robocup 2D bhv_goalie_chase_ball.cpp学习记录

// -*-c++-*-


 Copyright (C) Hidehisa AKIYAMA

 This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
 any later version.

 This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this code; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.



#include <config.h>

#include "bhv_goalie_chase_ball.h"

#include "bhv_goalie_basic_move.h"
#include "bhv_basic_tackle.h"

#include <rcsc/action/basic_actions.h>
#include <rcsc/action/body_go_to_point.h>
#include <rcsc/action/body_stop_dash.h>
#include <rcsc/action/body_intercept.h>

#include <rcsc/player/player_agent.h>
#include <rcsc/player/intercept_table.h>
#include <rcsc/player/debug_client.h>

#include <rcsc/common/logger.h>
#include <rcsc/common/server_param.h>
#include <rcsc/geom/line_2d.h>

using namespace rcsc;

  execute action
Bhv_GoalieChaseBall::execute( PlayerAgent * agent )
    dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                  __FILE__": Bhv_GoalieChaseBall" );

    // tackle
    if ( Bhv_BasicTackle( 0.8, 90.0 ).execute( agent ) )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": tackle" );
        return true;

    const ServerParam & SP = ServerParam::i();
    const WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

    // get active interception catch point

    Vector2D my_int_pos = wm.ball().inertiaPoint( wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle() );
    dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                  __FILE__": execute. intercept point=(%.2f %.2f)",
                  my_int_pos.x, my_int_pos.y );

    double pen_thr = wm.ball().distFromSelf() * 0.1 + 1.0;
    if ( pen_thr < 1.0 ) pen_thr = 1.0;

    const Line2D ball_line( wm.ball().pos(), wm.ball().vel().th() );
    const Line2D defend_line( Vector2D( wm.self().pos().x, -10.0 ),
                              Vector2D( wm.self().pos().x, 10.0 ) );

    if ( my_int_pos.x > - SP.pitchHalfLength() - 1.0
         && my_int_pos.x < SP.ourPenaltyAreaLineX() - pen_thr
         && my_int_pos.absY() < SP.penaltyAreaHalfWidth() - pen_thr )
        bool save_recovery = false;
        if ( ball_line.dist( wm.self().pos() ) < SP.catchableArea() )
            save_recovery = true;
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": execute normal intercept" );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "Intercept(0)" );
        Body_Intercept( save_recovery ).execute( agent );
        agent->setNeckAction( new Neck_TurnToBall() );
        return true;

    int self_goalie_min = wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle();
    int opp_min_cyc = wm.interceptTable()->opponentReachCycle();

    Vector2D intersection = ball_line.intersection( defend_line );
    if ( ! intersection.isValid()
         || ball_line.dist( wm.self().pos() ) < SP.catchableArea() * 0.8
         || intersection.absY() > SP.goalHalfWidth() + 3.0
        if ( ! wm.existKickableOpponent() )
            if ( self_goalie_min <= opp_min_cyc + 2
                 && my_int_pos.x > -SP.pitchHalfLength() - 2.0
                 && my_int_pos.x < SP.ourPenaltyAreaLineX() - pen_thr
                 && my_int_pos.absY() < SP.penaltyAreaHalfWidth() - pen_thr
                if ( Body_Intercept( false ).execute( agent ) )
                    dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                                  __FILE__": execute normal interception" );
                    agent->debugClient().addMessage( "Intercept(1)" );
                    agent->setNeckAction( new Neck_TurnToBall() );
                    return true;

            dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                          __FILE__": execute. ball vel has same slope to my body??"
                          " myvel-ang=%f body=%f. go to ball direct",
                          wm.self().body().degree() );
            // ball vel angle is same to my body angle
            agent->debugClient().addMessage( "GoToCatch(1)" );
            doGoToCatchPoint( agent, wm.ball().pos() );
            return true;

    // body is already face to intersection
    // only dash to intersection

    // check catch point
    if ( intersection.absX() > SP.pitchHalfLength() + SP.catchableArea()
         || intersection.x > SP.ourPenaltyAreaLineX() - SP.catchableArea()
         || intersection.absY() > SP.penaltyAreaHalfWidth() - SP.catchableArea()
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": execute intersection(%.2f, %.2f) over range.",
                      intersection.x, intersection.y );
        if ( Body_Intercept( false ).execute( agent ) )
            agent->debugClient().addMessage( "Intercept(2)" );
            agent->setNeckAction( new Neck_TurnToBall() );
            return true;
            return Bhv_GoalieBasicMove().execute( agent );

    // check already there
    const Vector2D my_inertia_final_pos
        = wm.self().pos()
        + wm.self().vel()
        / (1.0 - wm.self().playerType().playerDecay());
    double dist_thr = 0.2 + wm.ball().distFromSelf() * 0.1;
    if ( dist_thr < 0.5 ) dist_thr = 0.5;

    // if already intersection point stop dash
    if ( my_inertia_final_pos.dist( intersection ) < dist_thr )
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "StopForChase" );
        Body_StopDash( false ).execute( agent );
        agent->setNeckAction( new Neck_TurnToBall() );
        return true;

    // forward or backward

    dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                  __FILE__": slide move. point=(%.1f, %.1f)",
                  intersection.x, intersection.y );
    if ( wm.ball().pos().x > -35.0 )
        if ( wm.ball().pos().y * intersection.y < 0.0 ) // opposite side
            intersection.y = 0.0;
            intersection.y *= 0.5;

    agent->debugClient().addMessage( "GoToCatch(2)" );
    doGoToCatchPoint( agent, intersection );
    return true;


Bhv_GoalieChaseBall::doGoToCatchPoint( PlayerAgent * agent,
                                       const Vector2D & target_point )
 // 这个函数是Bhv_GoalieChaseBall的doGoToCatchPoint函数,主要是根据目标的位置,守门员的位置,以及角度等因素来执行移动到扑球点的动作
    const ServerParam & SP = ServerParam::i();
    const WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

    double dash_power = 0.0;

    Vector2D rel = target_point - wm.self().pos();
    rel.rotate( - wm.self().body() );
    AngleDeg rel_angle =;
    const double angle_buf
        = std::fabs( AngleDeg::atan2_deg( SP.catchableArea() * 0.9, rel.r() ) );

    dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                  __FILE__": GoToCatchPoint. (%.1f, %.1f). angle_diff=%.1f. angle_buf=%.1f",
                  target_point.x, target_point.y,
        , angle_buf );

    agent->debugClient().setTarget( target_point );

    // forward dash
    if ( rel_angle.abs() < angle_buf )
        dash_power = std::min( wm.self().stamina() + wm.self().playerType().extraStamina(),
                               SP.maxDashPower() );
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": forward dash" );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "GoToCatch:Forward" );
        agent->doDash( dash_power );
    // back dash
    else if ( rel_angle.abs() > 180.0 - angle_buf )
        dash_power = SP.minDashPower();

        double required_stamina = ( SP.minDashPower() < 0.0
                                    ? SP.minDashPower() * -2.0
                                    : SP.minDashPower() );
        if ( wm.self().stamina() + wm.self().playerType().extraStamina()
             < required_stamina )
            dash_power = wm.self().stamina() + wm.self().playerType().extraStamina();
            if ( SP.minDashPower() < 0.0 )
                dash_power *= -0.5;
                if ( dash_power < SP.minDashPower() )
                    dash_power = SP.minDashPower();

        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": back dash. power=%.1f",
                      dash_power );
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "GoToCatch:Back" );
        agent->doDash( dash_power );
    // forward dash turn
    else if ( rel_angle.abs() < 90.0 )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": turn %.1f for forward dash",
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "GoToCatch:F-Turn" );
        agent->doTurn( rel_angle );
        rel_angle -= 180.0;
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": turn %.1f for back dash",
        agent->debugClient().addMessage( "GoToCatch:B-Turn" );
        agent->doTurn( rel_angle );

    agent->setNeckAction( new Neck_TurnToBall() );


Bhv_GoalieChaseBall::is_ball_chase_situation( const PlayerAgent  * agent )
    const WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

    if ( wm.gameMode().type() != GameMode::PlayOn )
        return false;

    const ServerParam & SP = ServerParam::i();

    int self_min = wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle();
    int opp_min = wm.interceptTable()->opponentReachCycle();

    // ball is in very dangerous area
    const Vector2D ball_next_pos = wm.ball().pos() + wm.ball().vel();
    if ( ball_next_pos.x < -SP.pitchHalfLength() + 8.0
         && ball_next_pos.absY() < SP.goalHalfWidth() + 3.0 )
        // exist kickable teammate
        // avoid back pass
        if ( wm.existKickableTeammate() )
            dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                          __FILE__": danger area. exist kickable teammate?" );
            return false;
        else if ( wm.ball().distFromSelf() < 3.0
                  && self_min <= 3 )
            dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                          __FILE__": danger area. ball is very near." );
            return true;
        else if ( self_min > opp_min + 3
                  && opp_min < 7 )
            dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                          __FILE__": danger area. opponent may get tha ball faster than me" );
            return false;
            dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                          __FILE__": danger area. chase ball" );
            return true;

    // check shoot moving
    if ( is_ball_shoot_moving( agent )
         && self_min < opp_min )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": shoot moving. chase ball" );
        return true;

    // get active interception catch point

    const Vector2D my_int_pos = wm.ball().inertiaPoint( wm.interceptTable()->selfReachCycle() );

    double pen_thr = wm.ball().distFromSelf() * 0.1 + 1.0;
    if ( pen_thr < 1.0 ) pen_thr = 1.0;
    if ( my_int_pos.absY() > SP.penaltyAreaHalfWidth() - pen_thr
         || my_int_pos.x > SP.ourPenaltyAreaLineX() - pen_thr )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": intercept point is out of penalty" );
        return false;

    // Now, I can chase the ball
    // check the ball possessor

    if ( wm.existKickableTeammate()
         && ! wm.existKickableOpponent() )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": exist kickable player" );
        return false;

    if ( opp_min <= self_min - 2 )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": opponent reach the ball faster than me" );
        return false;

    const double my_dist_to_catch = wm.self().pos().dist( my_int_pos );

    double opp_min_dist = 10000.0;
    wm.getOpponentNearestTo( my_int_pos, 30, &opp_min_dist );

    if ( opp_min_dist < my_dist_to_catch - 2.0 )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": opponent is nearer than me. my_dist=%.2f  opp_dist=%.2f",
                      my_dist_to_catch, opp_min_dist );
        return false;

    dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                  __FILE__": exist interception point. try chase." );
    return true;


Bhv_GoalieChaseBall::is_ball_shoot_moving( const PlayerAgent * agent )
    const ServerParam & SP = ServerParam::i();
    const WorldModel & wm = agent->world();

    if ( wm.ball().distFromSelf() > 30.0 )
        return false;

#if 1
    if ( wm.ball().pos().x > -34.5 )
        return false;

    // check opponent kicker
    if ( wm.existKickableOpponent() )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": check shoot moving. opponent kickable " );
        return false;
    else if ( wm.existKickableTeammate() )
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": check shoot moving. teammate kickable" );
        return false;

    if ( wm.ball().vel().absX() < 0.1 )
        if ( wm.ball().pos().x < -46.0
             && wm.ball().pos().absY() < SP.goalHalfWidth() + 2.0 )
            dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                          __FILE__": check shoot moving. bvel.x(%f) is ZERO. but near to goal",
                          wm.ball().vel().x );
            return true;
        dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                      __FILE__": check shoot moving. bvel,x is small" );
        return false;

    const Line2D ball_line( wm.ball().pos(), wm.ball().vel().th() );
    const double intersection_y = ball_line.getY( -SP.pitchHalfLength() );

    if ( std::fabs( ball_line.getB() ) > 0.1
         && std::fabs( intersection_y ) < SP.goalHalfWidth() + 2.0 )
        if ( wm.ball().pos().x < -40.0
             && wm.ball().pos().absY() < 15.0 )
            const Vector2D end_point
                = wm.ball().pos()
                + wm.ball().vel() / ( 1.0 - SP.ballDecay());
            if ( wm.ball().vel().r() > 0.5 // 1.0
                 && end_point.x < -SP.pitchHalfLength() + 2.0 )
                dlog.addText( Logger::TEAM,
                              __FILE__": shoot to Y(%.1f). ball_line a=%.1f, b=%.1f, c=%.1f",
                              ball_line.getC() );
                return true;

    return false;
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