【北邮国院大三下】Logistics and Supply Chain Management 物流与供应链管理 Week1





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Theory of Supply Chain Management

Companies seek to design business models that meet customer needs better than competitors. Success depends on the ability to Design, Make, and Deliver innovative, high quality, low cost products and services that customers demand.


Supply chain management allows companies to focus on their unique skill sets.


It’s the theory of comparative advantage applied at the company level.


  • 比较优势论(Theory of Comparative Advantage) 如果当一个国家不能以低廉的价格生产某种商品或提供某种劳务时,那么该国从另一个国家进口总是有利的。比较优势论将这一点又推进了一步,认为即使一个国家在其国内能以不太高的成本生产某种商品,但是,如果从其他国家进口这种商品,也许可能价格更低,更为有利。当然,这个结论是建立在这样一个前提上的:进口国生产某种商品,不如生产另一种商品更有利,而出口国生产该种商品则较为有利。交换的结果导致两个国家都有利。

SCM allows companies to do what they do well.


Other activities are outsourced to companies with complementary capabilities.


Supply chain management requires


  • a common understanding of supply chain objectives and individual roles, 对供应链目标和个人角色的共同理解;
  • an ability to work together, and 有共同工作的能力
  • a willingness to adapt in order to create and delivery the best products and services possible. 愿意适应,以创造和提供最好的产品和服务。

两个supply chain的例子






Supply Chain Management的定义

Supply chain management is the design and management of seamless, value-added processes across organisational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer.



the part of the supply chain that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’requirements


Third-party Logistics (3PL) 第三方物流

3PL service providers are companies who provide a range of logistics activities for their clients. E.g. distribution centres, warehouse facilities, manage the delivery of the products through their transport fleets or undertake value-adding services such as re-packing.



4PLs™ originated by Accenture (previously Anderson Consulting).


Modern supply chain network is global and complicated, the capabilities to manage does not exist in any one organisation.


There’s a need for a specialist organisation, to form a JV with the focal firm, use its knowledge of SCs and 3PLs to manage and integrate end-to-end supply chain.



Internal Value Chain Elements 内部价值链要素

Executive Management defines company strategy and allocates resources to achieve it.


Supply Management coordinates the upstream supply base, finding the right suppliers and building the right relationships with them.


Operations transforms the inputs acquired from suppliers into more highly valued products.


Logistics moves and stores materials, so they are available when and where they are needed.


Marketing manages the downstream relationships with customers, identifying their needs and communicating to them how the company can meet those needs.


Human Resources designs the systems used to hire, train, and develop the company’s employees.


Accounting maintains business records that provide information needed to control operations.


Finance acquires and controls the capital required to operate the business.


Information Technology builds and maintains the systems needed to capture and communicate information among decision makers.


Research and Development (R&D) is responsible for new product development


Internal Process Integration: increase collaboration among the company’s functional groups.


Backward Process Integration: collaboration with 1st-tier and 2ndtier (leading companies) suppliers.


Forward Process Integration: collaboration with 1st-tier customers.


Complete Integration: collaboration from the “suppliers’ supplier to the customers’ customer.”


Value chain analysis 价值链分析法

Step 1 – identify and classify the activities in the company 识别和分类公司的活动

Step 2 – identify the strengths & weaknesses of each activity 确定每个活动的优点和缺点

Step 1 – identify and classify the activities in the company

分为两个:primary activities和secondary activities

Primary Activities 主要活动

  1. Inbound logistics 进货物流
  2. Operations 运营
  3. Outbound logistics 销售物流
  4. Marketing & sales 营销及销售
  5. Service 公共服务系统


Secondary Activities 辅助活动

  1. Firm’s infrastructure 公司的基础设施
  2. Human resource management 人力资源管理
  3. Technology development 技术开发
  4. Procurement 采购管理



Step 2 – identify the strengths & weaknesses of each activity


exploiting resources 资源开发

You also need to decide which strengths are

  • Rare 少见的
  • Valuable 有价值的
  • Durable – not likely to lose their rarity or value soon 耐用——不太可能很快失去稀有性或价值
  • Inimitable – e.g. the result of company culture 不可模仿-例如,公司文化的结果

Once strengths & weaknesses are known, look at


  • How you can use and maintain strengths 你如何利用和保持优势
  • Solve weaknesses 解决的弱点

从图来看Value Chain与SCM

Local focus



Company Focus

对于一个公司来说, 要考虑的不仅仅是这个chain,还有上游供应商和下游客户


注意两个箭头的位置,与上游供应商连接的是Supply Management,与下游客户连接的是Logistics

SCM就是Linked Value Chains


许多value chains像套圈一样套在一起,每一环都有自己的suppliers和customers,这就是SCM

Supply Chain Management Problems

The goal of supply chain management is to use technologyand teamwork to build efficient and effective processes that create value for the end customer.


The goal is compromised when processes, value chain elements, and/or companies work toward local rather than global optimum.


Process Management 流程管理

It’s a shift from competing on what we make to how we make it.


Functional thinking limits cooperation and impedes creative thinking.


Process management promotes collaboration, facilitating customer satisfaction at low cost.


Process Management requires companies to:


  1. Recognise the limiting nature of functional structures 认识到功能结构的局限性
  2. Instil process thinking throughout the company 向整个公司灌输流程思维

Process integration remains rare


  • Michael Hammer estimates less than 10% of companies have made a serious and successful effort 迈克尔•哈默估计,只有不到10%的公司做出了认真而成功的努力

Requires major changes to measurement, job design, management roles, and organisational structure


Functional organisation

Groups resources into specific departments which perform specific tasks to help the company achieve desired goals.


Research and Development - translates customer needs into tangible products. The goal is to design appealing, easy-to-make products with shorter concept-to-market lead times.


Purchasing acquires the right materials at the right price for use in operations. Sourcing’s goal is to select the right suppliers and then build the right relationships with them


Production transforms inputs into a more highly valued and desirable product or service. The goal: to use capital, energy, knowledge, and labour are used to build processes that make low-cost, high-quality goods.


Logistics moves and stores goods so they are available for use in operations or for sale to customers. Logistics seeks to leverage critical activities like transportation, warehousing, and order processing to make sure materials and products are where they need to be when they need to be at the lowest cost.


Marketing identifies customer needs and communicates to the customer how the company can meet those needs. Marketing’s objective is to perform a liaison role between the company and its customers.


functional behaviour的缺点

Functional structures result in a failure to see beyond the department level to the end user.


Decisions are made to achieve local, functional optimum without regard to impact on the remainder of the company.


Due to inherent conflicts between department goals and measurements, departments are compelled to take dysfunctional actions.


Process Thinking 流程思维

Process thinking aligns decisions with corporate strategy and coordinates actions across functions.


Each process consists of a set of flows and value-added activities.


  • Information Flow 信息流
  • Physical Flow 实物流
  • Financial Flow 资金流

Value-Added Process 增值过程

New Product Development 图示


Materials Acquisition 图示


Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is the holistic process of considering both the immediate local outcomes and the longerterm system-wide ramifications of decisions.


It requires:

  1. A Holistic View 整体观点
  2. Information Availability and Accuracy 信息的可用性和准确性
  3. Cross-Functional and Interorganisational Teamwork 跨职能和跨组织的团队合作
  4. Measurement 度量结果
  5. Systems Analysis 系统分析

Holistic View

Managers do not see all of the interrelationships, nor do they understand all of the trade-offs that occur within organisations.


Process visibility is a prerequisite to systems thinking.


Holistic understanding of the system is more important when trying to coordinate the efforts of two or more companies.


Information Availability & Accuracy

A tremendous amount of data must be collected, analyzed, and translated into knowledge before well-informed, holistic decisions can be made.


This is being facilitated by:


  • Bar Codes and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 条形码和射频识别(RFID)
  • Data Warehousing and Data-Mining 数据仓库与数据挖掘
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - 企业资源计划

Cross-Functional Teams

Company, department, or sub-unit loyalty can make holistic decision making difficult across the supply chain.


Cross-functional and Inter-organisational teams help to improve flow of information and builds trust between organisations and functional areas within organisations.


Co-location promotes spontaneous discussion and collaborative decision making



Often times compensation, recognition, and reward systems are at odds with holistic long term decision making.


People will not make holistic decision when measured on local or functional outcomes.


Aligning measurement and compensation systems to support the organisation’s long term objectives is one of the biggest challenges companies face today.


Systems Analysis

Systems thinking requires that companies and their employees understand their place in the larger chain.


Therefore, the following must be addressed:


  • Establish the Core Goal 确立核心目标
  • Define System Boundaries 定义系统边界
  • Determine Interrelationships 确定相互关系
  • Determine Information Requirements 确定信息需求
  • Perform Trade-Off Analysis 进行权衡分析
  • Consider System Constraints 考虑系统约束

Establish the Core Goal – to insure all participants efforts lead to the same outcome a well-thought-out and communicated goal is required.


Define System Boundaries – defines who is and who is not a member of the collaborative group. This should be done at a level that can most effectively achieve the group’s goal.


Determine Interrelationships – different members of the collaborative group perform different tasks.


Determine Information Requirements – without accurate, relevant, and timely information good decision making is impossible. We must therefore identify what information is necessary and then design a system to capture, analyze, and provide it to the correct decision makers.


Perform Trade-Off Analysis – decisions at one location will impact the performance at another, it is important that these trade-offs be explored before a decision is made.


Consider System Constraints – systems have constraints that limit their ability to obtain their goals.




A Process View of a Company

Decisions made throughout an organisation should focus on using available resources to create customer value.


  1. Customer focus defines the company’s value proposition and drives competency. 以客户为中心定义了公司的价值主张和驱动能力。
  2. Competency guides functional decision making. 胜任力指导功能性决策。
  3. Competency development dictates resource allocation. 能力发展决定了资源分配。
  4. Information and performance systems align efforts on the system’s goal. 信息和绩效系统将努力与系统的目标结合起来。

Strategic Linkage 战略联系

The role of strategy is to direct the use of resources to develop the correct competencies to drive the firm’s value proposition.


  • Value Proposition – the value that the firm promises to deliver to the customer. 价值主张——公司承诺交付给客户的价值。
  • Competencies – the skills and processes that collectively deliver the promised value. 胜任力——能够共同实现承诺价值的技能和过程。
  • Core Competency – what the company is so good at that it drives competitive advantage. 核心竞争力——公司非常擅长的东西,它可以驱动竞争优势。

Integrating SCM and Strategy

What makes Dell and Wal-Mart successful? It’s the business model, and supply chain is an enabler. That’s why you’re seeing this growing importance of supply chains. People realize this is the weapon of the future.


【省流版:SC是enabler,对于每个business model都很重要】

Strategic Thinking: Traditional View(two questions of valid business model)

A valid business model must answer two questions:

  1. What is our business?
  • Who are our customers?
  • What is the real value that we offer them?
  1. How can we do it better than anyone else?
  • Unique organisational capabilities
  • Almost always process based


Supply Chain Strategy

Seeks to leverage the resources and skills of diverse companies in the supply chain to deliver exceptional value to the end customer.



  • How the capabilities of other chain members can be used to create value for the end customer 如何利用其他链成员的能力为最终客户创造价值
  • How their own strategy and actions impact the ability of the supply chain to create value for the end customer 他们自己的战略和行动如何影响供应链为最终客户创造价值的能力

Traditional View 和 Supply Chain Strategy的questions的区别

Rather than “What is our business?” the SC strategist inquires:

  • What is the overall supply chain’s value proposition? 整个供应链的价值主张是什么?
  • How does our company uniquely help the chain deliver on its value proposition? 我们公司如何独特地帮助连锁店实现其价值主张?

Rather than “How can we do it better than anyone else?” the SC strategist asks:

  • What valued capabilities do other members of the chain possess? 链条上的其他成员拥有哪些有价值的能力?
  • How can we bring these complementary competencies together in a way customers value? 我们如何以客户重视的方式将这些互补的能力结合在一起?
  • What type of relationships should we maintain with other members of the supply chain? 我们应该与供应链的其他成员保持什么样的关系?
  • Are any customer-valued competencies missing? If so, who is best positioned to develop them? 是否缺少任何客户重视的能力?如果是这样,谁最适合开发它们?
  • How much of the value-added process should we control? 我们应该控制多少增值过程?

SCM Impact on Strategic Thinking

Great firms will fight the war for dominance in the marketplace not against individual competitors in their field but fortified by alliances with wholesalers, manufacturers, and suppliers all along the supply chain. In essence, competitive dominance will be achieved by an entire supply chain, with battles fought supply chain versus supply chain.


Aligning Strategy with Systems

这里给出了一个表格的形式,反正就是在Innovation,Delivery Flexibility Quality和Cost Leadership这三个方面来分析


Resource Management 资源管理

Every company must manage five resources:

  • People – determine the productivity and quality of the system; provide the creativity and passion that determines success; requires education and training 人——决定系统的生产力和质量;提供决定成功的创造力和激情;需要教育和培训
  • Technology – includes hardware and software; used effectively improves productivity 技术——包括硬件和软件;有效地使用可以提高生产力
  • Materials – all goods and services used in the value-added process for the creation of output 材料-在创造产出的增值过程中使用的所有商品和服务
  • Infrastructure – physical bricks and mortar assets used in the value creating process. 基础设施-在价值创造过程中使用的实体资产。
  • Capital – necessary to finance continuing operations 资本——持续经营所需的资金

Coordinated decision making regarding resource allocation across functions is the key to competitive advantage.


Information Sharing

Communicates strategic objectives and organisational roles.


Typical types and uses of data are:

  • Customer-related - defines goals, value propositions, and competencies 与客户相关——定义目标、价值主张和能力
  • Firm capabilities and processes - strengths and weaknesses so that an effective strategy can be developed and implemented 公司的能力和过程-优势和劣势,以便制定和实施有效的战略
  • Competitors’ strategies and capabilities - anticipate competitive threats as well as competitors’ reactions to the company’s own strategic moves。竞争对手的战略和能力——预测竞争对手的威胁以及竞争对手对公司战略举措的反应
  • External operating environment - identify potential threats and opportunities such as new markets or the emergence of a new technology 外部运营环境-识别潜在的威胁和机会,如新市场或新技术的出现
  • SC operating information - used to make good day-to-day decisions: how many and type of suppliers needed to support the production schedule 供应链运营信息-用于制定良好的日常决策:需要多少和类型的供应商来支持生产计划
  • “Success stories” - creates momentum for process integration “成功案例”——为过程集成创造动力

Performance Measurement 绩效衡量

performance measurement必须的两点要求

Performance measurement systems must:

  • be aligned with strategic objectives; and 与战略目标保持一致
  • clearly communicate expectations and responsibilities. 清楚地传达期望和责任

well designed performance system的要求

Well designed performance systems:

  • create understanding of strategic and tactical objectives 建立对战略和战术目标的理解
  • promote behaviours consistent with achieving objectives 促进与实现目标相一致的行为
  • document actual results, monitoring progress toward goals 记录实际结果,监控实现目标的进度
  • benchmark capabilities vis-à-vis competitors’ abilities and customers’ expectations 将能力与竞争对手的能力和客户的业绩进行比较
  • motivate continuous improvement 激励持续改进

Information-Measurement Integration



Process Reengineering 流程再造

Process Reengineering is the radical redesign of business processes using systems thinking and information technology.


…activity of simplifying and reshaping the process with goals of achieving the desired outcomes in shorter time-frames at less cost, e.g. from linear ‘oneafter-the-other’ to ‘in-parallel’


Reengineering vs. Restructuring

Reengineering builds the process from scratch focusing on desired customer outcomes.


Restructuring replaces resources with technology changing the basic process design or challenging whether the process should be done.


Steps to Process Reengineering

  1. Identify Desired Outcomes – processes are redesigned to fulfil specific customer needs. 确定期望的结果-重新设计流程以满足特定的客户需求。
  2. ** Make Processes Visible** – process mapping identifies activities, resources, and performance dimensions helping management to understand the as-is process. 使过程可见——过程映射识别活动、资源和性能维度,帮助管理层理解原来的过程。
  3. Assign Responsibility for Work – responsibility for redesign should be at the level where work is done; employees understand the process and have untapped ideas for improving it. 分配工作责任——重新设计的责任应该在工作完成的层面上;员工了解流程,并有未开发的想法来改进它。
  4. Leverage Technology – technology makes it possible to achieve outcomes in new ways. 利用技术——技术使以新的方式取得成果成为可能。

Reengineering Systematically

Michael Hammer suggests that companies:

  1. Look for role models outside your industry. 在你的行业之外寻找榜样。
  2. Identify and defy a constraining assumption. 识别并挑战一个限制性的假设
  3. Make the special case into the norm. 把特殊情况变成常态
  4. Rethink the following dimensions of work: 重新思考工作的以下方面:
  • What results the work delivers
  • Who performs the work
  • Where work is done
  • When work is performed
  • Whether the work should be done
  • What information the work requires
  • How thoroughly the work is performed 工作完成得有多彻底

一个关于progressive(进步党员)的reengineering example


3 Types of Technologies

Product technologies – features & characters of a product/service


  • Trains, cars, airplanes;
  • Drones; Autonomous Vessels;
  • Robotics - Robotic process automation (RPA) and robotic arms;

Process technologies – methods, procedures


  • Henry Ford’s Model T assembly line – modern auto industry;
  • RFID, Chipping;
  • Block chain

Information technologies – collection, storage, sending of data


  • Internet of Things;
  • Big Data
  • AI, Machine Learning

Role of Information in a SC

Information is a key driver that serves as the “glue” to create a coordinated supply chain


Information must have the following characteristics to be useful:


  • Accurate 准确的
  • Accessible in a timely manner 可及时访问
  • Information must be of the right kind 信息必须是正确的

Information provides the basis for supply chain management decisions


  • Inventory 详细目录
    • demand patterns, carrying costs, stock-out costs, ordering costs 需求模式,持有成本,缺货成本,订购成本
  • Transportation 运输
    • costs, customer locations, shipment sizes 成本,客户位置,发货规模
  • Facility 设施
    • location, capacity, schedules of a facility; need information about trade-offs between flexibility and efficiency, demand, exchange rates, taxes, etc. 设施的位置、容量、时间表;需要有关灵活性和效率、需求、汇率、税收等之间权衡的信息。

The Importance of Information

  • Real-time information regarding availability, delivery, shipping, and invoices allows for improved customer satisfaction. 关于可用性、交付、运输和发票的实时信息可以提高客户满意度。
  • Substituting information for inventory or other resources reduces costs. 用信息代替库存或其他资源可以降低成本。
  • Information can be used to increase flexibility. 信息可以用来增加灵活性。
  • Information sharing is redefining supply chain relationships. 信息共享正在重新定义供应链关系。

Use of Information in a SC

Information used at all phases of decision making: strategic, planning, operational



  • Strategic: location decisions
  • Operational: what products will be produced during today’s production run

Information Strategy – Limitations

Information technology is an enabler, not a silver bullet.


Automating bad processes simply helps to make mistakes faster.


The wrong technology strategy adds neither real value or improves customer satisfaction.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 企业资源规划

ERP Systems – a single database surrounded by application programs that take data from the database and either conduct analysis or collect additional data for the firm.


ERP与Tradtional System的对比


  • Systems implemented corporate wide 在公司范围内实施的系统
  • Single integrated system for all divisions and countries of operation 单一的集成系统,所有部门和国家的业务
  • Single integrated database 单一集成数据库
  • Data entered once 一次输入数据
  • Integrated, cross-functional 集成、跨职能的

Traditional Systems

  • Systems usually implemented at the functional or department level 系统通常在职能或部门级别实现
  • Different systems for different divisions or country operations 针对不同部门或国家运营的不同系统
  • Multiple databases 使用多个数据库
  • Data entered several times 多次输入数据
  • Standalone 脱机独立运行的

ERP范围更大(corporate wide),系统集成,数据库集成,只需一次输入数据

ERP – Implementation Process

  1. Define the current process “as is”
  • Cross functional implementation team of subject matter experts document the current processes. 主题专家组成的跨职能实现团队记录当前流程。
  1. Define what the “best-in-class” business process should be
  • Explicitly state the final objective of the process. 明确地陈述过程的最终目标
  • Identify what the ERP system will replace 确定ERP系统将取代什么
  • Identify how the benefits are likely to occur 确定这些好处可能如何产生
  1. Develop the system
  • Consultants work in conjunction with those who are most familiar with the business processes in question. 顾问与最熟悉业务流程的人一起工作。
  1. Work through all final “bugs” and then “flip the switch.”
  • A danger that often exists when flipping the switch—switching over from the old system to the new system—is that the company may not be ready for the change, nor is the system completely configured to handle the specific activities that keep the business running. 当切换开关(从旧系统切换到新系统)时,经常存在的一个危险是,公司可能没有准备好进行更改,系统也没有完全配置好处理保持业务运行的特定活动。

ERP – Competing Viewpoints 相互竞争的观点

ERP systems are viewed with great optimism and serious skepticism.


Some companies have achieved seamless integration


Some managers claim ERP vendors “overpromise and underdeliver”



ERP – Implementation Issues - 实现中的问题

Never-ending implementation: Many firms adopt ERP systems module by module extending the implementation period. Even simple implementations take a year or more. Complex implementations have taken close to a decade.


Importance of process mapping: Each application captures data for and about a process. Process mapping documents each process in detail helping managers gain a real understanding of how it works.


Process redesign: Combining a new ERP system with a bad process usually leads to unsatisfactory results—the same old mistakes are made more rapidly. ERP implementation can drive the adoption of new business practices and processes.


Use of consultants: There is a learning curve inherent in any new technology, knowledgeable consultants can help.


  • Relying solely on outside consultants can lead to an expensive implementation that doesn’t meet the company’s needs. 仅仅依靠外部顾问可能会导致昂贵的实施,无法满足公司的需求。

Excessive cost: Without proper planning, costs and timelines can quickly exceed the budget.


  • The average total cost of ERP ownership ranged from $400,000 to $300 million with an average cost of $15 million. 拥有ERP的平均总成本从40万美元到3亿美元不等,平均成本为1500万美元。
  • Implementation time estimates and financial budgets are often exceeded by 50 to 100 percent or more. 实施时间估计和财务预算经常超出50%到100%或更多。

Resistance to change: Employees and managers often prefer the legacy systems and are resistant to change.


Errors during implementation: Glitches or errors in new systems may become evident only after implementation.


  • Hershey’s failed to capture orders for 5 weeks before Halloween; Result - 19% drop in 3rdQ net income. 好时(Hershey)在万圣节前的5周内未能获得订单;结果:第三季度净收入下降19%。
  • To avoid this problem, companies can: 为了避免这个问题,公司可以:
    • gradually phase in new systems while phasing out old ones 逐步采用新系统,同时淘汰旧系统
    • run both systems in parallel until the “bugs” have been worked out 并行运行两个系统,直到“bug”被解决
    • utilize pilot projects at a limited number of divisions or locations. 在有限的部门或地点利用试点项目。

Rapid technological change: Rapid technological change can render new systems obsolete complicating cost-benefit analyses.


  • Early adopters of a new technology have the benefit of being ahead of the competition 新技术的早期采用者在竞争中处于领先地位
  • Early adopters run the risk of acquiring an untested technology that could disrupt the firms’ entire operations 早期采用者面临着获得未经测试的技术的风险,这种技术可能会扰乱公司的整个运营

ERP – The Future

ERP systems were designed to enhance internal firm communication thereby facilitating exchange with external parties.


Growing demand for collaboration among supply chain partners resulted in the proposal of two new systems:


  • Cloud ERP – Netsuite, Salesforce
  • Mobility – on mobile devices 移动性——在移动设备上
  • Enterprise Commerce Management (ECM) 企业商务管理

E-Commerce and the Internet

The use of Internet technology has reduce the cost of providing, collecting, and communicating information electronically.


  • Internet – provides unlimited access 互联网-提供无限制的访问
  • Intranet – provides systems access to a limited number of parties; avoids custom interfaces, incompatible hardware types, and special connection procedures 内部网——为有限数量的各方提供系统访问;避免自定义接口、不兼容的硬件类型和特殊的连接过程
  • Extranet – allow limited access to certain applications and data to external users 外部网——允许外部用户有限地访问某些应用程序和数据

Electronic-commerce is the automation of commercial transactions using computers and networked communication technologies.


  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Internet
  • E-mail
  • Electronic funds transfer
  • Electronic bulletin boards 电子布告板

E-commerce can reduce costs by allowing for:

  • Centralization of inventory 库存集中
  • Centralization of shipping locations 集中运输地点
  • Reduction of safety stock 减少安全库存
  • Consolidation of inbound transportation 入境运输整合
  • Real-time capture and distribution of demand and inventory information 实时获取和分配需求和库存信息

E-commerce can enhance revenue by:


  • Removing time and location constraints 消除时间和地点的限制
  • Allowing direct to customer sales 允许直接向客户销售
  • Allowing real-time access to demand in inventory data facilitating better decision-making 允许实时访问库存数据的需求,促进更好的决策
  • Allowing instantaneous and flexible introduction of products and product mixes 允许即时和灵活的引入产品和产品组合
  • Allowing the customer to instantly pay for orders reducing cash-to-cash cycle time 允许客户即时支付订单,缩短现金到现金的周期时间

Radio Frequency Technology 无线射频技术

Radio frequency transmissions between computer systems and mobile operators.


  • Used extensively in warehouse and distribution center operations 广泛用于仓库和配送中心的操作
  • Improves picking efficiency and accuracy 提高拣选效率和准确性

Radio frequency identification tags (RFID) - coded electronic chips embedded in the product or in product packaging


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Unlike barcodes, RFID does not require line of sight to be scanned.


RFID tags can hold much more information than bar codes.


RFID information can be unique to every product, not just a specific type of item or UPC code.


RFID is used extensively in warehouse and distribution centre operations, which improves picking efficiency and accuracy;


Other benefits include: time-saving; easy to track; large volume of information gathered at the same time;


But barcodes are still in use, especially at POS (point of sales) level, due to its low-cost and compatibility with existing information systems.



The Supply Chain IT Framework

The Supply Chain Macro Processes


  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 客户关系管理
  • Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) 内部供应链管理
  • Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 供应商关系管理
  • Plus: Transaction Management Foundation 加起来就是:事务管理基础



Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The processes that take place between an enterprise and its customers downstream in the supply chain


Key processes:

  • Marketing 市场营销
  • Selling 销售
  • Order management 订单管理
  • Call/Service center 呼叫/服务中心

Internal Supply Chain Management(ISCM)

Includes all processes involved in planning for and fulfilling a customer order


ISCM processes:

  • Strategic Planning 战略计划
  • Demand Planning 需求计划
  • Supply Planning 供应规划
  • Fulfillment 履行
  • Field Service 现场服务

There must be strong integration between the ISCM and CRM macro processes


Supplier Relationship Management(SRM)

Those processes focused on the interaction between the enterprise and suppliers that are upstream in the supply chain


Key processes:

  • Design Collaboration 协同设计
  • Source 来源
  • Negotiate 谈判
  • Buy 购买
  • Supply Collaboration 供应协同

There is a natural fit between ISCM and SRM processes


The Transaction Management Foundation

Enterprise software systems (ERP)


Earlier systems focused on automation of simple transactions and the creation of an integrated method of storing and viewing data across the enterprise


Real value of the TMF exists only if decision making is improved


The extent to which the TMF enables integration across the three macro processes determines its value


The Future of IT in the Supply Chain

At the highest level, the three SCM macro processes will continue to drive the evolution of enterprise software


Software focused on the macro processes will become a larger share of the total enterprise software market and the firms producing this software will become more successful


Functionality, the ability to integrate across macro processes, and the strength of their ecosystems, will be keys to success


The Objective of a Supply Chain 供应链的目标

目标:Maximise net value generated 产生的净值最大化

Supply Chain Surplus = Customer Value − Supply Chain Cost



End Customer: the only source of revenue


Sources of cost include flows of information, products, or funds between stages of the supply chain


Effective supply chain management involves the management of supply chain assets and product, information, and fund flows to grow the total supply chain surplus


Information-Empowered Customer

Customers are empowered with a broad range of product and pricing information


Channel power is shifting down the supply chain toward the end consumer


Combined these phenomena have created customers that use market leverage to demand higher levels of service at lower cost


Creating Value

Companies seek to develop a distinctive advantage and differentiate themselves in the mind of the consumer.


Customers seek value in terms of:

  1. Quality
  2. Cost
  3. Flexibility 灵活性
  4. Delivery 交付
  5. Innovation

Competing on Quality

Quality includes both design and manufacturing elements.


The product must be designed to live up to or exceed customer expectations.


Manufacturing must then conform to the design specifications during production.


Quality must be designed and built into the company’s products and processes.


Eight Dimensions of Quality

Performance - the primary operating characteristics of the product.


Features - the “bells and whistles” or extras that distinguish a product from competitors’ offerings.


Reliability - the notion that a product can be counted on not to fail.


Conformance - measures how well a product matches established specifications.


Durability - refers to the product’s mean time between failures and its overall life expectancy.


Serviceability - the speed of repair when quality problems arise.


Aesthetics - perception of fit and finish or artistic value.


Perceived quality - overall perceptions of a product or brand’s quality reputation


Competing on the Cost

Four strategies are widely pursued:


  • Productivity enhancement 生产力促进
  • Adoption of advanced process technology 采用先进的工艺技术
  • Locating facilities in countries with low-cost inputs 将设施设在投入成本低的国家
  • Sourcing from the world’s most efficient suppliers 从世界上最高效的供应商采购

Cost Issues

Performance measured by total landed cost



Cost drives strategic decisions such as:


  • Global manufacturing rationalization 全球制造业合理化
  • Outsourcing 外包
  • Downsizing 裁员

When cost performance improves, companies:


  • Increase market share 增大市场份额
  • Increase scale of economies 扩大经济规模
  • Improve profitability 提升盈利能力
  • Invest in future capabilities 投资未来能力

Competing on Flexibility

Flexibility is the capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements.


Flexible organisations operate with short lead times, are responsive to special customer requests, and can adapt rapidly to unexpected events.


Flexibility requires investment in information and automated production and logistics technologies.


Requirements for a Flexible Culture

Make cycle time a priority throughout the organisation


Map processes to make them visible


Identify key time-related activities/decisions


Benchmark against customer requirements and competitors’ capabilities


Cross-train workers and organize work in multifunctional teams


Design performance measures to value fast-cycle capabilities


Develop information systems to track activities and share information


Build learning loops into every process throughout the organisation


Competing on Delivery

Competing on delivery means consistently delivering on-time and in the correct quantity.


Fast, reliable delivery requires the reduction of order cycle time and the elimination of variability


Delivery capability is cross functional by nature, requiring coordinated efforts by:


  • Sourcing 寻源采购
  • Operations 运筹
  • Logistics 物流

Operations and logistics often represent 90% of total order cycle time


Competing on Innovation

Innovation creates new markets and changes industry standards.


Early Supplier Involvement (ESI) is a key element of innovation strategies.


  • Products introduced on-time but 50% over budget, realized only a 4% reduction in profit. 产品按时推出,但超出预算50%,利润只减少了4%。
  • Products introduced on budget but six months late experienced a 33% decrease in profits. 按预算推出但迟了6个月的产品利润下降了33%。

Trade-off vs. Synergy


  • Managers believed:
    • High quality was inherently expensive 高质量本质上是昂贵的
    • Standardisation and customisation are on opposite ends of the cost continuum 标准化和定制是成本连续体的两端
    • Rapid delivery reduces flexibility 快速交付降低了灵活性
    • 用一个很简单的十字图表示:在这里插入图片描述


  • Managers now seek synergy along all dimensions of customer value. 管理人员现在在客户价值的各个方面寻求协同作用。
  • Systematically addressing each results in a stronger more sustainable competitive position. 系统地解决每一个问题,会使企业的竞争地位更强、更可持续。
  • 用图来表示的话就是这样,每一点都可以做到,可以协同:在这里插入图片描述

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is based on whether a good or service meets or exceeds the customer’s prior expectations.


The key to satisfying customers is to understand their needs so that unique products and services can be developed.


Creating satisfaction should be the goal of the company’s culture and structure.


Expectations and Satisfaction



Importance Complete Satisfaction

Xerox found that customers who rated their service experience as largely satisfied were 6 times more likely to defect to a competitor than those who were completely satisfied.


Repeat business occurs when service experience is comparable to competitors.


Loyalty is achieved when customers perceive truly distinctive service.




一开始基本不变,但是随着satisfaction越来越high,loyalty可以说是exponential increasing

Customer Service Strategies

Traditional customer service focused on internal service levels and goals: Percent defective products, Percent on-time delivery, Fill rate


Without feedback it is easy to emphasize activities the customer does not value.


就会产生Service Gaps

Customer satisfaction strategies require direct input from a customer. Questions to be addressed should include:


  • How do important customers define quality, on-time delivery, responsiveness and other key value areas? 重要客户如何定义质量、准时交货、响应和其他关键价值领域?
  • Are our internal measures consistent with customers’ measures? 我们的内部措施是否与客户的措施一致?
  • Does our current performance meet our customers’ requirements? 我们目前的业绩是否符合客户的要求?
  • Would an improvement in our performance be valued by our customers? 我们业绩的改善会受到客户的重视吗?

Customer input allows managers to:


  • align measures to customer expectations 使措施与客户期望保持一致
  • allocate resources and re-evaluate priorities 分配资源,重新评估优先级
  • adopt new policies or practices 采用新的政策或做法

Information typically gathered from surveys, focus groups, indepth personal interviews, and ethno-graphic studies.


Customer Success Strategies

Customer success strategies use supply chain knowledge to help customers become more competitive.


Success strategies consist of:

  1. A clearly communicated goal to help customers succeed 一个清晰的沟通目标,以帮助客户成功
  2. A clear understanding of downstream requirements 对下游需求的清晰理解
  3. Investment in customer-valued capabilities 投资于客户价值的能力
  4. Training provided to customers 为客户提供培训
  5. Resources shared with customers 与客户共享资源


Customer Service


Meet internally set expectations



Fail to understand what customers value


Expend resources and wrong areas


Measure performance inappropriately


Fail to deliver more than mediocre service


Operational emphasis leads to service gaps


Customer Satisfaction


Meet customer driven expectations



Ignore operating realities while overlooking operating innovations


Constant competitor benchmarking leads to product/service proliferation and inefficiency


Maintain unprofitable relationship


vulnerable to new products and processes


Focus on historical needs of customers does not help customers meet new market expectations


Customer Success


Help customers meet their customers’ needs



Limited resources require that “customers of choice” be selected; that is, customer success is inherently a resource-intensive strategy


The End Customer

The end customer is the only one who puts money into the supply chain and is therefore the focus of all activities.


Successful companies share information that helps the chain focus on the end customer.


Customer Fulfilment Strategy

Customer fulfilment strategies seek to address:


  • What are the real needs of our immediate customers? 我们直接客户的真正需求是什么?
  • What are the real needs of our customers’ customers? 我们客户的客户的真正需求是什么?
  • What are the real needs of our supply chain’s end customers? 我们供应链终端客户的真正需求是什么?
  • What information must be shared up and down the supply chain to meet these customer needs? 为了满足这些客户需求,供应链上下必须共享哪些信息?
  • What capabilities must be developed up and down the supply chain to meet these customer needs? 为了满足这些客户需求,供应链上下必须开发哪些功能?
  • How can we help other supply chain members improve the overall chain’s customer fulfilment capabilities? 我们如何帮助其他供应链成员提高整个供应链的客户履行能力?

Barriers to Customer Fulfilment

Companies may seek to improve service levels, but direct their efforts toward the wrong activities.


Companies may fail to deliver on their promises to be customer-service oriented.


Access to information has lead some companies to provide low service levels to “less valuable” customers.


Customers identify the following as the cause of dissatisfaction in almost 80% of “horror stories”:


  • Training - employees do not know how their behaviour and performance affects customer perceptions. 培训——员工不知道他们的行为和表现如何影响客户的看法。
  • Measurement - measures do not reinforce appropriate attitudes and behaviour toward customers. 测量——测量不能加强对顾客的适当态度和行为。
  • Empowerment - employees do not have authority to solve problems and respond to customer needs. 授权——员工没有解决问题和回应客户需求的权力。
  • Policies - policies and procedures are inflexible and often run counter to real service and satisfaction. 政策-政策和程序是不灵活的,经常与真正的服务和满意度背道而驰。

Customer-Centric Fulfilment Strategy 以客户为中心的履行策略

Managers should consider two facts when developing processes to match the right kinds and levels of service to specific customers:


  • Not all customers are equal and they do not all deserve the same high level of service. 并不是所有的顾客都是平等的,他们也不应该得到同样高水平的服务。
  • Not all customers require the same service. 并不是所有的顾客都需要同样的服务。

Matching Strategy to Customer Needs

Three types of analysis are needed to effectively tailor supplychain service levels to specific customers:


  1. Customer Analysis 客户分析
  2. Supply Chain Analysis 供应链分析
  3. Competency Analysis 核心能力分析

在Customer-Centric Supply Chain中对三个Analysis的整体流程图


Customer Analysis

Customer analysis identifies customer needs, helping management to segment customers.


Customer segmentation – the identification of unique groups of customers who possess similar needs – allowing the development of products and systems necessary to fulfil the needs of different customer groups.


Customer Segmentation with Pareto

Relationship intensity can be categorized as follows:


  • “A” customers are valued and received the highest service. A类客户受到重视,并得到最高的服务。
  • “B” customers should be managed carefully. B类客户应该小心管理。
  • “C” customers should be managed fairly and efficiently C类客户应该得到公平有效的管理



Customers-of-Choice Relationships

A select number of “A” customers whose needs the company is well-positioned to fulfil.


Customer-of-choice relationships are characterized by:


  • Frequent communication at many levels between the firms, including marketing, engineering, logistics, and senior management. 公司之间在许多层面上的频繁沟通,包括营销、工程、物流和高级管理。
  • Inter-organisational teams are formed to solve problems or to work on SC initiatives such as new product development. 组织间团队的成立是为了解决问题或开展供应链活动,如新产品开发。
  • Information systems are linked to enable real-time information exchange on inventory levels, order status, and future demand. 信息系统连接起来,使库存水平、订单状态和未来需求的实时信息交换成为可能。
  • Fulfilment processes are designed for flexibility to accommodate customers’ special requests. 履行流程设计灵活,以适应客户的特殊要求。
  • Policies and procedures support extraordinary efforts to meet unexpected needs or unusual requests. 政策和程序支持非同寻常的努力,以满足意想不到的需求或不寻常的要求。
Highly Valued Relationships

Many “A” and most “B” customers.


Highly valued relationships characteristics:


  • Customer input is actively sought and utilized to meet expressed expectations. 积极寻求和利用顾客的意见,以满足所表达的期望。
  • Dedicated customer account teams. 专门的客户账户团队。
  • Information systems are a way to share information. 信息系统是一种共享信息的方式。
  • Policies and procedures acknowledged the importance of these customers. 政策和程序承认这些客户的重要性。

Members of this group often become tomorrow’s customers-of-choice.


Transaction Relationships

Comprised of “C” customers


Receive little personal attention, leading companies strive for high levels of standardized service excellence.


Service recovery is used to regain confidence of customers when service failures occur.


As data-capturing technology becomes better, “C” customers will become candidates for more tailored services.


Evaluating Customer Relationships 评估客户关系

Activity-Based Costing, which ties specific costs directly to the customers that create them, can be used to identify the profitability of a business relationship.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can be used to create customer profiles that capture buying habits and determine customer profitability.


Supply Chain Analysis

Supply chain analysis identifies the end customer needs and the capabilities that must exist in the chain to meet those needs.


Customer success factors are the capabilities that first-tier customers need to satisfy their downstream customers.


Competency Analysis

A core competency is something that the company does so well as to provide it a competitive advantage.


Two questions can help to identify a core competence:


  1. What are we known for that makes us uniquely good?
  2. What do we do better than anyone else?

Almost always cross functional


Competency-Success Factor Matrix


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