There are two scenarios as follows, please choose one and write a memo.有两种情况如下,请选择一种并写一份备忘录。

Scenario 1: In a team meeting, team members discussed the purchase of a coffee maker for the department, and you should report to your Department Manager, Mr. Wood, about your suggestion and the related research about this affair.
Scenario 2: In the weekly regular meeting, team members planned to hold a party for the New Year, and you should write a memo for this planning, including time,place,assignments,and so on.



Dear Mr. Wood,

I hope this memo finds you well. During our recent team meeting, we discussed the potential purchase of a coffee maker for our department. After conducting thorough research and considering the needs of our team, I would like to present my suggestion and recommendations.

After analyzing various options available in the market, I propose that we purchase a high-quality and durable coffee maker from a reputable brand. This will ensure long-term reliability and minimize maintenance costs. The estimated budget required for this purchase is approximately $1000.

Furthermore, I have taken into account the preferences of our team members and their feedback regarding the desired features of the coffee maker. Key considerations include programmable brewing, multiple cup size options, and a built-in grinder for freshly ground coffee. I have attached a detailed report outlining the specifications and benefits of the recommended coffee maker.

In addition to the cost and features, I have also researched potential suppliers and compared prices to ensure cost-effectiveness. Based on my findings, I recommend purchasing the coffee maker from A as they offer competitive prices and excellent customer service.

I kindly request your approval to proceed with the purchase of the coffee maker as discussed. Should you require any further information or have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,


As a stakeholder, I want to develop an online food ordering and delivery system that allows users to browse menus, place orders, and track deliveries. The system should have the following features and functions: Features: - User registration and login - Menu browsing - Order placement and modification - Payment processing - Delivery tracking - Rating and feedback system - Restaurant management interface Functions: - Users can browse menus from multiple restaurants - Users can add items to their cart, modify their order, and place the order - Users can pay for their order through the system - Users can track their delivery status in real-time and receive notifications - Users can rate their experience and provide feedback - Restaurants can manage their menu, orders, and delivery status through an interface Inputs: - User login information - Restaurant menu and order information - Payment information Outputs: - Confirmation of order placement - Delivery status updates - Receipt of payment Scenarios: 1. A user logs in to the system and browses menus from different restaurants. They add items to their cart, modify their order, and place the order. They pay using the system and receive confirmation of their order placement. They then track their delivery status and receive updates until the food is delivered. 2. A restaurant logs in to the system and updates their menu. They receive an order from a user, confirm the order, and update the delivery status. They receive feedback from the user and use it to improve their service. System Interactions: - The system interacts with payment gateways to process payments - The system interacts with delivery services to provide real-time tracking - The system interacts with restaurant management interfaces to update menus, orders, and delivery status Data Model: ```mermaid graph TD A[User] -->|places order|B(Order) B -->|contains|C(Item) D[Restaurant] -->|offers menu|C B -->|has payment information|E(Payment) B -->|has delivery information|F(Delivery) ``` Process Model: ```mermaid graph TD A[User] -->|places order|B(Order) B -->|selects items and quantity|C(Add Items) B -->|modifies order|D(Modify Order) B -->|confirm order|E(Confirm Order) E -->|process payment|F(Payment) F -->|initiate delivery|G(Delivery) G -->|update delivery status|H(Delivery Status) ``` Behavior Model: ```mermaid stateDiagram [*] --> Login Login --> Browse: User logs in Browse --> Add: User selects items Add --> Modify: User adds item to cart Modify --> Confirm: User modifies order Confirm --> Payment: User confirms order Payment --> Delivery: Payment is processed Delivery --> Feedback: Delivery status is updated Feedback --> Browse: User provides feedback ```




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