【北邮国院大三下】Logistics and Supply Chain Management 物流与供应链管理 Week2




Order Fulfilment

Order fulfilment is the process that actually makes and delivers a product or service


Three functions are responsible:

  • Purchasing – acquires the inputs used to support production 采购-获得用于支持生产的投入
  • Production – converts inputs into outputs that customers value 生产——将投入转化为客户所重视的产出
  • Logistics – transports and stores goods assuring access 物流-运输和储存货物,确保进入

SCOR Model

When purchasing, production, and logistics work in concert directed by overall strategy, they help deliver value to the customer.


The Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model helps to create a common vision for managing and coordinating five primary SC processes


Elements of the SCOR Model (five primary SC processes)

  • Plan: Processes that balance demand and supply to develop a course of action to meet sourcing, production, and delivery needs. This process aligns the supply chain plan with the financial plan. 计划:平衡需求和供应的过程,以制定满足采购、生产和交付需要的行动方针。这个过程使供应链计划与财务计划保持一致。
  • Source: Processes that purchase goods and services to meet planned or actual demand. Emphasis is on selecting suppliers, establishing policies, scheduling deliveries, and assessing performance. 来源:购买商品和服务以满足计划或实际需求的过程。重点是选择供应商、制定政策、安排交货和评估绩效。
  • Make: Processes that transform product to a finished product to meet demand. Emphasis is on scheduling production, measuring performance, managing inventory, and configuring the network. 制造:将产品转化为成品以满足需求的过程。重点是安排生产、衡量绩效、管理库存和配置网络。
  • Deliver: Processes that provide finished goods and services to customers. Emphasis is on order management, warehouse management, and transportation management. 交付:向顾客提供成品和服务的过程。重点是订单管理、仓库管理和运输管理。
  • Return: Processes associated with the return of products for any reason and includes post-delivery customer support. Emphasis is on reverse logistics and long-term customer support. 退货:与任何原因的产品退货相关的流程,包括交付后的客户支持。重点是逆向物流和长期客户支持。





Purchasing, supply management, procurement, can be used interchangeably.


In the narrow sense: …the acquisition of goods or services in exchange for a consideration, usually money


…the integration of related functions to provide effective and efficient materials and services to the organisation. (Leenders, p4)


Successful purchasing can substantially leverage the profit of an organisation


Purchasing Management

Four developments in operations management increased the importance of purchasing:


  1. Purchased inputs became a primary operating cost 购买的投入品成为主要的经营成本
  2. Just-in-time emphasized cooperative, long-term buyer-supplier relationships 准时制生产强调合作,长期的买方-供应商关系
  3. Information technology provided information needed to strategically manage relationships 信息技术提供了战略性管理关系所需的信息
  4. Better trained and more competent managers entered supply arena 训练有素、能力更强的管理人员进入了供应领域

【准时制(Just in Time,JIT)生产是指:在所需要的时刻,按所需要的数量生产所需要的产品(或零部件)的生产模式,其目的是加速半成品的流转,将库存的积压减少到最低的限度,从而提高企业的生产效益。——来源百度百科, JIT会在W3里专门说】

Purchasing Manager Skills

Knowledge Management 知识管理

  • commodity expertise and understanding of supplier capacity and capability 商品专业知识和对供应商能力的理解

Relationship Management 关系管理

  • alliance relationships with critical suppliers, fair relationships with all; design of efficient transaction mechanisms 与关键供应商建立联盟关系,与所有供应商建立公平关系;高效交易机制的设计

Process Management 流程管理

  • continuous improvement, collaborative processes, supplier education 持续改进,协作流程,供应商教育

Technology Management 技术管理

  • employed new technology 采用新技术

Purchasing Costs

Manufacturers spend 55% of each pound on purchased goods and services


Approximately 60-80% of operating expense


Direct manufacturing costs have declined to between five and 15% of total operating costs


  • As little as 2% for some high-tech industries 在一些高科技产业中只有2%

Service industries spend less on purchased materials than manufacturing


Outsourcing – Purchasing Role

Focusing on core competencies has led many companies to outsource value added activities


Sourcing professionals take on the role of acquiring and managing:


  • Inputs 输入
  • Supplier capacity 供应商容纳能力
  • Supplier capabilities 供应商能力

【我的理解是supplier capacity是供应商能够提供多少,supplier capabilities是供应商的产能】

The source process



Recognition and Description of Need

Well-managed companies use a purchasing policy or procedure handbook to guide interactions between internal users and sourcing


Purchase requisition is used to clearly describe and communicate needs to sourcing


  • Item description, requisitioning department, authorizing signature, purchase quantity, delivery day, and location are necessary information 项目说明、申领部门、授权签字、采购数量、发货日期、地点等信息
Supplier Selection
  1. Identification involves making a list of all potential suppliers. A purchaser might look to the company’s purchasing database or directories such the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers, which lists over 150,000 companies. 识别包括列出所有潜在供应商的清单。购买者可能会查看公司的采购数据库或目录,如列出超过15万家公司的托马斯美国制造商登记册。

  2. Evaluation involves the identification of supplier selection criteria and the gathering of performance information that can be used to assess and compare possible suppliers. 评价包括确定供应商选择标准和收集可用于评价和比较可能的供应商的绩效信息。

  • Frequently used criteria include quality, price, delivery dependability, capacity (current and future), service responsiveness, technical expertise, managerial ability (attitude, skills, and talent), and financial stability. 常用的标准包括质量、价格、交付可靠性、能力(当前和未来)、服务响应能力、技术专长、管理能力(态度、技能和人才)和财务稳定性。
  1. Approval identifies the suppliers that are eligible to receive an order. The number of suppliers on the approved list depends on the nature of the item being purchased. 批准标识有资格接收订单的供应商。核准清单上的供应商数目取决于所采购物品的性质。
  • For commodity-type items, multiple suppliers are generally used; for unique items, a sole-sourcing arrangement may be preferable. 对于商品类型的项目,一般使用多个供应商;对于独特的项目,独家采购安排可能更可取。
  1. Monitoring assures high levels of performance. Scorecards are often used to provide an overall supplier rating. 监控确保了高水平的性能。记分卡通常用于提供供应商的总体评级。
  • John Deere uses categories to rate suppliers into one of four groups: partner, key approved supplier, approved supplier, or conditional supplier 约翰迪尔使用类别将供应商分为四组:合作伙伴、关键认可供应商、认可供应商或有条件供应商
Transaction Management - Price

Price is the most-frequently-used factor to evaluate the sourcing group’s performance


Best price is pursued using:


  • List price – low-volume or low-value items 列出价格-小批量或低价值的项目
  • Competitive bidding – relies on market forces to obtain a fair price 竞争性投标——依靠市场力量获得公平的价格
  • Reverse auctions may achieve 10-30% reductions 反向拍卖可能实现10-30%的降价
  • Negotiation – high dollar value high uncertainty items, or when a long-term relationship is desired 谈判——高价值、高不确定性的项目,或者希望建立长期关系
Reverse Auctions 逆向拍卖

Reverse auctions are defined by suppliers bidding for a customer’s business.


  • Results in downward price pressure 导致价格下行压力

Supplier participants in reverse auctions should be prequalified, and winning bidders should have their capabilities verified before contracts are issued.


Focus on price and competitiveness contrary to supply chain principles of total cost of ownership and collaborative relationships.


When to use Reverse Auction?
  • When there’s uncertainty as to the size of the market, and the willingness of the seller to supply a product. 当市场的规模不确定时,卖方提供产品的意愿也不确定。
  • When purchasing large quantities of an item for which clear specifications are possible. 当购买大量的项目,明确的规格是可能的。
  • When selling surplus assets 出售剩余资产时
  • For some services, such as car rentals, freight services, travel. 对于一些服务,如汽车租赁、货运服务、旅游。
Advantages - buyers
  • …provides benefits for both buyers and sellers. 对买卖双方都有利。
  • The benefits for the buyers include:
    • Savings over and above those obtained from normal negotiations as a result of competition. 由于竞争,超出正常谈判所得的节余。
    • Reduction in acquisition lead times 缩短采购前置时间
    • Access to a wider range of suppliers 获得更广泛的供应商
    • Sources of market information are enhanced 加强市场信息来源
    • More efficient if via internet and provide total anonymity so time is not wasted on seeing representatives. 如果通过互联网提供完全匿名,效率会更高,这样就不会浪费时间去见代表。
Advantages - suppliers
  • The benefits for the suppliers include:
    • An opportunity to enter previously closed markets, which is particularly important for smaller companies. 有机会进入以前封闭的市场,这对小公司尤其重要。
    • Reduced negotiation timescales 减少谈判时间
    • Access to a wider range of suppliers 获得更广泛的供应商
    • Provision of a good source of market pricing information 提供市场价格信息的良好来源
    • Clear indications of what must be done to win the business. 明确指示必须做什么才能赢得业务。
  • Some objections to reverse auction include: 反对反向拍卖的理由包括:
    • …based on a win-lose approach, the seller is trying to get the most money while the buyer is after the best deal. So the system cannot be sustained without burdensome watchdogs and regulators. 基于一种双赢的策略,卖方想要得到最多的钱,而买方想要得到最好的交易。因此,如果没有繁重的监督和监管机构,这个体系就无法维持下去。
    • Can cause ad adverse buyer-seller relationship as the supplier may feel exploited and become less trustful of buyers. 可能会导致不利的买卖关系,因为供应商可能会感到被剥削,变得不那么信任买家。
    • Long-term adverse effects on economic performance of both buyers and suppliers: 对买方和供应商经济绩效的长期不利影响:
      • Some suppliers may not be able to sustain sharp price reduction in the long term 一些供应商可能无法长期维持大幅降价
      • In order to ensure the exact goods and services required are obtained, considerable time may be needed to complete detailed specification sheets 为了确保获得所需的确切货物和服务,可能需要相当长的时间来完成详细的规格表
      • Suppliers that cannot compete at the lower price levels may be removed from the approved suppliers’ list. 不能在较低价格水平上竞争的供应商可以从批准的供应商名单中删除。
Transaction Management - Orders

Purchase orders specify the terms and conditions of the purchase agreement and initiate supplier action


Blanket orders specify the overall terms of agreement for a given time period and cover the entire quantity to be purchased


  • Smaller quantities are periodically delivered under this agreement 根据本协议,将定期交付较小数量的货物
Transaction Management - Expediting 催货

Regular follow-up allows identification of quality or delivery problems


Expediting refers to efforts to speed up delivery of an order


Penalty clauses can be used in purchase agreements


Transaction Management - Inspection 检查

Receipt and inspection matches the invoice the contents via physical count and quality inspection


Primary reason for failure:

  • The count is off (too much, too little) 数错了(太多,太少)
  • Quality is inferior 质量差
  • Supplier certification programs focus on improving suppliers’ abilities to produce high quality products, eliminating the need for inspection 供应商认证计划侧重于提高供应商生产高质量产品的能力,消除检查的需要
Transaction Management - Payment

Efficient procedures for invoice clearance improve:


  • Supplier relationships 供应商关系
  • Financial performance 财政状况
  • Discounts for prompt payment 即期付款折扣
Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring allows identification of candidates for increased collaboration and long-term supplier relationships


Four types of information should be tracked:


  1. Current status of all purchase orders 所有采购订单的当前状态
  2. Select evaluation criteria for all suppliers 为所有供应商选择评估标准
  3. Part or commodity information 部分或商品信息
  4. Information regarding contracts of relationships 关于关系合同的信息

Production Management 生产管理

Also known as operations or manufacturing management - creates value by transforming capital, technology, Labour, and materials into more highly valued products and services


Operations drive product of the growth, innovation, and generates higher living standards


Operational excellence is a prerequisite for success


Operations managers must manage two groups of decision variables:


  • Design Decisions 设计决策
  • Control Decisions 控制决策


World Class Operations Management 世界级的运营管理

Design Decisions

  • Facility location – affect access to factor inputs and customer markets 工厂位置-影响进入要素投入和客户市场
  • Facility layout – determine the positioning of equipment, the flow and handling of materials 设施布局——确定设备的位置、物料的流动和搬运
  • Product design – impact the ability to profitably capture future market share 产品设计——影响获取未来市场份额的盈利能力
  • Process design – involves technology selection and work design 工艺设计——包括工艺选择和工作设计

Control Decisions

  • Forecasting – estimate of what needs to be produced and when 预测-估计需要生产什么和何时生产
  • Inventory control – determines how much and when to make specific products 库存控制——决定生产特定产品的数量和时间
  • Scheduling – two types: 调度-两种类型:
    • Aggregate planning determines what needs to be produced 总体规划决定了需要生产什么
    • Process planning determines work done at each station 工艺计划决定了每个工位的工作
  • Quality control – designing, building, and inspecting quality into both the process and product 质量控制——设计、建立和检验过程和产品的质量

Product/Service Continuum(product和service的区别)



Operations Management Skills

Operational excellence is a prerequisite for success; however, competition is now between chains not just companies.


Therefore, managers must understand and develop skills in dealing with:


  • Outsourcing 外包
  • Supplier Integrated Manufacturing 供应商集成制造
  • Best Practices Dissemination 推广最佳做法

Lean Production 精益生产

Lean production relies on a number of interrelated practices:


  • Waste Elimination 消除浪费
    • Waste is defined as anything more than the absolute minimum necessary to add value 浪费被定义为超过增加价值所必需的绝对最低限度的任何东西
    • Inventory covers up problems, Lean works to systematically reduced inventory to identify problems 库存掩盖了问题,精益工作是系统地减少库存以发现问题
  • Workforce Participation 劳动参与度
    • Jidoka - the authority to stop the line 自动化-有权停止排队
    • Requires training, personal responsibility, and integration 需要培训、个人责任和整合
    • 【对于这个jikoda,是不完全的自动化,简而言之就是JIDOKA强调的是把事情做对,不对的时候停下来。当然,同时也在强调人做人该做的事情,设备可以自动的让设备做,是一种品质源于每道工序”的“人”字旁“自动化*】
  • Managerial Responsibility 管理职责
    • Managers take on the role of teacher, team facilitator, and motivator 管理者扮演着老师、团队促进者和激励者的角色
  • Process Development 过程开发
    • Line workers are trained and empowered to solve problems and improve processes 流水线工人接受培训,并被授权解决问题和改进流程
  • Network Orientation 以网络连接为导向(很难翻译,我的理解就是整个供应网络都应该紧密连接)
    • Lean should be practiced by critical suppliers 关键供应商应该实行精益
  • Synchronization 同步
    • Synchronization of material movement is accomplished by a pull or “kanban” system 物料移动的同步是通过拉或“看板”系统完成的
  • Continuous Improvement 持续改进
    • “Kaizen” - the quest for incremental productivity gains and consistent innovation “改善”——追求提高生产力和持续创新

*来源:精益生产体系:丰田TPS VS 大众KPS - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

Lean Supply Chain

Lean supply chain management is not exclusively for those companies who manufacture products, but by businesses who want to streamline their processes by eliminating waste and non-value added activities. Companies have a number of areas in their supply chain where waste can be identified as time, costs, or inventory.


Logistics Management

Logistics management is that part of SCM that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.


The Logistics Process

Materials management is concerned with the inbound movement and storage of raw materials, purchased components, and subassemblies entering and flowing through the conversion process.


Physical distribution focuses on the outbound transportation and storage of finished products from point of manufacture to where customers wish to acquire them.


Basic Logistics Activities


Activity 活动

  • Basic Roles and Responsibilities 基本角色和职责

Customer Service 客户服务

  • Customer service focus on understanding what customers want andmeasuring logistics performance against these customer requirements. 客户服务的重点是了解客户的需求,并根据客户的要求衡量物流绩效。

Demand Forecasting 需求预测

  • Forecasts—estimates of demand—must be developed to help plan other logistics activities, allocate resources, and provide high levels of service at low costs. 必须对需求进行预测,以帮助规划其他物流活动,分配资源,并以低成本提供高水平的服务。

Documentation 文档

  • Accurate documentation helps assure that the product gets to the customer on time. Documentation is particularly vital in international shipments. 准确的文档有助于确保产品准时到达客户手中。文件在国际运输中尤为重要。

Information Management 信息管理

  • Data on carriers, customers, and inventories must be turned into useful decision-making information. Information replaces inventory in today’s logistics systems. 有关运营商、客户和库存的数据必须转化为有用的决策信息。在今天的物流系统中,信息取代了库存。

Inventory Management 存货管理

  • Product must be available to meet production requirements and customer demand. However, inventory is expensive. Inventory control must support high levels of customer service with as little inventory as possible. 产品必须能满足生产要求和客户需求。然而,库存是昂贵的。库存控制必须以尽可能少的库存支持高水平的客户服务。

Material Handling 物料运输

  • Because handling materials costs money and can lead to damage, factories and warehouses are designed to minimize the total amount handling. 因为搬运物料要花钱,而且会造成损坏,所以工厂和仓库的设计都是为了尽量减少搬运的总量。

Order Processing 订单处理

  • Order processing initiates work. Many orders are transmitted electronically, improving speed and accuracy of the fulfillment process. 订单处理启动工作。许多订单通过电子方式传送,提高了履行过程的速度和准确性。

Packaging 包装工作

  • Packaging protects the product throughout the distribution process. Packaging also conveys information about the product and presents an attractive appearance. 包装在整个分销过程中保护产品。包装也传达了产品的信息,并呈现了一个有吸引力的外观。

Parts and Service Support - 零配件和服务支持

  • Needed spare and replacement parts must be available to support sales. Caterpillar promises delivery of needed replacement parts anywhere in the world within 48 hours. This type of support increases customer loyalty. 必须有必要的备件和更换部件以支持销售。卡特彼勒承诺在48小时内将所需的替换零件送到世界任何地方。这种类型的支持提高了客户的忠诚度。

Site Selection Location 厂址位置选择

  • Location can provide access to inputs like low-cost Labour and materials. It can also affect customer service levels, providing access to important consumer markets 地理位置可以提供低成本劳动力和材料等投入。它还可以影响客户服务水平,提供进入重要消费市场的途径

Return Goods Handling 退货处理

  • Defective products and inaccurate orders must be returned efficiently. “Reverse logistics" is very important to achieving high levels of customer satisfaction. 有缺陷的产品和不准确的订单必须有效地退回。“逆向物流”对于实现高水平的客户满意度非常重要。

Salvage and Recycling 回收及循环再造

  • Handling excess materials is often overlooked. However, this is an important logistics activity, especially when hazardous materials or recyclable items must be managed. 处理多余的材料常常被忽视。然而,这是一项重要的物流活动,特别是当必须管理危险材料或可回收物品时。

Transportation Management 运输管理

  • Transportation is the most visible logistics activity. Five modal options exist: rail, truck, air, water, and pipeline. 运输是最明显的物流活动。有五种运输方式可供选择:铁路、卡车、航空、水路和管道。

Warehouse/DC Management 仓库/直流管理

  • Storing products until they are ready for use is the role of warehousing. A variety of products are also consolidated into a single customer shipment. 仓储的作用是把产品储存起来,直到它们准备好使用为止。各种产品也被合并到一个单一的客户发货。

The Order Cycle


从Order receipt订单接收开始

Order Fulfilment Activities


Placing facilities in the right location and leveraging appropriate process technologies to reduce the combined production and delivery time.


Carrying the right quantity and mix of inventory.


Streamlining order processing eliminating unnecessary steps.


Assure order-entry accuracy


Developing good relationships with reliable transportation companies reduces transit times and increases on-time delivery performance.


Adopting appropriate technologies and implementing innovative materials handling processes can increase flow speed through warehouses.


Transportation Modes



  • 在这里插入图片描述

Motor Carrier 汽车运输

  • 在这里插入图片描述


  • 在这里插入图片描述


  • 在这里插入图片描述


  • 在这里插入图片描述


  • 在这里插入图片描述

Warehouse Activities

Shipping and receiving goods and materials


Materials handling and order processing


Consolidating and distributing shipments


Transportation management, such as routing, tracing, and monitoring movements


Product packaging and labelling (form postponement)


Re-packaging and mixing of products


Preparation of in-store displays (ready store delivery pallets)


Light manufacturing or assembly


Scrap and disposal


Cross-Dock Operations


  1. Full truckloads arrive from suppliers. 满载的卡车从供应商那里运来。
  2. Pallets are sorted and flow through to outbound docks. 托盘被分类,并流向出站码头。
  3. Full truckloads of a variety of product depart to supercenters. 满载着各种产品的卡车驶往大型购物中心。

Logistics Manager Skills

Logistics may be the next source of competitive advantage. To tap that advantage managers must understand:


  • Logistics Outsourcing 物流外包
  • Shared Logistics Services 共享物流服务
  • Network Rationalization 网络合理化

Supply Chain Management

SCM is the design of seamless value added processes across organisation boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer. SC design and improvement is assisted by:


  1. Process Mapping - creates visibility of current and improved processes. 过程映射——创建当前和改进过程的可见性。
  2. Value Stream Mapping - depicts flow of information and materials 价值流图——描述信息和物料的流动
  3. SC Mapping - displays the dynamics that govern how a supply chain works 供应链映射-显示控制供应链如何工作的动态

Failure to be Proactive in Design

Failure to proactively design a SC results in:


  • Poor coordination of effort 工作协调性差
  • Incompatible information systems 不兼容的信息系统
  • Long cycle times 周期时间长
  • Communication problems 沟通问题
  • Customer service issues 影响服务期望的因素
  • Excessive waste and environmental degradation 过度浪费和环境恶化
  • Relatively high inventories for the level of customer service achieved 相对较高的库存为客户实现了服务水平
  • Lower the optimal profit 降低最优利润

Process Mapping

A process is defined as an activity that transforms or changes input into new output.


A process map is a graphic representation of the system and contains a sequence of steps that are performed to produce some desired output.


The primary goal behind process mapping is to make complex systems visible.


Developing a Process Map

Determine the purpose of the process map


  • Establish level of detail 建立详细程度
  • Establish system boundaries 建立系统边界

Determine who has the required information or experience.


Analyse the process through observation and interviews, document each step.


Draw the map

Have the people who are involved in the mapping process as well as others (including those who actually perform the process) review the map for clarity and completeness


Process Analysis

Process analysis is used to identify non-value added or redundant activities.


  1. Begin process analysis by examining the time, cost, resources, and people involved in each step. 通过检查每个步骤中涉及的时间、成本、资源和人员来开始流程分析。
  • Identify the steps that consume the most time or resources. 确定消耗最多时间或资源的步骤。
  • Identify processes that take too long or vary greatly in time. 识别耗时太长或时间变化太大的过程。
  • Identify points of delay. 确定延迟点。
  • Estimate the value added by each step and judge the value against the cost. 估计每一步增加的价值,并根据成本来判断价值。
  • Consider the reasons for problems and how to improve specific activities or processes. 考虑问题的原因以及如何改进特定的活动或过程。
  1. Re-examine each decision symbol. 重新检查每个决策符号。
  • Determine if the decision is necessary and adds value? 确定决策是否必要并能增加价值?
  • Consider combining decisions or moving them to another point in the process to create more value. 考虑合并决策或将它们转移到流程中的另一个点以创造更多价值。
  1. Check each rework loop 检查每个返工循环
  • A rework loop involves iterative processes, like repeatedly checking a cake until it is done baking. Here, consider how rework can be reduced, eliminated, or combined with another step. 返工循环包括迭代过程,就像反复检查蛋糕直到烤好。在这里,考虑如何减少、消除或与另一个步骤相结合的返工。
  1. Finally, look at each process step again. Sometimes a process is done out of habit without verifying its value. 最后,再次查看每个流程步骤。有时一个过程是出于习惯而没有验证它的价值。
  • Verify that the step adds more value than its cost. 验证该步骤增加的价值大于其成本。
  • Judge if the step is redundant. 判断这一步是否多余。
  • Consider how steps could be recombined for greater efficiency. 考虑如何重新组合步骤以提高效率。

以做蛋糕的过程为例,最开始的process map长这样:


经过process analysis之后,improved process map变得更加的精炼,消除了冗余:


Value Stream Mapping

Specific application of process mapping based on lean manufacturing principles.


System boundaries typically defined at the macro level.


Generally contains more information then typical process maps:


  • Process time 加工时间
  • Process performance characteristics 工艺性能特点
  • Information flows 信息流
  • Physical flows 物流

Supply Chain Design

  1. Identify the chain’s end customer 确定(供应)链的最终客户
  2. Determine the Supply Chain’s value proposition 确定供应链的价值主张
  • Identify the key players at each level and the value they add 确定每个级别的关键角色以及他们所带来的价值
  • Determine where your company is and value it adds 确定你的公司所处的位置和它所带来的价值
  1. Analyse who possesses the power in the supply chain: manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or other party 分析谁在供应链中拥有权力:制造商、分销商、零售商或其他方
  • Determine who has the best linkages with the end customer 确定谁与最终客户有最好的联系
  • Establish the key technologies that drive SC success 建立驱动供应链成功的关键技术
  • Assess the core competencies that drive SC success 评估驱动供应链成功的核心竞争力
  1. Isolate the major processes required to support the supply chain’s value proposition 隔离支持供应链价值主张所需的主要过程
  • Determine where there is a significant amount of time and variability 确定哪里有大量的时间和可变性
  1. Establish what the ideal supply chain would look like 建立理想的供应链是什么样的
  • Ascertain the as-is value-added roles of the various supply chain members 确定各种供应链成员的增值角色
  • Analyse how much control over supply chain activity we want or need 分析我们想要或需要多少对供应链活动的控制
  • Clarify the should-be value-added roles of the various supply chain members 明确各供应链成员应扮演的增值角色

Traditional and SC Process Focus(对比)



  • Traditional
  • Supply Chain

Inventory Management Approach 库存管理方法

  • Tradtional: Only company-owned 只有公司
  • Supply Chain: Whole chains. high turns 整个链,快速回转

Cost Management Approach 成本管理模式

  • Tradtional: Price focus 以价格为重心
  • Supply Chain: Total cost 总成本

Coordination of Sharing andMonitoring in Chain

  • Tradtional: Limited
  • Supply Chain: Long Horizon for planning

Amount of Coordination of Multiple Levels in the Chain 链条中多个层次的协调量

  • Tradtional: Limited
  • Supply Chain: Extensive

Planning in Supply Chain 供应链规划

  • Tradtional: None
  • Supply Chain: Integrated with information technology 与资讯科技结合

Supplier Management 供应商管理

  • Tradtional: Arms-length and/or adversarial 保持距离和/或敌对
  • Supply Chain: Close relationships with key suppliers 与主要供应商保持良好关系

Leadership in Supply Chain 供应链领导力

  • Traditional: None
  • Supply Chain: Leadership roles defined among players 在参与者中定义领导角色

Sharing of Risks and Rewards 分担风险和回报

  • Tradtional: None
  • Supply Chain: Defined with key players

Speed of Operations,Information/InventoryFlows 操作速度,信息/库存流动

  • Tradtional: Slow, limited
  • Supply Chain: Rapid, extensive

Information Technology

  • Tradtional: Not an issue; internalfocus in supply chain 不是问题;内部关注供应链
  • Supply Chain: Extensive improvements and linkages 广泛的改进和联系

Team Process

  • Traditional: None with customers or suppliers 没有客户或供应商
  • Supply Chain: Joint teams with key customers and suppliers 与关键客户和供应商联合团队

Approaches to Supply Chain Design

  1. Common Elements:
  • Identification of Customer and Value Proposition 识别顾客和价值主张
  • Identification of Membership 参与者身份证明
  • Structure of Member Relationships 成员关系结构
  • Focus of Control 聚焦于控制
  1. Design Tools
  • SCOR Model
  • Supply Chain Double Helix 供应链双螺旋
  • Nature of Product or Service 产品或服务的性质
  • Product Life-Cycle 产品寿命周期

SCOR Model

Steps in the SCOR model:

  • Analyse the basis for competition: what do you need to do well in order to succeed? How can you measure and monitor your progress in these key areas? 分析竞争的基础:你需要做什么才能成功?你如何衡量和监控你在这些关键领域的进展?
  • Configure the supply chain as it is and as you would like it to be. Include geographic locations and flows. 按现状和您希望的方式配置供应链。包括地理位置和流量。
  • Align performance levels, practices and systems across information and work flows. 跨信息和工作流程调整绩效水平、实践和系统。
  • Implement SC processes and systems, including people, processes, technology and organisation 实施供应链流程和系统,包括人员、流程、技术和组织

Supply Chain Double Helix

Supply chains are constantly evolving and changing as the environment which they compete changes.


The ability to design and redesign supply chains proactively that creates competitive advantage.


As a company designs and redesigns its supply chains must take advantage of “design for” initiatives.




Design for Initiatives - DFX

Design for initiatives attempt to create an atmosphere where designers work with other key players internally or externally to insure critical issues are considered and integrated into design of products and processes.


Design for manufacturability 可制造性设计

Design for distribution 为分配设计

Design for disassembly 可拆卸性设计

Design for environment 环境化设计

Design for supply 供应设计

Design for the customer 为客户设计

Nature of the Product or Service

Supply chain should be structured based on whether the product or service they deliver is innovative or functional in nature.


  • Innovative products have short life cycles 创新产品的生命周期短
  • Functional products fulfil basic needs 功能性产品满足基本需求

Insight generated from this design strategy can complement the SCOR, Double Helix, or product life-cycle models.


Innovative Product Supply Chains

Innovative products have relatively:


  • high profit margins 高利润空间
  • unpredictable short-lived demand 不可预测的短期需求
  • high risk of obsolescence 过时的风险很高

Supply chain should:


  • Seek to minimize inventory 尽量减少库存
  • Focus on speed and flexibility 注重速度和灵活性

Ideal supply chain: Responsive


Functional Products Supply Chains

Functional products have relatively:

  • Predictable demand - 需求预期
  • Long life cycles 生命周期长
  • Large number of substitutes 大量的替代品

Supply chain should: 供应链应:

  • Seek to minimize cost 寻求最小化成本
  • Provide reliable and high service levels 提供可靠和高水平的服务

Ideal supply chain: Efficient


Product Life Cycle Issues



Supply Chain Mapping

Supply chain mapping generally begins with a high level map to identify major linkages and bottleneck areas.


Supply chain maps should consider linkages with customers and key suppliers.


Tools like the pipeline map may identify unnecessary complexity, thereby leading to improvements to the current competitive state of the supply chain.


Pipeline Mapping Steps

  1. Identify the item that you wish to map. 确定要映射的项目。
  2. Identify all of the processes that occur on the physical pipeline for that product, including supplier processes. 识别在该产品的物理管道上发生的所有过程,包括供应商过程。
  3. Determine who performs each process in the chain. 确定由谁执行链中的每个流程。
  4. Talk to each of the entities that performs a process, determine how long the process takes; how much inventory is present; how much inventory is in transit and transit times for materials. 与执行流程的每个实体交谈,确定流程需要多长时间;有多少库存存在;有多少库存在运输中,物料的运输时间。
  • Inventory would include raw materials, components, and output 库存将包括原材料、零部件和产品
  1. Draw the SC pipeline map from raw material to end user as a series of horizontal and vertical lines. 绘制从原材料到最终用户的SC管道图,作为一系列水平线和垂直线。
  • a. Begin by drawing a horizontal line from the commodity market to the end user. 首先从商品市场到最终用户画一条水平线。
  • b. The length of the horizontal line represents the total process and relevant transportation time. 水平线的长度表示整个过程和相关的运输时间。
  • c. Starting with the earliest process, write the name of the processes in order above. After the name of the process, indicate the time the process takes. 从最早的进程开始,按照上面的顺序写出进程的名称。在进程名称后,输入执行该进程所需的时间。
  • d. Draw vertical lines at the beginning and end of each process to indicate the average amount of inventory that each party has on hand in terms of both input and output. 在每道工序的开始和结束处画竖线,以表示双方在投入和产出方面的平均库存数量。
    • These represent the average inventory that any party in the supply chain is holding. 这些代表了供应链中任何一方持有的平均库存。
    • If the product is not physically transformed by the process, only one inventory level is shown. 如果产品没有通过该过程进行物理转换,则只显示一个库存水平。
    • Adding total inventory in the pipeline identifies the amount of “non-value added” days or buffer inventory. 在管道中添加总库存可以确定“非增值”天数或缓冲库存的数量。
  • e. Alternatively, use flow modelling to, identify both the time and costassociated with a process. Focus process improvement on the processes with the highest value and the longest delays. 或者,使用流建模来确定与流程相关的时间和成本。将流程改进的重点放在价值最高、延迟最长的流程上。
  1. Analyse the supply chain for opportunities. 分析供应链中的机会。
  • Consider means to reduce the pipeline length. 考虑减少管道长度的方法。
  • Map relevant SC processes. Look for unnecessary processes and delays. Identify potential improvement opportunities. 绘制相关的供应链流程。寻找不必要的流程和延迟。识别潜在的改进机会。
  • Consider means to reduce the level of buffer inventory. 考虑降低缓冲库存水平的方法。
  1. Prioritize your ideas from step 6. Work with the team, suppliers, customers and other affected parties to implement, manage, and monitor changes. Analyse the new supply chain, revisiting step 6 until satisfied with the improvement results or they are no longer cost-beneficial. 优先考虑步骤6中的想法。与团队、供应商、客户和其他受影响方合作,实施、管理和监控变更。分析新的供应链,重新审视步骤6,直到对改进结果感到满意,或者它们不再具有成本效益。
  2. Repeat the procedure with other supply chains. 对其他供应链重复此过程。


What is a Core Competency? 核心竞争力

Core competency is the set of activities, skills, or advantages that distinguishes a company from its competitors.


To compete and win in the global marketplace a company must be uniquely good at at least one thing that the customer values.


Most industry leaders build their core competencies around a handful of essential skills.


Identifying Core Competencies

  1. Does the identified skill set contribute significantly to what customers perceive as our organisation’s value-added? 所确定的技能是否对客户认为的我们组织的增值有重大贡献?
  2. Is the skill set difficult for others to replicate or imitate? 别人很难复制或模仿你的技能吗?
  3. Are we particularly good at the skill set, or willing to invest the resources to become excellent? 我们是否特别擅长技能组合,或者愿意投入资源来变得优秀?
  4. Is the skill set broad enough that it allows us to the opportunity to enter many diverse markets or businesses? 我们的技能是否足够广泛,能让我们有机会进入许多不同的市场或业务?

Complementary Core Competencies

Once a company finds its core competency, it can design a supply chain to support its competitive strategy, value proposition, and competency development.


Outsourcing non-critical activities to supply chain partners allows companies to leverage complementary core competencies.


Outsourcing Flowchart




The Outsourcing Challenge

Outsourcing is the process of moving an aspect of production, service, or business function from within an organisation to an outside supplier.


Government public agency outsourcing is called privatisation.


Outsourcing Trends 外包趋势

Contract Manufacturing (CM) – a third-party makes an end product or major component under another company’s brand.


Third-Party Logistics (3PL) – using a supplier to provide some combination of logistics activities.

第三方物流(3PL) -利用供应商提供一些物流活动的组合。

Off-shoring – outsourcing to a different country.


Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – outsourcing support functions such as: HR, payroll, logistics, etc.


OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 原始设备制造商

OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer, A company that purchases computers or other complex components from manufacturers, adds other hardware or software, and sells the systems, often for specific applications.


OEMs rely on their ability to drive down the cost of production through economies of scale. Also, using an OEM allows the purchasing company to obtain needed components or products without owning and operating a factory.


EMS: Electronic manufacturing services 电子制造服务

Electronic manufacturing services (EMS) is a term used for companies that test, manufacture, distribute, and provide return/repair services for electronic components and assemblies for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).


The concept is also referred to as electronic contract manufacturing (ECM).


ODM: Original Design Manufacturer 原始设计制造商

An Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) is a company that designs and manufactures a product as specified and eventually rebranded by another firm for sale. Such companies allow the brand firm to produce (either as a supplement or solely) without having to engage in the organization or running of a factory.


A primary attribute of this business model is that the ODM owns and/or designs in-house the products that are branded by the buying firm.


Benefits of Outsourcing

By outsourcing non-strategic processes, an organisation can focus its attention on those things it does best to satisfy the customer.


Other benefits include:


  • Cost savings 成本节约
  • Capital conservation 资本保留
  • Performance improvement 绩效改善
  • Access to low-cost labour and/or resources 获得低成本劳动力和/或资源
  • Benefit from outside expertise 受益于外部专业知识

Top Reasons for Outsourcing


最高:Reduce operating costs - 48%

第二高:Focus on the core business - 17%

Outsourcing Risks

Outsourcing is not without risk:

  • Outsourcing strategic activities may cause a loss of competitive position. 外包战略活动可能导致竞争地位的丧失。

Strategic risk – long-term, perhaps irreversible, risk based on a loss of knowledge related to core activities.


  • Firm loses knowledge and/ortechnology to perform activity internally 公司失去知识和/或技术来进行内部活动
  • Supplier develops unique, hard to replicate expertise 供应商开发独特的,难以复制的专业技能
  • Supplied activities add unique value recognised by customer 提供的活动增加了客户认可的独特价值
  • Customer identifies more with the supplier than the original firm 顾客更认同供应商而不是原来的公司
  • Firm loses sight of market trendsSupplier shares knowledge with firm’s competitors 供应商与公司的竞争对手分享知识

Tactical risk – short-term risk based on use of supplier for capacity, not knowledge.


  • Firm experiences 公司的经验
  • Short-term supply shortages 短期供应短缺
  • Hidden transaction or management costs 隐性交易或管理成本
  • Loss of schedule control 失去进度控制
  • Short term price fluctuations 短期价格波动

Increased dependence on suppliers for knowledge weakens the buyers relative bargaining power.


Outsourcing Process Phases 外包流程阶段


Establish mission, generate and screen ideas


  • Key Participants: Top management , business unit and functional leaders 主要参与者:高层管理人员、业务单位和职能领导

Conduct an outsourcing feasibility study


  • Key Participants: Multi-disciplinary team of key stakeholders in the current process 主要参与者:当前流程中关键干系人的多学科团队

Establish and manage the relationship with the supplier


  • Key Participants: Purchasing or relationship manager 主要参与者:采购或关系经理

Established the Outsourcing Mission

A multidisciplinary team of high-level managers should:


  • State the benefits it hopes to achieve by outsourcing 陈述公司希望通过外包实现的利益
  • Nominate processes for outsourcing 指定外包程序
  • Screen those processes against key success factors to determine which are best suited for outsourcing 针对关键成功因素筛选这些过程,以确定哪些最适合外包

Outsourcing Projects - Screening


从前面所说的outsource的条件的图来分析为什么supply management不能外包


  • 首先,SM是顾客能感知到的增值服务吗?很明显是,因为供应的产品质量,速度等等都是可以直观感受到的
  • 其次,SM很难复制吗?我们在前面也说了SM是很难的,要和suppliers打好关系,也有suppliers的筛选之类的,所以说很难复制
  • 综上,SM应该是do not outsource
  • 也可以看ppt里给的理由:critical to internal analysis, maintaining key supplier relationships, and cost competitiveness (对内部分析、维护关键供应商关系和成本竞争力至关重要),在上面的Complementary Core Competencies这个标题下,我们可以看到,和core competencies有关的,都是critial的,只有non-critial的才会被外包,这个理由相对上面图中的理由来说比较本质,也比较好理解

Food Service这里也是个很典型的例子,无value-added,是critial的,但是not difficult to replicate,所以可以outsource

Conduct an Outsourcing Analysis

Multi-disciplinary team of key stakeholders in the current process evaluate each potential process to outsource as determined by the screening process.


Evaluation includes:


  • Developing a better understanding of the organisation’s needs 更好地理解组织的需求
  • Gathering detailed cost, performance, and risk information 收集详细的成本、绩效和风险信息
  • Total cost of ownership analysis 总拥有成本分析
Outsourcing Analysis - Suppliers

Assessment of the supply market capabilities, considering:


  • Are supply sources available? 供应来源是否可用?
  • Do potential supply sources meet capacity, quality, and other organisational needs? 潜在的供应来源是否满足产能、质量和其他组织需求?
  • Are the suppliers interested? 供应商有兴趣吗?
  • What risks are present in outsourcing? 外包存在哪些风险?
  • Reverse Marketing is the process of recruiting a supplier to provide an item or service that the supplier not currently providing, or unable to provide. 反向营销是招募供应商提供供应商目前没有提供或无法提供的项目或服务的过程。
  • Restating Need and Expected Benefit considers the scope and scale of outsourcing required providing new insight on ways to achieve the desired benefit. 重申需求和预期收益考虑外包所需的范围和规模,为实现预期收益的方式提供新的见解。
Identifying & Mitigate Potential Risks 识别和降低潜在风险

Most organisations are good at recognising tactical risk.


A larger issue is strategic risk; by ceding power through outsourcing, a supplier might be able to capture a larger share of the overall chain’s margin.


Contingency plans should be developed to deal with identified risks associated with outsourcing.


Outsource Risk & Mitigation Strategy


Risk Issue

  • Safeguard

Capacity or shortages 产能或短缺

  • Identified alternative sources for key parts, keeping in mind that all distributors use the same manufacturers, so shortage is difficult to avoid in an industry-wide shortage 确定关键部件的替代来源,记住所有分销商使用相同的制造商,因此在整个行业短缺的情况下,短缺是很难避免的

Loss of competitive pricing information 失去有竞争力的价格信息

  • Right to audit manufacturers’ bills built into contract 审计合同中规定的制造商账单的权利
  • Right to “test market and go out to receive competitive bids for comparable services 有权“测试市场并出去接受同类服务的竞争性投标”
  • Most favored customer clause in contract to ensure that Image’s price meets or beats the price offered to other customers receiving the same service 合同中的最优惠客户条款,以确保Image的价格符合或优于接受相同服务的其他客户的价格

Hidden transaction or management fees 隐性交易或管理费

  • Cap fees in contract 合同中的上限费用
  • Right to audit distributor’s cost allocations built into contract 审计合同中分销商成本分配的权利
  • Contractual clause requiring distributor’s bills itemised into major cost categories for management fees, rather than one lump sum 合同条款要求分销商的账单按主要成本类别分项收取管理费,而不是一次性支付



Outsourcing Analysis - TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)

A cross functional team should analyse all direct and hidden costs associated with the current and perspective outsourced activity.


Cost included: materials, labour, energy, overhead, transportation, inventory, quality, obsolescence, and capital.


Sensitivity analysis should be performed to determine on a total cost of ownership basis whether there is a cost incentive for outsourcing


Manage the Outsourcing Relationship 管理外包关系

Outsourcing arrangements exist on a continuum from minimum service to full service turn-key operations.


Limited-scope suppliers are less unique and therefore easy to replace.


Full-service suppliers provide unique value and are therefore more closely integrated.



Supplier Relationships: Arm’s-Length 独立交易

Best suited for “routine” purchases of goods or services.


  • No long-term commitment or special value-added by this supplier. 该供应商没有长期承诺或特别增值
  • Non-recurring purchases of items that aren’t critical 非经常性购买不重要的物品
  • Supply market is very competitive 供应市场竞争非常激烈
  • Switching costs are low 转换成本低
  • Suppliers are not differentiated. 供应商没有差异化。

【更具体的看 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/360720921

Supplier Relationships: Niche 利基市场/大市场中的缝隙市场


Providers are generally specialised, providing a very specific, limited good or service.


May be more difficult to replace than arms-length suppliers due to their specialised nature.


In general, these are specialised, non-recurring purchases.


Supplier Relationships: Hybrid 混合型

Provide an intermediate level of service.


Provide items of moderate importance that are somewhat integrated into the organisation’s operations.


May be responsible for a whole subsystem or process rather than one clearly defined piece, as do limited scope providers.


Standard “turn-key” solutions, and may even run some of the company’s internal processes with their own people.


Boundaries between the provider and the firm may begin to blur.


Ongoing communication is critical


Higher degree of reliance and switching costs


Supplier Relationships: Full-Service 全方位服务

Provide strategic items and processes that are entrenched in the firm’s own processes.


Custom solutions


Often engaged in Business Process Outsourcing of critical functions.


These providers have a very high level of responsibility and accountability.


Have a significant presence in the organisation, working side-by- side with the organisation’s employees.


Difficult to evaluate and manage.


Outsource Relationship: Oversight

Routine relationships are named for traditional contract management. The contract terms are clear and the deliverables are simple to use and measure. Routine relationships are best suited to arms-length and niche arrangements.


Cooperative relationships are suited to hybrid outsourcing arrangements. The contract defines the relationship, but the suppliers also cooperate on an on-going basis to redefine expectations and goals based on changing business needs.


Committed relationships are common between buyers and solutions integrators. The two parties have committed a great deal of resources and efforts to the relationship, and their management style should reflect this.


Ongoing and Post-Audit Evaluation 正在进行和审计后的评价

Routine relationships - feedback often is complaining to the supplier when it performs poorly. If a significant supplier, may receive a standard “report card” of key performance indicators (KPIs). The report compares actual to expected performance on key KPIs.


Cooperative relationships - supplier likely receive a semicustomised report card capturing data regarding the value the supplier adds.


  • report card:在这里插入图片描述

Committed relationships – supplier likely to receive a customised report card based on establishing performance indicators for key issues. In addition, much of the performance feedback would be verbal, as this is a close day-to-day interaction.


Buyer Skills

“Traditional” buyers manage contractual relationships that are clearly defined, with clear expectations and performance measures.


Outsourcing requires that supply professionals master creating and managing complex relationships due to the more fluid and less clearly defined supply environment


Insourcing 内包

The outsourcing decision is not permanent or irreversible; the structure of the firm must adapt to changing business environment.


Companies may bring outsourced activities back in-house due to a number of reasons:


  • Failure to achieve expected benefits 未能达到预期的效益
  • Increase control over key processes 加强对关键过程的控制
  • Changing business priorities and core Competency 改变业务优先级和核心竞争力

SCM – A Strategic Weapon

SCM enables winning business models by helping companies to:


  • Meet the demanding needs of customers worldwide 满足全球客户的苛刻需求
  • Build unique competencies to fend off fierce rivals 建立独特的能力来抵御激烈的竞争对手
  • Acquire the best resources globally 获取全球最佳资源
  • Do it efficiently 有效率地做

To deliver unsurpassed customer value, companies must develop unique competencies, relying increasingly on capable supply chain partners.


Vertical integration 纵向结合



  • Backwards integration 后向一体化(往接近原料(下)的方向结合)


  • Forward Integration 前向一体化(往接近顾客的方向(上)结合)


  • Full Integration 完全一体化


Henry Ford viewed the vertically integrated organisation as the ideal business model.

亨利•福特(Henry Ford)将垂直整合的组织视为理想的商业模式。

  • Acquired critical production resources 获得关键生产资源

Hayes and Wheelwright identify the following rationale:


  1. Desire to reduce cost. 降低成本的愿望
  2. Desire to increase control. 增加控制的愿望

Decline of Ownership Integration

  • The theoretical benefits of vertical integration almost never emerged. 垂直整合在理论上的好处几乎从未出现过。
  • Retailing, distribution, manufacturing, and design are all distinct activities that require specialised knowledge. 零售、分销、制造和设计都是不同的活动,需要专业知识。
  • Lack of focus actually contributed to decreased competitiveness 缺乏专注实际上导致了竞争力的下降

Relationship Integration

Keiretsu (系列, conglomerates) provided Japanese companies with a competitive advantage


Toyota and Honda rely on suppliers for approximately 80% of a car’s value


Compared with 30% for American manufacturers


Japanese model resulted in superior quality and a $2,000 per vehicle cost advantage


Relationship (virtual) integration via collaboration


Environmental Scan 信息环境扫描

Proactive companies use insight gained from internal and external scanning to avoid surprises, identify opportunities and threats, and improve both tactical and strategic decision-making.


  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 可以发现,是我们相当熟悉的SWOT分析法

Identifies a firm’s strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis competitor capabilities and customer expectations.


Scanning attempts to:

  1. Detect important cultural, economic, legal, political, social, and technological events and trends. 发现重要的文化、经济、法律、政治、社会和技术事件和趋势。
  2. Help managers accurately and objectively understand the company’s strengths and weaknesses. 帮助管理者准确客观地了解公司的优势和劣势
  3. Identify and define potential opportunities and threats implied by identified events and trends. 识别和定义已识别事件和趋势所隐含的潜在机会和威胁。
  4. Provide a common and correct perception for tactical and strategic planning. 为战术和战略规划提供一个共同的和正确的感知。
  5. Promote an adaptable, forward-looking mind-set among managers and employees. 在管理者和员工中提倡适应性强、前瞻性的思维模式。

Environmental Scanning - Failures

Manager should seek to avoid the following common pitfalls of environmental scanning:


  1. Failure to involve people who can act on the insight 没有让那些能根据洞察采取行动的人参与进来
  2. Failure to incorporate diverse sources of information 未能整合不同的信息来源
  3. Failure to use multiple methods of gathering information 未能使用多种收集信息的方法
  4. Failure to look at information from diverse viewpoints 不能从不同的角度看待信息
  5. Failure to consider both internal and external issues and perspectives 未能同时考虑内部和外部的问题和观点
  6. Failure to understand interaction among environmental trends 不能理解环境趋势之间的相互作用
  7. Superficial analysis 只从表面分析
  8. Study to narrowly focused。狭隘的研究

Forces of Change



  • Competitive Imperatives 竞争所必须做到的事情

Many industry-specific forces affect companies; however, ten generic forces are helping to shape how business is now conducted.


  1. Competitive Pressure 竞争压力
  • Must reduce costs relentlessly 必须不遗余力地降低成本
  • Must seek innovation and non-imitable products/processes 必须寻求创新和不可模仿的产品/工艺
  • Must create switching costs via relationships 必须通过关系创造转换成本
  1. Corporate Social Responsibility 企业的社会责任
  • Must understand how customers define “good” or ethical business practice 必须了解客户如何定义“良好”或道德的商业行为
  • Must understand global social norms and track working conditions in SC 必须了解全球社会规范并跟踪SC的工作条件
  • Must develop, implement, and communicate company codes of conduct。必须制定、执行和沟通公司行为准则
  1. Customer Expectations 顾客期望
  • Must get into the mind of downstream customers 必须进入下游客户的脑海
  • Must realise that the best way to adapt to the future is to create it 必须意识到适应未来的最佳方式是创造未来
  • Must build learning organisation that thrives on continuous improvement 必须建立一个持续改进的学习型组织
  1. Role Shifting 角色转换
  • Must establish valued core competency to avoid dis-intermediation 必须建立有价值的核心竞争力以避免非中介化
  • Must make supply chain visible 必须让供应链可见
  • Must actively & formally evaluate role-shifting opportunities 必须积极、正式地评估角色转换的机会
  1. Financial Pressure 财务压力
  • Must recognise that stock markets are not always right 必须认识到股市并不总是正确的
  • Must establish viable long-term strategy & stick to it 必须建立可行的长期战略并坚持下去
  • Must create incentives that will not lead to short-term decision making 必须创造不会导致短期决策的激励机制
  1. Global Capacity 全球核心能力
  • Must reduce costs relentlessly 必须不遗余力地降低成本
  • Must seek innovation and non-imitable products/processes 必须寻求创新和不可模仿的产品/工艺
  1. Globalisation 全球化
  • Must establish global reach—physically & via alliances 必须建立全球影响力——通过实体或联盟
  • Must establish seamless outstanding performance 要建立无缝卓越的业绩
  • Must compete in rivals home country/region 必须在对手的国家/地区参加比赛吗
  1. Mergers and Acquisitions 兼并收购,并购 (M&A)
  • Must realise that mergers & acquisitions are hard to do successfully 必须意识到并购很难成功
  • Must formally evaluate soft issues—culture, processes, policies, people 必须正式评估软问题——文化、流程、政策、人员
  1. Technology Innovation 技术创新
  • Must monitor technological developments closely 必须密切监测技术发展
  • Must establish technology policy to guide adoption 必须建立技术政策来指导采用
  1. Time Compression 时间压缩
  • Must enhance internal & inter-organisational cooperation 必须加强内部和组织间的合作
  • Must measure time explicitly 必须明确地测量时间


Globalisation of Markets

Technology has overcome much of the distance created by geography and culture.


The pace of globalisation depends on:


  1. Advances in information and communication technology 信息通信技术进步
  2. Availability of reliable transportation 是否有可靠的运输工具
  3. Reduction of protectionist trade policies 减少保护主义贸易政策

Globalisation’s Implications 全球化的影响

Business knows no national boundaries. Capital and work - your work! - can go anywhere on earth. The consequence of all this is painfully simple: If the world operates as one big market, every employee will compete with every person in the world who is capable of doing the same job. There are a lot of them, and many of them are very hungry.


Implication of a Global Market

Globalisation is a term that has been used to explain how organisations can view the world as a single market.


This has caused the global business marketplace to be considerably more complex.


Organisations that sell into a single global marketplace are generally selling the same product but designed to fit the local markets worldwide.


Global Business is Different

Managers must consider four differences between global and domestic operations.


  1. Politics –political stability and undercurrents that might jeopardise global business strategies. 政治——政治稳定和可能危及全球商业战略的暗流。
  2. Legalities – requires competent legal counsel 法律-需要有能力的法律顾问
  3. Finance – exchange rate risk and hedging; taxation issues 金融——汇率风险与对冲;税收问题
  4. Culture –must adapt to local views on time, personal space, worker/manager relations, individual accountability, etc. 文化——必须适应当地对时间、个人空间、员工/经理关系、个人责任等方面的看法。

Six Globalisation Imperatives 全球化的六大要素

Six imperatives are shaping the global competitive landscape:


  1. Depletion of fossil fuels and rising energy costs – need for renewable energy 化石燃料枯竭和能源成本上升——对可再生能源的需求
  2. Utilised Beachheads – use operations in industrialised countries as bridges into emerging markets 已使用的滩头阵地-利用工业化国家的业务作为进入新兴市场的桥梁
  3. Achieve Seamless Performance Across Markets – deliver the same high quality product with the same excellent service everywhere 实现跨市场的无缝性能-在任何地方提供同样高质量的产品和同样优质的服务
  4. Extend Reach Through Alliances – alliance partners can provide market knowledge, technological expertise, operational know-how, and/or financial resources. 通过联盟扩大覆盖面——联盟伙伴可以提供市场知识、技术专长、运营诀窍和/或财务资源。
  5. Compete in Competitors Home Market – competition prevents cross profit subsidisation 在竞争对手的国内市场竞争——竞争防止交叉利润补贴
  6. Coordinate Global Activities – crosspollination of ideas creates synergy while reducing redundancy 协调全球活动-思想的交叉传播产生协同作用,同时减少冗余

Designing a Global Network

To ensure access to customers and worldwide resources, companies are increasingly creating worldwide supply chain networks.


Resources within the supply chain need not be owned by a single entity.


To insure supply chains are properly designed four criteria should be considered:


  1. Compatibility – need to align network design decisions with company’s overall strategy 兼容性-需要使网络设计决策与公司的整体战略保持一致
  2. Configuration – need to identify and consider issues that will affect network performance when deciding where to locate value added activities 配置-需要识别和考虑将影响网络性能的问题,当决定在哪里定位增值活动时
  3. Coordination – need to direct and integrate geographically dispersed activities 协调-需要指导和整合地理上分散的活动
  4. Control – need for consistent and proper day-to-day decision-making at local value added facilities 控制-需要对本地增值设施进行一致和适当的日常决策

Trade-offs in Global Logistics 全球物流的权衡




The trend towards global organisation of both manufacturing and marketing is highlighting the critical importance of logistics and SCM as the keys to profitability.


Paradigm shift? COVID 19 and Supply Chain Management

  • Shifts, from offline to online to cloud to blockchain 从线下到线上,从云端到区块链
  • From globalisation to localisation 从全球化到本地化
  • How resilient is your supply chain? 你的供应链弹性如何?
  • Risk management 风险管理
  • New needs, new opportunities 新的需求,新的机会
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