
but 的基础用法

1. but 从根本上是个连词,连接两个对等的部分,最常见的意思是指:但是、不过,用来表示转折或是相反的语气

  • I would have written before, but I have been ill. 我以前本可以写,但我生病了。
  • They see the trees but (they do not see) the forest. 句子中相同的部分可以省略,用法同 and
  • My friend Lisa is smart but shy. 我的朋友 Lisa 很聪明,但是很害羞
  • This snack is good to eat but hard to find. 这一款点心很好吃,但很难找到
  • The restaurant is very nice, but the food there is too expensive. 这件餐厅很棒,不过那边的事物太贵了(通常只有当 but 连接两个句子时,前面需要加上逗号)

but 的其他用法

一、but + 短语:作句子的状语

  • He tried to save it, but in vain. 他试图挽救它,但没有成功。 but + 介词短语作结果状语
  • He worked very hard, but without success. 他工作很努力,但没有成功, but + 介词短语做结果状语
  • She glanced qucikly about, but seeing only the empty room. 她迅速扫视了一下四周,但只看到了空房间。but + ing 分词作结果状语

二、but that 的用法

but that 1:

请问下面两句中 but that 的意义和用法是否相同?

  • Nothing would satisfy the child but that I place her on my lap.
  • Nothing is so hard but that it becomes easy by practices.

答:上面两句中的 but that 都是从属连接词, 但意义和用法是不同的。在第一句中 but (that) 的含义相当于 except that, 引出的是例外分句, 全句的意思是: 除了把这孩子放在我的膝上之外, 什么事也不能使她满意。而第二句中的 but that = that…not, 全句的意思是: 没有什么事通过练习不会变为易事(什么难事通过练习都会变为易事) 。这个句型的特点, 是主句总是个否定句。请看下面的例句:

  • No man is too old but he may learn. 不管多老, 都可以学习。 but = that … not
  • I am not such a fool but that I understand you. 我绝不会蠢得连你都不了解。
  • No task is so difficult but we can accomplish it. 没有什么困难的任务是我们不能完成的。but = that … not
  • Nowadays diamond is not such a hard material but that it can be drilled through. 金刚石在今天已不是硬得不能钻透的材料了。
  • 上述句子还不懂可以先看上面的解释,然后再回头来看

but that 2:

  • I’d have come with you but that I am so busy. 请问 but that 的词性及其含义:

答:but that 如同 except that, in that 一样, 应看成是复合从属连接词 (complex subordinator), 而不要看成是介系词 + that 的结构。此种用法的 but that 通常可以译为: “要不是” (= except that / if … not) 。

  • The old woman would have been drowned but that a passer-by dragged her out of the water. 要不是一位过路人把这位老太太从水里拉上来, 她就淹死了。
  • He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time. 要不是他当时没有钱, 他就帮助我们了。
  • I would have failed but that you helped me. 要不是你们帮助我,我就会失败。= I would hava failed if you don’t help me.
  • 请注意, but that 子句本身所描述的情景是真实的, 应当用陈述语气, 但是, 由于 but that 在语意上表示 “假如它所描述的真实情景不存在的话”, 因此主句常常提出与事实相反的情景, 所以主句大都用假设语气。

but that 3:

下面句子中的 but 是什么词类?

  • It never rains but it pours.

答:这里的 but 是 but that 的省略形式。but that = except that (若不是, 除非) 。因此 but (that) 是个从属连接词, 引出例外子句。

当主句为否定句时, 往往表达 “如果不⋯⋯ 就不会”、“ 若⋯⋯, 就一定” 的意思, 而且在固定格式里常常省略 that 。在这种情况下, but (that) 相当于 without + V-ing

  • It never rains but it pours. (= It never rains without pouring) 不下雨则已, 一下雨就是倾盆大雨。
  • You cannot look out but you will see it. (= You cannot look out without seeing it.) 你只要往外看, 就能看见它。
  • He never comes but that he may scold us. 他不来则已, 一来就骂我们。
  • He never reads a book but he digests. 他读书必融会贯通。
  • I never hear such a story but I laugh. 我一听到这种故事就发笑。
  • I never think of summer but I think of my childhood. 每当我想起夏天, 我就想起我的童年。
  • I never hear Gigli records but I think of my childhood singing-teacher. 每当我听吉格里的唱片时, 就会想起童年时的唱歌教师。

but that 4:

请问下面句中的 but that 是什么词, 具有什么含义?

  • I am not sure but that spring has arrived. 我不确定,春天没有到来。

答:but that 用在 to know, to be sure, to believe, to think, to say, to imagine 等动词之后, 其含义是: that… not 。所以现在有一种倾向用 that… not 来代替 but that 。例如:

  • I don’t know but that he may come here tomorrow. 我不知道,他明天可能不到这里来。
  • Who knows but that we may make friends with these foreigners?谁知道我们不会同这些外国人交朋友呢? (我们也许会同这些外国人交上朋友的。)
  • Who knows but that we may make a fortune? 谁知道我们不会发财呢?
  • I could hardly believe but that it was all real. 我很难相信这不是真的。

三、but 用作连词,放在否定词或疑问词之后,作从属关系,表示否定意义,可相当于 that not.

  • Never a month passed but she writes to her parents. 她没有一个月不给她双亲写信。

四、but / but that 用于否定词 doubt, question, deny 等之后,没有实在意义,只相当于关系连词 that.

  • There’s no doubt but he is a thief. 毫无疑问,他是一个贼。
  • I don’t doubt but that you are surprised. 我不怀疑,但你会感到惊讶。

在肯定句中, doubt 之后的子句要使用连接词 whether 或 if :

  • He doubled whether they would be able to help. 他拿不准他们是否能帮忙。
  • I doubt if he’s honest. 我怀疑他是否诚实。

在否定句中, doubt 之后的子句必须使用连接词 (but) that:

  • He never doubted that they would succeed. 他从不怀疑他们会成功。
  • I don’t doubt that they’ll accept at once. 我不怀疑他们会马上接受。
  • He didn’t doubt but that (= that) snow would fall. 他不怀疑要下雪了。

doubt 用作名词时, 情况亦是如此:

  • There is no doubt that if she had not lost her rudder she would have won the race easily. 如果它没有失去船舵的话, 它可能会轻而易举地赢得这次比赛的胜利的。
  • There’s no doubt but that he’s the guilty one. 毫无疑问他有罪。
  • I have no doubt but that he’ll come. 我想他会来的。

五、but 用作介词,表示 “除了,相当于 besides, except.”

  • No one knows him but she. 除了她,没有人认识她。

六、but 用作副词,相当于 only, 常译为 “只不过,仅仅”

  • He finished his homework but ten minutes ago. 他十分钟前刚完成作业。

七、buy 用作代词,表示从属关系,在否定句中常相当于 who 例如:

  • There is no one but likes to help him. 没有人喜欢帮助他。

but 的高级用法

1. 如果想表达 “每当…总是”,“即便在非常不利的情况下,也能” 这样的意思。

  • I never/hardly/scarcely/do not go past his grave but I think of him. 每次我路过他的墓,就会想到他。因为 but 是否定,所以这是双重否定,表示彻底肯定。
  • we never go to match but it rains. 我们一比赛,天就下雨:
  • He never passed one day but he phoned his girlfriend. 没有一天他不给女朋友大电话。
  • He never speaks but she contradicts him. 他一讲话,她就顶撞他
  • It never rains but it pours. 不下雨则已,下则倾盆。

2. 完全肯定词加 but 表示否定的态度;

完全肯定词: anything everyone, everywhere, everything, who, whose, all

  • He talked of anything but painting. 否定 painting, 他不讨论画画的事。

  • He never talked of anything but painting. 除了绘画,他什么都不谈

  • He took everhthing but that book. 对那本书彻底否定的态度, 他不拿那本书。

  • Everyone has known it but you. 你太蠢了,只有你不知道。

  • All but he had fled. 别人都跑,只有他没跑。

  • Who but a fool would do such a thing? 除了蠢货,还有谁会做这种事?

  • whose faults is it but hers? 不是她的错,还能是谁的错?


  • Our world is but a small part of the cosmos. 我们的世界仅仅是宇宙的一小部分而已.

3. 完全否定词加 but,表示肯定

完全否定词: nothing, none, nobody, nowhere

  • you will have nobody but youself to blame for this mistake. 所有人都不赖,就赖你。

  • No one but me knows what really happened. 只有我,别人都不知道。

  • She looks nothing but well. 看上去还有些健康。

  • With nothing but his own talent, he made himself rich and famous. 什么都不靠,只靠他的才能

如果用肯定词 anything + but,是彻底否定

  • with anything but his own talent, he made himself a prisoner. 他吃喝嫖赌都干,就是不利用自己的才能,结果锒铛入狱。

4. but 的虚拟语气

but for 加短语,主句用虚拟语气

  • but for the rain, we would have arrived on time. 要不是下雨,

  • But for your coming, I should have been very lonely. 要不是你来了

but that 加从句

  • but that he was prevented, he would have finished his design. 他本来可以完成设计,但被阻止了。

  • He would have said no, but that I was afraid. 他害怕了,原本他会拒绝了。

5. but for 的用法

but for 用法 1:

  • (a) But for a half or so for lunch I am here all day.
  • (b) But for my brother’s help I would not have finished the work.
    句 (a) (b) 中的 but for 意义是否相同?

在句 (a) 中 but for 表示 “例外” (除 ⋯ 之外), 在意义和用法上近似于 except for, 但没有后者用得普遍。在句 (b) 中 but for 表示“ 否定的条件”(要不是, 如果没有), 而且这种否定的条件是与事实相反的, 因此, 句子的动词要用假设语气。请注意下列各句中 but for 在意义和用法上的区别:

  • But for John they all died. 除约翰外, 他们都死了。
  • But for John they would all have died. 如果没有约翰, 他们就都死了。
  • But for the sun’s head, nothing could live… 如果没有太阳的热量, 任何生物也不会存活。
  • But for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey. 要不是那场雨, 我们的旅游会是很愉快的。
    But for the storm we should have arrived earlier. 要不是那场暴风雨, 我们本会早点儿到的。
  • But for your coming, I should have been very lonely. 如果那时不是你来了的话, 我是会非常孤独的。

but for 用法 2:

but for 除了表示“倘若没有”之外, 也可以表示 “除⋯ ⋯之外” 的意思。请看下面的实例:

  • But for John they all died. 除了约翰大家都死了。
  • But for a half or so for lunch I am here all day. 除了大约半小时的午饭时间之外, 我整天都在这里。
  • But for you everyone has helped. 除了你之外, 大家都帮忙了。

but for 用法 3 (but for/ except for):

but for 意为 ‘要不是’,用于假设语气

  • She would leave her husband except for the children.

except for 表示例外, 作 “除了” 解时, 常常与陈述语气连用。例如:

  • Except for me, everyone was tired. 除了我之外, 大家都很疲劳。
  • Except for John, all died. 除了约翰, 其余的人都死了。
  • Except for John, the whole class passed the test. 除了约翰, 全班同学都通过了考试。
  • Except for us/ourselves, he whole village was asleep. 除了我们之外, 全村的人都睡着了。

当 except for 表示否定的条件, 作 “要不是” 解时, 则如同 but for

  • Except for you, I should be dead by now. 要不是你, 我现在已不活在人世了。
  • Except for John they would all have died. 要不是因为约翰, 他们大家都死了。


  • But then (again) 话说回來、仔细一想
  • All but 几乎、差不多
  • Cannot help but 不得不、忍不住、只好




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