SICP-Notes-Lecture 10 Mutable Functions & Growth

Lecture 10 Mutable Functions & Growth

These are my notes for SICP(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs). Hope they’ll be of some help to you.

Review: Mutable Values

Identity vs. equality in environment diagrams
  • Review: For assignment statements, evaluate the rignt side, then assign to the left
  • Copying: When creating a copy, copy exactly what’s “in the box”.
Mutating Within Functions
>>> def mystery(lst): #mutative function
... 	lst.pop()
... 	lst.pop()
>>> four = [4, 4, 4, 4]
>>> mystery(four)
>>> four
[4, 4]

Mutable Functions I

Functions with behavior that changes over time
  • An immutable function returns the same value when called with the same input
  • A mutable function returns different values when called with the same input

Let’s model a bank account that has a balance of $100; each time we do the same thing withdraw(25), but we get different return values of money left.

Persistent Local State Using Environments
  • All calls to the same function have the same parent
  • We can get some techniques to make changes to the parent frame in a local frame
Reminder: local assignment

Assignment binds name(s) to value(s) in the first frame of the current environment.

Execution rule for assignment statements:

  1. Evaluate all expressions right of =, from left to right
  2. Bind the names on the left to the resulting values in the current frame
Non-local assignment & Persistent local state
def make_withdraw(balance):
    """Return a withdraw function with a starting balance."""
    def withdraw(amount):
        nonlocal balance #Declare the name "balance" nonlocal at the top of the body of the function in which it is re-assigned
        if amount > balance:
            return 'Insufficient funds'
        balance -= amount #Re-bind balance in the first non-local frame in which it was bound previously
        return balance
    return withdraw

Mutable Functions II

The effect of nonlocal statements

nonlocal <name>, <name>, ...

  • Effect: Future assignments to that name change its pre-existing binding in the first non-local frame of the current environment(an “enclosing scope”) in which that name is bound.

From the Python 3 language reference:

Names listed in a nonlocal statement must refer to pre-existing bindings in an enclosing scope.

Names listed in a nonlocal statement must not collide with pre-existing bindings in the local scope(current frame).

The many meanings of assignment statements

x = 2

No nonlocal statement and “x” is not bound locallyCreate a new binding from name “x” to object 2 in the first frame of the current environment
No nonlocal statement and “x” is bound locallyRe-bind name “x” to object 2 in the first frame of the current environment
nonlocal x and “x” is bound in a non-local frameRe-bind “x” to 2 in the first non-local frame of the current environment in which “x” is bound
nonlocal x and “x” is not bound in a non-local frameSyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal ‘x’ found
nonlocal x and “x” is bound in a non-local frame and “x” also bound locallySyntaxError: name ‘x’ is parameter and nonlocal
Python particulars

Python pre-computes which frame contains each name before executing the body of a function.

Within the body of a function, all instances of a name must refer to the same frame.

Mutable Values & Persistent Local State

Mutable values can be changed without a nonlocal statement.

def make_withsraw_list(balance):
    b = [balance] #Name bound outside of withdraw def
    def withdraw(amount):
        if amount > b[0]:
            return 'Insufficient funds'
        b[0] = b[0] - amount #Element assignment of a list
        return b[0]
    return withdraw

Multiple Mutable Functions

Referential transparency, Lost
  • Expressions are referentially transparent if substituing an expression with its value does not change the meaning of a program.
mul(add(x, mul(4, 6)), add(3, 5))
mul(add(2, 24), add(3, 5))
mul(26, add(3, 5))
#The expressions above are actually the same. 
  • Mutation operations violate the condition of referential transparency because they do more than just return a value; they change the environment.
  • Nonlocal allows you to modify a binding in a parent frame, instead of just looking it up.
  • Don’t need a nonlocal statement to mutate a value.
  • A variable declared nonlocal must:
    • Exist in a parent frame(other than the global frame)
    • Not exist in the current frame

Program Performance

Measuring Performance
  • Different functions run in different amounts of time
    • Different implementations of the same program can also run in different amounts of time
  • How do we measure this?
    • Amount of time taken to run once
    • Average time taken to run
    • Average across a bunch of different computers
    • Number of operations
Improving number of operations
  • Getting better performance usually requires clever thought
    • Some tools can be used to speed up programs(Ex: memoization, up next)
    • Other times, need to have a different approach or incorporate some insight


How to count calls

Can’t always rely onn having a program to count calls

  • For an iteration function: step through the program, and identify how many times you need to go through the loop before exiting
  • For a recursive function: draw out an environment diagram/call tree

After you do this for a few example inputs, you can find patterns to estimate the number of steps for other inputs.

“Patterns” of Growth
  • There are common patterns for how functions grow
  • Because these patterns often aren’t linear, you often can’t use just one input to compare programs
  • Instead, you have to identify the overall pattern
    • Constant Growth
    • Linear Growth
    • Logarithmic Growth
    • Exponential Growth




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