards Communication-Efficient Personalized Federated Learning via Decentralized Sparse Training.
ICML2022FedNew: A Communication-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Newton-Type Method for Federated Learning.
ICML2022DAdaQuant: Doubly-adaptive quantization for communication-efficient Federated Learning.
ICML2022Accelerated Federated Learning with Decoupled Adaptive Optimization.
ICML2022Multi-Level Branched Regularization for Federated Learning.
ICML2022FedScale: Benchmarking Model and System Performance of Federated Learning at Scale.
ICML2022Federated Learning with Positive and Unlabeled Data.
ICML2022Deep Neural Network Fusion via Graph Matching with Applications to Model Ensemble and Federated Learning.
ICML2022Orchestra: Unsupervised Federated Learning via Globally Consistent Clustering.
ICML2022Disentangled Federated Learning for Tackling Attributes Skew via Invariant Aggregation and Diversity Transferring.
ICML2022Architecture Agnostic Federated Learning for Neural Networks.
ICML2022Personalized Federated Learning through Local Memorization.
ICML2022Federated Learning with Partial Model Personalization.
ICML2022Generalized Federated Learning via Sharpness Aware Minimization.
ICML2022FedNL: Making Newton-Type Methods Applicable to Federated Learning.
ICML2022Virtual Homogeneity Learning: Defending against Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning.
ICML2022EDEN: Communication-Efficient and Robust Distributed Mean Estimation for Federated Learning.
ICML2022Communication-Efficient Adaptive Federated Learning.
ICML2022ProgFed: Effective, Communication, and Computation Efficient Federated Learning by Progressive Training.
ICML2022Fishing for User Data in Large-Batch Federated Learning via Gradient Magnification.
ICML2022Anarchic Federated Learning.
ICML2022QSFL: A Two-Level Uplink Communication Optimization Framework for Federated Learning.
ICML2022Bitwidth Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Progressive Weight Dequantization.
ICML2022Neural Tangent Kernel Empowered Federated Learning.
ICML2022Understanding Clipping for Federated Learning: Convergence and Client-Level Differential Privacy.
ICML2022Personalized Federated Learning via Variational Bayesian Inference.
ICML2022Federated Learning with Label Distribution Skew via Logits Calibration.
ICML2022Neurotoxin: Durable Backdoors in Federated Learning.
ICLR2022Recycling Model Updates in Federated Learning: Are Gradient Subspaces Low-Rank?
ICLR2022Diverse Client Selection for Federated Learning via Submodular Maximization.
ICLR2022Robbing the Fed: Directly Obtaining Private Data in Federated Learning with Modified Models.
ICLR2022Diurnal or Nocturnal? Federated Learning of Multi-branch Networks from Periodically Shifting Distributions.
ICLR2022Efficient Split-Mix Federated Learning for On-Demand and In-Situ Customization.
ICLR2022ZeroFL: Efficient On-Device Training for Federated Learning with Local Sparsity.
ICLR2022An Agnostic Approach to Federated Learning with Class Imbalance.
ICLR2022Federated Learning from Only Unlabeled Data with Class-conditional-sharing Clients.
ICLR2022FedChain: Chained Algorithms for Near-optimal Communication Cost in Federated Learning.
ICLR2022What Do We Mean by Generalization in Federated Learning?
ICLR2022Towards Model Agnostic Federated Learning Using Knowledge Distillation.
ICLR2022Acceleration of Federated Learning with Alleviated Forgetting in Local Training.
ICLR2022FedPara: Low-rank Hadamard Product for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning.
ICLR2022On Bridging Generic and Personalized Federated Learning for Image Classification.
ICLR2022Hybrid Local SGD for Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Communications.
ICLR2022Improving Federated Learning Face Recognition via Privacy-Agnostic Clusters.
CVPR2022ATPFL: Automatic Trajectory Prediction Model Design under Federated Learning Framework.
CVPR2022Local Learning Matters: Rethinking Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning.
CVPR2022CD2-pFed: Cyclic Distillation-guided Channel Decoupling for Model Personalization in Federated Learning.
CVPR2022Rethinking Architecture Design for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning.
CVPR2022Robust Federated Learning with Noisy and Heterogeneous Clients.
CVPR2022Federated Learning with Position-Aware Neurons.
CVPR2022Layer-wised Model Aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning.
CVPR2022FedCor: Correlation-Based Active Client Selection Strategy for Heterogeneous Federated Learning.
CVPR2022FedDC: Federated Learning with Non-IID Data via Local Drift Decoupling and Correction.
CVPR2022Differentially Private Federated Learning with Local Regularization and Sparsification.
CVPR2022Auditing Privacy Defenses in Federated Learning via Generative Gradient Leakage.
CVPR2022Learn from Others and Be Yourself in Heterogeneous Federated Learning.
CVPR2022Fine-tuning Global Model via Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Non-IID Federated Learning.
CVPR2022FedCorr: Multi-Stage Federated Learning for Label Noise Correction.
CVPR2022ResSFL: A Resistance Transfer Framework for Defending Model Inversion Attack in Split Federated Learning.
IJCAI2022Shielding Federated Learning: Robust Aggregation with Adaptive Client Selection.
IJCAI2022Private Semi-Supervised Federated Learning.
IJCAI2022Adapt to Adaptation: Learning Personalization for Cross-Silo Federated Learning.
IJCAI2022Continual Federated Learning Based on Knowledge Distillation.
IJCAI2022Poisoning Deep Learning Based Recommender Model in Federated Learning Scenarios.
IJCAI2022Federated Learning on Heterogeneous and Long-Tailed Data via Classifier Re-Training with Federated Features.
IJCAI2022Personalized Federated Learning with Contextualized Generalization.
IJCAI2022FedCG: Leverage Conditional GAN for Protecting Privacy and Maintaining Competitive Performance in Federated Learning.
IJCAI2022Personalized Federated Learning With a Graph.
IJCAI2022FedDUAP: Federated Learning with Dynamic Update and Adaptive Pruning Using Shared Data on the Server.
IJCAI2022Heterogeneous Ensemble Knowledge Transfer for Training Large Models in Federated Learning.
IJCAI2022Towards Verifiable Federated Learning.
TPAMI2022Lazily Aggregated Quantized Gradient Innovation for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning.
TPAMI2022Communication-Efficient Randomized Algorithm for Multi-Kernel Online Federated Learning.
JMLR2022One-Shot Federated Learning: Theoretical Limits and Algorithms to Achieve Them.
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