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原创 《设计心理学》读书笔记


2015-06-20 14:56:12 2336

原创 《视觉锤》笔记

《视觉锤》笔记 定位理论有一个弱点,定位战略无一不是用语言表达的。但品牌进入消费者心智的最好方法不是依靠文字,而是依靠视觉。 在一个传播信息过度的社会里,消费者很少会记住定位口号。如果消费者没有记住你的信息,一切都没有价值。 什么语言信息可以长期停留在消费者心智中?是情感。视觉具备情感力量,这是书面文字或声音所没有的。观察一下在电影院看电影的观众,他们会放声大笑,有时还

2015-06-14 18:12:12 3177

转载 浅谈小说的节奏

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_869f978a0102v1jd.html小说的节奏到底是什么?与什么有关?怎么去把握?这三个问题就是我要说的核心。  大家或以为小说的节奏是剧情发展的快慢。这当然没错,但太过简略。我们说节奏是剧情发展的快慢,那么剧情发展又是什么呢?是人物冲突?是升级打怪?还是到处换地图?从这个角度来考虑,其实比较麻烦。换一个角度,我想先说

2015-05-14 19:54:23 3190

转载 神铺垫、神转折、神代入


2015-05-14 19:51:42 1519

转载 5 Ways to Grab Attention with Imagery

http://understandinggraphics.com/design/5-ways-to-grab-attention-with-imagery/Designer: Francheska Guerrero, Unfolding Terrain.Getting viewers to attend to your graphic is always a design go

2015-05-13 16:47:31 742

转载 What I Learned From Reviewing 45+ Websites (Are You Making The Same Mistakes?)

http://conversionxl.com/what-i-learned-from-reviewing-websites/Recently I critiqued a number of websites (links at the bottom of the post) and made suggestions for improving their conversion r

2015-05-13 16:42:43 1164

转载 Useful Value Proposition Examples (and How to Create a Good One)

Value proposition is the #1 thing that determines whether people will bother reading more about your product or hit the back button. It’s also the main thing you need to test – if you get it right, it

2015-05-13 16:35:07 1595

转载 8 Things That Grab and Hold Website Visitor’s Attention

http://conversionxl.com/how-to-grab-and-hold-attention/We live in a world of short attention spans. Attention span is the amount of time that a person can concentrate on a task without becoming di

2015-05-13 15:40:50 1493

转载 10 Ways Great Speakers Capture People's Attention

http://www.inc.com/sims-wyeth/how-to-capture-and-hold-audience-attention.htmlIn my mind, there are two kinds of attention: neck down, and neck up. Neck-up attention is when the listener ha

2015-05-13 15:35:35 1154

转载 Playing Hard to Get Works Differently for Men and Women

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-attraction-doctor/201504/playing-hard-get-works-differently-men-and-womenIn previous articles, I have shared that playing hard to get can indeed work to bu

2015-05-02 23:08:11 936

转载 4 Facts About Decision Making That Will Improve Conversion Rate Optimization

by guest author Jeremy Smith Everything in conversion optimization comes down to the customer making a decision Yes or no. That’s the clutch point in conversion optimization. Leading up to this de

2015-04-18 15:53:54 847

转载 Chart:A Simple Hack That Makes You MUCH More Persuasive

A Simple Hack That Makes You MUCH More PersuasiveWhether you are writing an article intended to persuade, designing a commercial website, or building your slide deck to pitch your big idea, you can

2015-04-18 13:10:27 476

转载 The 3 Types of Buyers, and How to Optimize for Each One

he 3 Types of Buyers, and How to Optimize for Each One[Guest post by Jeremy Smith.]I absolutely love buyer psychology and neuroeconomics. Want to know why?● Because it’s like a secret weapon

2015-04-18 13:01:55 1145

转载 67 Ways to Increase Conversion with Cognitive Biases

Everyone makes bad decisions now and then. We feel stupid, and go on living our lives and making bad decisions. But that’s not the worst part. The worst part about these mistakes? We can’t help it.

2015-04-18 12:59:30 2316

转载 Selling with Scarcity

Selling with ScarcityEcommerce websites have a great opportunity to exploit the “scarcity effect,” primarily because they can often provide instantaneous feedback on inventory levels and, in a c

2015-04-18 12:50:56 652

转载 Scarcity In Action

Scarcity In ActionIn a reply to my post,The Scarcity Effect, Neuromarketing reader Keith Monaghan pointed out how one bourbon marketing effort is employing scarcity to build its brand.Knob C

2015-04-18 12:50:42 595

转载 The Scarcity Effect

The idea that scarce products are more appealing isn’t new. The latest iPhone MUST be good if hundreds of people are standing in line to snag one of the small number available at launch, right? Game c

2015-04-18 11:25:24 529

转载 Countdown Timer-The Simple Sales Booster That Almost Nobody Uses

Could one tiny line of text on a product page increase your sales? A recent A/B testpublished by WhichTestWon says yes. WhichTestWon encourages readers to guess which version of a page or ad per

2015-04-18 11:18:11 707

转载 Dealing with Difficult People: Lessons from Iran and Cuba

3 Lessons we can learn from high-level negotiations.Post published byAldo Civico Ph.D. on Apr 14, 2015 in Turning PointWhat can the meeting between Barack Obama and Raul Castro and t

2015-04-15 09:31:17 683

转载 java.net.SocketException四大异常解决方案

java.net.SocketException如何才能更好的使用呢?这个就需要我们先要了解有关这个语言的相关问题。希望大家有所帮助。那么我们就来看看有关java.net.SocketException的相关知识。第1个异常是 java.net.BindException:Address already in use: JVM_Bind。该异常发生在服务器端进行new ServerSock

2014-11-13 14:04:45 930

转载 不是所有人都适合创业,打工狗不能“只看见贼吃肉,看不见贼挨揍”


2014-11-13 12:31:22 754

转载 Android 快捷键

http://blog.csdn.net/shuaihj/article/details/9263553Android 快捷键Eclipse Android编程快捷键是本文要介绍的内容,主要是来了解并学习Eclipse Android的内容,具体关于Eclipse Android内容的详解来看本文。Eclipse Android中快速多行注释的方法1、选中你要加

2014-11-03 13:51:25 647

原创 思维点滴

如何励志1、跟人们谈论人生的意义和价值,强调生命的短暂,强调世界的精彩;2、讲述别人成功的故事;3、引用积极向上的名言;4、说明成功的可能性,强调“你也可以做到”,现在正是好机会;5、鼓励人们立刻行动,Just do it.6、指出能够成功的一个途径,要获取的性格属性等;7、不要强调运气的重要性,不要客观的分析,要鼓动人们的情绪,强调客观困难并不是不可逾越;8、利用

2014-09-25 16:29:54 565

转载 Unix程序设计哲学

http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-253939-id-2458682.html Rule of Modularity: Write simple parts connected by clean interfaces.Rule of Clarity: Clarity is better than cleverness.Rule of C

2014-04-11 17:04:07 1177

转载 How to Install a Bin File in Fedora

Instructions1 Open a Terminal by clicking "Applications," "System Tools" and "Terminal."2Navigate to the directory containing the .bin file in the Terminal with the "cd" command. For

2014-04-10 16:59:58 627

原创 学习的步骤

1、看基础理论书籍2、亲手做基本的练习3、不断看其他人做的实例4、建立经验库5、看高阶的书籍6、总结已有的best practices7、与他人尤其是高手进行交流,提出自己弄不清楚的问题8、亲自参与有些难度的实践项目9、发表自己的见解,供别人检验10、定期总结,从实践中总结经验教训

2014-04-08 11:16:34 672

原创 A Note on Practice and Persistence


2014-04-08 10:39:18 852

转载 ubuntu安装ftp服务器

1: 安装vsftpd~$ sudo apt-get install vsftpd

2014-04-08 10:17:45 658

转载 linux下怎么退出telnet

1、telnet 6463 回车Trying to ( character is '^]'.2、ctrl + ] 回车telnet> 3、? 回车close close current connec

2014-03-31 15:58:48 2873

转载 linux c TCP/IP 编译问题 error: storage size of ‘addrCriteria’ isn’t known解决办法

linux c TCP/IP 编译getaddrinfo.c时出现error: storage size of ‘addrCriteria’ isn’t known解决办法。原因是:netdb.h不是C99标准里定义的函数,是posix标准里的,-std=c99 会导致netdb.h无效了,但是-std=c99 才支持 for()指针语法,使用c99的话,经测试其他的getaddrinfo等函

2014-03-29 20:28:46 1191

转载 ubuntu gedit出错:Failed to connect to the session manager的问题

刚才用su到root后,用命令gedit发现会出错:** (gedit:2976): WARNING **: 连接已关闭 (gedit:2976): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session manager:None of the authentication protocols specified a

2014-03-29 20:21:05 6222

原创 ls -a 显示所有文件,包括隐藏文件

ls -a 显示所有文件,包括隐藏文件

2014-03-29 20:19:35 3980

转载 Eclipse CDT 解决 "for loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode" 异常

Eclipse CDT 解决 "for loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode" 错误    在用 Eclipse CDT 编写c程序时出现 `for' loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode 错误是因为加 -std=c99 选项C99标准支持下面这种for 循环的变量i的定义及

2014-03-29 20:04:18 1817

转载 Eclipse改变字体大小

改变eclipse 中代码字体大小,就是我打进去的java文件的字体大小wiondow--preferences--general--appearance--colors and fonts--java--java editor text font

2014-03-29 18:57:09 574

原创 ubuntu下的资源管理器

在终端输入 sudo nautilus后,自动打开了一个窗口显示了/root目录,而且还有root权限。

2014-03-29 18:51:46 5501

原创 ubuntu下c/c++开发环境配置

首先更新软件源sudo apt-get update安装build-essentialsudo apt-get install build-essential 安装文本编辑器vim(使用eclipse的话可不安装此项)sudo apt-get install vim 安装jdk先去 Oracle下载Linux下的JDK压缩包,http://www.oracle.

2014-03-29 18:22:25 807

转载 ubuntu切换到root身份

sudo passwd root这个命令是给root用户设定密码。然后su root切换到root用户。

2014-03-29 16:36:05 1081

转载 [zt]ubuntu 常见错误--Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock

http://hi.baidu.com/remoteexp/item/9a49be38da33155d81f1a7b7通过终端安装程序sudo apt-get install xxx时出错:E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)E: Unable to

2014-03-18 15:19:27 675

原创 win7与android设备通过蓝牙串口的连接方法

如果能够在PC和Android设备间通过串口进行数据通信,会有利于对程序的调试。步骤如下: 1、首先需要安装有win7的PC机带有蓝牙适配器。2、在win7下设置蓝牙可被查找,然后打开蓝牙适配器。3、将android设备与PC机进行配对,从而在“Bluetooth设备”中出现需要连接的android设备。配对过程中win7会安装一些蓝牙外围设备驱动。4、在win7“Blueto

2014-03-11 18:59:54 20298 4

转载 谷歌是否让我们变得愚蠢?

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537d1eea0100cppy.html卡尔在2008年7-8月号的《大西洋月刊》撰文,以《谷歌是否让我们变得愚蠢》为题,痛苦地剖析了自己和互联网一代的大脑退化历程。 The Atlantic Monthly  《大西洋月刊》JULY/AUGUST 2008   2008年7/8月号What the Interne

2014-01-21 16:32:22 14214

Pro JavaScript Techniques, 2nd Edition

经典JS教程《Pro JavaScript Techniques》的第二版,pdf+azw3双格式,带源代码



根据从这里下载的文件做了几处Bug修改,并转为vc2010格式 http://download.csdn.net/download/chengbar/3617997






使用Opencv进行摄像头标定。从《OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook》中相关源码修改而来。原来的代码由于存在两次析构的bug,运行会出故障。









应用背景: 此循环缓冲区用于缓冲实时流媒体数据,以不定长度的数据块为存取单位,符合FIFO规则。 特征: 1、封装成了一个类,便于代码重用; 2、采用Mutex作为读取同步机制; 3、可设置缓冲区内的最多块的数量;



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