mdss 8x26/8x74 display debug and reading notes(vsync, interface and so on)

1.  Hardware

FPC interface pin:
01. GND
04. GND
07. GND
10. GND
13. GND
16. GND
17. ID2(NC)
18. ID1(R220K)
19. TE
21. IM(NC)
22. RST
23. VIO
24. GND
25. VCC+
26. NC
27. VCC-
28. GND
29. LEDK4(NC) - No connection NC
30. LEDK3(NC)
31. LEDK2
32. LEDK1
33. NC(MTP)
34. LEDA
35. LEDA
mipi routing should be equal length and uncross, that is parallel lines.

TE Signal: The signal can connect a resistor for testing it. The following commands need to send to driver ic of panel used foropening TE output: 0x35, 0x00

Voltage: 1.8V, 2.85V, 1.2V // voltage is right or wrong?  swing?

For 720P or 1080P panel, analog voltage should be paid more attention to, because maybe  the supply voltage value is +/- 5V. If so, an extra DCDC converter should be added to supply this voltage to panel, such as R1286-e, which is designed for AMOLED display power source. It contains a step up DC/DC converter and an inverting DC/DC converter. It generates boosted output voltage to4.6V ~ 5.8V(Selectable) and negative voltage down to -2.0V ~ -6.0V(Selectable).

Now let's consider how to enable this converter. Actually, it's simple, first, add the power PVcc and Vcc. Then, according to the reference design, connect all the other pin. Voutn / Voutp is the positive/negative output pin. CE is the enable pin. If we wanna the chip work, CE should be set to HIGH. If we wanna disable the chip, just set CE to LOW.

Reset: 20, 2, 20 // success or fail?

PWM output right or wrong? If the source of PWM is panel, we can check if panel commands are sent successfully?

CLOCK P/N: Check using oscilloscope(OSC)

DATA0 P/N: Check using oscilloscope and check the initial commands are right or wrong?

DATA1 P/N: Check using oscilloscope and check HDST is right or wrong? 

For every frame, VFP is at the front of data, and VBP is at the back of data

Power supply mode: LDO or DCDC. This mode should be selected via writing registers. Normally, the default mode is DCDC. So how to select LDO mode? As below:

#define DSIPHY_LDO_MODE_1P2_EN         BIT(6)
#define DSIPHY_LDO_VREF_SEL_MAX        (BIT(5) | BIT(4) | BIT(3))
#define DSIPHY_LDO_VREF_DIV_EN         BIT(2)
#define DSIPHY_LDO_VREF_CGM_EN         BIT(1)
#define DSIPHY_LDO_MODE_0P4_EN         BIT(0)
int data;
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/msm_mdss_io_8974.c
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/msm_mdss_io_8974.c
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void mdss_dsi_phy_enable(struct mdss_dsi_ctrl_pdata *ctrl, int on)
 void mdss_dsi_phy_init(struct mdss_panel_data *pdata)
        struct mdss_dsi_phy_ctrl *pd;
-       int i, off, ln, offset;
+       int i, off, ln, offset, data;
        struct mdss_dsi_ctrl_pdata *ctrl_pdata = NULL;
        ctrl_pdata = container_of(pdata, struct mdss_dsi_ctrl_pdata,
@@ -610,9 +610,12 @@ void mdss_dsi_phy_init(struct mdss_panel_data *pdata)
        MIPI_OUTP((ctrl_pdata->ctrl_base) + off + (4 * 4), pd->regulator[4]);
        /* LDO ctrl 0 */
-       if ((ctrl_pdata->panel_data).panel_info.pdest == DISPLAY_1)
-               MIPI_OUTP((ctrl_pdata->ctrl_base) + 0x4dc, 0x00);
-       else
+       if ((ctrl_pdata->panel_data).panel_info.pdest == DISPLAY_1) {
+               /* mipi voltage supply used LDO mode, rather than DCDC, Voltage reference is 0.475V */
+                       DSIPHY_LDO_MODE_0P4_EN; /* When LDO_VREF_DIV_EN=1, 111: 0.475V */
+               MIPI_OUTP((ctrl_pdata->ctrl_base) + 0x4dc, data);
+       } else
                MIPI_OUTP((ctrl_pdata->ctrl_base) + 0x4dc, 0x00);
        off = 0x0440;   /* phy timing ctrl 0 - 11 */

Common-mode rejection   / High frequency common mode inductor shoud be paid attention to.

共模电感(Common mode Choke),也叫共模扼流圈,常用于电脑的开关电源中过滤共模的电磁干扰信号。在板卡设计中,共模电感也是起EMI滤波的作用,用于抑制高速信号线产生的电磁波向外辐射发射。(baidu baike)


  • 共模:在二条(或多条)电源线都相同的噪声,可视为电源线对地的噪声。
  • 差模:电源线和电源线之间的噪声。

2. Software

...panel...dtsi These fields in dtsi shoud be corresponding to panel code, such as mdss_dsi_panel.c

msm8226-mdss.dtsi // common initial commands, such as voltage supply pin, gpio, lane config, regulator setting and dsi, mdp, fb

msm8226-mdss-panel.dtsi // include specific panel

msm8226-mtp.dtsi // Basic information, such as splash screen, mdss_mdp and so on.

pwm source needs to be paid attention to. maybe PMIC or panel.

Some panel only use two lanes, the swap of lane should be paid attention to too, because normally, there are four lanes, hardware engineer can select data1, data2 or data0, data1 or data2, data3 or data3, data4.

RGB sequence should be paid attention to too.

Timing control should be paid much more attention to too, because this is related to panel clock.

reset time is at LP11 or LP00 or other place? This position maybe affects the reset of orise IC, which then can't work.

If the log is stopped and hung at lk switching to kernel from serial port. maybe NULL pointer is encountered or dead cycle is encountered, then dloader will be came into.

How to enable engineer mode of orise chip of panel, as follow:

C1A0 -> 0x80 and B3D0 -> 0x14

Local static variables should be noticed.

3. TEST using oscilloscope ROHDE&SCHWARZ罗德与施瓦茨公司

3.1 How to test width of pulse, just click down CURSOR. Then you can test width usingNAVIGATION.

If we wanna test the actual voltage, we can adjust MENU: Meas. Type fromTimetoVoltage.


4 system.prop / Generate build.prop 

property can be set or got via the commands: getprop / setprop key value

Please pay attention to the permission which should be 644!

ro.qualcomm.cabl=0  // This field is used for closing cabl which is corresponding to histogram in kernel.

ro.sf.lcd_density=217 // This density affects specific picture size,sqrt root(x*x + y*y)/size, Eg: sqrt root(960*960+540*540)/5.0.

# Skip /sys/power/wait_for_fb_* nodes and
# force FB to be always on

// for mobile phone, hdmi shouldn't be enabled.

5 How to adjust amplitude of HS mode

First, MMSS_DSI_0_PHY_REG_DISPHY_REGULATOR_CTRL_0 BIT[0], If this bit's value is 1, it means DC DC mode is enabled. But DC DC mode and LDO mode can't be enabled at the same time, so DSIPHY_LDO_CNTRL[LDO_MODE_EN] must be set to 0.

If LDO should be enabled, DCDC mode must be disabled.

msm: mdss: use LDO mode in DSI PHY on 8x10. DSI PHY supports two regulator modes: LDO and DCDC.
While DCDC offers power efficiency, it requires an external inductor which adds to the BOM cost.  On 8x10, it is required to use LDO mode to save the
extra cost.

If we wanna adjust amplitude of HS mode, regulator[0] and DSI_DSIPHY_LDO_CNTRL[0,1,2, [3,4,5]] should be adjusted. Then DSIPHY regulator reference voltage can be selected, such as 0.4V, 0.415V, 0.385V, 0.37V, 0.43V, 0.445V, 0.46V, 0.475V and so on. According to select these voltages, the amplitude of HS mode can be changed, such as [66mV, 413mV], [20mV, 366mV] and so on. Basically, these results meet the mipi d-phy specification.

6 Qualcomm necessory modify point

6.1 modify point in lk

1 timing which can be caculated via xml
2 regulator which can be tested by oscilloscope, it is LDO or DCDC
3 backlight which should be checked if the source is pmic or panel
4 panel initial commands which should be added in an include file
5 DISPLAY_SPLASH_SCREEN must be set to 1
6 Read resistor via adc which can be used for compatible design
7 hardware_id and platform_subtype should be checked and verified, accordingly, the branch will be called. Then our own panel driver can be added here. If we wanna check the panel driver is right or not, command line transfered to kernel can be read, as follow:

B -     56272 - SBL1, Start
B -     56333 - scatterload_region && ram_init, Start
B -     58224 - pm_device_init, Start
D -     12230 - pm_device_init, Delta
B -     73139 - boot_flash_init, Start
D -     11468 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B -     84790 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
D -        61 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta
B -     90981 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
B -     94824 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D -       183 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D -         0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B -    109190 - pm_driver_init, Start
D -     23302 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B -    132644 - clock_init, Start
D -       183 - clock_init, Delta
B -    135725 - Image Load, Start
B -    147376 - Tz Execution, Start
D -    205631 - Tz Execution, Delta
B -    370666 - Image Load, Start
B -    377193 - Signal PBL to Jump to RPM FW
B -    377590 - Image Load, Start
B -    378566 - WDT Execution, Start
D -       366 - WDT Execution, Delta
B -    384513 - Image Load, Start
B -    404704 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Start
D -       427 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, End
B -    406504 - RPM sync cookie updated
B -    410133 - SBL1, End

[0] welcome to lk
[10] platform_init()
[10] target_init()
[30] emmc_cid = 11010030303447393010d34750ac3000
[40] Done initialization of the card
[100] Panel detection resistor value is 9ohm, volt is 163mV
[150] Config MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[280] Turn on MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[300] Video lane tested successfully
[300] pm8x41_get_is_cold_boot: cold boot
[310] target_poweron_event : pon_reason is 128
[410] power key 0
[510] power key 1
[610] power key 2
[610] long power key pressed
[610] ERROR: splash Partition invalid
[630] mipi dsi ctrl:0x133, status:0x8
[950] use_signed_kernel=0, is_unlocked=0, is_tampered=0.
[960] Loading boot image (6625280): start
[1040] Loading boot image (6625280): done
[1040] board hardware id is 8
[1040] Using DTB entry 200/00010001/8/0 for device 200/00010001/8/0
[1050] [ccy]: boot_mode = 0x0
[1060] panel_node is qcom,mdss_dsi_otm9605a_qhd_video
[1060] cmdline:  console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.console=ttyHSL0 androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=31 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=d34750ac androidboot.baseband=msm androidboot.bootreason=3 androidboot.bootevent=power_key androidboot.reboot_event= mdss_mdp.panel=1:dsi:0:qcom,mdss_dsi_otm9605a_qhd_video

6.2 modify point in kernel

6.2.1 Check panel dtsi file. ( If the version of release codes are upgraded, this dtsi should be checked too.)
6.2.2 Check if backlight source is pmic or panel.
6.2.3 Check if the correct panel type is transfered to kernel in command line.

7. Setting minimum backlight brightness in framework

frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:   <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum">10</integer>

frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:   <integername="config_screenBrightnessSettingMaximum">255</integer>

frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:   <integername="config_screenBrightnessSettingDefault">102</integer>

frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:   <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">10</integer>

8. clock control

9. eDP

Embedded DisplayPort (eDP) 1.0 standard was adopted in December 2008. It aims to define a standardized display panel interface for internal connections; e.g., graphics cards to notebook display panels.[20] It has advanced power-saving features including seamless refresh rate switching. Version 1.1 was approved in October 2009 followed by version 1.1a in November 2009. Version 1.2 was approved in May 2010 and includes DisplayPort 1.2 data rates, 120 Hz sequential color monitors, and a new display panel control protocol that works through the AUX channel.[15] Version 1.3 was published in February 2011; it includes a new Panel Self-Refresh (PSR) feature developed to save system power and further extend battery life in portable PC systems.[21] PSR mode allows GPU to enter power saving state in between frame updates by including framebuffermemory in the display panel controller.[15] Version 1.4 is expected before end of 2012; it reduces power consumption with partial-frame updates in PSR mode, regional backlight control, lower interface voltage, and additional link rates; the auxiliary channel supports multi-touch panel data to accommodate different form factors.[22]

10. Vertical Refresh Order

There are two orders: a. LCD Refresh from Top to Bottom; b. LCD Refresh from Bottom to Top. For otm1283a, we can adjust the order by means of setting the corresponding register: C0B5. The value can be 0x18 and 0x48; For HX8394A, we can adjust the order by means of setting the corresponding register: 0x CCh
BGR_PANEL: The order of <R>, <G>, <B> dot color for module supplier, default value is stored in OTP. If color filter of panel is <B>, <G>, <R>type, setting BGR_PANEL=1,if color filter of panel is <R>,<G>,<B>type, setting BGR_PANEL=0. This bit is to make panel module look like a <R>,<G>,<B>type panel from the user viewpoint.
GS_PANEL: Specify the shift direction of gate driver output. 0, normal scan; 1, reverse scan.
SS_PANEL: Specify the shift direction of source driver output. 0, S1->S800; 1, S800->S1.
REV_PANEL: Select the inversion of the display of all chars and graphics. This setting allows the display of the same data on both normally-white and normally-black panels. 1, normal-white panel; 0, normal-black panel.

11. Serial Communication log can't be printed

Issue the following commands in root/device/qcom/common/rootdir/etc/init.qcom.rc
write /proc/sys/kernel/printk "7 6 1 7"

12. vsync on 8926 and 8610 platform

12.1 get current line
mdss_mdp_display_wakeup_time(mdss_mdp_ctl *, ktime_t *) : int
	mdss_mdp_overlay_update_pm(mdss_overlay_private *) : void
		mdss_mdp_overlay_kickoff(msm_fb_data_type *, mdp_display_commit *) : int
The function mdss_mdp_display_wakeup_time will calculate the actual wakeup time and transfer this time to timer: activate_event_timer which is implemented in event_timer.c by qualcomm(arch/arm/mach-msm/event_timer.c)
static void mdss_mdp_overlay_update_pm(struct mdss_overlay_private *mdp5_data)
	ktime_t wakeup_time;

	if (!mdp5_data->cpu_pm_hdl)

	if (mdss_mdp_display_wakeup_time(mdp5_data->ctl, &wakeup_time))

	activate_event_timer(mdp5_data->cpu_pm_hdl, wakeup_time);

Let us see how to calculate this time:
int mdss_mdp_display_wakeup_time(struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl,
				 ktime_t *wakeup_time)
	struct mdss_panel_info *pinfo;
	u32 clk_rate, clk_period;
	u32 current_line, total_line;
	u32 time_of_line, time_to_vsync;
	ktime_t current_time = ktime_get(); // Get current time

	if (!ctl->read_line_cnt_fnc)
		return -ENOSYS;

	pinfo = &ctl->panel_data->panel_info;
	if (!pinfo)
		return -ENODEV;

	clk_rate = mdss_mdp_get_pclk_rate(ctl);

	clk_rate /= 1000;	/* in kHz */
	if (!clk_rate)
		return -EINVAL;

	 * calculate clk_period as pico second to maintain good
	 * accuracy with high pclk rate and this number is in 17 bit
	 * range.
	clk_period = 1000000000 / clk_rate;
	if (!clk_period)
		return -EINVAL;

	time_of_line = (pinfo->lcdc.h_back_porch +
		 pinfo->lcdc.h_front_porch +
		 pinfo->lcdc.h_pulse_width +
		 pinfo->xres) * clk_period;

	time_of_line /= 1000;	/* in nano second */
	if (!time_of_line)
		return -EINVAL;

	current_line = ctl->read_line_cnt_fnc(ctl); // Get the current line from mdp register

	total_line = pinfo->lcdc.v_back_porch +
		pinfo->lcdc.v_front_porch +
		pinfo->lcdc.v_pulse_width +

	if (current_line > total_line)
		return -EINVAL;

	time_to_vsync = time_of_line * (total_line - current_line); // Get the remaining time
	if (!time_to_vsync)
		return -EINVAL;

	*wakeup_time = ktime_add_ns(current_time, time_to_vsync); // transfer to function parameter

	pr_debug("clk_rate=%dkHz clk_period=%d cur_line=%d tot_line=%d\n",
		clk_rate, clk_period, current_line, total_line);
	pr_debug("time_to_vsync=%d current_time=%d wakeup_time=%d\n",
		time_to_vsync, (int)ktime_to_ms(current_time),

	return 0;

Let us see how to get the current line:
static inline u32 mdss_mdp_video_line_count(struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl)
	struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *ctx;
	u32 line_cnt = 0;
	if (!ctl || !ctl->priv_data)
		goto line_count_exit;
	ctx = ctl->priv_data;
	mdss_mdp_clk_ctrl(MDP_BLOCK_POWER_ON, false);
	line_cnt = mdp_video_read(ctx, MDSS_MDP_REG_INTF_LINE_COUNT);
	mdss_mdp_clk_ctrl(MDP_BLOCK_POWER_OFF, false);
	return line_cnt;

12.2 vsync interface

The following function is in mdss_mdp_overlay.c

static int mdss_mdp_overlay_ioctl_handler(struct msm_fb_data_type *mfd,
					  u32 cmd, void __user *argp)

		if (!copy_from_user(&val, argp, sizeof(val))) {
			ret = mdss_mdp_overlay_vsync_ctrl(mfd, val);
		} else {
			pr_err("MSMFB_OVERLAY_VSYNC_CTRL failed (%d)\n", ret);
			ret = -EFAULT;

int mdss_mdp_overlay_vsync_ctrl(struct msm_fb_data_type *mfd, int en)
	struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl = mfd_to_ctl(mfd);
	int rc;
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>/* ... omit ... */
	mdss_mdp_clk_ctrl(MDP_BLOCK_POWER_ON, false);
	if (en)
		rc = ctl->add_vsync_handler(ctl, &ctl->vsync_handler); // This is the function pointer
		rc = ctl->remove_vsync_handler(ctl, &ctl->vsync_handler); // This is the function pointer

	mdss_mdp_clk_ctrl(MDP_BLOCK_POWER_OFF, false);

	return rc;

add_vsync_handler and remove_vsync_handler are registered in function  mdss_mdp_video_startand in file  mdss_mdp_intf_video.c

int mdss_mdp_video_start(struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl)
	struct mdss_data_type *mdata;
	struct mdss_panel_info *pinfo;
	struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *ctx;
	struct mdss_mdp_mixer *mixer;
	struct intf_timing_params itp = {0};
	u32 dst_bpp;
	int i;

	mdata = ctl->mdata;
	pinfo = &ctl->panel_data->panel_info;
	mixer = mdss_mdp_mixer_get(ctl, MDSS_MDP_MIXER_MUX_LEFT);

	/* ...omit... */

	mdss_mdp_set_intr_callback(MDSS_MDP_IRQ_INTF_VSYNC, ctl->intf_num,
				   mdss_mdp_video_vsync_intr_done, ctl);
	mdss_mdp_set_intr_callback(MDSS_MDP_IRQ_INTF_UNDER_RUN, ctl->intf_num,
				   mdss_mdp_video_underrun_intr_done, ctl);
	itp.vsync_pulse_width = pinfo->lcdc.v_pulse_width;

	/* ...omit.. */
	if (mdss_mdp_video_timegen_setup(ctl, &itp)) {
		pr_err("unable to get timing parameters\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	mdp_video_write(ctx, MDSS_MDP_REG_INTF_PANEL_FORMAT, ctl->dst_format);

	ctl->stop_fnc = mdss_mdp_video_stop;
	ctl->display_fnc = mdss_mdp_video_display;
	ctl->wait_fnc = mdss_mdp_video_wait4comp;
	ctl->read_line_cnt_fnc = mdss_mdp_video_line_count;
	ctl->add_vsync_handler = mdss_mdp_video_add_vsync_handler;
	ctl->remove_vsync_handler = mdss_mdp_video_remove_vsync_handler;
	ctl->config_fps_fnc = mdss_mdp_video_config_fps;

	return 0;

Now let us see how to add vsync handler and remove vsync handler:

static int mdss_mdp_video_add_vsync_handler(struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl,
		struct mdss_mdp_vsync_handler *handle)
	struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *ctx;
	unsigned long flags;
	int ret = 0;
	bool irq_en = false;

	ctx = (struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *) ctl->priv_data;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->vsync_lock, flags);
	if (!handle->enabled) {
		handle->enabled = true;
		list_add(&handle->list, &ctx->vsync_handlers);
		irq_en = true;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->vsync_lock, flags);
	if (irq_en)
		video_vsync_irq_enable(ctl, false);
	return ret;

static int mdss_mdp_video_remove_vsync_handler(struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl,
		struct mdss_mdp_vsync_handler *handle)
	struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *ctx;
	unsigned long flags;
	bool irq_dis = false;

	ctx = (struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *) ctl->priv_data;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->vsync_lock, flags);
	if (handle->enabled) {
		handle->enabled = false;
		irq_dis = true;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->vsync_lock, flags);
	if (irq_dis)
	return 0;

For video_vsync_irq_enable and video_vsync_irq_disable, the implementation is as follow, this is simple, only need to enable or disable the corresponding registers.

static inline void video_vsync_irq_enable(struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl, bool clear)
	struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *ctx = ctl->priv_data;

	if (atomic_inc_return(&ctx->vsync_ref) == 1)
		mdss_mdp_irq_enable(MDSS_MDP_IRQ_INTF_VSYNC, ctl->intf_num);
	else if (clear)
		mdss_mdp_irq_clear(ctl->mdata, MDSS_MDP_IRQ_INTF_VSYNC,

static inline void video_vsync_irq_disable(struct mdss_mdp_ctl *ctl)
	struct mdss_mdp_video_ctx *ctx = ctl->priv_data;

	if (atomic_dec_return(&ctx->vsync_ref) == 0)
		mdss_mdp_irq_disable(MDSS_MDP_IRQ_INTF_VSYNC, ctl->intf_num);

For 8610, the vsync mechanism is implemented by timer, which is one of the reason why the speed of 8926 is faster than 8610.

14. qualcomm android code release xml

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### 回答1: mdss_drvconfig_install 是一个用于在操作系统中安装显示驱动程序配置的命令。 在安装显示驱动程序配置之前,我们需要确定所需的驱动程序是否已经下载到本地计算机。如果尚未下载,则需要从驱动程序官方网站下载相应的驱动程序。 一旦我们确保了驱动程序已经下载到本地计算机,我们可以使用 mdss_drvconfig_install 命令来安装显示驱动程序配置。该命令会对驱动程序进行一系列的初始化和配置操作,以确保驱动程序能够正确地与操作系统交互。 安装显示驱动程序配置的过程中可能会有一些选项需要我们进行选择或设置。例如,我们可能需要选择显示器的分辨率、刷新率等参数。这些选项的设置通常会根据具体的显示设备和操作系统而有所不同。 安装过程完成后,我们可以重新启动计算机以应用新的显示驱动程序配置。在重新启动后,我们应该能够看到显示设备正常工作,并且分辨率、刷新率等参数符合我们之前的设置。 总的来说,mdss_drvconfig_install 是一个用于在操作系统中安装显示驱动程序配置的命令。通过该命令,我们可以对显示驱动程序进行初始化和配置,以确保显示设备能够正常工作并符合我们的需求。 ### 回答2: mdss_drvconfig_install是一个命令,用于安装MDSS(Memory Deduplication and Storage System)驱动配置。MDSS是一种用于实现内存去重和存储系统的技术,能够提供存储容量优化和性能改进的功能。 该命令的安装过程包括以下几个步骤: 1. 确保系统已经安装了相应的驱动程序所需要的依赖项,并且已经具备管理员权限。 2. 下载mdss_drvconfig_install命令的安装包,可以从官方网站或者其他信任的资源获取。 3. 解压安装包,可以使用文件管理器或者命令行工具执行解压操作。 4. 打开终端或者命令提示符,进入到安装包所在的目录。 5. 执行mdss_drvconfig_install命令,根据系统的要求,可能需要输入管理员密码。命令会自动检测系统环境,并进行相应的安装操作。 6. 完成安装后,可以通过命令行或者图形界面工具来配置和管理MDSS驱动。 需要注意的是,mdss_drvconfig_install命令的具体使用方法可能会因不同的操作系统或版本而略有不同。在安装之前,建议参考相关文档或者向官方技术支持咨询,以确保正确安装和配置MDSS驱动。 ### 回答3: mdss_drvconfig_install是指在Linux系统中安装MDSS显示驱动配置的过程。MDSS(Mipi DSI驱动开发)是一款解决移动设备显示效果问题的软件,该驱动配置可以用于在Linux系统中配置相关硬件驱动。 在安装mdss_drvconfig_install之前,首先我们需要确定系统中是否已经安装了所需的依赖库和工具。比如gcc编译器、make工具、Linux内核源码等,这些工具和库能够帮助我们编译和安装mdss_drvconfig_install所需的相关驱动。 接下来,我们需要从官方渠道获取mdss_drvconfig_install的安装包,然后解压缩该安装包。在解压缩后的文件夹中,我们可以找到一个Makefile文件,通过make命令可以执行该文件。 执行make命令后,mdss_drvconfig_install会根据系统的配置自动进行编译。如果一切正常,编译将会顺利完成,并生成一个可执行文件。 最后,我们可以使用make install命令进行安装。该命令将会把生成的可执行文件和相关的配置文件安装到系统指定的位置。安装完成后,我们需要将mdss_drvconfig_install的配置文件修改成合适的参数,以满足我们的需求。 总结来说,mdss_drvconfig_install的安装过程主要包括获取安装包、解压缩、编译和安装。通过这些步骤,我们可以成功地将MDSS显示驱动配置安装到Linux系统中,从而实现移动设备显示的优化和改进。


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