

A Brief Timeline of the WarCraft Universe
From the Past and into the Present...


10,000: The Night Elves awaken in the world and found a great society in the heart of Kalimdor. They tinker with primitive magic and inadvertently set it loose throughout the world of Azeroth.

The demonic Burning Legion, lured by the resultant energies, launches a massive invasion in order to drain the world of its innate magic. The Night Elves, unable to defeat the raging Demons, and are forced to ally themselves with the ancient Dragons in order to banish the Legion from the world. The ensuing conflict is so apocalyptic, that the greater land- mass of Kalimdor is broken apart and smashed beneath the sea.

The Night Elves vow to never use magic again, for fear that the Legion would return.

10,000: 夜精灵在这世上觉醒了,并在Kalimdor的心脏地带创建了宏伟的社会。他们恣意大搞原始魔法而不慎将它解放到了整个亚玆罗斯(Azeroth)的世界。

恶魔的炽炎军团(Burning Legion)被这些合成的能量所诱惑而来,为了吸取这世界固有的魔法,发动了浩大的入侵。夜精灵无法击败这些凶猛的恶魔,为了把炽炎军团逐出这个世界,被迫与古代龙类结盟。这场自保战斗深具毁灭性,Kalimdor的大部分都受到巨大的冲击而沈入海底。


6,000: Unwilling to give up its precious magics, a small band of Night Elves is exiled from Kalimdor. Travelling to the newly formed eastern lands, they found the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and begin to refer to themselves as High Elves. The High Elves are continually besieged by the native Troll warbands.

6,000: 一小群夜精灵不愿意放弃珍贵的魔法,从Kalimdor被流放了。旅行到新成形的东方大陆,他们建立了基尔撒拉斯王国(kingdom of Quel'Thalas)并开始自称为高等精灵(High Elves)。高等精灵持续地被原生的洞穴巨人的战团四面围攻。

2,900: The Human Empire of Arathor is founded in Lordaeron.

2,900: 人类的Arathor帝国在罗帝伦(Lordaeron)建立了。

2,700: The High Elves, on the verge of losing their continuing war against the Trolls, seek the aid of the Humans of Arathor. In exchange for their help against the Trolls, the High Elves agree to teach men in the ways of magic. The combined army of Elves and Humans succeeds in wiping out the majority of Trolls in Lordaeron.

2,700: 高等精灵对洞穴巨人的持续战争到了失败的边缘,他们寻求Arathor人类的协助。高等精灵同意教导人类魔法之道,以换取人类帮助他们对抗洞穴巨人。精灵和人类的组合军成功地使罗帝伦的大部分洞穴巨人全军覆没。

2,600: Due to the Humans' reckless use of magic, agents of the Burning Legion find their way back into the world. The Order of Tirisfal is founded. The powerful Guardians of Tirisfal are charged with fighting a secret war against the agents of the Legion, unbeknownst to the general populace.

2,600: 由于人类鲁莽地使用魔法,炽炎军团的代理人找到了他们回来这个世界的方法。Tirisfal的命令被建立了。威力强大的Tirisfal守护者受命与炽炎军团的代理人进行秘密的战争,不为一般大众所知。

1,200: Due to internal struggles and the pressures of over-expansion, the Human Empire of Arathor fragments into seven autonomous nations.

1,200: 由于内部斗争及过度扩张的压力,人类的Arathor帝国分裂成七个独立的国家。

45: The Guardian, Aegwynn, defeats Sargeras, the Lord of the Burning Legion in single combat. Sargeras' malevolent spirit bonds with the soul of Aegwynn's unborn child.

45: 守护者亚格恩(Aegwynn)在一对一决斗中打败了炽炎军团之王撒格拉斯(Sargeras)。然而撒格拉斯的恶灵束缚了亚格恩还未出生的孩子的灵魂。

40: Though banished from Azeroth, the Burning Legion corrupts the Orcish clans on the world of Draenor. The once noble, shamanistic Orc clans unite and become a rampaging Horde under the rule of the malevolent Shadow Council.

40: 虽然被逐出亚玆罗斯,炽炎军团腐化了Draenor世界的半兽人部族。一度高贵、僧巫化的半兽人部族统一起来并且在邪恶的幽灵议会(Shadow Council)统治之下变成一个狂暴的游牧民族(Horde)。

37: Aegwynn gives birth to her son, Medivh, who is destined to become the Last Guardian.

37: 亚格恩生下她的儿子,米狄夫(Medivh)。他命中注定要成为最后一个守护者。

(注: 年代是以黑暗之门开启的那一年为分界)

1: Medivh, driven mad by the spirit of Sargeras, opens the Dark Portal and the Orcish Horde begins its invasion of Azeroth.

1: 米狄夫被撒格拉斯的灵魂所驱使,开启了黑暗之门,半兽人大军开始入侵亚玆罗斯。

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans

5: Medivh is killed by his best friend, Lord Lothar, and his own apprentice, Khadgar.

After five grueling years of attrition, the Horde finally conquers the nations of Azeroth and Khaz Modan and claims Blackrock Spire as its base of operations.

Lord Lothar leads an exodus of refugees to the northern nation of Lordaeron. Once there, he convinces the leaders of the seven human nations to unite in arms against the Horde. The separate nations of the Arathorian empire are reunited as the Alliance of Lordaeron.


5: 米狄夫被他最要好的朋友罗哈爵士(Lord Lothar)和他的徒弟Khadgar所杀。

经过五年激烈的消耗战,半兽人终于征服了亚玆罗斯及卡玆?摩丹(Khaz Modan)诸国,并声称黑岩峰(Blackrock Spire)为他们的作战基地。

罗哈爵士领导一群流亡者出奔到北方的国度罗帝伦。一到那儿,他说服了七个人类的国家的领导人携手共同对抗半兽人。分裂的Arathor帝国又重新以罗帝伦联盟(Alliance of Lordaeron)的名义重新统一。

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

6: Orgrim Doomhammer, the Warchief of the Horde, launches his mighty fleets to invade the shores of Lordaeron. The unstoppable Horde pushes its way into the heartland of Lordaeron and succeeds in destroying the High Elves' ancient kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

The Alliance forces push back, but Lord Lothar is killed during the siege of Blackrock Spire. Spurred by the death of their beloved leader, the Alliance armies crush Blackrock Spire and push the Horde back to the threshold of the Dark Portal.

The Dark Portal is destroyed and the Horde is defeated.

7: The renegade Orcs are rounded up and placed into internment camps by the Alliance.


6: 半兽人的战争领袖奥格林?毁灭巨槌(Orgrim Doomhammer)发动了他强而有力的舰队侵略罗帝伦沿岸。无人能挡的半兽人攻入了罗帝伦的心脏地带并成功地摧毁了高等精灵的基尔撒拉斯(Quel'Thalas)古王国。



7: 反叛的半兽人被赶到一起并被人类安排到收容营。

Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal

8: The ancient Orc Shaman, Ner'zhul, rallies the few clans still left on Draenor and reopens the Dark Portal. He orders his clans to steal a number of artifacts from Azeroth that will allow him to open multiple Portals in Draenor.

The Alliance sends its armies, led by the wizard Khadgar, through the Dark Portal in order to stop Ner'zhul's schemes. The two armies clash throughout the hellish world of Draenor for months.

Empowered by the stolen artifacts, Ner'zhul opens a number of Portals in Draenor. Yet, before he can lead his clans through them, their energies spiral out of control and begin to destroy the very fabric of that world. The Alliance heroes, knowing that they would be trapped forever, are forced to destroy the Dark Portal so that Azeroth is not consumed by the raging energies.

The blasted world of Draenor tears itself apart.

9: The Alliance grows uneasy as the Orcish internment camps are reopened. Only a few, scattered Orc clans evade the Alliance's wrath and eke out a living in the harsh wilderness.

魔兽争霸二:黑暗之门 (资料片)

8: 古老的半兽人巫僧Ner'zhul重整了一些仍然留在Draenor世界的部族并重新开启了黑暗之门。他命令他的部族从亚玆罗斯偷取了数个古老神器来允许他在Draenor开启多个传送门。




9: 半兽人收容营重开的时候,人类的不安日渐滋长。只有少数,四散的半兽人部族避开了人类的愤怒并在严酷的荒野勉强维持生活。

Thrall's Tale: Lord of the Clans

22: Thrall, a young Orc raised as a Human slave and gladiator, escapes from bondage and sets off on a quest to discover his stolen heritage. Thrall succeeds in reuniting a number of renegade Orc clans and leads them in revolt against the Alliance Regional Wardens.

23: With the threat of a new Horde looming over them, the Alliance nations begin to bicker and quarrel. Tensions run high amongst the Human leaders.

Thrall becomes the new Warchief of the Horde and helps to reintroduce his people to their abandoned shamanistic culture. The reinvigorated Horde finally begins to lose the last traces of the Legion's demonic corruption.

Civil strife rages through the nations of the Alliance as threat of a new, unseen foe draws near - The Burning Legion has returned...


22: Thrall,一个被当成人类的奴隶和斗剑士扶养长大的年轻半兽人,从奴隶生活中逃脱出来并开始去寻找,重新发堀他被夺走的传承。Thrall成功地重新统一了数个背叛的半兽人部族,并领导他们起义反抗人类的区域长官。

23: 在新半兽人的威胁逼近之下,人类各国开始吵架与争执。人类领导人之间的紧张升高。



Warcraft III...





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