


SQL29 计算用户的平均次日留存率

SQL34 统计复旦用户8月练题情况

SQL35 浙大不同难度题目的正确率


SQL14 SQL类别高难度试卷得分的截断平均值

SQL19 未完成试卷数大于1的有效用户

SQL20 月均完成试卷数不小于3的用户爱作答的类别

SQL25 满足条件的用户的试卷完成数和题目练习数

SQL26 每个6/7级用户活跃情况

SQL28 第二快/慢用时之差大于试卷时长一半的试卷

SQL29 连续两次作答试卷的最大时间窗

SQL31 未完成率较高的50%用户近三个月答卷情况

SQL32 试卷完成数同比2020年的增长率及排名变化

SQL35 每月及截止当月的答题情况

SQL38 筛选限定昵称成就值活跃日期的用户

SQL39 筛选昵称规则和试卷规则的作答记录

SQL40 根据指定记录是否存在输出不同情况

SQL41 各用户等级的不同得分表现占比

SQL43 注册当天就完成了试卷的名单第三页

SQL46 大小写混乱时的筛选统计


SQL12 获取每个部门中当前员工薪水最高的相关信息

SQL18 获取当前薪水第二多的员工的emp_no以及其对应的薪水salary

SQL21 查找在职员工自入职以来的薪水涨幅情况

SQL23 对所有员工的薪水按照salary降序进行1-N的排名

SQL24 获取所有非manager员工当前的薪水情况

SQL25 获取员工其当前的薪水比其manager当前薪水还高的相关信息

SQL26 汇总各个部门当前员工的title类型的分配数目

SQL59 获取有奖金的员工相关信息

SQL60 统计salary的累计和running_total

SQL61 给出employees表中排名为奇数行的first name

SQL65 异常的邮件概率

SQL67 牛客每个人最近的登录日期(二)

SQL68 牛客每个人最近的登录日期(三)

SQL69 牛客每个人最近的登录日期(四)

SQL70 牛客每个人最近的登录日期(五)

SQL71 牛客每个人最近的登录日期(六)

SQL74 考试分数(三)

SQL75 考试分数(四)

SQL76 考试分数(五)

SQL80 牛客的课程订单分析(四)

SQL81 牛客的课程订单分析(五)

SQL82 牛客的课程订单分析(六)

SQL83 牛客的课程订单分析(七)

SQL86 实习广场投递简历分析(三)

SQL88 最差是第几名(二)

SQL90 获得积分最多的人(二)

SQL91 获得积分最多的人(三)

SQL93 网易云音乐推荐(网易校招笔试真题)


SQL29 计算用户的平均次日留存率

with t as (select distinct device_id, date from question_practice_detail)
select count(*)/(select count(*) from t) as avg_ret from t a 
join t b on a.device_id = b.device_id and datediff(b.date, a.date) = 1;

SQL34 统计复旦用户8月练题情况

select a.device_id, university,
count(question_id) as question_cnt, 
sum(if(result='right', 1, 0)) as right_question_cnt
from user_profile a left join question_practice_detail b on a.device_id = b.device_id and
 month(date) = 8 where university = '复旦大学' group by a.device_id, university;

SQL35 浙大不同难度题目的正确率

select difficult_level, sum(if(result='right', 1, 0))/count(*) as correct_rate
from user_profile left join question_practice_detail using(device_id) join question_detail
using(question_id) where university = '浙江大学' group by difficult_level order by correct_rate;


SQL14 SQL类别高难度试卷得分的截断平均值

select tag, difficulty,
round((sum(score)-max(score)-min(score))/(count(*)-2), 1) as clip_avg_score
from exam_record join examination_info using(exam_id)
where score is not null and tag = 'SQL' and difficulty = 'hard'

SQL19 未完成试卷数大于1的有效用户

select uid, sum(if(submit_time is null, 1, 0)) as incomplete_cnt,
sum(if(submit_time is not null, 1, 0)) as complete_cnt,
group_concat(distinct concat(date(start_time), ':', tag) order by start_time SEPARATOR ';') as detail
from exam_record join examination_info using(exam_id) where year(start_time) = 2021 
group by uid
having complete_cnt >= 1 and incomplete_cnt between 2 and 4
order by incomplete_cnt desc;

SQL20 月均完成试卷数不小于3的用户爱作答的类别

select tag, count(*) as tag_cnt from exam_record join examination_info using(exam_id)
where uid in 
(select uid
from exam_record 
group by uid, date_format(start_time, '%Y%m') 
having count(submit_time) >= 3) group by tag order by tag_cnt desc;

SQL25 满足条件的用户的试卷完成数和题目练习数

with t as (
select uid from exam_record 
where exam_id in (select exam_id from examination_info where tag = 'SQL' and difficulty = 'hard') and uid in (select uid from user_info where level = 7) group by uid having avg(score) > 80
select a.uid, max(exam_cnt) as exam_cnt, max(ifnull(question_cnt, 0)) as question_cnt from
(select uid, count(exam_id) over (partition by uid, date(start_time)) as exam_cnt from exam_record where year(start_time) = 2021 and uid in (select * from t)) a
left join
(select uid, count(question_id) over (partition by uid, date(submit_time)) as question_cnt from practice_record
where year(submit_time) = 2021 and uid in (select * from t)) b
using(uid) group by a.uid order by exam_cnt, question_cnt desc

SQL26 每个6/7级用户活跃情况

# 所有日期都要去重
select uid, ifnull(s1.act_month_total, 0) as act_month_total,
ifnull(s2.act_days_2021, 0) as act_days_2021,
count(distinct(if(year(a.submit_time)=2021, date(a.submit_time), null))) as act_days_2021_exam,
count(distinct(if(year(b.submit_time)=2021, date(b.submit_time), null))) as act_days_2021_question
from user_info left join exam_record a using(uid) left join practice_record b using(uid)left join (select uid, count(mo) as act_month_total	from
(select distinct uid, date_format(submit_time, '%Y%m') as mo from exam_record
select distinct uid, date_format(submit_time, '%Y%m') as mo from practice_record
) s group by uid) s1 using(uid)
left join (select uid, count(mo) as act_days_2021 from
(select distinct uid, date(submit_time) as mo from exam_record
select distinct uid, date(submit_time) as mo from practice_record) s 
where year(mo) = 2021 group by uid) s2 using(uid)
where level in (6, 7) group by uid order by act_month_total desc, act_days_2021 desc;

SQL28 第二快/慢用时之差大于试卷时长一半的试卷

with t as (
select exam_id, duration, release_time, timestampdiff(minute, start_time, submit_time) as te
from exam_record join examination_info using(exam_id)

select exam_id, duration, release_time from
(select exam_id, te,duration,release_time, row_number() over (partition by exam_id order by te desc) as rk from t
select exam_id, te,duration,release_time, row_number() over (partition by exam_id order by te) as rk from t) s where rk = 2 
group by exam_id, duration, release_time having max(te)-min(te)>duration/2
order by exam_id desc;

SQL29 连续两次作答试卷的最大时间窗

select uid, days_window, round(cnt/(du+1)*days_window, 2) as avg_exam_cnt from
(select uid, count(distinct exam_id, date(start_time)) as cnt, 
datediff(max(start_time), min(start_time)) as du from exam_record 
where year(start_time)=2021 group by uid) a join
(select uid, max(du)+1 as days_window from
(select uid, datediff(lead(dt, 1) over(partition by uid order by dt), dt) as du from (select distinct uid, date(start_time) as dt from exam_record 
where submit_time is not null and year(start_time) = 2021 order by uid, dt) s) s1 group by uid having days_window is not null) b
using(uid) order by days_window desc, avg_exam_cnt desc;

SQL31 未完成率较高的50%用户近三个月答卷情况

with t as (
select uid from
(select uid, percent_rank() over (order by per) as rk from
(select uid, if(count(distinct date(submit_time))=0, 1, 
if(count(distinct date(submit_time))=count(*), 0, count(distinct date(submit_time))))/count(*) as per from exam_record left join examination_info using(exam_id) left join user_info using(uid) where tag = 'SQL' group by uid) s) s1 where rk >= 0.5
and uid in (select uid from user_info where level in (6, 7))
select uid, start_month, total_cnt, complete_cnt from
(select uid, date_format(start_time, '%Y%m') as start_month,
count(*) as total_cnt, count(submit_time) as complete_cnt,
dense_rank() over (partition by uid order by date_format(start_time, '%Y%m') desc) as rk
from exam_record where uid in (select * from t)
group by uid, start_month) s where rk <= 3 order by uid, start_month;

SQL32 试卷完成数同比2020年的增长率及排名变化

select tag, max(if(year=2020, exam_cnt, 0)) as exam_cnt_20,
max(if(year=2021, exam_cnt, 0)) as exam_cnt_21,
concat(round((max(if(year=2021, exam_cnt, 0))-max(if(year=2020, exam_cnt, 0)))/max(if(year=2020, exam_cnt, 0))*100, 1), '%') as growth_rate,
max(if(year=2020, rk, 0)) as exam_cnt_rank_20, max(if(year=2021, rk, 0)) as exam_cnt_rank_21, 
max(if(year=2021, rk, 0))-max(if(year=2020, rk, 0)) as rank_delta
from (select *, rank() over (partition by year order by exam_cnt desc) as rk from
(select tag, year(start_time) as year, count(submit_time) as exam_cnt
from exam_record join examination_info using(exam_id)
where year(start_time) in (2020, 2021) and month(start_time) <= 6
group by tag, year having exam_cnt != 0) s) s1 group by tag having count(*) > 1
order by exam_cnt_20, growth_rate 
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