

我正在的github给大家开发一个用于做实验的项目 —— github.com/qw225967/Bifrost





  那么对端所接收的数据就只剩一半了,返馈到发送方时会变成 1/2 * send_bitrate。因此统计出该阶段的确认数据为ack_bitrate。

1.1 BitrateEstimator


  首先我们假设RTT小于每次feedback定时触发的时长。那么数据包最长的确认延迟为:RTT + FeedbackInterval = MaxAckDelay。而我们可确认的数据则是在Feedback发送前可接收到的所有数据(排除定时发送周期和Feedback发送周期的差,假设它俩严丝合缝),由此可知,统计的ack数据则是:前MaxAckDelay时间前RTT时间 的数据,数据的窗口大小很明显就是一个FeedbackInterval。而当前发送端就需要使用该数据去决策我当前的吞吐量,于是贝叶斯估计的逻辑就起作用了。


float BitrateEstimator::UpdateWindow(int64_t now_ms, int bytes,
                                     int rate_window_ms) {
  // Reset if time moves backwards.
  // 异常返回
  if (now_ms < prev_time_ms_) {
    prev_time_ms_ = -1;
    sum_ = 0;
    current_window_ms_ = 0;
  // 上一次进行窗口更新之后,进行确认计算,目标就是算出整个计算窗口。
  // 这个值rate_window_ms一般就是150
  if (prev_time_ms_ >= 0) {
    current_window_ms_ += now_ms - prev_time_ms_;
    // Reset if nothing has been received for more than a full window.
    if (now_ms - prev_time_ms_ > rate_window_ms) {
      sum_ = 0;
      // 大于默认窗口大小则前面的计算窗口就被干掉了
      // 这是因为有可能feedback在传输中丢了,前面的那个窗口啥也没确认
      current_window_ms_ %= rate_window_ms;
  prev_time_ms_ = now_ms;
  float bitrate_sample = -1.0f;
  // 窗口满了就进行计算
  if (current_window_ms_ >= rate_window_ms) {
    // 大B除以窗口时间,换算成小b进行统计每毫秒的码率值 bit/ms
    bitrate_sample = 8.0f * sum_ / static_cast<float>(rate_window_ms);
    current_window_ms_ -= rate_window_ms;
    sum_ = 0;
  sum_ += bytes;
  return bitrate_sample;


void BitrateEstimator::Update(Timestamp at_time, DataSize amount, bool in_alr) {
  // 赋值窗口值
  int rate_window_ms = noninitial_window_ms_;
  // We use a larger window at the beginning to get a more stable sample that
  // we can use to initialize the estimate.

  // 初始状态
  if (bitrate_estimate_kbps_ < 0.f) rate_window_ms = initial_window_ms_;

  // 每次feedback都更新一次,但是满足窗口大小就会输出一个不为-1.0的值
  float bitrate_sample_kbps =
      UpdateWindow(at_time.ms(), amount.bytes(), rate_window_ms);

  // 不满足直接返回
  if (bitrate_sample_kbps < 0.0f) return;

  // 第一次更新码率
  if (bitrate_estimate_kbps_ < 0.0f) {
    // This is the very first sample we get. Use it to initialize the estimate.
    bitrate_estimate_kbps_ = bitrate_sample_kbps;
  // Define the sample uncertainty as a function of how far away it is from the
  // current estimate. With low values of uncertainty_symmetry_cap_ we add more
  // uncertainty to increases than to decreases. For higher values we approach
  // symmetry.

  // 初始化不确定度,不确定度会被用于计算采样值与估计值之间的偏差
  float scale = uncertainty_scale_;

  // alr状态下可以调高不确定度,但目前初始化时一样的值,都是 10.
  if (in_alr && bitrate_sample_kbps < bitrate_estimate_kbps_) {
    // Optionally use higher uncertainty for samples obtained during ALR.
    scale = uncertainty_scale_in_alr_;

  // 计算码率样本的不确定度
  // (|历史值 - 样本值| * 不确定度) / 历史值 = 样本不确定度
  // 这里的对称性让我百思不得其解,但是后来想了一下,所谓的对称性就是在 bitrate_sample_kbps 同为负值时,就使用负值。
  // 那么就会变成 bitrate_estimate_kbps_ - bitrate_sample_kbps 与 bitrate_estimate_kbps_ + bitrate_sample_kbps
  // (|历史值 - 样本值| * 不确定度) / 历史值 = 样本不确定度 这个公式得到的是——相对偏差
  // (|历史值 - 样本值| * 不确定度) / (历史值 + 样本值) = 这个两个样本的相似度:越接近1,相似度越低;越接近0,相似度越高
  float sample_uncertainty =
      scale * std::abs(bitrate_estimate_kbps_ - bitrate_sample_kbps) /
      (bitrate_estimate_kbps_ +

  // 求采样不确定度的平方
  float sample_var = sample_uncertainty * sample_uncertainty;
  // Update a bayesian estimate of the rate, weighting it lower if the sample
  // uncertainty is large.
  // The bitrate estimate uncertainty is increased with each update to model
  // that the bitrate changes over time.
  float pred_bitrate_estimate_var = bitrate_estimate_var_ + 5.f;

  // 根据不确定度进行加权平均:
  // 采样的不确定度 * 历史估计值 = 根据历史值推算的当前值 ——> 当前偏差很越小,历史数据可信度低,反之高
  // 先验不确定度 * 当前采样值 = 根据历史不确定性推算的当前值 ——> 先验偏差越小,采样数据可信度低,反之高
  // 以上两者比值类似于 谁不确定度大,那么码率的占比越低,最终输出一个平均值。
  bitrate_estimate_kbps_ = (sample_var * bitrate_estimate_kbps_ +
                            pred_bitrate_estimate_var * bitrate_sample_kbps) /
                           (sample_var + pred_bitrate_estimate_var);

  // 当前值必须要大于等于0,否则后面没法算了
  bitrate_estimate_kbps_ =
      std::max(bitrate_estimate_kbps_, estimate_floor_.Get().kbps<float>());
  // 贝叶斯公式中:当前采样的不确定度 * 先验的码率不确定度 / (采样不确定度 + 先验码率不确定度) = 当前的估计不确定度
  bitrate_estimate_var_ = sample_var * pred_bitrate_estimate_var /
                          (sample_var + pred_bitrate_estimate_var);


1.2 再会AcknowledgedBitrateEstimator


// 网络出现变化,重置相关计算类
GoogCcNetworkController::OnNetworkRouteChange() {

	if (safe_reset_on_route_change_) {
		absl::optional<DataRate> estimated_bitrate;
		// 获取估计码率
	    estimated_bitrate = acknowledged_bitrate_estimator_->bitrate();
	    if (!estimated_bitrate)
		    // 没有估计码率峰值也行
	        estimated_bitrate = acknowledged_bitrate_estimator_->PeekRate();
	// 重置
      new AcknowledgedBitrateEstimator(key_value_config_));
NetworkControlUpdate GoogCcNetworkController::OnSentPacket(
    SentPacket sent_packet) {
	// 编码器进入alr状态


NetworkControlUpdate GoogCcNetworkController::OnTransportPacketsFeedback(
    TransportPacketsFeedback report) {


    if (previously_in_alr_ && !alr_start_time.has_value()) {
      int64_t now_ms = report.feedback_time.ms();
      // 根据feedback adapt统计后的信息判断是否进入了AlrEndTime

	// 把feedback放入计算
    auto acknowledged_bitrate = acknowledged_bitrate_estimator_->bitrate();


  上面的东西没啥特别的,主要是Alr状态的判断。当Alr状态的时候,我们的码率是无法输出到达我们的预期的,但是当它离开时很可能码率立马上涨,此时的bitrate estimate中我们提到的采样差值可能会剧烈上涨,但是算法加权之后权重下降了,因此我们要在SetAlrEndedTime 的时候调用一下 BitrateEstimator::ExpectFastRateChange() 让它的历史差增大快速适应这个差值变化。

void BitrateEstimator::ExpectFastRateChange() {
  // By setting the bitrate-estimate variance to a higher value we allow the
  // bitrate to change fast for the next few samples.
  bitrate_estimate_var_ += 200;

1.3 ProbeBitrateEstimator


  struct AggregatedCluster {
    // 探测包数
    int num_probes = 0;

	// 第一个发送包时间
    Timestamp first_send = Timestamp::PlusInfinity();

	// 最后一个发送包时间
    Timestamp last_send = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();

	// 第一个包到达时间
    Timestamp first_receive = Timestamp::PlusInfinity();

	// 最后一个包到达时间
    Timestamp last_receive = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();

	// 最后发送包大小
    DataSize size_last_send = DataSize::Zero();

	// 第一个接收包大小
    DataSize size_first_receive = DataSize::Zero();

	// 总大小
    DataSize size_total = DataSize::Zero();


absl::optional<DataRate> ProbeBitrateEstimator::HandleProbeAndEstimateBitrate(
    const PacketResult& packet_feedback) {
  int cluster_id = packet_feedback.sent_packet.pacing_info.probe_cluster_id;

  // RTC_DCHECK_NE(cluster_id, PacedPacketInfo::kNotAProbe);


  AggregatedCluster* cluster = &clusters_[cluster_id];

  // 取出所有数据
  if (packet_feedback.sent_packet.send_time < cluster->first_send) {
    cluster->first_send = packet_feedback.sent_packet.send_time;
  if (packet_feedback.sent_packet.send_time > cluster->last_send) {
    cluster->last_send = packet_feedback.sent_packet.send_time;
    cluster->size_last_send = packet_feedback.sent_packet.size;
  if (packet_feedback.receive_time < cluster->first_receive) {
    cluster->first_receive = packet_feedback.receive_time;
    cluster->size_first_receive = packet_feedback.sent_packet.size;
  if (packet_feedback.receive_time > cluster->last_receive) {
    cluster->last_receive = packet_feedback.receive_time;
  cluster->size_total += packet_feedback.sent_packet.size;
  cluster->num_probes += 1;

  // packet_feedback.sent_packet.pacing_info.probe_cluster_min_probes, 0);
  // RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_feedback.sent_packet.pacing_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes,
  // 0);

  // 最小探测包接收数:kMinReceivedProbesRatio 为 0.8 * 最小发送包数
  int min_probes =
      packet_feedback.sent_packet.pacing_info.probe_cluster_min_probes *

  // 最小接收包大小
  DataSize min_size =
          packet_feedback.sent_packet.pacing_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes) *

  // 探测包数太少、不符合运算要求直接返回
  if (cluster->num_probes < min_probes || cluster->size_total < min_size)
    return absl::nullopt;

  // 发送间隔
  TimeDelta send_interval = cluster->last_send - cluster->first_send;
  // 接收间隔
  TimeDelta receive_interval = cluster->last_receive - cluster->first_receive;

  // // TODO: TMP
  //   "-------------- probing cluster result"
  //   " [cluster id:%d]"
  //   " [send interval:%s]"
  //   " [receive interval:%s]",
  //   cluster_id,
  //   ToString(send_interval).c_str(),
  //   ToString(receive_interval).c_str());

  // TODO: TMP WIP cerdo to avoid that send_interval or receive_interval is
  // zero.
  // if (send_interval <= TimeDelta::Zero())
  //   send_interval = TimeDelta::ms(1u);
  // if (receive_interval <= TimeDelta::Zero())
  //   receive_interval = TimeDelta::ms(1u);

  // 发送间隔异常返回
  if (send_interval <= TimeDelta::Zero() || send_interval > kMaxProbeInterval ||
      receive_interval <= TimeDelta::Zero() ||
      receive_interval > kMaxProbeInterval) {
    return absl::nullopt;
  // Since the |send_interval| does not include the time it takes to actually
  // send the last packet the size of the last sent packet should not be
  // included when calculating the send bitrate.
  // RTC_DCHECK_GT(cluster->size_total, cluster->size_last_send);

  // 发送时间内的大小计算
  DataSize send_size = cluster->size_total - cluster->size_last_send;
  // 计算发送率
  DataRate send_rate = send_size / send_interval;

  // Since the |receive_interval| does not include the time it takes to
  // actually receive the first packet the size of the first received packet
  // should not be included when calculating the receive bitrate.
  // RTC_DCHECK_GT(cluster->size_total, cluster->size_first_receive);

  // 接收间隔内的大小计算
  DataSize receive_size = cluster->size_total - cluster->size_first_receive;

  // 计算接收率
  DataRate receive_rate = receive_size / receive_interval;

  // 接收率/发送率 过大(大于2)则异常,直接返回
  double ratio = receive_rate / send_rate;
  if (ratio > kMaxValidRatio) {
    return absl::nullopt;

  // 去发送、接收的小值作为探测到的结果
  DataRate res = std::min(send_rate, receive_rate);
  // If we're receiving at significantly lower bitrate than we were sending at,
  // it suggests that we've found the true capacity of the link. In this case,
  // set the target bitrate slightly lower to not immediately overuse.

  // 当接收码率小于90%的发送码率,则认为网络出现了异常,将会返回更低的探测值(当前探测值 * 95%)防止它下一步进入overuse状态
  if (receive_rate < kMinRatioForUnsaturatedLink * send_rate) {
    // RTC_DCHECK_GT(send_rate, receive_rate);
    res = kTargetUtilizationFraction * receive_rate;
  last_estimate_ = res;
  estimated_data_rate_ = res;
  return res;



  上面的初始化就不用过多介绍了,但第二个逻辑是在 probe_controller.cc 中进行判断的,而判断 RequestProbe 这个函数的调用在 GoogCcNetworkController::OnTransportPacketsFeedback 函数的最下面的位置:

// modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/goog_cc_network_control.cc

NetworkControlUpdate GoogCcNetworkController::OnTransportPacketsFeedback(
    TransportPacketsFeedback report) {
	// 这个结果在detecter里做的
	recovered_from_overuse = result.recovered_from_overuse;
	if (recovered_from_overuse) {
    	auto probes = probe_controller_->RequestProbe(report.feedback_time.ms());
                                        probes.begin(), probes.end());
  	} else if (backoff_in_alr) {
    	// If we just backed off during ALR, request a new probe.
   		auto probes = probe_controller_->RequestProbe(report.feedback_time.ms());
                                        	probes.begin(), probes.end());

// modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/probe_controller.cc

std::vector<ProbeClusterConfig> ProbeController::RequestProbe(
    int64_t at_time_ms) {
  // Called once we have returned to normal state after a large drop in
  // estimated bandwidth. The current response is to initiate a single probe
  // session (if not already probing) at the previous bitrate.
  // If the probe session fails, the assumption is that this drop was a
  // real one from a competing flow or a network change.
  bool in_alr = alr_start_time_ms_.has_value();
  bool alr_ended_recently =
      (alr_end_time_ms_.has_value() &&
       at_time_ms - alr_end_time_ms_.value() < kAlrEndedTimeoutMs);
  if (in_alr || alr_ended_recently || in_rapid_recovery_experiment_) {
    if (state_ == State::kProbingComplete) {
      uint32_t suggested_probe_bps =
          kProbeFractionAfterDrop * bitrate_before_last_large_drop_bps_;
      uint32_t min_expected_probe_result_bps =
          (1 - kProbeUncertainty) * suggested_probe_bps;
      int64_t time_since_drop_ms = at_time_ms - time_of_last_large_drop_ms_;
      int64_t time_since_probe_ms = at_time_ms - last_bwe_drop_probing_time_ms_;
      if (min_expected_probe_result_bps > estimated_bitrate_bps_ &&
          time_since_drop_ms < kBitrateDropTimeoutMs &&
          time_since_probe_ms > kMinTimeBetweenAlrProbesMs) {
        // Track how often we probe in response to bandwidth drop in ALR.
        // RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000(
        //     "WebRTC.BWE.BweDropProbingIntervalInS",
        //     (at_time_ms - last_bwe_drop_probing_time_ms_) / 1000);
        last_bwe_drop_probing_time_ms_ = at_time_ms;
        return InitiateProbing(at_time_ms, {suggested_probe_bps}, false);
  return std::vector<ProbeClusterConfig>();


1.4 小结





// modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/goog_cc_network_control.cc

// 在每次网络可用的时候进行网络带宽探测
NetworkControlUpdate GoogCcNetworkController::OnNetworkAvailability(
    NetworkAvailability msg) {
  NetworkControlUpdate update;

  // 创建探测configs
  update.probe_cluster_configs = probe_controller_->OnNetworkAvailability(msg);
  return update;

// modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/probe_controller.cc

std::vector<ProbeClusterConfig> ProbeController::OnNetworkAvailability(
    NetworkAvailability msg) {
  network_available_ = msg.network_available;
  // kWaitingForProbingResult 的意义是等待探测结果的状态
  if (!network_available_ && state_ == State::kWaitingForProbingResult) {
    state_ = State::kProbingComplete;
    min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_ = kExponentialProbingDisabled;

  // 网络处于初始状态时,初始化探测指数
  if (network_available_ && state_ == State::kInit && start_bitrate_bps_ > 0)
    return InitiateExponentialProbing(msg.at_time.ms());
  return std::vector<ProbeClusterConfig>();

std::vector<ProbeClusterConfig> ProbeController::InitiateExponentialProbing(
    int64_t at_time_ms) {
  // RTC_DCHECK(network_available_);
  // RTC_DCHECK(state_ == State::kInit);
  // RTC_DCHECK_GT(start_bitrate_bps_, 0);

  // When probing at 1.8 Mbps ( 6x 300), this represents a threshold of
  // 1.2 Mbps to continue probing.

  // first_exponential_probe_scale 数值为3.0,探测目标为3倍的初始码率
  std::vector<int64_t> probes = {static_cast<int64_t>(
      config_.first_exponential_probe_scale * start_bitrate_bps_)};

  // second_exponential_probe_scale 二次探测指数为6.0,探测目标更大
  if (config_.second_exponential_probe_scale) {
    probes.push_back(config_.second_exponential_probe_scale.Value() *
  return InitiateProbing(at_time_ms, probes, true);

std::vector<ProbeClusterConfig> ProbeController::InitiateProbing(
    int64_t now_ms, std::vector<int64_t> bitrates_to_probe,
    bool probe_further) {

  // 默认最大探测码率限制
  int64_t max_probe_bitrate_bps =
      max_bitrate_bps_ > 0 ? max_bitrate_bps_ : kDefaultMaxProbingBitrateBps;

  if (limit_probes_with_allocateable_rate_ &&
      max_total_allocated_bitrate_ > 0) {
    // If a max allocated bitrate has been configured, allow probing up to 2x
    // that rate. This allows some overhead to account for bursty streams,
    // which otherwise would have to ramp up when the overshoot is already in
    // progress.
    // It also avoids minor quality reduction caused by probes often being
    // received at slightly less than the target probe bitrate.
    max_probe_bitrate_bps =
        std::min(max_probe_bitrate_bps, max_total_allocated_bitrate_ * 2);

  // 创建 pending 探测,创建的内容根据探测的码率数组创建cluster
  std::vector<ProbeClusterConfig> pending_probes;
  for (int64_t bitrate : bitrates_to_probe) {
    // RTC_DCHECK_GT(bitrate, 0);

    // 最大码率限制,到达最大码率限制之后只能等进一步的码率探测
    if (bitrate > max_probe_bitrate_bps) {
      bitrate = max_probe_bitrate_bps;
      probe_further = false;
	// 探测配置
    ProbeClusterConfig config;
    config.at_time = Timestamp::ms(now_ms);
    // dchecked_cast 就是个static_cast
    config.target_data_rate = DataRate::bps(rtc::dchecked_cast<int>(bitrate));

	// 最小探测间隔 kMinProbeDurationMs 15ms
    config.target_duration = TimeDelta::ms(kMinProbeDurationMs);

	// 探测目标包数,最小为 kMinProbePacketsSent 5个
    config.target_probe_count = kMinProbePacketsSent;
    config.id = next_probe_cluster_id_;

	// 日志打印
  time_last_probing_initiated_ms_ = now_ms;

  // 需要进行进一步码率探测则更新码率
  if (probe_further) {
    state_ = State::kWaitingForProbingResult;

    // 获取进一步的最小探测码率
    min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_ =
        (*(bitrates_to_probe.end() - 1)) * config_.further_probe_threshold;
  } else {

	// 否则探测码率为0,立即进行探测
    state_ = State::kProbingComplete;
    min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_ = kExponentialProbingDisabled;
  return pending_probes;


// 在RtpTransportControllerSend::PostUpdates函数,pacer和gcc两个类关联了起来
// pacer根据gcc计算出来的configs,创建cluster

void PacedSender::CreateProbeCluster(int bitrate_bps, int cluster_id) {
  // MS_DEBUG_DEV("---- bitrate_bps:%d, cluster_id:%d", bitrate_bps,
  // cluster_id);

  prober_.CreateProbeCluster(bitrate_bps, loop_->get_time_ms_int64(),

void BitrateProber::CreateProbeCluster(int bitrate_bps, int64_t now_ms,
                                       int cluster_id) {
  // RTC_DCHECK(probing_state_ != ProbingState::kDisabled);
  // RTC_DCHECK_GT(bitrate_bps, 0);

  // 探测次数记录

  // 移除超时cluster
  while (!clusters_.empty() &&
         now_ms - clusters_.front().time_created_ms > kProbeClusterTimeoutMs) {

  // 根据config创建cluster
  ProbeCluster cluster;
  cluster.time_created_ms = now_ms;
  cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_probes = config_.min_probe_packets_sent;
  cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes =
      static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int64_t>(bitrate_bps) *
                           config_.min_probe_duration->ms() / 8000);

  // RTC_DCHECK_GE(cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes, 0);

  cluster.pace_info.send_bitrate_bps = bitrate_bps;
  cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_id = cluster_id;

  // If we are already probing, continue to do so. Otherwise set it to
  // kInactive and wait for OnIncomingPacket to start the probing.
  if (probing_state_ != ProbingState::kActive)
    probing_state_ = ProbingState::kInactive;

  // TODO (ibc): We need to send probation even if there is no real packets, so
  // add this code (taken from `OnIncomingPacket()` above) also here.
  if (probing_state_ == ProbingState::kInactive && !clusters_.empty()) {
    // Send next probe right away.
    next_probe_time_ms_ = -1;
	// 开启探测状态
    probing_state_ = ProbingState::kActive;

  // TODO: jeje


void PacedSender::Process() {
  int64_t now_us = loop_->get_time_ms_int64();
  int64_t elapsed_time_ms = UpdateTimeAndGetElapsedMs(now_us);

  if (paused_) return;

  if (elapsed_time_ms > 0) {
    int target_bitrate_kbps = pacing_bitrate_kbps_;

  // 需要开启探测
  if (!prober_.IsProbing()) return;

  PacedPacketInfo pacing_info;
  absl::optional<size_t> recommended_probe_size;

  // 获取当前的cluster
  pacing_info = prober_.CurrentCluster();
  recommended_probe_size = prober_.RecommendedMinProbeSize();

  size_t bytes_sent = 0;
  // MS_NOTE: Let's not use a useless vector.
  std::shared_ptr<bifrost::RtpPacket> padding_packet{nullptr};

  // Check if we should send padding.
  while (true) {
    // 获取需要padding的码率
    size_t padding_bytes_to_add =
        PaddingBytesToAdd(recommended_probe_size, bytes_sent);

    if (padding_bytes_to_add == 0) break;

    // MS_DEBUG_DEV(
    //   "[recommended_probe_size:%zu, padding_bytes_to_add:%zu]",
    //   *recommended_probe_size, padding_bytes_to_add);
	// 根据需要产生的padding码率获取padding包
    padding_packet = packet_router_->GeneratePadding(padding_bytes_to_add);

    // TODO: REMOVE.
    // MS_DEBUG_DEV("sending padding packet [size:%zu]",
    // padding_packet->GetSize());
	// 发送padding包
    packet_router_->SendPacket(padding_packet.get(), pacing_info);
    bytes_sent += padding_packet->GetSize();

	// 发送的码率超过探测码率则退出
    if (recommended_probe_size && bytes_sent > *recommended_probe_size) break;

  // 剩余padding不足也退出
  if (bytes_sent != 0) {
    auto now = loop_->get_time_ms_int64();

	// 更新padding记录
    OnPaddingSent(now, bytes_sent);
    prober_.ProbeSent((now + 500) / 1000, bytes_sent);

size_t PacedSender::PaddingBytesToAdd(
    absl::optional<size_t> recommended_probe_size, size_t bytes_sent) {
  // Don't add padding if congested, even if requested for probing.
  // 正在拥塞直接返回
  if (Congested()) {
    return 0;

  // MS_NOTE: This does not apply to mediaproxy.
  // We can not send padding unless a normal packet has first been sent. If we
  // do, timestamps get messed up.
  // if (packet_counter_ == 0) {
  //   return 0;
  // }

  // 计算需要的码率
  if (recommended_probe_size) {
    if (*recommended_probe_size > bytes_sent) {
      return *recommended_probe_size - bytes_sent;
    return 0;

  return padding_budget_.bytes_remaining();



  • 30
  • 10
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


