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原创 关于目标跟踪matlab代码调试时一个问题的解决办法
最近一直在看稀疏表示的目标跟踪,有不少大牛都共享了代码,今天调试了其中一个,出现了这个错误Attempt to execute SCRIPT mexLasso as a function:先上百度搜了一下,找了半天,发现去年有个人提出了同样的问题http://cvchina.net/thread-1825-1-1.html,但是没人解决,貌似那位大哥也是在调试稀疏表示的代码。不过还好我们学校还
2013-09-02 14:16:53 3456 7
原创 Android多媒体开发介绍
Android多媒体开发介绍一、 多媒体架构基于第三方PacketVideo公司的OpenCORE来实现,支持所有通用的音频/视频/静态图像格式,包括:MPEG4、H.264、MP3、AAC、AMR、JPG、PNG、GIF等。从功能上分为两部分,一是音/视频的回放(PlayBack),二是音视频的纪录(Recorder)。CODEC(编解码器)使用OpenMAX 1L in
2013-06-09 01:31:00 24198 2
原创 android音频浅析
Android Framework的音频子系统中,每一个音频流对应着一个AudioTrack类的一个实例,每个AudioTrack会在创建时注册到AudioFlinger中,由AudioFlinger把所有的AudioTrack进行混合(Mixer),然后输送到AudioHardware中进行播放。AudioTrack和AudioFlinger的通信机制通常,AudioTrack和AudioFli
2013-04-08 21:17:47 12355
原创 没有my.ini时解决mysql中文存储问题
今天被mysql不能存中文的问题搞得焦头烂额的,我装的mysql不知道为啥木有my.ini,网上的很多方法都被pass了。后来看到网上说在创建时就设置成utf8,一试,果然行。我用的是MySQL Workbench的图形界面注意红框,创建时把红框内collation改成utf8-defult collation就可以了
2013-04-06 18:12:03 3739
原创 opencv+vs2010安装和运行时出现的几个问题与解决办法
今天搞了整整一天,win7 64位调试opencv和vs2010,郁闷啊。。。。先说一下win7 64位加载opencv的步骤,给链接http://www.opencv.org.cn/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15152按照链接里给出的步骤安装就OK了这是一个打开摄像头的测试程序:#include "stdafx.h"#include
2013-03-08 01:01:40 3792 1
原创 sicily 1294 高级机密
Description 在很多情况下,我们需要对信息进行加密。特别是随着Internet的飞速发展,加密技术就显得尤为重要。 很早以前,罗马人为了在战争中传递信息,频繁地使用替换法进行信息加密。然而在计算机技术高速发展的今天,这种替换法显得不堪一击。因此密码研究人员正在试图寻找一种易于编码、但不易于解码的编码规则。 目前比较流行的编码规则称为RSA,
2012-12-18 10:42:27 1124
原创 sicily 1000. 3n+1数链问题
Description在计算机科学上,有很多类问题是无法解决的,我们称之为不可解决问题。然而,在很多情况我们并不知道哪一类问题可以解决,那一类问题不可解决。现在我们就有这样一个问题,问题如下:1. 输入一个正整数n;2. 把n显示出来;3. 如果n=1则结束;4. 如果n是奇数则n变为3n+1 ,否则n变为n/2;5.
2012-12-17 17:09:32 750
原创 sicily 1156. Binary tree二叉树
DescriptionYour task is very simple: Given a binary tree, every node of which contains one upper case character (‘A’ to ‘Z’); you just need to print all characters of this tree in pre-order.In
2012-10-29 17:38:33 846
原创 sicily 1515. 魔版C[Special judge]
Description魔板由8个大小相同方块组成,分别用涂上不同颜色,用1到8的数字表示。其初始状态是1 2 3 45 6 7 8对魔板可进行三种基本操作:A操作(左右两列互换):3 4 1 27 8 5 6B操作(每次以行循环左移一个):2 3 4 16 7 8 5C操作(中间四小块逆时针转一格):1 3 7 45 2 6 8用上述
2012-10-22 18:54:11 1138
原创 sicily 1150&1151 魔板[Special judge]
Description魔板由8个大小相同方块组成,分别用涂上不同颜色,用1到8的数字表示。其初始状态是1 2 3 48 7 6 5对魔板可进行三种基本操作:A操作(上下行互换):8 7 6 51 2 3 4B操作(每次以行循环右移一个):4 1 2 35 8 7 6C操作(中间四小块顺时针转一格):1 7 2 48 6 3 5用上述三
2012-10-22 16:13:36 703
原创 Two Ends
DescriptionIn the two-player game "Two Ends", an even number of cards is laid out in a row. On each card, face up, is written a positive integer. Players take turns removing a card from either end
2012-10-18 11:33:03 912
原创 Plane Spotting
DescriptionCraig is fond of planes. Making photographs of planes forms a major part of his daily life. Since he tries to stimulate his social life, and since it’s quite a drive from his home to th
2012-10-18 10:00:31 753
原创 Printer Queue打印队列
DescriptionThe only printer in the computer science students' union is experiencing an extremely heavy workload. Sometimes there are a hundred jobs in the printer queue and you may have to wait fo
2012-10-16 00:06:35 1358
原创 Crypto Columns加密列
DescriptionThe columnar encryption scheme scrambles the letters in a message (or plaintext) using a keyword as illustrated in the following example: Suppose BATBOY is the keyword and our message i
2012-10-11 11:11:19 693
原创 To and Fro简单加密
DescriptionMo and Larry have devised a way of encrypting messages. They first decide secretly on the number of columns and write the message (letters only) down the columns, padding with extra ran
2012-10-11 09:39:28 573
原创 Substring子序列
DescriptionDr lee cuts a string S into N pieces,s[1],…,s[N]. Now, Dr lee gives you these N sub-strings: s[1],…s[N]. There might be several possibilities that the string S could be. For example
2012-10-09 08:40:14 543
原创 Biker's Trip Odomete
DescriptionMost bicycle speedometers work by using a Hall Effect sensor fastened to the front fork of the bicycle. A magnet is attached to one of the spokes on the front wheel so that it will line
2012-10-09 08:37:32 891
原创 DNA matching匹配问题
DescriptionDNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is founded in every living creature as the storage medium for genetic information. It is comprised of subunits called nucleotides that are strung together in
2012-10-09 08:34:26 857
原创 MJ, Nowhere to Hide马甲账号无处可藏
DescriptionOn BBS, there is a familiar term called MJ (short for MaJia), which means another BBS ID of one person besides his/her main ID.These days, a lot of ACMers pour water on the ACMICPC Bo
2012-10-09 08:31:42 1020
原创 Couples 夫妻配对
DescriptionN couples are standing in a circle, numbered consecutively clockwise from 1 to 2N. Husband and wife do not always stand together. We remove the couples who stand together until the circ
2012-10-09 08:28:38 1129
原创 Big Integer 大数求模
DescriptionLong long ago, there was a super computer that could deal with VeryLongIntegers(no VeryLongInteger will be negative). Do you know how this computer stores the VeryLongIntegers? This com
2012-10-09 08:23:19 1086
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