
 以下 是我学习过程中的好英文句子的积累,和大家一起分享。

  1. The  safest way to try and get what you want is to try and deserve what you want.(获得一样东西最好的方法是使自己配得上它)
  2. The truth of "let go” is readily to accept all kinds of outcome after making full efforts, rather than to do nothing at the begining.( 放手的真相是竭尽全力的不强求,而非两手一摊的不作为 )
  3. When I was in college, I lost my sense of direction and visibility, I don't konw what to do.(当我在大学的时候,我迷失了方向感到迷茫,不知道我要做什么)
  4. I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than beans and rice.(一见倾心,再见倾情,我爱你此生不渝)
  5. If you want to change yourself, the person who changes you must be yourself .(如果你想要改变自己,改变你的人必须是你自己)
  6. Beautiful skin looks all the same, but an interesting soul makes you once in a million. (好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂万里挑一)
  7. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.( 世上无难事,只怕有心人/  心之所向,无所不能)
  8. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. (决定你人生高度的是你的态度,而不是你的才能)
  9. The world is so colorful , so I wanna go and see what it is like.(世界这么大,我想去看看)
  10. Fear not for the future, weep not for the past .(不念过往,不畏将来)
  11. Better late than never .(迟做总比不做好)
  12. That is no the way I want my life to be.( 那不是我想要的生活)
  13. That is the way of life.( 生活就是这样)
  14. Action speak louder than words. ( 行动胜于言语)
  15. What doesn't kill you makes stronger. ( 杀不死你的会使你更加强大)
  16. There are three things in our life, someone to love, something to do and someting to hope for.(幸福来源于三件事,有人爱,有事做,有所期待)
  17. Prepare for the best,prepare for the worst.(做最好的准备,做最坏的打算
  18. I tend to think that however how high of a mountain I have climbed,I am always look at the next mountain to climb. (我趋向于认为,无论我爬了多高的山峰,我总是寻找下一个可以攀爬的高峰)
  19. the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. (今天竭尽全力做得最好,就是为明天做最好的准备)
  20. The minute you think of giving up , think of the reason why  you held on so long.(当你想要放弃的时候,想一下是什么让你坚持了这么久)
  21. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.( 认识你自己是一切智慧的开端)
  22. If you dream and you arrow yourself to dream, you can do anything.(当你有梦想,并且准许自己有梦的时候,你将无所不能)
  23. You have to stand for something in this world.(在这个世界上,你总得去捍卫某些东西)
  24. The three words I can sum up everything , I have learned about life, it goes on.(这三个字足以让我总结一切人生哲学,一切向前看)
  25. Life is10% happens to me and 90% how I react to it.(生活的一层是发生在我身上的事情,剩下的九层却决于我如何应对)
  26. You can control your destiny.( 你可以掌控自己的命运)
  27. The secret of getting ahead it is getting started.(前进的秘诀是着手开始)
  28. To be the best, you have to be with the best.( 要成为最好,你就要和最优秀的人在一起)
  29. Before  you are ready, game is over.( 当你准备好的时候,游戏已经结束了)
  30. If you got a dream , you gotta protect it.(如果你有一个梦想,你就得去捍卫它)
  31. Maturity has nothing to do with age, it's just a state of mind.(成熟和年龄无关,它只是一种心态)
  32. What do you mean ?  (你是什么意思)
  33. You knonw  what I mean? (你知道我是什么意思吗)
  34. That 's not what I mean.(我不是那个意思)
  35. I konw what you mean.(我知道你是什么意思)
  36. you never know how beautiful the people are when they have faith. (你永远都不知道有信仰的人多么美丽)
  37. Adversity makes men ,Prosperity makes monsters.(逆境造就人才,顺境造就魔鬼)
  38. this moive is way too touching (这部电影太感人了)
  39. Every men dies, not every men really lives.(每个人都会死,但不是每个人都真正活着)
  40. You never know how breave you are when you have the  courage to have a try.(你永远都不知道当你有勇气去尝试的时候你多么勇敢)       
  41. Whatever you do don't forget your original aspiration.(无论你做什么,都不要忘记你的初心)
  42. Whatever you do, do it meticulously(flawlessly).(无论你做什么,做到一丝不苟)
  43. I love three things in the world, sun , moon and you , sun for the moring , moon for the night, and you forever.(浮世三千,吾爱有三,日月与卿,日为朝,月为暮,卿为朝朝暮暮) 
  44. Beautiful things don't ask for attention.(真正美丽的东西,并不会刻意去追求别人的眼光)     
  45. You are arrogant , idiotic , ridiculous nobody, so please take your stupid opinion elsewhere.( 没人像你这样傲慢,愚蠢,荒谬,所以请你带着你的狗屁观点闪到一边去)     
  46. What's you superpower? Courage.( 你的超能力是什么,勇气)
  47.  You can not  connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking  backwards. (没有谁可以未卜先知,事事间的因果,往往在时间的回首中显现) 
  48. It futile force things , it's best to leave everything to fate. (强求是徒劳的,一切让命运来安排)        
  49. A thousand years is too long , seize the hour, size the day and to live fullest.(一万年太久,只争朝夕  ,不负韶华)
  50. Hope  that  after I have witnessed the vicissitudes of life and comebacks, I am still a young man!(愿历经千帆,归来仍是此间少年) 
  51. I have no special talents , I am only passionately curious .    (我没有特殊的才能,我只是对某一件事情无比地好奇)     
  52. sometimes you might need to look back to see how you got here and where you might be heading!(有时候你需要回头去看看你是如何走到今天的,于此同时你又将前往何方)   
  53.  We  are here on earth not for a long time,but for a good time!(我们在地球上不是为了活多长,而是为了活得快乐和精彩)   
  54.    Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the starts. (取法乎上,得乎其中) 
  55. A lot of learning arises out of sharing .(很多的学习源于分享)
  56. If life is worth living , it worth recording.( 如果生活是值得的,那么它就值得记录)   
  57.  life is a box of chocolates and you never know what you are gonna get. 
  58. Attitude decides everythings , detials determine success or failure.   (态度决定一切,细节决定成败)
  59. You should appreciate what you have before it becomes  what you had  .(  你应当珍惜你当前拥有的,不要等到失去后才追悔莫及)
  60.  Life is an interesting journey of ups and downs, but how the journey ends is up to you today.(生活是一次起起伏伏的旅行,但是现在该如何结束旅行取决于你)
  61.  Once you give up , there is no hope, but untill you give up there is that hope.(一旦你放弃了,就没有希望了,但除非你放弃,否则还有希望)
  62.  Every time you fall down , you learn something new, you are ready to the next one.(  每一次跌倒,你都 能够学到一些新的东西,你已经为下一次做好了准备) 
  63. Don't cry beacuse it is over,  simle because  it happened.(不要为了结束而哭泣,应该为了过去而微笑)         
  64.   To be , or not to be, that is the question. (生存还是毁灭,这是个问题)
  65.   Don't cry because is over, smile because it happend. (不要因为结束而哭泣。微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。)   
  66.   I am not afriad of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today.( 我不害怕明天,因为我见过昨天,热爱今天)






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