【北邮果园大三】Software Engineering 软件工程 - Block 1 Day 2 - 软件开发过程

1. Day 2 - Software Processes

1.1. Software Processes

软件开发的过程是需求规范 - 开发(分析、设计、实现) - 验证(测试、部署) - 演进(维护)

Definition定义: A software process is a set of structured activities that leads to the production of the software. 软件流程是导致软件生产一组结构化活动

软件开发的过程是需求规范 - 开发(分析、设计、实现) - 验证(测试、部署) - 演进(维护)

  • Requirement specification 需求规范
  • Development 开发
    • Analysis 分析
    • Design 设计
    • Implementation 实现
  • Validation (Testing/Deployment) 验证(测试、部署)
  • Evolution (Maintenance) 演进(维护)
1.1.1. Requirement specification 需求规范
  1. 定义:Defining what the system should do 定义系统应该做什么
  2. 目标: A complete description of the problem and of the constraints imposed by/on the environment. 对问题和限制的完整描述。
  3. 内容:
    • Functions of the system 系统功能
    • Future extensions 未来拓展
    • Amount of documentation required 需求文件数量
    • Response time and performance 响应时间和性能
    • Acceptance criteria 验收标准
  4. 结果: Requirements specification 需求规范(一份文档)
1.1.2. Analysis 分析(开发第一步)
  1. 目标: analyse requirements to create a conceptual model of the software system. 分析需求以创建软件系统的概念模型。
  2. 内容:
    • Data modelling 数据建模,分析并组织数据结构
    • Functional modelling and information/control flow 功能建模,信息、控制流
    • Behavioural modelling and state 行为建模
    • User interface modelling 用户界面建模
  3. 结果Result: A set of Analysis Models 一组分析模型(概念模型)
1.1.3. Design 设计(开发第二步)
  1. 目标: An implementable model of the software system. 形成软件系统的可实现模型。(包含构建系统所需的足够信息
  2. 内容:
    • Architecture is defined. 定义了架构
    • System is decomposed to components within the architecture. 分解系统为架构内组件
    • Design decisions dramatically impact system quality. 设计阶段的决策极大影响了系统质量
  3. 结果: Detailed Design Documentation 详细的设计文档
1.1.4. Implementation 实现(开发第三步)
  1. 目标: implementation of all design elements. 所有设计元素的实现
  2. 内容:
    • Starts from the component specifications developed during design. 从设计阶段确定的组件开始
    • Interfaces defined in the design should be respected by the implementation of the component. 设计接口与实现组件要一一对应。
    • Code should be well documented and easy to read, flexible, correct, reliable AND fully tested. 代码应该书写规范,易于阅读,灵活正确可靠,经过全面测试
  3. 结果: Working and executable version of the software. 软件的工作版本与可执行版本
1.1.5. Testing 测试(验证第一步)
  1. 定义:检查是否符合客户要求
  2. 内容:
    • Unit testing 单元测试
    • Functional testing 功能测试
    • Integration testing 集成测试
    • System testing 系统测试
    • Acceptance testing 验收测试
    • Testing and implementation should run in parallel. 测试与实现应该同时进行!
  3. 结果: Fully tested software 完全测试过的软件
1.1.6. Deployment 部署(验证第二步)
  1. 内容:
    • Implement a strategy to avoid outages 实现策略防止中断
    • Package software ready to install on a computer system/device or deploy to servers 打包软件,准备安装或部署
    • Actually installing/deploying the software. 实际安装或部署
    • Live testing in real environment. 真实环境的实时测试
    • Documentation and manuals. 文件与手册
    • Training. 训练
  2. 结果: Working software in real environment 真实环境的可用软件
1.1.7. Evolution 演进(维护)
  1. 目的:keeping the system operational after delivery to the customer; changing the system in response to changing customer needs. 交付后保持系统运行,根据需求改变来改变系统
  2. 要求:
    • Corrective可纠正: identification and removal of faults.识别并消除故障
    • Adaptive自适应: modifications needed to achieve interoperability with other systems and platforms. 实现其他系统和平台的互操作
    • Perfective可改进: incorporation of new features, improved performance and other modifications. 引入新功能,改进性能
    • Preventive预防性: modifications to mitigate possible degradation of usability, maintainability, etc. 为减轻可用性和可维护性下降所做的修改

1.2. Software process models - Genetic & Classic 通用经典开发过程模型

  1. 采用开发模型的原因
    1. 根据系统不同,开发活动可以顺序sequence、交错interleaved或同步concurrently进行。
    2. Must be modelled in order to be managed. 必须建立管理模型,方便管理。
  2. 软件开发过程模型的定义:
    • A simplified representation of a software process 软件开发过程的简化表示
    • An abstract representation. 一种抽象表示
1.2.1. The waterfall model 瀑布式模型
  1. 定义
    1. Cascade级联 from one phase to another: Sequential approach. 级联,顺序
    2. In principle, one phase has to be complete before moving onto the next phase. 完成上一阶段,才能进入下一阶段
    3. Separate and distinct phases. 阶段分离且不同
  2. 优点
    1. Easy to monitor the progress (After a small number of iterations, freeze parts of the development and continue with later phases) 便于监控进度,少量迭代即可结束上一步、执行下一步
    2. Documentation is well produced at each stage. 每个阶段文档质量高
    3. Structured approach. 方法结构化
    4. Specialised teams can be used at each stage of the lifecycle. 每个阶段都可以雇佣专业团队
  3. 缺点
    1. Inflexible (difficulty of accommodating change after the process is underway) 不灵活,流程开始后很难改变
    2. Time consuming 费时
      • Real projects rarely follow the sequential flow. 真正项目很少完全遵守流程
      • A working version of the system will not be available until late in the project time-span. 工作版本要到项目后期才可用
    3. Minimises impact of global understanding over the lifecycle of a project. 降低了在项目生命周期内的整体理解
    4. Not realistic. 不现实
  4. 适合的项目 - 适合关键性critical任务(发射火箭等)
    • 十分了解需求,需求更改很少的项目(基本没有商业项目符合)
    • Adaptation or enhancement of existing system. 对存在的系统调整或升级时
    • In high risk, safety critical systems e.g. air traffic control, quality is key. 高风险,安全最为关键的项目(飞机,航天,核能,通信)
1.2.2. Evolutionary development 进化开发
  1. 定义:
    • Activities are interleaved. 活动交错进行
    • Rapid feedback 迅速反馈
    • Refining through many versions , evolves over time 随版本精炼,随时间进化
    • Core requirements are well understood but not the detailed extension. 只满足核心功能,但没有详细拓展
  2. 优点
    1. Effective 高效
      • Concurrency, several members of the team may be working on different increments or releases 同时进行,团队成员各自负责不同部分
    2. Can meet the immediate needs 即时满足需求
    3. Specification can be developed incrementally 规范逐步制定
      • Users feedback 根据用户反馈
      • Planned feature, new feature 统筹计划的功能与新功能
  3. 缺点
    1. Lack of process visibility, Lack of deliverable documents to measure progress. 流程进度不可见,缺乏衡量进度的文件
    2. Systems are often poorly structured 系统结构差(不停改变Continual change,工作太快Rush work)
    3. Special skills may be required 可能需要特殊技能(需要能快速原型设计的语言languages for rapid prototyping)
  4. 适合的项目 - 社交软件,即时通讯,手机app
    1. small or medium-size interactive systems 中小规模交互系统
    2. parts of large systems, e.g. the user interface 大系统的用户界面
    3. For short-lifetime systems 短周期系统
    4. Project with multiple features and therefore releases. 有多个功能与发布版本的系统
1.2.3. RUP (The Rational Unified Process) 合理统一过程
  1. 定义:四个阶段 初始Inception - 细化Elaboration - 建造Construction - 过渡Transition
  2. 工作量按照峰值先后:
    • Business Modeling
    • Requirements
    • Analysis
    • Design
    • Implementation
    • Test
    • Deployment
  3. 四阶段过程
    1. Inception 初始的结束标志
      • ends with commitment to go ahead, business case for the project and its feasibility and feature scope identified. 结束标志:继续工程的承诺,项目的商业合同,确定可行性和功能的范围
    2. Elaboration 细化的结束标志
      • Basic architecture of the system in place. 确定了基本架构
      • A plan for construction agreed. 制定了施工计划
      • All significant risks identified. 识别所有重大风险
      • Major risks understood enough not to be too worried. 对重大风险有足够了解
    3. Construction (iterative) 建造的结束标志
      • beta-release of the system. 系统的测试版
    4. Transition 过渡的结束标志
      • the process of introducing the system to its users. 向用户介绍系统
  4. RUP的优缺点
    1. 优点
      1. Generic process 通用过程
      2. Separation of phases and workflows 分离阶段与工作流(动态、有目标)
    2. 缺点
      1. Overhead 费用高,需要文件和图表Documents & Diagrams

1.3. Modern Software Processes - Agile 现代软件过程 - 敏捷开发

  • Scrum
  • Crystal Clear, Extreme Programming
  • Adaptive Software Development, Feature Driven Development
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM )
  • Kanban
  • Lean

These are now collectively referred to as Agile Software Development






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