// boost_regex_test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "libboost_regex-vc90-mt-gd-1_43.lib")
#include "boost/regex/v4/regex.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "boost/regex/v4/match_results.hpp"
#include "boost/regex/v4/regex_split.hpp"
//#include ""
using namespace std;
void xxxx()
boost::regex reg("(new)|(delete)");
boost::smatch m;
// boost::match_results mrs;
std::string s= "Calls to new must be (delete delete) followed by delete. / Calling simply new results in a leak!";
if (boost::regex_search(s,m,reg)) {
// Did new match?
if (m[1].matched)
std::cout << "The expression (new) matched!/n";
if (m[2].matched)
std::cout << "The expression (delete) matched!/n"; }
void string_replace( std::string &strBig, const std::string &strsrc, const std::string &strdst )
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
std::string::size_type srclen = strsrc.size();
std::string::size_type dstlen = strdst.size();
while( (pos=strBig.find(strsrc, pos)) != std::string::npos )
strBig.replace( pos, srclen, strdst );
pos += dstlen;
void ForRegexTest2()
std::string iniStr("s?h?i?t*on y*o*u");
std::string exprEvaluatedFromIniStr(iniStr);
string_replace(exprEvaluatedFromIniStr, string("?"), string(".{0,6}"));
string_replace(exprEvaluatedFromIniStr, string("*"), string(".{0,1}"));
boost::regex expression(exprEvaluatedFromIniStr, boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::icase);
boost::smatch what;
std::string instr("xx dfd sxh i~t hahahahah shit on y o u");
if (boost::regex_search(instr, what, expression))
size_t tmpSize = what.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < what.size(); ++i)
cout<< "Match String: " << what[i].str() << endl;
cout << "Match Position: " << what.position(i) << endl;
cout << "matchResults prefix: " << what.prefix() << endl;
cout << "matchResults suffix: " << what.suffix() << endl;
cout << "After first found string: " << instr.substr(what.position(i) + what.length(i)) << endl;
std::string mingganci(what[i]);
size_t foundPos = instr.find(mingganci);
instr.replace(foundPos, mingganci.length(), mingganci.length(), '*');
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
20140122: 这两天研究了一下正则表达式,备忘之 ...