
2024年 A题

While some animal species exist outside of the usual male or female sexes, most species are substantially either male or female. Although many species exhibit a 1:1 sex ratio at birth, other species deviate from an even sex ratio. This is called adaptive sex ratio variation. For example, the temperature of the nest incubating eggs of the American alligator influences the sex ratios at birth.The role of lampreys is complex. In some lake habitats, they are seen as parasites with a significant impact on the ecosystem, whereas lampreys are also a food source in some regions of the world, such as Scandinavia, the Baltics, and for some Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest in North America.The sex ratio of sea lampreys can vary based on external circumstances. Sea lampreys become male or female depending on how quickly they grow during the larval stage. These larval growth rates are influenced by the availability of food. In environments where food availability is low, growth rates will be lower, and the percentage of males can reach approximately 78% of the population. In environments where food is more readily available, the percentage of males has been observed to be approximately 56% of the population.We focus on the question of sex ratios and their dependence on local conditions, specifically for sea lampreys. Sea lampreys live in lake or sea habitats and migrate up rivers to spawn. The task is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the ability for a species to alter its sex ratio depending on resource availability. Your team should develop and examine a model to provide insights into the resulting interactions in an ecosystem.
Questions to examine include the following:
What is the impact on the larger ecological system when the population of lampreys can alter its sex ratio?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to the population of lampreys?
What is the impact on the stability of the ecosystem given the changes in the sex ratios of lampreys?
Can an ecosystem with variable sex ratios in the lamprey population offer advantages to others in the ecosystem, such as parasites?
[1] Braidwood, J. (2023), Novak Djokovic has created a unique rival – is Wimbledon defeat
the beginning of the end, The Independent,
[2] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/momentum
[3] Rivera, J. (2023), Tennis scoring, explained: A guide to understanding the rules terms &point system at Wimbledon, The Sporting News,

2024 B题

Maritime Cruises Mini-Submarines (MCMS), a company based in Greece, builds submersibles capable of carrying humans to the deepest parts of the ocean. A submersible is moved to the location and deployed untethered from a host ship. MCMS now wishes to use their submersible to take tourists on adventures exploring the bottom of the Ionian Sea for sunken shipwrecks. Before they can do this, however, they need to win approval from regulators by developing safety procedures in case of a loss of communication to the host ship and possible mechanical defects including a loss of propulsion of the submersible. In particular, they would like you to develop a model to predict the location of the submersible over time. Unlike in a typical search and rescue on land or on the surface of a sea, the defective submersible could potentially find itself positioned on the sea floor or at some point of neutral buoyancy underwater. Its position could further be affected by currents, differing densities in the sea, and/or the geography of the sea floor. Your tasks are to:
Locate - Develop a model(s) that predicts the location of the submersible over time.What are the uncertainties associated with these predictions?What information can the submersible periodically send to the host ship to decrease these uncertainties prior to an incident? What kinds of equipment would the submersible need to do so?Prepare - What, if any, additional search equipment would you recommend the company carry on the host ship to deploy if necessary? You may consider different types of equipment but must also consider costs associated with availability, maintenance, readiness, and usage of this equipment. What additional equipment might a rescue vessel need to bring in to assist if necessary?Search - Develop a model that will use information from your location model(s) to recommend initial points of deployment and search patterns for the equipment so as to minimize the time to location of a lost submersible. Determine the probability of finding the submersible as a function of time and accumulated search results.Extrapolate - How might your model be expanded to account for other tourist destinations such as the Caribbean Sea? How will your model change to account for multiple submersibles moving in the same general vicinity?Prepare a report of no more than 25 pages providing the details of your plan. Include a two-pagememo of your report addressed to the Greek government to help win approval.

2024 C题

In the 2023 Wimbledon Gentlemen’s final, 20-year-old Spanish rising star Carlos Alcaraz defeated 36-year-old Novak Djokovic. The loss was Djokovic’s first at Wimbledon since 2013 and ended a remarkable run for one of the all-time great players in Grand Slams.The match itself was a remarkable battle.I11 Djokovic seemed destined to win easily as he dominated the first set 6 - 1 (winning 6 of 7 games). The second set, however, was tense and finally won by Alcarez in a tie-breaker 7 -6. The third set was the reverse of the first, Alcaraz winning handily 6-1. The young Spaniard seemed in total control as the fourth set started, but somehow the match again changed course with Djokovic taking complete control to win the set 6 -3. The fifth and final set started with Djokovic carrying the edge from the fourth set, but again a change of direction occurred and Alcaraz gained control and the victory 6-4. The data for this match is in the provided data set, “match_id” of “2023-wimbledon-1701”. You can see all the points for the first set when Djokovic had the edge using the “set_no” column equal to 1. The incredible swings, sometimes for many points or even games, that occurred in the player who seemed to have the advantage are often attributed to “momentum.”One dictionary definition of momentum is "strength or force gained by motion or by a series ofevents."2l In sports, a team or player may feel they have the momentum, or "strength/force"during a match/game, but it is difficult to measure such a phenomenon. Further, it is not readilyapparent how various events during the match act to create or change momentum if it exists.Data is provided for every point from all Wimbledon 2023 men’s matches after the first 2 rounds. You may choose to include additional player information or other data at your discretion, but you must completely document the sources. Use the data to:
在2023年温布尔登男单决赛中,20岁的西班牙新星卡洛斯·阿尔卡拉兹击败了36岁的诺瓦克·德约科维奇。这是德约科维奇自2013年以来在温布尔登的首次失利,也终结了这位历史上最伟大的大满贯选手之一的辉煌战绩。这场比赛本身就是一场非凡的战斗。德约科维奇似乎注定要轻松获胜,因为他以6比1控制了第一局(7局中赢了6局)。然而,第二局气氛紧张,最终阿尔卡雷斯在抢七局中以7 -6获胜。第三局与第一局相反,阿尔卡拉斯以6-1轻松获胜。这位年轻的西班牙人在第四盘开始时似乎完全控制了比赛,但不知怎么的,比赛再次改变了方向,德约科维奇完全控制了比赛,以6比3赢得了比赛。第五盘也是最后一盘,德约科维奇从第四盘开始保持优势,但再次改变方向,阿尔卡拉兹获得控制并以6-4获胜。本次比赛的数据在提供的数据集中,“match_id”为“2023-wimbledon-1701”。你可以用“set_no”列= 1看到德约科维奇在第一盘领先时的所有得分。令人难以置信的挥杆,有时是在许多分甚至是比赛中,发生在似乎有优势的球员身上,通常被归因于“势头”。字典上对动量的一个定义是“通过运动或一系列动作获得的强度或力”事件。在体育运动中,一个团队或运动员可能会觉得他们有动力,或“力量/力量”。在一场比赛/比赛中,这种现象很难测量。此外,它并不容易很明显,比赛中的各种事件如何创造或改变动量(如果存在的话)。2023年温布尔登男单前两轮之后的每一分数据。你可以选择包含额外的玩家信息或其他数据,但你必须完整地记录这些来源。使用这些数据:
Develop a model that captures the flow of play as points occur and apply it to one or more of the matches. Your model should identify which player is performing better ata given time in the match, as well as how much better they are performing. Provide a visualization based on your model to depict the match flow. Note: in tennis, the player serving has a much higher probability of winning the point/game. You may wish to factor this into your model in some way.
A tennis coach is skeptical that “momentum” plays any role in the match. Instead, he postulates that swings in play and runs of success by one player are random. Use your model/metric to assess this claim.
Coaches would love to know if there are indicators that can help determine when the flow of play is about to change from favoring one player to the other.
· Using the data provided for at least one match, develop a model that predicts these swings in the match. What factors seem most related (if any)?
· Given the differential in past match “momentum” swings how do you advise a player going into a new match against a different player?
Test the model you developed on one or more of the other matches. How well do you predict the swings in the match? If the model performs poorly at times, can you identify any factors that might need to be included in future models? How generalizable is your model to other matches (such as Women’s matches), tournaments, court surfaces, and other sports such as table tennis.Produce a report of no more than 25 pages with your findings and include a one- to two-page memo summarizing your results with advice for coaches on the role of “momentum”, and how to prepare players to respond to events that impact the flow of play during a tennis match.
Files provided:Wimbledon_featured_matches.csv- data set of Wimbledon 2023 Gentlemen’sd singles matches after second round.data_dictionary.csv — description of the data set.data_examples — examples to help understand the provided data.
Wimbledon_featured_matches.csv- 2023年温网男单第二轮后的比赛数据集。
csv -数据集的描述。
Grand Slam: The Grand Slam in tennis is the achievement of winning all four major championships in one discipline in a calendar year. The four Grand Slam tournaments are the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open, with each played over two weeks.
Glossary of key terms/concepts:
Match: best of five sets (for Gentlemen’s matches at Wimbledon)
Set: collection of games; 6 games win a set, but players must win by two games until the set is tied 6- 6 when a tie-breaker is played (see below)
Game: collection of points; a player wins when reaching 4 points but must win by two. See "scoring a game” below.
Scoring a game:[3]
0 points = Love
1 point =15
2 points = 30
3 points = 40
Tied score = All (e.g., “30 all”)
40-40=Deuce (players have won the same number of points, at least 3 points each)
Server wins a deuce point =Ad-in (or “advantage in”)
Receiver wins a deuce point = Ad-out
2分= 30分
3分= 40分
Serve: players alternate games as the “server” (the player who hits the initial shot of a point) and “returner.” In professional tennis, the server tends to have a big advantage. A player is given two serves to put the ball in play (into the “service box”) on each point. Failure to hit a serve in play in two attempts is a “double fault” and the returning player is awarded the point.
Breaking serve-when the returning player wins a game.
Break point -a point in which if the returner wins, they would win the game.
Holding serve -when the serving player wins the game.
Tie-breakers: each set ends when a player has won 6 games, as long as they are ahead by at least two games (i.e., 6-4). If not, play continues until a tie at 6-6 is reached. At this point a tie-breaker is played. At Wimbledon tie-breakers are first to 7 points (must win by 2 points) except in the 5th set of a match when it is first to 10 points (must win by 2 points).
Rest breaks/sides of court: players switch sides of the court after game 1 and then after every two games. 90 second rest breaks are allowed starting at the 3d game at every change of sides. During tie-breakers, players change sides every six points. Players also rest for at least 2 minutes after the conclusion of each set. Medical timeouts and one bathroom break are permitted.

2024 D题

The Great Lakes of the United States and Canada are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world. The five lakes and connecting waterways constitute a massive drainage basin that contains many large urban areas in these two countries, with varied climate and localized weather conditions.
The lakes’ water is used for many purposes (fishing, recreation, power generation, drinking, shipping, animal and fish habitat, construction, irrigation, etc.). Consequently, a vast variety of stakeholders have an interest in the management of the water that flows into and out of the lakes. In particular, if too little water is drained or evaporates from the lakes, then flooding may occur and homes and businesses along the shore suffer, if too much water is drained, then large ships cannot travel through the waterways to bring supplies and support the local economy. The main problem is regulating the water levels such that all stakeholders can benefit.
The water level in each lake is determined by how much water enters and leaves the lake. These levels are the result of complex interactions among temperature, wind, tides, precipitation, evaporation, bathymetry (the shape of the lake bottom), river flows and runoff, reservoir policies, seasonal cycles, and long-term climate changes. There are two primary control mechanisms within the flow of water in the Great Lakes system - Compensating Works of the Soo Locks at Sault Ste. Marie (three hydropower plants, five navigation locks, and a gated dam at the head of the rapids) and the Moses-Saunders Dam at Cornwall as indicated in the Addendum.
While the two control dams, many channels and canals, and the drainage basin reservoirs may becontrolled by humans, the rates of rain, evaporation, erosion, ice jams, and other water-flow phenomena are beyond human manipulation. The policies of local jurisdictions may have different effects than expected, as can seasonal and environmental changes in the water basin. These changes in turn affect the ecosystem of the area, which impacts the health of the flora and fauna found in and around the lakes and the residents that live in the water basin. Even though the Great Lakes seem to have a regular annual pattern, a variance from normal of two to three feet of water level can dramatically affect some of the stakeholders.
This dynamic network flow problem is “wicked” — exceptionally challenging to solve because of interdependencies, complicated requirements, and inherent uncertainties. For the lake’s problems, we have ever-changing dynamics and the conflicting interests of stakeholders. See Problem D Addendum for Additional Information.
The International Joint Commission (IJC) requests support from your company, International network Control Modelers — ICM, to assist with management and models for the control mechanisms (the two dams-Compensating Works and Moses-Saunders Dam as indicated in the Addendum) that directly influence water levels in the Great Lakes flow network. Your ICM supervisor has given your team the lead in developing the model and a management plan to implement the model. Your supervisor indicates there are several considerations that may help to achieve this goal starting with the building of a network model for the Great Lakes and connecting river flows from Lake Superior to the Atlantic Ocean. Some other optional considerations or issues your supervisor mentioned were:
Determination of the optimal water levels of the five Great Lakes at any time of the year, taking into account the various stakeholders’ desires (the costs and benefits could be different for each stakeholder).
Establishment of algorithms to maintain optimal water levels in the five lakes from inflow and outflow data for the lakes.
Understanding of the sensitivity of your control algorithms for the outflow of the two control dams. Given the data for 2017, would your new controls result in satisfactory or better than the actual recorded water levels for the various stakeholders for that year?
How sensitive is your algorithm to changes in environmental conditions (e.g., precipitation, winter snowpack, ice jams)?
Focus your extensive analysis of ONLY the stakeholders and factors influencing Lake Ontario as there is more recent concern for the management of the water level for this lake.
The IJC is also interested in what historical data you use to inform your models and establish parameters, as they are curious to compare how your management and control strategies compare to previous models. Provide a one-page memo to IJC leadership communicating the key features of your model to convince them to select your model.
References (in addition to the included background data file):

  1. Explanation of the IJC’s Efforts to Manage the Great Lakes Basin: National
    Research Council; The Royal Society of Canada. (2006). Review of Lake Ontario-St.
    Lawrence River Studies. Washington D.C.: National Research Council of the National
    Academies. Retrieved from https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/11481/review-ofthe-lake-ontario-st-lawrence-river-studies
  2. Description of the Great Lakes Navigation Systems: Great Lakes Seaway Navigation
    System. (2023). Retrieved from American Great Lakes Ports Association:

2024 E题

Extreme-weather events are becoming a crisis for property owners and insurers. The world has endured “more than $1 trillion in damages from more than 1,000 extreme-weather events in recent years.”【1】 The insurance industry saw claims for natural disasters in 2022 increase by “115% compared to the 30-year average.”【1】 Conditions are expected to get worse as losses from severe weather-related events are likely to increase due to floods, hurricanes, cyclones, droughts, and wildfires. Premiums for insurance coverage are rising quickly, with climate change fueling projected increases of 30-60% by 2040.
Property insurance is not only getting more expensive, but also harder to find, as insurance companies change how and where they are willing to underwrite policies. The weather-related occurrences propelling the cost of property insurance premiums look different depending on where you are in the world. Additionally, the insurance protection gap averages 57% worldwide and is increasing.【2】 This highlights the industry’s dilemma- the emerging crisis in profitability for the insurers and in affordability for the property owners.随着保险公司改变承保方式和承保地点,财产保险不仅变得越来越贵,而且更难找到。与天气有关的事件推动了财产保险费的成本,这取决于你在世界上的不同地方。此外,全球保险保障缺口平均为57%,而且还在扩大。【2】 .这凸显了保险业的困境——保险公司的盈利能力和业主的负担能力正在出现危机。
COMAP’s Insurance of Catastrophes Modelers (ICM) are interested in the sustainability of the propertyinsurance industry. As climate change increases the likelihood of more severe weather and natural disasters, ICM wants to determine how best to posture property insurance now such that there is resilience in the system to cover the cost of future claims while also ensuring long-term health of insurance companies. If insurance companies are unwilling to underwrite policies in too many cases, they will go out of business due to too few customers. Conversely, if they underwrite policies that are too risky, they may pay too many claims. Under what conditions should insurance companies underwrite policies? When should they choose to take the risk? Is there anything a property owner could do to influence this decision? Develop a model for insurance companies to determine if they should underwrite policies in an area that has a rising number of extreme weather events. Demonstrate your model using two areas on different continents that experience extreme weather events.
As we look to the future, communities and property developers need to be asking themselves how and where to build and grow. As the insurance landscape changes, future real-estate decisions must be made to ensure properties are more resilient and built deliberately, including the viability to offer appropriate services to growing communities and populations. How can your insurance model be adapted to assess where, how, and whether to build on certain sites?

There may be communities where your insurance model recommends against underwriting current or future property insurance policies. This may result in community leaders facing tough decisions about properties with cultural or community significance. For example, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved on the Outer Banks of North Carolina to protect this historic light house along with the local tourism industry centered around it.[3] As a community leader, how could you identify buildings in a community that should be preserved and protected due to their cultural, historical, economic, or community significance? Develop a preservation model for community leaders to use to determine the extent of measures they should take to preserve buildings in their community.


Select a historic landmark-not Cape Hatteras Lighthouse-that is in a location that experiences extreme weather events. Apply your insurance and your preservation models to assess the value of this landmark. Compose a one-page letter to the community recommending a plan, timeline, and cost proposal for the future of their treasured landmark considering the insight you have gained from the results of your insurance and preservation models.
Insurance Protection Gap: the difference in protection coverage between economic losses brought aboutby natural disasters and the amount of those losses that are covered.
Underwrite: accept liability for, thereby guaranteeing payment in the case of loss or damage.
[1] Boston Consulting Group. (2023, December 4). An Insurance Risk Framework for Climate Adaptation. Retrieved at: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2023/an-insurance-risk-framework-forclimate-adaptation
[2] Munich RE. (2022, January 10). Hurricanes, cold waves, tornadoes: Weather disasters in USA dominate natural disaster losses in 2021. Retrieved at: https://www.munichre.com/en/company/mediarelations/media-information-and-corporate-news/media-information/2022/natural-disaster-losses2021.html
[3] Union of Concerned Scientists. (2016, July 19). Saving an Icon: Moving the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Away from the Shifting Shoreline. Retrieved at: https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/movingcape-hatteras-lighthouse-away-shifting-shoreline

2024 F题

Illegal wildlife trade negatively impacts our environment and threatens global biodiversity. It isestimated to involve up to 26.5 billion US dollars per year and is considered to be the fourth largest of all global illegal trades.IYou are to develop a data-driven 5-year project designed to make a notable reduction in illegal wildlife trade. Your goal is to convince a client to carry out your project. To do this, you must select both a client and an appropriate project for that client.

Your work should explore the following sub-questions:

Who is your client? What can that client realistically do? (In other words, your client should have the powers, resources, and interest needed to enact the project you propose.)

Explain why the project you developed is suitable for this client. What research, from published literature and from your own analyses, supports the selection of your proposed project? Using a data-driven analysis, how will you convince your client that this is a project they should undertake?、

What additional powers and resources will your client need to carry out the project? (Remember to use assumptions, but also ground your work in reality as much as you are able.)

If the project is carried out what will happen? In other words, what will the measurable impact on illegal wildlife trade be? What analysis did you do to determine this?

How likely is the project to reach the expected goal? Also, based on a contextualized sensitivity analysis, are there conditions or events that may disproportionately aid or harm the project’s ability to reach its goal?

While you could limit your approach to illegal wildlife trade, you may also consider illegal wildlife trade as part of a larger complex system. Specifically, you could consider how other global efforts in other domains, e.g., efforts to curtail other forms of trafficking or efforts to reduce climate change coupled with efforts to curtail illegal wildlife trade, may be part of a complex system. This may create synergistic opportunities for unexpected actors in this domain.

If you choose to leverage a complexity framework in your solution, be sure to justify your choice by discussing the benefits and drawbacks of this modeling decision.

The judges will specifically be looking for creativity in the selection of the client and in the will also be looking for exposition that both (1) establishes strong connections between the clientselection and justification of appropriate modeling processes used throughout the analysis. Theyand the proposed project and (2) draws clear and direct ties between the data analysis and thedesign of the proposed project.

Client: The actor who will be implementing the proposed project. They may be official actors(governmental or quasi-governmental) or unofficial actors (Non-Governmental Organizations).
Illegal Wildlife Trade: smuggling, poaching, and capture or collection of endangered species, protected wildlife, or the derivatives/products of these species
[1] Wildlife Conservancy Society. (2021). Why Should we Care about Wildlife Trafficking?
Retrieved from https://wildlifetrade.wcs.org/Wildlife-Trade/Why-should-we-care.aspx





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