ProblemA. Built with Qinghuai and Ari Factor
DISCLAIMER: Allnames, incidents, characters and places appearing in this problem arefictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or realpersons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Shamatisan is asomewhat famous smartphone maker in China, they built smartphonesthat hope to contend with Abble and Dami for the hearts, minds andthe wallets of China’s consumers. They have a famous advertisingword, saying that Shamatisan phones are built with Qinghuai (aconcept which is hard to explain in English). Their latest phone T-1has just began taking reservations recently, or to be precious, atthe beginning of this month. But those who are tracking its progresson Aripapapa’s online store Skyat noticed an interesting fact thathas led to an apology by the online shopping site.
Those (being likesleuths in this story) who are alw