
Unit One
A: Hey! The weekend is coming. What are you going to do this weekend after such a long
exhausting week?
B: Well, I will finally have time to sit down and enjoy a meal. I’ll be able to taste and smell what I’m eating. Speaking of food, I think people should definitely pay more attention to what they’re eating. the weekend, for example, we should have enough time to make a glass of vegetable juice which we definitely don’t have time to prepare on weekdays
B: Yes, we really don’t. On the weekend, I also do some household chores to relax. Like fixing things in my house or cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom. A clean house always makes me happy.
A: That sounds reasonable. I like to organize my closet on the weekend and get rid of some old clothes and makeup products.
B: Oh, by the way, I registered for a yoga class last week. So I will go for the class starting this weekend.
A: A what class?
B: Yoga class, Y-O-G-A. It is a kind of exercise to promote control of both your body and your mind
A: Wow, that sounds great. That sounds like just what I need now. When are you going? Can I go with you?
B: Sure, I have some coupons for my friends to come along. You can come this weekend to try it out.
A: Thanks!

Unit Two
A: Do you think we students should have the right to know how our university makes its policies and have a say in the policy making?
B: Yes, of course. University policies tend to be directly affecting us. But in fact, often a policy has already gone into effect when we know it. So it is too late and difficult for us to make any alteration to it.
A: Exactly. However, I think students’ involvement in policy making is a double-edged sword.
Students may have good ideas, but the university will spend too much time weighing and balancing to make a policy satisfying to all. It affects efficiency.
B: That’s true. But the university should realize that support from students is the foundation stone after all. It ensures the smooth implementation of any policy.
A: Right. Luckily, the university is aware of the problem and every month they give student representatives a chance to meet the president and have a chat with him.
B: Really? What’s that for?
A: The university intends to let students know what is going on at school and what policies are being made so that students can express their opinions. If they have any questions about a policy being made, relevant department heads will be invited to answer them and explain the situation.
B: That’s great! Maybe one day I’ll be selected as a student representative and work as a bridge between the university president and students.

Unit Three
A: Hi, how are you?
B: Not bad.
A: What happened? You look a bit …
B: Um, it’s really embarrassing. You know our new CEO, Mr. Johnson?
A: Yeah, he’s been here for only a few weeks.
B: Yesterday, I was leaving the office when I saw him standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. I overheard him talking with an intern. He said that the paper was a very sensitive and important document and his secretary had left for the day.
A: What did you do?
B: I was so happy to have a chance to help, you know. I went to him and said, “I can do it for you." Then I turned the machine on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.
A: And he didn’t thank you for shredding the document?
B: Of course not! Guess what he said. “Excellent, excellent! I just need one copy!”
A: Gosh! That’s too funny! [Laughter]
B: My poor listening skills! It almost cost me my job! I really need to learn how to listen more effectively.

Unit Four
A: Hi
B: Hi! So nice to see you here.
A: How are you these days?
B: Fine, thanks. Well, can I buy you a coffee and ask you a few questions? it’l just take a few minutes.
A: Why not? But what are the questions about?
B: You know I’m working on a module about advertising. We are required to design an ad for a particular product and then have it evaluated. We have finished a poster and need a target audience to score it based on some specific criteria.
A: Interesting! So, you chose me as a part of your target audience? But why do you need people to score it?
B: Because the information we collect can be used to find out whether the ad is effective or not.
A: Then what will the result be if the ad is not evaluated before it is launched?
B: There will be risks. If the ad is not properly pre-tested before launch, we can’t be sure it will
succeed. You know, creating and launching an ad is expensive, and if it fails, it will cause a great loss to a company.
A: I see. But if the result indicates that the ad is not so welcome and effective, what will happen? B: We will make some adjustments and improvements on the basis of the information we get A: OK! Why don’t we start now?

Unit Five
A: We all have fears, don’t we?
B: Yes, that’s true.
A: We live with our fears, but some fears can really affect our decision making and our life in general.
B: Right. Some fears make us suffer a lot.
A: How, then, can we grow out of the fears that make us suffer? I mean, surely we can find a way to deal with our fears, can’t we?
B: OK, what do you suggest?
A: One way is to examine the cause of our fears. Knowing why we are afraid of speaking up, for example, can help us define the cause and take action accordingly. Can you think of reasons people refrain from giving their ideas in class?
B: Because they think their ideas are not good enough.
A: Yes, they think they’re not worth sharing. Or even worse, they think they may be wrong. So this has to do with a false assumption, that is, every time you say something in public, it’s got to be correct and brilliant. That certainly is unrealistic, right?
B: Yes, that’s right.
A: So next time you want to say something in public, don’t be discouraged by that false assumption. Just contribute your thoughts-right or wrong, ordinary or extraordinary. That way we can rid ourselves of the fear of speaking in pubic.
B: You’re right.
A: If that doesn’t work, there’s another way that can help us conquer our fears. You know the
opposite of fear is courage, right?
B: Yes
A: What is courage? Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. We all fear death, for example, but there are people who deliberately risk their lives by going to war or conducting a dangerous experiment. Why? Because they have found something that is more important than the fear of death.
B: Good point! Fear can be conquered by finding something that is more important than fear.


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